Old Man Wheelchair Fights a Short Story

This is one of the funniest little story I’ve heard in far too long.

The Players:

Mr. Static: Is in his mid 60’s, Schizophrenic, had a stroke self medicating himself for his schizophrenia buy smoking a great deal of Crack, and lives in a Nursing Home.

Mr.Bobo: is in his is in his 70’s, wheelchair bound, and living in a Nursing Home.

Place: The hallway that leads into the Day Room of the Nursing Home that Mr.Static and Mr.Bobo live in. While the following exchange happened there was a Church Service being held in the aforementioned Day Room. So those who didn’t see the exchange did have the benefit of hearing it.

The Exchange:

As Mr.Static was inching down the hallway in his wheelchair Mr. Bobo was also inching his way down the hall in the opposite direction in his wheelchair. When Mr.Bobo got too close for Mr.Statics’s comfort (approximately 12-18 inches between the two men) Mr.Static growled possessed by some form of Old Man primal aggression blurted out at Mr.Bobo

“I’ll KILL YOU!!!”

Mr.Bobo Immediately responded because obviously he wasn’t taking shit form a schizophrenic angrily and rather loudly by stating that Mr. Static

“Don’t talk to me like that!! I’ll kick your fucking ass!, I’ll fuck you up!!”

A Staff Nurse named Duty interviened quickly by wheeling Mr.Bobo away in the opposite direction while telling Mr.Bobo

“Don’t listen to him you know he’s not in his right mind, you know what your saying….”

Thanks for the read.

Les Sober