FYB Presents Animated Abominations: Sebastian’s VooDoo and Doll Face

Welcome to Another Installment of Animated Abominations Featuring SEBASTIAN’S VOODOO and DOLL FACE!

Sebastian’s Voodoo which was Directed and Animated by Joaquin Baldwin is a Short and Tragic Tale of Self Sacrifice to Serve the Greater Good. Sebastian’s Voodoo takes place in a Voodoo Doll Makers Work Shop where Numerous VooDoo Dolls hang on Miniature Meat Hooks. The Voodoo Dolls Who possess some form of Conciseness are subjected to The Doll Maker’s Sadistic Torture at the Hands of The Dll Maker Who repeatedly Impales the Dolls periodically causing Them a Great Deal of Pain and Torment.

One Voodoo Doll manages to wriggle off its Meat Hook and makes a brief escape. The Doll Maker Returns and The Doll realizes that It must Save It’s Fellow Voodoo Dolls from the Cruel Clutches of The Doll Maker. The Doll then becomes aware of it’s own VooDoo Powers, and uses Itself to Target the Doll Maker. The Doll Maker who had Another Voodoo Doll in His grasp retaliates Using His Voodoo Doll to Attack the Escaped Doll. A Brutal Duel ensues with Each Combatant wielding Their Iron Will Unyieldingly.

Finally The Escaped Doll comes to the grim Conclusion that it can Kill the Malicious Doll Maker by Stabbing Itself in it’s Own Heart which in Turn would Kill it as Well in Some sort of a Bizarre Hybrid Murder-Suicide. The Doll Accepts Its fate and Plunges the Needle deep into its Chest puncturing Its Heart as it the Falls to its Knees and Dies. Meanwhile the Malevolent Doll Maker Freezes and then Collapses to the Floor Dead as Well. The Remaining Voodoo Dolls Free Themselves from Their Hooks, and Surround the Martyred Dolls Deceased Body. Enjoy.

Doll Face is a Haunting Cautionary Tale of the Entrapments of Vanity and The Pursuit of Perfection by Andy Huang. Doll Face is a Mechanical Robotic Mechanism with a Female Human Face. Doll Face becomes Obsessed with the Images of Beauty Personified in a Make Up Model on a Television that is Suspended from the Ceiling. Each Time the Image changes Doll Face immediately replicates the Image though each time the Image Changes the Television Retracts back towards the Ceiling. This forces Doll Face to Strain Harder and Harder each time to See The Next Image. Finally Doll Face is incapable of Seeing the images on the Television, and Doll Face Strains So Intently to See the Television that She inevitably Self Destructs. The Video Ends with Doll Face Laying Broken on the Floor done in by Her Own Desire to Emulate The Endless Images of Perceived Beauty within Society. Enjoy.

Thanks for Watching/Viewing,

Presented By Les Sober