YouTube Can Seriously Suck It.

So for Those Out there that are Unaware Youtube just Overhauled it’s Age-Restriction Guidelines. Part of these New bullshit Policies is that Content Housed on Their Server that is Age-Restricted can NO LONGER PLAY ON THIRD PARTY WEBSITES.


FIRST OFF : We Assure Our Readers Above All that We are Already Working on Circumnavigating YouTube’s New Age Restricted Material Bullshit Policies. We are Happy to Report We should have this issue well in Hand by Saturday Slasher Cinema on 12/19/2020 or Shortly There After.

In The Meantime:

When You reached the Video You will see a Grey Guy Box Stating that it is YouTube Age-Restricted Content. If You aren’t already aware Simply Click on the Box and it will Redirect You to the Video. Now YouTube will then Ask for Age Verification since this is a Futile Attempt to Keep Age Restricted Content from being Viewed by Minors.

Have No Fear Kiddies while FYB DOES NOT ENCOURAGE OR CONDONE IT, All You Have to do is Disable/Shut Off the Parental Controls which is Easy as Anything to Do. If You Don’t know How just Hit Up Google and You’re All Set.

This is fucking Stupid because Bottomline on the Whole Age-Restricted Material Issue is KIDS CAN DISABLE PARENTAL CONTROLS (As Mentioned Above). If They didn’t already know how They can just Goggle it and Problem Solved. I mean if I was Growing Up in Today’s Times and I was Under 18 this is what We’d do. When My Parents were gone/out We would hop on Youtube, Shut Off the Parental Controls, watch whatever crazy shit We wanted, and then before Our Parents Returned Home We’d Simply Reset the Parental Controls. That way  if They happened to Checked (to make Sure We couldn’t access Age Restricted Material) everything would look Fine, and They’d assume the Parental Controls were Working.

Lets be fucking Honest YouTube’s New Age Restricted Content Policy is just an Illusion that Youtube is Being Responsible (AGAIN All Anyone has to do is Simply go to Parental Controls and Deactivate Them), BUT really it’s an Attempt to Increase Traffic to Their Site. Every View, Like, Subscription, and Membership makes YouTube more Profitable. So Bottomline Censorship be Damned this is ALL ABOUT THE MONEY for YouTube the Greedy Bastards. DO NOT LET BIG TECH LIKE YOUTUBE MANIPULATE YOU FOR THEIR PERSONAL PROFIT.

Meanwhile YouTube are a bunch of Greedy motherfuckers They make a Killing of Selling Advertising which is all 100% Profit since They DON’T DO SHIT. They don’t make the Videos the Public Does so YouTube gets all Their fucking Content for fucking Free (Talk about keeping Overhead Low). In the Beginning Youtube like everything else wasn’t Shit. Then when They got Big Enough They attracted Advertisers, and at First They would give a Small but Profitable Cut to the Poster of a Video if the Video got Over 1 Million Views. Well that’s all fucking changed that’s for fucking sure.


YouTube has become Egotistical and Greed Driven now Taking Thirty Cents of Every Single fucking Dollar of a YouTube Channel’s income be it Through Memberships, Merchandise, and even Donations made to a Person’s Youtube Channel. They have Their grubby little Hands in Everyone’s Pocket just Reaping the Benefits of OTHER PEOPLE’S WORK. Then They Hit YouTubers with Endless Rules and Restrictions pertaining to Content which is Directly Linked to Monetization (See it Always comes Down to the Cash).

We swear Youtube is Turning into Facebook. Facebook in its early Days was Fun We admit that, but Now in 2020 Mark Fuckersberg has Transformed Facebook into a Social Media Shithole. Everything about Facebook has Changed and for the Worst. We can Say that We’re Exceptionally Happy as Hell that Facebook is Being Sued by 46 States Currently for Forming an Illegal Monopoly among Other Shady and Illegal Shit perpetrated by Facebook/Mark Fuckyouberg.

That’s All We got for Now just Frustrated as Fuck is All.

Thanks For Reading,

By The FYB Family