Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring the Official Videos for  “I BELIEVE DANI FILTH”, “Not Immediately Life Threatening”, and  “Weird, But Not Illegal” by the band Party Cannon along with a Live Performance from Bloodiest 2022. PARY CANNON is a Brutal Death Metal Band (with a Serious Goregrind Influence) from Dunfermline, Fife, Scotland, United Kingdom that was Formed in 2010. The Band refers to Their Musical Style simply as “Party Slam”which is an Extreme Sub Genre of Death Metal that is Defined as the Following. Some Key Elements of Slam Music are Slow and Punishing Guitar Riffs along with Aggressive Drumming Utilizing Double Kick/Blast Beat Techniques are the Primary Element of Slam. Slam Vocals (like the Music) are a More Extreme Version of Death Metal Vocals combining Deep, Palm Muting, Guttural Growls, Tremolo Picking, Harsh Screaming, Low Tuned Guitars, and Low Pitched Howls are a Staple of Slam Music that Enhance the Overall Brutality of the Music Itself.

Lyrical Themes of Brutal Death Metal and PARTY CANNON include:

  • Slasher Films
  • Obscene amount of Violence
  • Political Conflict
  • Religion (Focusing on Satanism)
  • Science Fiction
  • Occultism
  • True Crime
  • Philosophy
  • Destruction and Decay of the Earth
  • War
  • Corporate Control
  • Mysticism
  • Lovecraftian Horror
  • Mythology
  • Theology

(*PARTY CANNON’s Other Lyrical Themes: Women and Partying)

Also as Far as Brutal Death Metal Lyrics are concerned the Depictions of Horrific Violence may be Elaborate on the Details of Extreme Acts:

  • Detailed Depictions Violence and Gore
  • Delirium
  • Psychopathy
  • Mutilation
  • Mutation
  • Exorcism/Possession
  • Torture
  • Rape
  • Cannibalism
  • Necrophilia
  • Murder/Homicide

In 2013 PARTY CANNON was signed to Autopsy Records, but They only Released One Ep Titled “Partied In Half” while with Autopsy Records. The Band is Currently Signed with The American Label Gore House Productions who Specialize in Brutal Death Metal Bands. To Date PARTY CANNON has Recorded and Released The Following:

  • Albums – “Bong Hit Hospitalization (2015), “Volumes Of Vomit” (2022), and “Injuries Are Inevitable (2024)
  • Eps – ” PARTY CANNON!” (2007), “Partied In Half” (2013), “Perverse Party Platter’ (2017), and “Nauseating And Unpalatable” (2021)
  • A Gore House Compilation CD  “Cannons Of Gore Soaked, Blood Drenched, Parasitic Sick along with the Bands Parasitic Ejactulation, Gorevent, and Bloodscribe.
  • Singles: “We Prefer The Term Living Impaired (2010) and “Weird,But not Illegal” (2024)
  • V/A Compilations – “Necrolust Vol. IV (2013), MORGUL ( a Scottish Metal Compilation in 2013), and ‘Intestinal Purge” (2022)
  • Additional Releases – “Party Promo (2012)

PARTY CANNON’s Current Line Up:

  • Stony “Stony” Stony – Vocals
  • Craig “Shreddy Kreuger” Robinson – Lead Guitar
  • Chris “Prey” Ryan – Bass
  • Martin “Abtacular” Gazur – Drums



It Is What It Is,

 Presented By Les Sober


Welcome to This Wednesday’s Post featuring the Disturbing Claymation Music Video “BLVCK MVGIC” by Artist Kill The Noise (Real Name Jacob Stanzak) Who is an American DJ and Record Producer from Rochester, New York.

The Official Video for Kill The Noises’s Song”BLVCK MVGIC” was Created by None Other than Animator and FYB Favorite Lee Hardcastle. Lee Hardcastle is an Insanely Prolific British Animator/Film Maker  Who Specializes in Stop-Motion Techniques. Lee Hardcastle in His Own Words: “I Make Claymations that are Not for Children’s Eyes.”, and has Vowed to Never Insult His Auidence with Shitty Film Making.


Hardcastle is Famous for His Handmade Independent Animations. His Work includes Original Remakes of Emblematic 1980’s Action and Horror Movies, as well as Parodies of Animated Series and Video Clips. His Work is Known for its Violent and Gory Content. He has worked with Many Companies including Momentum Pictures, 20th Century Fox, and Adult Swim, and has Also Worked with Notable Artists such as Sufjan Stevens. Besides Being a Kick Ass Animator Lee Hardcastle was a Member of the Band Shit The Bed. Shit The Bed was a Hardcore Punk Band with Grindcore Tendencies  from Leeds, UK Formed in 2000 by Jordan Ramoth, Richard Kenyon, Dom Smith, and Lee Hardcastle when They were in High School.


Plot: A Small Remote Village has been Played by a Rash of Missing People, and When a Villager Spots a Lone Woman living in a Corn Field with a Pentagram on Her Door. The Pentagram is actually a White Magic Symbol Designed to Protect the Homeowner from Evil. Now to Alleviate any Confusion an Inverted Pentagram is a Pentangle which is Synonymous with Modern Day Satanism. The Villagers assume She is a Witch and Responsible for the Disappearance of the Missing Villagers and Form a Violent Posse, but when They Confront the Witch Things go from Bad to Bloody.

Be Sure to Watch Until the End for The Sinister Surprise Twist.


Thanks For Watching/Listening,

   Presented By Les Sober  

Shits and Giggles: Day Drinking – The Black Metal

I saw this and instantly thought to myself “Well hell that sums up the mundane madness of Mondays pretty damn well” and decided it was a necessary and appropriate. Anyways that said here is FYB’s Monday post DAY DRINKING-THE BLACK METAL by the one and only MeatCanyon.

MeatCanyon’s real name is Hunter August Hancock better know by his online user name MeatCanyon. Hancock is an American Youtuber, animator, voice actor, comedian, writer, and director who makes parody animations of popular characters (say Sponge Bob for instance). Some viewers of MeatCanyon’s animations  have been described them in just one single word “Horrifying”. A common on going gag in Hancock’s video’s is that something normal or mundane gets you killed or possible worse.

Here it is.

See you when I see you,

   Justin Sane  

FYB’s Salute To Eccentrics: Anton LaVey on The Joe Pyne Show

In this Installment of FYB’s Salute to Eccentrics We Feature The One and Only Anton Szandor LaVey was an American Author, Musician, Paranormal Researcher ,and Occultist. LaVey is most Notoriously Known as The Founder and the Original High Priest of The Church Of Satan and The Religion of LaVeyan Satanism (and Author of the Infamous Satanic Bible).

This is NOT a LaVey Biography or In-depth Look at the Church of Satan Those will be coming Later. We decided to Post This First.

This is a Rare  1967 Television Appearance LaVay did on The Joe Pyne Show so You could Hear DIRECTLY FROM THE SOURCE That of Course Being Non Other Than LAVEY HIMSELF.


The Host Is Joe Pyne Who reminds Us an Earlier Prototype of Morton Downey Jr. who Pioneered  the “Trash TV” (Just Ask Jerry Springer) Format with His Talk Show The Morton Downey Jr. Show. Downey was known for Berating His Quests with a Verbal Assault of Insults, Derogatory Remarks, Extreme and Controversial Personal Opinion, and Personal Jabs. Downey would Yell and Scream at His gets (sometimes inches from the Quests face) while He Stormed around the Set like Maniac and Chain Smoked like His Life Depended on it.

Joe Pyne Employs many of these Talk Show Host Tactics in an attempt to intentional Anger Their Guest into Acting up/Out in Hope Their Wild Antics Boost Ratings. Pyne is Nothing if Not Antagonistic from the Very Start of the Interview attempting to Bait LaVey in Vain. Pyne called LaVay a “Nut” and a “DingBat”, Attacks Lavays Appearance from His Shaved Head and “Shifty” Eyes, Clothes, Necklace, and even Finger Nails). Pyne also Mocks LaVey by saying corny shit like “I’d tell You where to go, But I think You’d Like it, and Insulting LaVeys With and Children by referring to Them as “Ms. Devil/ Mrs. Beelzebub”  and “The Little Devils”.


LaVey for His Part is the Exact Opposite and Remains Cool, Calm and Collective while Ignoring Pyne’s Various Antics and Personal Attacks. LaVay conveys His point and Answers Questions Intelligently and to the Point. LaVey definitely Proved to Be the Bigger Man.

In a Rather Interesting (and Bizarre) Note The Host Joe Pyne Died a few Months after this Interview.

Hope You Enjoyed This Historical Segment of the Ongoing Story of Satan as Much as We did.

 Presented By Les Sober

What The Hell Am I Watching

Unlike the ‘Questions That Allude Answers’ there are some Videos that are so fucking Fringe that You find Yourself wondering What The Hell You’re Watching. Are these Videos Art Projects? Bizzaro Promotions? The Product of a Seriously Insane Person? Are They mad by Underground or Secret Societies? Are They Part of some Government Agenda? Who the Hell Knows, BUT I find Them to be Wildly Entertaining as I find Not Knowing is The Appeal of such Videos.

Tonight We have “username:666” by Nana825763


“Save Them Jesus”  by Imaginedon


I would now like to take a Moment to Address the Topic of Satanism. There has NEVER been a Religion so Steeped in Myth, Persecution, Condemnation, and a Shit Ton of Misinformation. I’ve noticed a few things on the Subject of Satanism over the Years and will Address them Now.

First I find it Bizarrely Fascinating that People watch Horror Movies/TV Shows that are PURE FICTION, THEY’RE ABSOLUTELY AND TOTALLY FAKE, Yet when the Movie/Show is Over They walk away believing the Depictions of So Called Satanism is indeed Factual. This Boggles My mind since again Horror Movies/TV Shows are FICTIONAL works designed to SHOCK, SCARE, OR REPULSE You so why would anyone think any part of it is a Real Life Fact?!


I fully believe if You Truly want to know about Something then simply go to The Source that way You cut out all the Middle Man Bullshit, Lies, Conjecture, Speculation, and Misinformation on Said Subject. So I went out one Day and purchased Both The Satanic Bible and The Satanic Witch and read Both Books Cover to Cover. These are THE FACTS that I Personally Uncovered.

First off Satanism is Essentially Hedonism with Satan acting as Nothing more than a Mascot. Satanist believe if it makes You feel Good and DOESN’T HURT PERSON OR ANIMAL then Don’t Listen to Dogma just Indulge. If You like Food its Ok to be a Glutton or if its Sex then go ahead Bang Your Brains Out.

Secondly I found Out in the VERY BEGINNING of The Satanic Bible that Satanist REVERE Children and Animals because They haven’t been Corrupted by the Evils of The World, Humanity, or Society. It is Clearly Stated that Satanist DO NOT SACRIFICE BABIES, CHILDREN, OR ANIMALS. Human (Adult) Sacrifice is Frowned Upon and Discouraged.

Thirdly as for those Idiots and Assholes You see on the News from Time to Time Who claim to be or is Allegedly a “Devil/Satan Worshiper” are in fact NOT as They don’t Devoutly Follow The Religion. These are Mentally fucked Up People or Complete Sociopaths/Psychopaths who’s Homicidal Acts have NOTHING to do with Satanism, and everything to do with the Fact Killers Kill PERIOD Its what They do. Sometimes I think these Idiots and Assholes are playing the Satanist Card because They think They are Actual Satanists or are Just Saying it to look Scarier and more Intimidating in the Eyes of the Public. Also the Media is far to fucking gear to play the Satanist Card whenever a Murder/Murders have Extenuating Circumstances.

All the Reasons I have Listed above have Combined into one of the BIGGEST MIS-INFORMATIONAL SHIT STORMS IN HISTORY. Think For Yourself and Find Out for Yourself instead of believing any Old bullshit You hear someone Spewing since Most People in Reality (this is a Proven Sociological Fact) don’t actually know what They’re talking about. People like to Talk. People like to Gossip. People like to Talk shit. People like to Bullshit. So its best to Find out For Yourself from the Source itself as I said earlier.



Hope You has Fun watching Tonights Disturbing Double Dose of  Madness Personified.

Thanks for Reading/Viewing,

 Presented By Les Sober

God & Satan Enemies Of A Different Color

Preface: Most people know the story of God casting Satan from Heaven because Satan wanted to take control of Heaven.

  1. It all started when God got bored and created people to entertain him (the original reality t.v.) which pissed off more than a few Angels due to their jealousy of God’s infatuation with his new creations.
  2. Satan was not only an Angel he was the Angel of Light effectively he was God’s right hand man. Satan gathered a group of like minded angels bound together by their hate of humanity and God’s preferential treatment of people. Once Satan had assembled his crew they picked a fight with God by trash talking Humans, a fight that Satan lost.
  3. God banished Satan (along with his traitorous posse) from heaven.
  4.  BUT GOD DID NOT BANISH SATAN TO HELL. God decided if Satan hated man more than anything then Satan’s punishment was to walk among man for eternity.
  5. From this point out God and Satan were deemed to be immortal enemies clashing in a constant war of conflict as each tries to win more souls than the other.

The Question: Now I have read the Bible and I like most have a few questions. The first and foremost I question the relationship between God and Satan as far as the traditional belief. As I stated earlier in #5 God and Satan are supposed to be the ultimate foes, yet in the Bible there seems to be a good bit of dialogue between God and Satan. This alone strikes me as odd considering their intense and eternal war of good versus evil after Satan got his ass evicted from his Heavenly home.

The best example in my mind of God and Satan’s rather unorthodox relationship lies in the story of Job. Here is a brief run down summation of the story of Job as told by me (Less Sober).

One day God and Satan (post battle for Heaven) were hanging out together which seems to me like a mighty oxymoron. Why would God and Satan hangout together if their such intense enemies that they actually went to war against one another?

While God and Satan are lallygagging about God starts to brag a good bit about his follower Job and how much Job loves God with undying loyalty. Satan decides to bust God’s balls a bit about this oh so holy and devoted Job guy. Satan makes a side comment to God that its totally obvious the only reason Job gives a shit about God is because Job has a sweet life. Job had a big house, a lot of land, a wife, tons of kids and a productive farm, BUT if Job didn’t have all the perks then he’d abandon God flat out.

Now this conversation seems to follow suit with the relationship described in the Bible between the two Deities, God says something positive and Satan then undermines it with negativity. HOLD ON MY FRIENDS This Is Where It Gets Really Weird.

God decides based on what Satan said to make a bet. YES IT WAS GOD who made the bet WITH SATAN. In some versions of this story some of the faithful claim Satan proposed the bet to God, but sadly no it was all God’s idea.

The bet is this: God allows open hunting season on Job enabling Satan to do whatever horribly wicked shit he could think of to torment Job. If Job remains loyal to God in spite of all the suffering Satan rains down upon him God wins, but if Job succumbs to Satan’s vile endeavorers then simply Satan wins.

Satan then proceeds to run shop on Job. Satan kills all of Jobs crops, kills all of his animals, all of Job’s servants, burns his house down, and kills all of Job’s sons and daughters while they ate together. Job remains standing God.

Round Two Satan struck Job with sores from head to toe. Here Job’s wife does something strange she tells Job to CURSE God and then die. Its the dying part that confuses me because why would she want her husband dead considering Satan killed the rest of the family at this point. Anyway I digress. Job for his credit did not curse God nor did he die, but he did at one point wonder why his God was allowing all this foul shit to happen to him, and at one point even asks God to let him die (assumedly to avoid further torture). Job through it all sticks by God and remains faithful by not sinning in cursing God.

God immediately declares himself the victor to Satan, and then shoots down to Earth to tell Job to shut up and stop asking questions for God works in mysterious ways.

In Summation allow me to state my opinion on the story/subject matter at hand. This is how I see it in all honesty. It appears to me that instead of being eternal enemies God and the Satan had a more personal relationship (as opposed to one ruling Heaven and the other Hell completely independent of one another). To me its more like two best friends who started a business together and the business started to flourish making all involved very happy. Then one friend makes an executive decision about staffing without consulting his friend and partner first. This leads to resentment, tension, stress and anxiety plaguing the friendship driving the two friends apart. Finally one of the friends has had enough and attempts a hostile takeover of the company only to fail, and thus the partnership dissolves spectacularly along with the friendship over an argument on how the company should be run. As the years pass the two friends begin to reconnect yet both are still pissed about their falling out as each blames the other for their failed friendship. Though God and Satan don’t ever reconcile they form a new love-hate relationship because though they had a shitty falling out their friendship out weighs the one vicious fight over difference of opinion.



Hijinks At Hellfest

Editor’s Note: For this piece I’m going to break protocol and I HAVE NOT changed any of the names, but you don’t have to believe me these names and places can be Googled. Now I return you to your regularly scheduled program.

The Key Players:

Mr. Glen Benton: The Vocalist/Bassist and infamous front man of the  Death Metal band called Deicide (who are considered one of the founding fathers of Death Metal). Deicide’s frequent practice of dunking their faces in a bucket of Sheep’s blood before taking the stage in the early days of Deicide’s career quickly earned them a reputation, and with their extremely brutal form of Satan Loving, Bible Hating Death Metal (littered with violent occult imagery) soon made them a Death Metal Fan Favorite. Deicide’s infamy  has only grown over the years as front man Glen Benton burned an inverted cross into his forehead, placed a 9 foot inverted cross in his front yard, and Benton occasionally dousing the audience with animals internal organs (Benton has also eluded to, but NEVER confirmed rumors of animal sacrifices), but its safe to assume they were bought from a local meat market butcher or a grocery meat department. Bottom line here I suppose is Deicide is down with the Devil, know for having gruesome live performances, and being extremely Anti Christian.

Hellfest: There are in fact numerous Hellfests held around the globe yearly be they for Heavy Metal or Hardcore Punk the point being many Extreme  Music Genres use the unlicensed name Hellfest for various different shows. . The Hellfest that I am talking about is the highest attended concert that is put on annually (June 16-17-18th) in Brittany, France featuring top Scandinavian, European Black, and Death Metal acts. Such acts have included Cradle of Filth, Mayhem, Bloodbath, Cannibal Corpse, Lamb of God, Venom, Obituary, Enthroned ,and Life of Agony over the years just to name a few.

The Controversy Begins: Back in 1995 Deicide released their new album titled Once Upon The Cross and promptly launched a tour in support of it. That year Hellfest contacted Deicide and Invited them to play, but for undisclosed reasons Hellfest then contacted Deicide again two weeks later and this time officially Uninvited them. This more than enraged Glen Benton to absolutely no end. Benton announced to the press (he believed) that Deicide had been shit canned because Black Metal Bands heralding from Scandinavia through Europe hate American Death Metal with a burning passion. Benton went on to proclaim the reason (again he believes) Black Metal Bands have such a vile disgust, rabid contempt and distain towards Death Metal was due to the fact they felt America took their musical style ,and shit all over it transforming it into an second rate, dumbed down inferior version. 

The Unofficial Reality and Reason: After Hellfest announced that they had indeed added Deicide to Hellfest 1996 local Decide fans went on celebratory vandalism rampage  by scrawling Deicide’s song title “When Satan Rules His World” on tombstones in surrounding cemeteries. This was never offered as any sort of official (or unofficial reason) for Hellfest’s cancellation of Deicides performance. Though it seems painfully obvious to see  this was in all reality the real reason. You can’t rightfully blame the promoters of Hellfest that year I mean if tombstone vandalizing started by just the initial announcement of Deicides participation, but just imagine what they must have thought would happen when the actual band showed up to play.