Saturday Slasher Cinema: MANIAC COP 2

Welcome to Another Edition of Saturday Slasher Cinema Featuring the 1990 Action Slasher Film MANIAC COP 2 Directed by William Lustig and Written by Larry Cohen. It Stars Robert Davi, Claudia Christian, Michael Lerner, and B Horror Icon Bruce Campbell, with Robert Z’Dar returning as MATHEW CORDELL, an Undead Police Officer Turned Serial Killer following His Murder.


Plot Summary:

Murderous Renegade Police Officer Matthew Cordell once Roamed the Streets of New York City Unleashing His Brutal Brand of Vigilante Justice upon Its Citizens. The Supernatural Cordell is Struck Down and Killed by Good Guy Hero Cop Jack Forrest (Bruce Campbell) Ending His Sadistic Killing Spree. Now, Forrest is Eager to Move On from those Heinous Events , but He is Stopped in His Tracks when an All Too Familiar Homicidal Rampage Begins. Thought to be Dead and Gone, Cordell Returns Once Again from Beyond the Grave, and Ready to Wreak His Merciless Havoc Once More. This Time However Cordell has Help from a Times Square Serial Killer named Steven Turkell Who has a Penchant for Strangling Strippers. Cordell has returned Targeting the Vicious Criminals (and Anyone that Gets in His Way) that Mutilated and Murdered Him after He was Framed by a Corrupt City Hall.


Will Cordell get His Revenge at Last and Rest in Peace once and For all, or will Cordell’s Psychotic Slaughterfest be Ended Once Again By Hero Cop Jack  thus Sending Cordell Straight Back to Hell?!

You’ll have to Watch and See for Yourself.


We Hope You Enjoyed this Sequel of Slaughter by a Killer Cop as Much as We Did.

Thanks For Watching,

Presented By Les Sober  

Saturday Slasher Cinema: MANIAC COP

Welcome to the Fourth Saturday Slasher Cinema where We are Happy (and We’re Guessing So Are You)  to Bring You Something COMPLETELY DIFFERENT than the Last Three Saturday Slashers Cinemas.

This Weeks Saturday Slasher Cinema Feature Film is the 1988 Action Slasher Movie MANIAC COP Written By Larry Cohen and Directed By William Lustig. The Movie is Centered around Officer Matthew Cordell (AKA the Maniac Cop) a Murderous Ex-Cop Who has Returned From the Dead, and Seeks Revenge on the People That Wronged Him. Cordell a Once Respected Policeman with a Penchant for Brutality and Excessive Force, He found Himself an Unwitting Target when He Stumbles upon Rampant Corruption at City Hall. Cordell is Tried, Convicted, and Sent to Prison, where He is Attacked by Fellow Prisoners and is Presumed Dead….


Plot Summary:

Innocent People are being Brutally Murdered on the Streets of New York City by who Witness All Agree is a Uniformed Police Officer. As the Death Toll Rises and City Hall attempts a Cover-up, Detective Lieutenant Frank McCrae Heads has been Assigned to Crack the Case of The Alleged Killer Cop. Soon the Investigation finds a Suspect in its Own Ranks: Young Cop Jack Forrest (Played by the Legendary B Horror Movie Actor Bruce Cambell) who was Set Up By the Actual Killer and a Mysterious Woman Phone Caller. Now Forrest, His Girlfriend and Fellow Police Officer Theresa, and McCrae Set Out to Solve the Puzzle to Clear Forrest Name Before The Maniac Cop Kills Again!


Movie Tagline: “You have the Right to Remain Silent…. Forever!”


Thanks For Watching,

Presented By     Les Sober & FYB

Malevolent Monday Movie: THE GRINDHOUSE MASSACRE

Welcome to the Malevolent Monday Movie Featuring 2007 Independent Horror Film Directed By Dustin Austen  The Grindhouse Massacre!  


Brief Plot Summary:

The Grindhouse Massacre follows a Washed up Scream Queen turned Television Host Named Virginia, whom refuses to do the Very Nude Scenes that made Her Famous in a Movie Titled Evil Bed 2: Nude by Dawn. While trying to take Her Career in a Different Direction as a Host of an Underground Television Horror Show.

When Virginia’s Distributer Threatens to Drop Her because Her Movies are No Longer in Demand. As a Result She  goes on a BLOODY RAMPAGE as She tries to Rid the Business of Stupid, Nudie Horror Films, and the People Who Star/Produce the Movies. Virginia won’t Stop by just KILLING PEOPLE, She’s Documenting the Whole Experience and Plans on Making a Movie that will Resurrect Her Virtually Dead Career.


We Hope You Enjoyed this Tale of Violence and Revenge as Much as We Did.

Thanks for Watching,

Presented By   Les Sober & FYB

Scumfuck Radio (Our Favorite GG Allin Songs)

It’s No Secret that We here at FYB are GG Allin Fanatics in the Least, and Thus have Decided to Start the Scumfuck Radio (Our Favorite GG Allin Songs) Series.

The Series serves to Showcase Our Absolute Favorite Tunes from the Infamous Rock’n Roll Terrorist GG ALLIN.

Each Installment will Feature a Song (with or without a Accompanying Vide0) along with the Lyrics Transcribed Below.


We have Already Covered Our All Time Favorite GG Song Titled Bite It You Scum, and Now Here is Our Second All Time 2nd Favorite GG Song the Anti-Social Anthem Shoot, Knife, Strangle, Beat & Crucify off of the Album Brutality & Bloodshed For All. (The Last Every Record by GG Allin before His Untimely Death on June 28, 1993 due to a Heroin Overdose).

GG was always Controversial with His Notorious Live Shows Involving anything from GG Urinating on the Band, Rolling in Broken Glass,Starting Full Blown Riots at Concert Venues, Self Mutilation, Nudity, Fist Fights with Fans, Vandalism, Obscenity, Running from the Police, Promotors Shutting Down Shows Prematurely Due to Violence/Property Damage, Tons of Drugs, Binge Drinking, GG Knocking out His Own Teeth with the Microphone (or shoving it Up His Ass), and Most Famously GG’s Indulgence in Coprophagia/ Coprophagy (Which is the Consumption of Feces aka Actually Eating Shit). GG though wasn’t Satisfied with just Eating Shit, He took Shits on Stage and would Throw it at The Audience, Smear it on His Naked Body, and Roll in It.


Unfortunately By the Time GG Recorded Our Favorite GG Album Brutality & Bloodshed For All after a 3 Year Prison Stint (For Assaulting a Fan and Bating Them so Severely They spent Months in the Hospital Recovering) His Voice was Shot to Hell. Years of Drinking, Drugging, Smoking, and Psychotic Screaming finally caught up with GG, and reduced His Voice to a Gravely Growl that at Times is Incomprehensible. Thats Why We felt it was Imperative We included the Lyrics.



Stand Up, it’s Time to Rise

It’s Time for Revenge, Opposition must Die

Chaos, Violence, Revolution Now

We are the Real Rock’n Roll Underground


Shoot, Knife, Strangle, Beat and Crucify

These are the 5 Laws of the Jungle that I Live By

You Locked Me up in Prison on the Inside

Now it’s time to Shoot, Knife, Strangle Beat and Crucify


Shoot, Knife, Strangle, Beat and Crucify

I Believe in an Eye for an Eye

Your Rehabilitation Backfired from the Inside

Now its Time to Shoot, Knife, Strangle, Beat and Crucify


Stand Up, It’s Time to Rise

It’s Time for Revenge, Opposition must Die

Chaos, Violence, Revolution Now

We are the Real Rock’n Roll Underground


Shoot, Knife, Strangle, Beat and Crucify

I am the Guy, the One You tried so Hard to Fry

But I was Strong, You Couldn’t take My Mind

Now It’s Time to Shoot, Knife, Strangle, Beat and Crucify


Stand Up, It’s Time to Rise

It’s Time for Revenge, Opposition Must Die

Chaos, Violence, Revolution Now

We are the Real Rock’n Roll Underground

(Repeat 4 Times until Song Ends)


Thanks for Listening,

Presented By   Les Sober & FYB  

FYB Sunday Night Slaughter Cinema: The Mountain Of The Cannibal God!!!

FYB Sunday Night Slaughter Cinema is Prouder than a Pig in Shit to Present the 1978 Italian Cannibal Horror Film THE MOUNTAIN OF THE CANNIBAL GOD! The Film was also Widely Released in the America in 1979 under the Title Slave of the Cannibal God, and was released in the UK under the Alternate Title Prisoner of the Cannibal God (The Film was Subsequently BANNED until 2001 due to the Films GRAPHIC VIOLENCE, and was considered a “Nasty Video”).


Plot Summery:

Susan Stevenson is trying to find Her Missing Anthropologist Husband, Henry, Deep in the Jungle of New Guinea. Along with Her brother Author Susan enlists the Services of Professor Edward Foster who thinks Her Husband may have headed for the Mountain Ra Ra Me. The Locals believe that the Mountain is CURSED, and the Authorities will NOT Allow Expeditions there, so the Search Party sneaks into the Jungle disregarding the Locals and the Law. Along Their Search the Group meets fellow Explorer Manolo who agrees to Join Them on Their Expedition. Matters become even more complicated as it becomes evident None of the Search Party are in fact concerned about Finding Susan’s Missing Husband including Susan Herself.


Upon arriving at the Mountain, Author is KILLED and Manolo and Susan are Captured by a PRIMITIVE TRIBE OF CANNIBALS and taken to Their Camp. Once They reach the Camp They discover the Cannibals Worshipping the DEAD REMAINS of Susan’s Husband (Who’s still Ticking Geiger Counter is mistaken by the Cannibals for Author’s still Beating Heart). Susan is subsequently Spared  from being SLAUGHTERED, and the Tribe of Cannibals Feast on other HUMAN AND REPTILE FLESH. Manolo is tied up and TORTURED, while the Other Members of the Group are EATEN. Meanwhile Susan has been transformed by Two Tribal Women into the embodiment of a Living Goddess. Manolo and Susan eventually manage to escape the Clutches of the Cannibals each having Suffered and Endured Their own Ordeals. Enjoy.

We Hope You Enjoyed The Cannibalistic Carnage as Much as We Did.

Thanks for Watching,

Presented by Les Sober


FYB is Prouder than Ever to bring You FYB’s Friday Freakshow Movie featuring the 2008 Shock and Gore Action Movie written and Directed by Noboru Iguchi and Special Effects by the Legendary Yoshihiro Nishimura (Who also did the Insane Special Effects for Tokyo Gore Police and Samurai Princess as well).


Brief Plot Summery: Ami Hyuga is your average ordinary High School Girl until her World comes Crashing Down when Her Brother Yu and His Friend Takeshi are MURDERED by a Gang of Bullies led by the Malicious Sho Kimura who is the Son of a Criminal NINJA-YAKUZA Clan. Enraged by the Cold Blooded Killing of Her Brother Ami seeks Revenge Upon the Clan, But They BRUTALLY Overpower Her and Cut off Her Left Arm. Ami narrowly escapes and seeks Shelter with Takehi’s Parents who are Two Kind Mechanics who equip Ami with a MULTI-BARRELED MACHINE GUN PROSTHETIC!!!


Ami and Takeshi’s Mother Miki (Who is a Chainsaw Wielding Warrior) set off to Pursue the Evil Clan of Killers MASSACRING Them ONE BY ONE. In the Final Show Down Ami must beat the Evil Ninja-Yakuza Clan Crime Boss Sho’s Father Ryugi Kimura and His Equally Evil Wife Violet Kimura who is armed with a DEADLY DRILL BRA!!! Will Ami get the Revenge She is Seeking and Rescue the Hostages being Held by The Clan of Killers, or will Ryugi and Violet stop Her Dead in Her tracks?! You’ll just have to See for Yourself and as always Enjoy.

Hope You enjoyed this Tale of Cyber Slaughter and Revenge as Much as We Did.

Thanks for Watching,

  Presented by Les Sober

The Deviant Detective #6: Dark Web Desire

Revenge was a Concept that Rock was more than Familiar with as Rock had sought Plenty of Revenge in His Life thats for sure. Thats How Rock got into the Detective Game to begin with in Fact. Rock had always had a Special Affinity for UnderDogs of all Kinds His entire Life starting with Defending Fellow Classmates from Bullies when He was growing Up. In Adulthood Rock had felt the need to Protect People from the Bullies that had grown up to The Predators Preying on Innocent Civilians. People fucking over Other People Never sat right with Rock.  Rock also harbored an Intense Hatred for all the Things He perceived to be Unjust in the World, and had No Problem resorting to Violence to Achieve His Goal No Matter What.

Rock also possessed a Volatile mix of Impulse Control and Anger Management Issues had made Rock’s Employment Record was Sporadic as Rock jumped from Job to Job. Rock would get a Job until He was either Fired for Acting Out in some Fashion, or He got board and Simple Up and Quit. Thus Rock’s inability to Hold Down a Job along with prolonged periods of Time between said Jobs made Him a less than desirable Job Applicant. The Time in-between were a Pause in what Rock considered long and extensive succession of shitty Jobs He had the displeasure of Doing just to Pay the Bills.

Rock had Never seen the Point in having a Job if You weren’t Your own Boss since Bosses tended to be Domineering Dicks or Greedy Ego Driven Assholes. The sum total of these Personal Components that Made Up Rock’s Personality had virtually Drawn Him to Detective work. He got to be His Own Boss so No Cowing Down to a Douchbag Office Dictator, He wasn’t physically constrained by being Trapped in a Mundane Office Building Manning one of Hundreds of Crappy Cubicles. With Detective Work Rock also could Champion Underdogs, Persecute Predators, Beat Bad Guys Bloody, and Pretty much Behave as He saw Fit. Rock wanted to remain Free from the Shackles of Corporate Life serving the God’s of Capitalism making Them obscenely Wealthy while the Works Struggled to make Ends Meat.


“I understand Revenge is a wonderful Motivator there is truly Nothing like It,” replied Rock Dryly as He was only mildly interested in what Otto was Talking about, “The Problem is the more Money someone Steals the Harder it is to Find them. More Money equates to More Options since You can Buy Anything as Long as You have the Financial Backing to Pay the Bill.”

“Well then it’s Lucky I know where My Nefarious Business Partner is currently Operating His Shady Business Dealings from,” said Otto in a slow and steady tone,”That Alone is a rather Large Lead as it will make Tracking His Movements, Location, Business Dealings, and Known Associates that much Easier. If Knowledge is Power then Technology Provides the Tools to Obtain such Power.”

“Alright Buddy Time is Money and My Patience is Short so You can stop talking like some fucking James Bond Character,” sighed Rock growing exasperated by the Ordeal,”Get to the Goddamn Point if You Please.”

“Alright as You wish I have No issue with being Direct,” answered Otto politely, “My Unscrupulous Business Partner has set Up Shop on the Dark Web Running a Red Room called “Do Unto Others” which is gaining Popularity among the Users of the Dark Web.”


“I know the Basics,” said Rock who’s interest was beginning to perk up at this point, “You need the Thor also know as The Onion Software to Access the Dark Web. That and You need to protect Yourself if You venture onto the Dark Web since there Undesirables of all Kinds so You need to Hide Your IP Address and VPN. From there You can access Hidden Wiki to see what sites are out there Lurking in the Abyss of the Dark Web.”

“Not to Shabby but You’ll need someone with Far better Technical skills but I’m more than confident You can Locate such a Person considering Your Line of work You must Cross Paths with Dubious Characters of all Kinds.” said Otto being as Frank as Possible.

“If and I do mean if I take the Job it won’t be a Hunt it will be a Fishing Expedition,” Rock said matter of factly, “I don’t have the Time, Energy, Manpower, or Resources to Scour the Entirety of the Dark Web and it’s insanely easy to Hide in the Shadows. I’ll need to Set some Bait and Lure The Target out of whatever cyber hole He is Hiding and lead Him directly to Me. How the fuck did You even find Out Your ex-business partner was on the Dark Web to begin with I mean that in itself is rather Impressive since anonymity is the Key element because for the Users of the Dark Web Privacy is Number One Principle.”


“Thats an Excellent Question indeed,” the Otto said in a Complimentary tone, “It made the Most Sense since My Partner didn’t have the Foresight to Keep His devious Plans a Secret. What I mean by that is He frequently would talk about the Dark Web which I believed to be a Sinister Obsession with Him. He was particularly fond of discussing how if He in fact committed a Major Financial Crime how He would Utilize the Dark Web to Help Him get away consequence Free.”

“Well it makes sense now that You mention it. He could instantly Hide the Money by converting it into the Crypto Currency Bitcoin thus erasing any way of Tracking the Cash through the Banking System, He wouldn’t have to pay the fee to Launder it, Theres No Way to track the Bills through Their Serial Numbers, and there No Banks to worry about poking around in Your Business.” commented Rock having become very Intrigued by this Possible up coming Case, “No to mention the Dark Web is ground goddamn Zero for Buying Fake Passports, ID Cards, Birth Certificates, and Driver’s Licenses basically if You can Counterfeit it You can Buy it on the Dark Web. One stop shopping for The Criminal Element. Also Operating on the Dark Web means all You need is a Computer and Your good to go it allows You to Stay hidden in a chosen Location without having to Risk the Exposure of Traveling in the Real World. Lastly like I said Anonymity on the Dark Web is the Most Important thing to It’s Users so No One will come nosing around asking questions or anything like that.”


“So there is No reason for Me to Explain as Your intelligent Man and have figured it out for Yourself which is one of the Reasons I wanted to Hire You in particular was for Your Deductive Reasoning.” stated Otto with an air of Satisfaction.

“The Only question I have left is How did You find out about Your Ex Partner had set up a Red Room,” asked Rock with Genuine Curiosity, “I’m additionally curious since I was under the impression that Red Rooms were just an Internet Urban Legend just another helping of Creepy Pasta and all that foolish shit.”

“I assure You Detective Red Rooms are Very Real,” answered Otto Ominously, “Very Real Indeed.”

STAY TUNED for the Next Installment of………


Thanks for Reading,

  By Les Sober

The Deviant Detective #5: The Dawn of Another Day

Rock pulled into His Classic 1976 Cadillac into a Parking Spot directly in front of His Favorite Drinking Hole Old McCoy’s Pub. As He Parked Rock couldn’t for the Life of Himself shake Himself free from the Haunting Images He had witnessed just moments ago. The Mental Image of Ivy Savage going to Town on Her then Boy Friend Justin Sane’s Man Meat like a Starving Hobo chowing Down on a Hoagie. The Chunks of Bloody Genital Flesh flying through the Air as Blood Coated the Entire Room as Justin Screamed like a Banshee that had been Kicked in the Balls.

Well Rock thought to Himself as He exited His Caddie the Ivy Case was a complete Financial Loss because Not only did the Job last a Whopping 3 Hours, But His Client Ivy was clearly Mentally Deranged. Lunatics Don’t have any Money to Speak of so Rock’s Pay Day was a Big Bust. Goddamnit Rock that as He was already living in His Office Sleeping on an Old Military Cot He kept folded up in the Closet during Business Hours. Rock had to make some Quick Cash before He Ended up Homeless and living in a Refrigerator Box in some Dank Back Alley.

Rock entered Old McCoy’s which was a Close Knit Blue Collar Neighborhood Bar where Everyone Body Knew Each other and Looked Out for One Another. Their surrounding Neighborhood was More like an Extended Family than a Neighborhood. Rock liked that because it kept out the Frat Boys, Annoyingly Vocal Sports Fans, and Sloppy Drunkards.


Rock sauntered up to the Seat at the Bar that was directly between The Small black and White TV and The Bar Tender so that way He could easily keep an Eye on Both. Today The Old McCoy was being Tended to by Manny McCoy the Great Grandson of the Original Founder and Owner of Mccoy’s His Grandfather Bartholomew K.  McCoy. Manny’s Father Mick’s health had been Failing as of Recent had taken a Back Seat as far as the Bar was Concerned. Mick was a well respected and revered Member of the Community who had been Slinging Drinks since he was 16. Unfortunately Mick being the Tragic Hero that He was had been a Big Time Drinker and now His Liver was Paying the Price.

Manny was the Next Generation in the Family’s Bar Business, and was preparing for the Transition from Bar Tender to Bar Owner. Manny was a cheerful young Man in His Mid Twenties with a Long and Lanky Build with a Smile that Could cheer up even a Suicidally Drunk Sailor. Manny had practically grown up in Old McCoy’s as His Parents had brought Him to Work starting when Manny was 2 years Old. Manny tended to Dress like James Dean in Blue Jeans and a plain white t-shirt. Manny’s attire was a direct reflection of His laid back attitude towards Life’s Trial and Tribulations.

“Hey Rock what are You Having?” asked Manny in His usual up beat tone.


“It’s been one of those Day’s Manny just one of those Day’s where Life seems Hell Bent of Kicking You in the Ribs while You’re Down,” replied Rock sounding Beaten Down and Exhausted, “What do You recommend for a Day like This?”

“Hmm Well I think if I had to Match the Drink to the Day, and that Day is Today I’d say O’Vladdy’s Vodka the Finest Irish Vodka in the Entire World I assure You.” answered Manny earnestly not making light of the Question.

“Alright then Let Me get 4 fingers of O’Vladdy straight.” said Rock unenthusiastically as He opened His Vintage 1920’s Cigarette (or Coffin Nails as Rock preferred to refer to them as) case, removed one of the Camel Unfiltered Cigarettes that where lined up like Soldiers at Attention. Rock ran the Cigarette under His nose Inhaling Deeply. Rock thoroughly enjoyed the Sweet Smell of the Tobacco Savoring it before Finally Lighting it. Rock took a long slow drag of His cigarette before Exhaling a billowing Cloud Of Smoke with a prolonged exasperated sigh. Manny brought Rock his Drink leaving the Bottle sitting on the Bar next to Rock’s Cigarette case.

After a while of sitting in Silence drinking and thinking a Tall Lean Man who appeared to be somewhere near 60 entered the Bar. He was extremely well dressed in an expensive designer 3 piece grey pin stripped Suit, a full length dark blue trench coat, and a Grey Fedora giving Him a Very European vibe. The Man’s hair was as White as a Polar Bears Fur, and the deep Lines in His face Didn’t make Him look Old, but Rather Distinguished instead. He stood just inside of the Door motionless for a minute before approaching the Bar. Once the Man reached the Bar He flagged down Manny immediately.


“I’m here to see  if a Mr. Rock Hard is currently here in Your Drinking Establishment.” inquired the Man in a Low and controlled tone.

Manny shot Rock a quick glance on the Sly before he answered the Man’s question to see if Rock gave a Nod of Consent which He did. “Yeah He’s Here,” replied Manny gesturing towards Rock, “I’d be careful though He’s not in the Mood to be Trifled with.”

The Man approached Rock walking stiffly and with Purpose utterly oblivious as to the Rest of the Bar. He stood next to Rock without saying a word, pulled out a Bar Stool, and Sat Down looking Stoically Profound. The Man moved the bowl of Peanuts resting on the Bar in front of Him out of His way before placing His elbows on the Bar with His Fingers locked together. It was only then that the Man spoke.

“You are indeed Rock Hard,” questioned the Man in a Auoritative tone of voice,”You’re not an Easy Man to Find, but I assume thats because You want it that way.”


“I don’t have time for bullshit so let’s skip the pleasantries and get to the Point.” gripped Rock without looking at the Man seated beside him.

“Direct and to the Point I can appreciate that,” stated the Man in return, “I have been actively searching for a Unconventional Detective to help Me resolve a particular Problem,” said the Man cryptically not batting an eyelash.

“Alright what the fuck did I just say? Cut the Crap and get on with it already so I can go back to Drinking Myself into a Stupor,” snapped Rock agitatedly as He poured Himself another 4 Fingers of O’Vladdy, “What prey tell is Your problem just tell Me so We can end this conversation quickly.”

“Right so be it. My Name is Otto Van de Berg, and I’m an International Venture Capitalist of Moderate Fame and Vast Fortune,” said the Man as He waved Rock’s cigarette smoke out of His face,”I recently entered into a joint venture with a Man named Cyrus Bogdan who I had know for quite some time. We started the Investment Banking Firm Berg&Bogdan.”


“Doesn’t sound like must of a goddamn problem to Me.” said Rock rudely interrupting the Man as His Impatience was growing in Leaps and Bounds.

“AS I was Saying,” Otto retorted snidely, “Our Business was a Bonified Success and We were expanding the Business at an Incredible Rate. The problem arose when I returned from My Vacation in Malaysia you see. Upon My return I was informed Cyrus in fact Bankrupted the Company in a Fly By Night scenario. He emptied all 5 of the Firm’s Bank Account to the Tune of $76 Million, Drained the Employee Retirement Fund stealing $7.6 Million, and had proceeded to Robbed Our Top Their Clients for $176 Million. Thats aGrand Total of $259.6 Million which as I said Utterly Bankrupted the Firm not to mention landing Me in a great deal of Legal Trouble due to Cyrus’s  Indiscretions.”


“I’m not going to Pull Your leg here Otto Old Boy a Man with $260 million in His Pocket has virtually No Chance in Ever being Found more or less be held accountable for Their Crimes,” said Rock in all sincerity not wanting to waste anymore of His Drinking time “So the Bottom line here is this Otto what the fuck do You want? You want Me to tracked this scumbag Cyrus down and bring Him back for Legal Prosecution because it sounds like He can Afford the Sleaziest Criminal Defense Attorneys there are. Also if your trying to Recoup Your cash good fucking luck as it’s more than likely already been spent, and a Convict making $.76 cents a Day making License Plates is paying Anyone Back worth a Damn. So I ask You Otto what the fuck do You Need Me For?!”

“In a Word,” said Otto in a Malevolent Whisper, “Revenge.”

Stay Tuned for the Next Installment of The Deviant Detective #6: The Plot Thickens COMING SOON.

Thanks for Reading,

  By Les Sober

Cartoons That Aren’t For Kids: The Bad Egg and Molton Light

We start this Installment of Cartoons That Aren’t For Kids with the Award Winning Cartoon “The Bad Egg” Directed by Bala Vikram Veturi. “The Bad Egg” is a Fable of Sorts if You Will, a Cautionary Tale that warns One against  the Consequences of Choosing Greed Over Need. That is to Say Choosing What You Want OVER What You Actually Need. Humanity has always, and especially in Today’s Times confused “Want” with “Need”.

A Prime Example of this is When the Wife of a Good Friend of Mine called Me up one Night Engulfed in Frustration. He Told Me that His Wife WANTED to Buy a New 90 inch TV to replace Their 60 Inch TV for NO OTHER REASON than She simply WANTED a Bigger TV in Reality.

When I asked My Friend about His Wife’s Reaction to Him stating the 90 inch TV was a Unnecessary (and bit impulsive) Purchase at the Time He told Me that once He started to Object She told Him that “They NEEDED the New TV.”, and Honestly thats Exactly what She Believed to be True. The Cliche that “Your Possessions End Up Owning You” could Never be Truer.

The Second Cartoon is Chad Van Gaalen’s “Molten Light” by Chad VanGaalen Who did The Animation as well as Providing the Music Accompaniment. “Molton Light” which also Serves as a Cautionary Tale of Revenge Warning One That Their are Consequences for One’s Actions. That and Some of Those Consequences can Hunt You Down and Kill You.

Hope You Enjoyed These Cartoon’s Cautionary Tales of Greed, Jealousy, Murder, Cannibalism, The Supernatural, and Revenge as Much as We Did.

 Presented By Les Sober

The Gaming Conundrum

Why doesn’t spacedog post as much as he should? The title of this blog basically explains it all.

While I cannot tell you why I am even play certain games that suck it always ends the same. With massive upheavals or drama.

I have a few moments I’m a bit more proud of then others.

My ultimate favorite is i got into one of the top 2 or 3 guilds in a castle invander style mobile game. Things went well at first until I simply asked about the discord. It was during some event and whoever was running the guild was too stupid/lazy to make one. SO I got the boot cuz i disrupt some event. No warning nada.

Then my revenge. It all started with some simple trooling nothing to brag about honestly. People do really hate when you shit on their kids though. Dude sent me a death threat. He got banned.

Then another person was really annoying me. Hardcore. They had a facebook linked account. I will not divulge my methods of madness but this occured in the end. I found a programming flaw in under an hour and got into their game account. Sold everything they owned. Flamed the chat room some after changing their name 10 times with their premium currency.

Honestly i haven’t had that much fun in a chat room since the AOL heyday. People gave out passwords like the oceans gave out salt. Nothing nefarious was done on my part. I had friends get credit card numbers through instant messages.

The best chat room was caller GNN. It probably only lasted for less than a year but it was basically 99 people chat rooms but you had the option to change your handle every 5 minutes.

Oh did we. We’d be ourselves, the elderly and 12 year olds mostly (we were 15 not a huge stretch). The best is when we got some dude to show up at a 7-11 to meet a nonexistent girl. This may have been the longest period of sustained laughter in my life when he showed.

Otherwise the game and chat shenanigans are relatively boring. Calling someone names, getting too drunk, hitting on someone in an unamusing (to them) way.

Right now I think I am having a fight about math. Seriously. Just when i didnt think it could get any nerdier. It really doesn’t matter though the game sucks. I will win either way. If i get kicked i quit and if i legit win my arguement i may actually lose. Conundrum.

It’s like coffee though. You have a bad cup or 2 to get your fix. ALL addiction is the same. I probably did something else ridiculous that i can’t really recall. I can’t think straight.

Time for my sludgy morning joe.

   By SpaceDog