Linguistic Lunacy

Abominable Atrocities Arise And Abound Abundantly Against Agony Abysmal Anguish Across Apocalyptic Annihilation As Armageddon Awaits. Awfully Aggressive Assholes Amble Around Aimlessly Angrily Announcing Accusations And Allegations Angering Anyone Around.  Ambivalent Arrogances Again Aren’t Absolute Another Atonement Amended All Alone.

Formidable Fiends Fuck Fathering Fear From Fragile Felonious Faith From Frail Fickle Feeble Fools. Fundamental Foolhardy Fucking Feces Faltering Forgoing Fatal Farreaching Fanaticism Fathomless Fetishistic Folly Forbidden Few Follow Flamboyant Falsehoods. Filthy Fleshless Flawed Fucked Fodder Further Fathom Fornicating Freely Fortitude For Futile Frenzied Fuckery.


Blasphemous Bastard’s Brutal  Bitter Bitches Bountiful Bullshit Beyond Broadening Boundaries Before Banishing Belligerent Barbarians Behind Bloody Boarders. Badlands Bandits Beheading Biblical Brutes Before Battling Boldly Brandishing Brazen Banners Before Blackened Battalions Becoming Bonafide Bloodshed. Bountiful Beheadings Butchering Befuddled Blind Blasphemers Bloodshed Before Burning Beastly Brigades.


Sickly Sinister Savages Silently Slay Subservient Sinners Spreading Septic Slaughter Soaring. Sycophantic Simpletons Smile Slyly Surveying Sadistic Soldier’s Silicious Screams Shattering Surrounding Serenity. Servants Shit Sustenance Sustaining Shadowy Sultans Salacious Sexual Sadomasochistic Sodomy Shows. Soulless Symbolism Sadly Succumbs Suddenly Suffering Silicious Sabotage Suggestions.

Malevolent Monstrous Madmen Marauding Malicious Murderers Making Melancholy Mourner’s Mundane Misgivings More Memorable. Mysteriously Morbid Malfeasance Masters Manufacture More Maniacal Mayhem  Magnifying Mortality Minimizing Morals. Moody Menacing Maniacal Misfits Manning Mortuaries Monopolize Maggots Moreover Mangling, Maiming, Mutilating Mankind.


Crippled Cretinous Creatures Creating Cataclysmic Chaotic Chaos Crumbling Churches Civilians Cringe Cowering Cataclysmic Carnage Comes. Creepy Cephalic Copulating Cretans Cackling Crazily Cum Ceaseless Corruption Confounding Confused Craniums. Cemeteries Cantankerously Coveting Corpses Confining Carcasses Claiming Cumbersome Cognitive Capabilities.

So what the fuck was the point of all this You Ask? Simply there is None as the Whole fucking Point of this Exercise was to Write something that Sounded Kickass, But in Reality it’s Upon Second Inspection that You can See it means Jack Diddly Shit.

It is What it Is,

 By Les Sober

A Short Note For Designer Mark C.

Dear Mark C.

I writing this today to let you know a shitty piece of spam you sent me caused a major MalWare issue for or at my Weblog f-yourblog, and as you may imagine I don’t appreciate that is the least.

This Note is to inform you that if I EVER find out the location you are at I will be there in a heartbeat to promptly stab you in the face with a rusty fork repeatedly until it looks like a Jackson Pollock painting.

Thanks for your time and attention in this matter

Have a Utterly and Totally Fucked Day Scumbag