The Repugnant Return of GWAR to FYB with Phallus in Wonderland

GWAR the Scumdog’s of the Universe  are Back and Wreaking Havoc like Never Before in PHALLUS IN WONDERLAND!!!

Phallus In Wonderland is Thrash Metal Punk Rock Band Gwar’s First Attempt in a Commercially Released Long Form Film. The Video was Nominated for a GRAMMY in 1993, but Lost to Annie Lennox of all fucking People. I mean how the fuck does GWAR even End Up in the Same Category as Annie Lennox in the First fucking Place Anyhow?!

Phallus In Wonderland is the Story of Gwar’s Battle Against The Morality Squad, after the Theft of Lead Singer Oderous Urungus’s “Cuttlefish of Cthulhu” which is Oderous’s Pet Name for His Penis. Gwar is summonsed to New York City for a Commercial Shoot for Gwar Serial a Cornflake-like Food sprinkled with Cocaine in place of Sugar.


The Morality Squad’s Religious Representative Father Bohab is preparing to Lauch an Attack on Gwar is Convicted of Molesting a 12 year Old Choir Boy. The Shocked Morality Squad believe Bohab was Framed by Gwar and Their Unscrupulous Manager Sleazy P. Martini. Bob is ultimately released and Lead a Morality Squad Protest Picketing Gwar. That is Until Gwar along with Sleazy BRUTALLY ATTACK the Crowd, resulting in Bohab being DISEMBOWELED .


Gwar then Travel to a Nightclub where the indulge in MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF COCAINE. The following Morning The Cuttlefish of Cthulhu reunites with Oderous after Escaping form the Grasp of The Morality Squad, and Warns Gwar of The Morality Squads Imminent Attack. Once the Fight is Over Gwar emerges Victorious having Beaten the Morality Squad. For-Gor (a Giant T-Rex) is Born, and toys to Destroy the World. Gwar must Battle Gor-Gor who is inevitably Killed at the hands of Gwar. The Cuttlefish of Cthulhu ends up Happily Reunited with Its Owner Oderous Urungus.

We Hope You Enjoyed This Little Piece Of Murderous Mayhem As Much As We Did.

Thanks for Watching,

  Presented By Les Sober

FYB Presents a Freaky Fn Friday Killer Concert: GWAR

FYB is Proud to Present a Friday Night Double Header of Concert CARNAGE Courtesy of The One, The Only, The Legendary GWAR!!!

Gwar (God What An Awful Racket) are the Most DEPRAVED and OBSCENE Intergalactic MERCENARIES the Infamous SCUM DOGS OF THE UNIVERSE! GWAR was ordered to Earth by The Master to KILL ALL It’s Inhabitants and Utterly DESTROY THE PLANET!

The Once the  Members of GWAR  reached Earth they Discovered They Love of Super Big Gulps and Women with Breasts the Size of Ethiopia, and so They decided to Stay and ENSLAVE the Population of the Earth to Serve Their Depraved Desires.


GWAR Live Shows Quickly Became Synonymous with Elaborate Costumes, Buckets of Blood, and Over The Top Comedic Gore.

First is GWAR’s “Live From Antartica” 1989 Concert. We apologize as the Clarity can be a bit shit, but in All Due favor the Concert was Originally Released on VHS in 1990.

Second is a GWAR Live Concert from Their ‘”Fate Or Chaos Tour” 2013 which is Crystal fucking Clear Clarity so that’s a fucking Relief.




Hope You Enjoyed Tonights Murderous Musical Massacre. Good Night and Sleep Tight.

Thanks for Viewing,

  Showcased By Les Sober