Immortal Machine | Dystopian Animated Film (2021)

We are Thrilled to bring You “Immortal Machine”the Third of Three NEW EPISODES (that was Posted just 13 hours prior to this Post) in the Apocalyptic Dystopian Animated Short Film Series By Scottish Writer, Director, Sculpture, Painter,  Artist, and Animator David James Armsby. The Short Film Series (which Ended in 2018 and was Revived in 2020) takes place in the Sci Fi Post Apocalyptic Town Known as Autodale where the Citizens are Anything but Normal.


In The Artist’s Own Words:

“You think you understand? All the lies? All the needless atrocities?… No. There is reason, and I want to show you…” Deep in the heart of Autodale lives their Mayor. As old as the town itself, a once great inventor, now a gangly and decaying but undying thing which the townsfolk have long forgotten, but continue to echo his machine-obsessed beliefs. This film follows Autodale’s Exceptional Woman as she journey’s deep down the rabbit hole of the Mayor’s Immortal Machine.


This film was one of the most challenging and taxing projects of my life. The film covers a subject matter that is extremely difficult to pull off from an artistic and technical standpoint. Nothing about the setting, characters or structure of this film was easy to do. That’s actually the reason I’ve put off tackling the heart of Autodale and the Matriarch for so long. I knew to pull it off successfully would require a tremendous amount of time, effort and artistic know-how which I didn’t feel confident I could do. It wasn’t until after finishing my previous and longest animated short film, “Friendly Shadow”, that I finally felt that I was at the skill level required for this gigantic project. I’m not in love with all of it, but overall I think it definitely succeeded. This film is extremely ambitious and grand and I’m extremely proud of the result. I really hope you guys like it too! :D”

-David James Armsby-


Thanks For Watching,

Presented By Les Sober 

“Model Citizen”| Dystopian Animated Short Film

We are Thrilled to bring You “Model Citizen”the First NEW EPISODE in the Apocalyptic Dystopian Animated Short Film Series By Scottish Writer, Director, Sculpture, Painter,  Artist, and Animator David James Armsby. The Short Film Series takes place in the Sci Fi Post Apocalyptic Town Known as Autodale where the Citizens are Anything but Normal.


From The Creator In Their Own Words:

“What is a Model Citizen? A Model Citizen is a providing father. A Model Citizen is a caring mother, all in service of a scrappy, young boy or girl. A Model Child raised by a Model Family, to become a Model Citizen of their own!” This brand-spanking-new installment of the Autodale series follows the lives of the Robinson family; Autodale’s perfect citizens. I’ve wanted to make an animated short film based around the life-cycle of an Autodale citizen/family for a very long time. We’ve only ever seen Autodale through the eyes of children. All of the other short films in the series focus on skeptical children being successfully brainwashed/indoctrinated into complacency with Autodale’s dystopian ways. This short film doesn’t have that arc. This short film is about the parents. These characters have NO DOUBTS about how this system works anymore…”  -David James Armsby-


Thanks For Watching,

Presented By Les Sober  

“Autodale is BACK!”| Announcement Video

We couldn’t be More Psyched that After Two Very Long Years one of Our Favorite Animator’s David James Armsby has Revived His Apocalyptic Dystopian Animated Short Film Series that takes place in the Sci Fi Post Apocalyptic Town of Autodale where the Citizens are Anything but Normal.


In The Creator’s Own Words:

“Hello, citizens of Autodale! It has been a long time…”

“This video is an announcement of what I’ve been working on for the past few months. I have three new Autodale-themed animated short films in the works. The first being an idea I’ve wanted to explore for a while; a look into the lives of the average Autodale citizen. The life-cycle of someone who’s essentially just another cog in the machine. This short is almost completely finished. The second, a detective-noir short film. Autodale’s infamous vigilante, “The Friendly Shadow” investigates a particularly gruesome incident after a monster manages to breach Autodale’s walls. The third will be a continuation of “Don’t Feed the Freaks”. This short film is the one I’m most excited about but it’s also the most subject to change. It’s the only one that I don’t have a finished script for yet and haven’t started animating. At the moment it follows the same character, traveling farther than he ever has before, likely focussing more on the Monarchs than the Freaks this time around.”   -David James Armsby-

See You Soon,

Les Sober  

Short Film Friday: Eel Girl

Hello and Welcome to Another Installment of FYB’s Short Horror Film Friday Featuring 2008 Sci Fi Horror Short Eel Girl Written and Directed by New Zealand’s Own Paul Campion. Eel Girl is a 5 Minute and 19 Second Film Designed to be Disturbing, Controversial, and  Beautiful while Peaking People’s Interest by Word of Mouth. The Film’s Special Makeup Effects were Created by World Renowned Weta Workshop (For Example 45 Gallons of Black Methocyl better known as KY Jelly were Created to Fill the Bathtub).


Now I sure More Than One Person Reading this has Immediately thought of or Drawn Parallels Between Eel Girl and the Drama Thriller The Shape of Water Directed by Guillermo del Toro. The Movie is the Story of a Mute Cleaning Lady who falls in Love with a Governmental Laboratory’s Classified Secret a Humanoid Fish Man from South America. Basically it’s Romeo and Juliet meets The Creature From The  Lagoon Love Story.

NOW HERE IS THE POINT Eel Girl was Released in 2008 a Full NINE YEARS BEFORE The Shape of Water so No Eel Girl IS NOT COPYING The Shape of Water if Anything its the Other Way Around.


Synopsis/Plot:Eel Girl takes Place in Deep in the Bowels of a Secret Naval Research Facility. One of the Research Scientist has become Absolutely Obsessed with the Half-Human Held-Eel Creature He’s Studying. When She beckons Him to Her, It’s the Sinister Call of a Siren…..For Eel Girl isn’t looking for Love She’s Looking for Revenge!


We Hope You Enjoyed this Aquatic Tale of Terror as Much as We Did.

Thanks For Watching,

Presented By Les Sober  

“No Monsters” | Dystopian Animated Short Film

We here at FYB have a rather Bad Habit of Spreading ourselves WAY Too Thin and We assure You We are Working Diligently on Remedying this Issue. We had Posted the First Installment of  the Series “Being Pretty” |Dystopian Animated Short Film, and then Honestly We almost Absolutely Forgot about the Series

So We are Thrilled to bring You the NEXT Installment of the Dystopian Animated Short Film Series By Scottish Writer, Director, Sculpture, Painter,  Artist, and Animator David James Armsby. The Short Film Series takes place in the Sci Fi Post Apocalyptic Town Known as Autodale where the Citizens are Anything but Normal. In this Installment Armsby Introduces a New Kind of “Ugly” that are the Exceptionals; and How Imagination can Play a Fundamental Role in Uncovering the Horrible Secret of the “System”.


Plot Synopsis: 

Welcome back to Autodale, Children. Today’s programming is Nearly Done, which means it is Time for Bed. But Sadly, Not All Dreams are Sweet, some are Scary and Full of Monsters. If any Night Terrors Haunt Your Sleep, Children; Always Remember that You’re Safe in Autodale. There are No Monsters Here.

In The Animator’s Own Words:

” This Short was a Massive Undertaking. It was Fun and Horrible to Work On. I put more Hours into this Short than Any Other of My Animations. I put More Detail into the Backdrops, Pictures, and Animation than I ever have Before. I think this Short Broke Me Mentally. That Being Said, I think it may have some of the Best Imagery I’ve ever Created.”

-David Armsby-


Thanks For Watching,

Presented By Les Sober   

FYB’s Sinister Friday Sci-Fi Horror Movie: CUBE

FYB is Psyched to Present the 1997 Canadian Indie Science-Fiction Horror Film CUBE Directed and Co-Written by Vincenzo Natali. Cube has gained Notoriety and a Rabid Cut Following, for its Surreal Atmosphere and Kafkaesque setting and Concept of Industrial, Cube-Shaped Rooms.


Brief Plot Summery:

Six Total Strangers Awaken One Day to find Themselves Trapped and Alone in a Cubical Maze. Once the Characters meet up, The Group Works Together (Each Using a Specific Skill They Posses) to Navigate Through The Complex Collection of Cubed Rooms.

There is Rennes Who is a Renowned Prison Escape Artist, Student Leaven Who is a Math Prodigy, Doctor Holloway (Who beside Being a Doctor is an Avid Conspiracy Theorist), Kazan is a Servant Who, Quentin is a Police Officer can Out Calculate Leaven, and Worth Who was Unknowingly part of the Design Team who Assembled the Cube.


Each Room is a Cube within the Cube, with Six Hatch Doors opening into Other Rooms, But a Percentage of those Rooms are Equipped with DEADLY BOOBY TRAPS! Not Only That But the Total of 17,576 Rooms ROTATE Their Position within a Set Time Limit causing Disorientation, Confusion, Frustration, and Down Right Insanity.

Using Math Prodigy Leaven’s Math Skill (and Eventually Servant Kazan penchant for Mathematics), The Group Press Forward, Upward, and Downward through a Series of Hatches to Try and Locate the Cube’s Outer Shell and Escape the Cerebral Nightmare. Will The Group Get Away or are They Doomed to Die in the Confines of the Menacing Cube? Will They be able to Unravel the Mystery of the Cube’s Creator(s) and it’s Intended Function? You’ll have to Watch and See for Yourself!



We Hope You Enjoyed This Tale of a Killer Cubes as Much as We Did.

Thanks for Watching,

  Presented By Les Sober & FYB

Be Sure To Tune Into Local 58 WCLV-TV Community Television

Local 58 is an INSANELY Creative Horror Web Series By Kris Straub and Presented in a “Found Footage” Style of Story Telling. The Series Appears to Span Several Decades from the Late 1960’s (possible Early 70’s) all the Way Up To 2019 so Far.

At the Start of the Series there were Only 4 Videos Online those being “Contingency”, “Station ID”, “Weather Service”, and one Titled “You Are On The Fastest Route”. Later on Down the Road a Fifth Video called “Show For Children” was Added to the Lineup. Subsequently Three Additional Local 58 Videos have been Posted since the Original Five if You will. Those Videos are “A Look Back” (Posted August 27, 2018), “Real Sleep” (December 19, 2018), and “Sky Watching” in November 2019.

The Video “Contingency” appears as if it was Shot in a Film Format while the Video “Show For Children” seems to be presented in a VCR Format. This Indicates the Series has Progressed from the 1960’s to the 1980’s. The Series Jumps ahead in Time After “Show For Children” to a 2014 . Thusly the Videos can be Rearranged into Chronological Order According to Their particular Time Frame as Opposed to Their Actual Posting Date(s).

The Plot Unfolds Predominately through a Series of Public Service Announcement, Public Warnings, and Emergency Broadcast’s being Transmitted On Local 58 WCLV-TV (there is Some on Screen Text as Well that Also has a Key Role). The Premise is there has been an Unknown World Wide Event Occurring while Local 58 WCLV-TV is Providing Public with Vital Information. Why is The World being Plunged into a Wide Spread Mass Panic? Could it be Nuclear War, a Government Conspiracy, Alien Invasion, Natural Disaster of Epic Proportions, Deadly epidemic, a Meteor Speeding toward Earth, or is Humanity facing the Actual Apocalypse? Who or What is behind it this Hysteria Exactly, and Who may be Involved?!


That’s what makes such a Creative Endeavor as Local 58 so Fascinatingly Mesmerizing is You have to Decipher the Series for Yourself. You have to Think for Yourself and Draw Your own Conclusions in the End. It’s a Series You can Watch Over and Over Looking for (and Finding) Subtle Details, Secret or Unseen Clues, Hidden Hints, and Underlying Nuances. All in All the Local 58 WCLV-TV  Web Series is an Unnervingly Masterminded Multidimensional, and Multilayered Master Piece. Enjoy.

Thanks for Watching,

  Brought To You By Les Sober

Animated Abominations: Operator Episodes 1 and 2

Welcome to Another Installment in the FYB Series ANIMATED ABOMINATIONS! We have a Special Treat in the Two Episode of Stop Motion Sci Fi Horror Madness of OPERATOR by Sam Barnett.

In the First Episode Our Nameless Main Character reports to Work at the Corporation InfoCorp.  He Toils alone in a Utility Room of Sorts with a Robot on a Loud Speaker Barking Commands at Him constantly. During the Course of the Work Day Our Main Character tinkers with some sort of Ports. All of a Sudden one of the Ports starts to Leak BLOOD, and Then from the POOL OF BLOOD  a PARASITIC MUTANT Emerges. The Creature Attacks the Main Character, and Temporarily Gains Control of His Body.

Luckily The Main Character manages at one point to Unplug the Creature and thus Regaining Control of His Faculties. Unfortunately while He is Apparently Hallucinating the Main Character is ATTACKED AGAIN! This Time He Loses causing Him to start Mutating . Next the Main Character Exits The Utility type Closet and…Well Hell We aren’t going to Tell You. We will say this though Episode One sets You Up, and It’s Episode Two that Knocks You Down. Enjoy.

Hope You Enjoyed The Animated Sci Fi Insanity of Sam Barnett’s OPERATOR as Much as We Did.

Thanks for Watching,

  Presented By Les Sober

FYB’s Wednesday Midnight Mid Week Movie: The Day

FYB is Proud to Feature The Post Apocalyptic Action Thriller  THE DAY Written by Luke Passmore and Directed by Doug Aarniokoski!!!

THE DAY is a Splendid Indi Action Thriller that Proves You Don’t Need to be a Summer Blockbuster or to Feature an Excessively Overpaid Movie Stars, or a 2 Hour CGI Orgy like Micheal fucking Bay to make an Excellent Film. All You Need in The End is a Well Written Script, Great Actors, and a Little Artistic Creativity to make a Kick Ass Movie.


The Odd Thing I find utterly fucking Fascinating fact as You will see in the Opening Credits this Suburb Indie Survival Film is Bank Rolled by WWE Studios (Yes The Wrestling People), BUT unlike They’re usual Big Budget Hollywood Movies this Movie was made on a Significantly Smaller Budget. Also Unlike the Usual WWE Movie Fare its not a Action Comedy Featuring Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, a Shoot’em Up Action Movie Starring Stone Cold Steve Austin, or a Straight Up Horror Movie with Kane in the Lead Role. In Fact the Cats of The Day are virtual Unknowns which is Perfectly Fine by Me (I don’t care How Much Movie Studios Pay just for a Famous Face).

Plot Summery: What Happens when a Small Rag Tag Group of Survivors Navigating the Perils of a Post Apocalyptic World take in a New Member with a Dark Secret, and then find Themselves Trapped in an Isolated Farm House that’s Under Siege by a Tribe of VICIOUS BLOOD THIRSTY CANNIBALS?!


In Spite of having the Odds Stacked against Them, and Being Outnumbered The Scrappy Group of Survivors will Fight to The DEATH to Stay off The Menu. Will  Anyone Survive the SLAUGHTER and See the Light of Day? Are the Group of Survivors Destined to End Up on  The Cannibal’s Diner Plate? And What is the Dark Secret that the Newest Group Member Hiding and Why?


WE Hope You Enjoyed Tonights Tale of Survival and Slaughter as Much as We did.

Thanks for Watching,

  Presented by Les Sober


Tonight FYB puts  Our Gore Obsessed Fandom ON HOLD to Bring You One of the MOST DISTURBING SCI FI FILMS We have Ever Seen. FYB is Proud to Present TETSUO THE IRON MAN by  Japanese Director Shinya Tsukamoto !!!

Plot Summery: a METAL FETISHIST is Driven Insane by the Wriggling Maggots in the Wound He Self Inflected so He Could Insert Metal into His OWN FLESH!! In Sheer Terror He runs out into the Night and is Accidentally RUN DOWN by a Japanese Business Man andHis Girlfriend. The Couple Disposes of the CORPSE in a Hopes of Quietly Getting on with Their Lives. HOWEVER the Business Man soon finds that He is NOW PLAGUED by a VICIOUS CURSE that Transforms His FLESH INTO METAL!!!

IF YOU AREN’T FLUENT IN SPANISH YOU WILL NEED TO SWITCH THE CLOSED CAPTIONING IN SETTINGS. For those Who dislike Subtitles There is Little to No Dialog Per Say so DON’T Worry it’s NOT a Deal Breaker. I mean the Film’s Running time is 1 Hour 17 Minutes and 19 Seconds So.

Waring!!!:  The Following Film Contains Scenes That Some Viewers May Find Disturbing, Offensive, or Objectionable. VIEWER DISCRETION IS (AS ALWAYS) ADVISED!!! Enjoy.

Hope You All are Still Safe and Sane after that SCI FI SYNAPTIC STORM. Good Night and Sleep Tight.

Thanks for Viewing,

Presented by Les Sober  

(12:17 AM)