Tidbits For Shits And Giggles: Science (Animated)

We are Amused to Present Science by David Firth under His fatpie2 Moniker. Science is Through back to the Stark and Often Asinine Educational Science Films of the 1950’s.

For those of You Who do Not Know or May Not Be Aware David Firth is an English Animator, Director, Writer, Musician, Actor, Voice Actor, Video Artist, and Broadcaster of Whom We are a Big Fan of Here at FYB. Several of Firth’s works in Flash Animation, along with Multiple Music Videos and Works of Video Art, have Garnered a Large Followings.

Synopsis: Science (2008)- 2 Scientists fill in some gaps in our collective knowledge. Dr. John Science and Dr. Research Jones have teamed up to work on Tobacco Studies for the Big Cigarette Companies. The Two Scientists agree a lot of Scientific Experiments have been Done throughout History and A Lot Haven’t, and there Many Gaps to Fill. The Question the Scientists face is “Why haven’t More Animals Tried Smoking Tobacco Products?” This leads the Scientists to taking a Trip to the Land of Gazelles. Once the Scientists reach Their Destination They make an Amazing Scientific Discovery pertaining to Gazelles.

“This Cartoon I made for the Playboy Website in 2008. I’m not sure if they ever used it. Their animation section didn’t show up on Google for some reason and then mysteriously disappeared.” -David Firth (aka fatpie2)


Thanks For Watching,

Presented By Les Sober  

Tidbits For Shits And Giggles: BEEF STEAK!

What Can I Say some times the Oddest, Strangest, Absurdist, or just Plain Stupidest Shit makes Me Laugh. I’ve said it before that My Favorite Joke is:

Why Do Ducks Have Webbed Feet? To Put Out Forrest Fires.

Why Do Elephants Have Flat Feet? To Put Out Flaming Ducks.

As You can see it actually makes No Sense Whatsoever, But it always makes Me Smile. So when I was fucking around Online I came Across this Video and for some Reason (Even I DOn’t Know What it Is) I got a real Kick Out of It.

So Without Further Ado Ladies and Gentlemen I give you BEEF STEAK!


Brought To You By Les Sober  

The New Emerging Mystery: The Valknut Videos

A New Mystery is Emerging from the Darker Corners of the Internet, and We could be more Thrilled.

Whoever is Uploading Content Doesn’t have a User Name He/She/They go by an Icon Consisting of Three Interlocking Triangles Called a Valknut. The Valknut is a Symbol that Appears on a Variety of Objects from the Archaeological Record of the Ancient Germanic People. Archaeologists Don’t Really Know what the Ancient Germanic Tribes Called this Symbol or Why They Etched or Marked Artifacts with It. The Term Valknut is Derived from the Modern Era and the Term or Terms used to Refer  to the Symbol during its Historical Employment (use) are Unknown.

What Sets The Valknut Videos from Similar Work (by Meatsleep or Hi I’m Mary Mary for Example) is the Fact that the Majority of the Valknut Video’s come with an Attached Message Pertaining to the Video. Also Valknut has been what some would Consider Prolific in Their Content/Posting. Valknut has only been around since July of this Year and have Already Posted 18 Videos in Total So Far (In Comparison Meatsleep’s and Hi I’m Mary Mary’s Content was Posted over Several Months to Several Years).


What We Know So Far:

  • Valknut first showed up in the First week of June of this Year.
  • Videos 1-14 were all Posted approximately a Month Ago.
  • Videos 15-18 were Posted around 3 Weeks Ago.
  • We found a Link to a Youtube Channel by a User Named Meat that had had all its Content including Icon Picture Deleted.
  • We thought there might be a Possible Link between Valknut and the Mysterious User Known as Meatsleep, But We discovered that in fact there is NO CONNECTION between Valknut and Meatsleep.
  • This is based on the Fact Meatsleep has/was Only Around since 2016 where as Meat has been around since 2014. Also Meatsleep just Re-uploaded 19 Videos from 2016, and Their Icon Pic was Never Deleted (even after all of Meatsleep’s Content was Taken Down Abruptly by Meatsleep Themselves).
  • We Found a Youtube Playlist Associated with Valknut that contained Only 2 Videos and the First one is PRIVATE so We have No Idea what the fuck it is or could be.

  • The Second Video is a Minute and Four Seconds Long, and looks like it was Shot on a Camcorder Circa the 1990’s.  The Video is some Random Kid Bouncing Around While Riding a More Modern Hobby Horse (The Plastic Ones with the Body mounted to a Frame with Springs). The Video on the Page is Titled “broke slaves”.
  •  The Nonsensical Babbling of the Child is referred is supposedly a Song called “Riding My Horse”, and was Posted on a Very Small Youtube Channel (Total of 106 Subscribers) run by a User Going by Pure Tacos. The Other Videos Posted on the Pure Taco Youtube Page are meaningless Garbage or Completely Useless Fluff.
  • The Song is Credited to Someone (More than Likely the Random Child) with the User Name C-Dog.

  • The Two Themes of Valknut’s are Religion/God and Knowledge.
  • The the Abbreviation “s.s.o” Appears in at Least Two of the Messages Accompanying the Messages Accompanying Videos #4 and #9, but what Does it Mean? Is it a strange Twist or Play on S.O.S or could it simply Stand for Single Sign-On (SSO)?
  • A SSO is a Session and User Authentication Service that Permits a User to Use one set of Login Credentials-For Example, a Name and Password- to Access Multiple Applications. This Begs the Question is Valknut indeed using a SSO and if So what Other Applications is Valknut Using it For Exactly?
  • The s.s.o Abbreviation from the World of Texting could stand for “Secondary Significant Other” or “Sorry Sold Out.”
  • The Abbreviation s.s.o in the Gaming World Stands for “Shattered Sun Offensive” from the Insanely Popular RPG World of Warcraft.
  • Also in the Message for Video #7 ends “…fruit of a tree whose leaves we are Pz1z. The Question is WTF does Pz1z Mean or WTF is it? As far as We can tell thus far it seems to be Related to Group Theory found in Mathematics.

So What Could the Possible Meaning Behind Valknut’s Videos?!

  • Is Valknut what is Referred to as a Recovering Catholic?
  • Is Valknut Promoting Spirituality Over Organized Religion?
  • Is Valknut possibly a Militant Atheist or an Agnostic Stuck in an Undecided Religious Limbo?
  • What is the Knowledge of Which Valknut is Speaking of?
  • Is Valknut Anti Religious and if So Why?
  • Is this Valknut’s Version of Divine Intervention?
  • Is Valknut Repenting for Something or Preaching About Something?
  • Do the Videos have to do with Armageddon, Revelation, or The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse?
  • Is Valknut Condemning Organized Religion or Christianity Specifically?
  • Is Valknut Pushing Science Over Religion?
  • Is Valknut Ex-Clergy by any Chance, like a Disgruntled Priest for Example?

Well We have No Idea and Thats what makes the Mystery so Intriguing. Below You will Find All 18 of Valknut’s Videos from the First to the Most Current. Enjoy.

  1. it all comes to an end. we will win


3. *No Message*

4. s.s.o we can’t all live in peace

5. never forget that you are not in the world when anything happens to u take experience inward creation is set to bring you constant hits and clues about your roll as a co creator your souls is metabolizing experience and surely as your body METABOLIZING FOOD

6. this is the start my bots will take over youtube

7. why don’t you think of god as the one is coming who has been approaching from all eternity the ultimate fruit of a tree whose leaves we are Pz1z

8. we have to love the darkness of religion more than seeking for the knowledge of god

9. look at the life fade out of her s.s.o

10. *No Message*

11. *No Message*

12. *No message*

13. more than ever that u seen before or ever feel the same

14.  *No message*

15. it will all come to a end

16. *No message*

17. *No message*

18. *No message*


Thanks for Reading/Watching,

Presented By  Les Sober & FYB

A Fire Under My Arse

As I woke up feeling completely refreshed for the day at the everlastingly early hour of 9pm, I decided to do things different. This whole equinoxial load of crap had been taking its toll on me. Science says it has to happen but the far trappings of my mind are pure fire and brimstone.

Half and half? Half and half, you say? Well fuck that. Would you really want half and half in your daily life? I mean sure if you are my father you can put it in your coffee. The real world outside of your morning joe says oh the fuck no. Your wife is pregnant, so that is good. But the other half of you is on Maury being told emphatically, “You are NOT the father!!!!”.

You could have only gotten half the answers right on a test. You work at a bank and randomly decided to give half the people the right amount of money. You get halfway to an orgasm. So yeah the general principal does suck a hell of a fucking lot. I want things to be whole. I want myself to be whole.

Truth is when it comes down to it, we are all just a bunch of fragments bunched up into the frame that we were given. Molded together however we so choose to be.

Enough of the crap though this is not why I am really here. I am ready to have a bowel movement. The good kind. The kind a doctor would loom over the toilet bowl peer down at and say, “Why that is a healthy shit sir!”

Don’t you worry though my friend. I am not taking it on you, you or you (yes you, you lazy fuck you know who you are). My sphincter has its eye set on one person and one person alone. That is you Ms. Tori Amos. (thank you Less for getting me all riled up)

The thing is though I haven’t really always hated Tori Amos. In fact, I was one of her biggest fans. I bought all her albums, her b-sides, went to the shows. I even planned to follow her cross country, but alas that is an ill-fated tale for a blog never to be written.

I will say one nice thing about her though and a bit of a counterpoint to Less. Yes, her lyrics are extraordinarily vague but half of artists out there are vague as fuck and then the other half are Justin Bieber and friends. This is actually one of her stronger points. If it’s all spelled out in black and white sure more people might relate. Vagueness does inspire a certain group of haters. I should know I prefer to be vague as it is much better to maneuver around half truths, unspoken words, and the like.

Still though for years and years, I had this deep admiration for this woman. Call it youthful ignorance, call it what you may. I met some of the best friends I had ever had because of the love shared for her. It was a bit Me and A Gun.  Other times it was a Sorta Fairytale and A Cloud on My Tongue.

That all changed on one fateful night. Ten years ago. I still remember it like it was yesterday. I got to meet my hero or well anti-hero. I did not know what to expect.  Someone who was charming and wanted to meet her fans was a good start in my head. I did not want to come across as too cheery but who am I kidding? There is only person in the world who can make me that cheery. Thank you Molly.

This waif of a woman walked over. She was a hell of a lot fucking smaller then I had ever imagined. I mean she is a woman and I did not expect her to be Brienne of Tarth. She just looked like someone who I would walk up to on the street and be compelled to pull a cookie out of my pocket and feed to her. That cookie, you know, I may even have to chew it for her. I instantly knew what the song Girl Disappearing was about it. It was about this cokehead chick.

So you know the celebrity jitters like instantly wore off and my mom’s voice saying, “If you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say anything” came rushing through my head. My friend Taylor spouted off some kind of soapy bullshit and had me take a selfie. Then it was my turn. I may have said something nice or how my other friend plays her by ear I’m not really sure. She was just so uninterested that I kinda soaked in the same general vibe. Maybe she caught my aghast scowl.

That night changed me. It was like the last bit of childhood naivety being ripped from my chest. It started the moment I was 10 and found out on the news that the Tooth Fairy was a fraud. It ended with you Tori Amos.

I must say as uninterested as you were meeting the fans with your generalized look of Feed Me, I’m A Professional Widow on your face you did put on one hell of a show. In fact the best I had seen until I had the chance to witness Pearl Jam several years back. It was a cold rainy autumn evening and the playlist was reflective of the sort. Then the song that changed it all played. Famous Blue Raincoat. It was the song that played my innocence off the stage, out of the building, into the ether.

I cannot blame you for all this directly so maybe this blog is more of a Hershey squirt and less of a dirty Sanchez for you. I probably should be thanking Leonard Cohen just as much for that song, but it was you who took me there.  I guess that song playing itself out with my one of my greatest loves I will ever have taking his life and the other love in my life rapidly becoming dead to me.

I could not relate as much to your music, mostly the new albums you dropped. In just that one moment, something shut off inside of me. It may be a good thing, there’s been more calculation and clarity since that moment. I guess opinions vary on the end of innocence.

Everything though about that night. I had to wear sunglasses at the show because of the lighting, I realized that my epilepsy was real and would have to live with it. Just so much of a flood of horseshit that at the time I could not even recognize. So Tori Amos… I have a few choice words for you. Fuck you. Thank you. I’ll Make Sure to Wipe.


By Spacedog


DPT: Dipropylphyptamine, a hallucinogen similar to LSD but having an effect lasting only for an hour or two and considered somewhat safer.

From The Pocket Dictionary of American Slang copyright 1960,1967