Salute To Eccentrics First Ever Follow Up: IvySavage aka VERDUYNETAL!

As some of you may be aware that just a while ago I did my first official a FYB Salute to Eccentrics featuring Verduynetal, and now I have returned with an FYB First. As far as I am aware this is the very first time FYB has done a follow up post on a previous Salute to Eccentrics.

I fucking deplore repeating myself but if you haven’t seen the previous Verduynetal post (or just plain don’t want to) here is a brief recap. Someone tipped me off to this YouTube Channel Verduynetal and when I checked it out I had my first real feeling of deja vu. It was a truly strange feeling as I stared at a complete stranger while feeling like somehow I did actually knew them yet I couldn’t remember for sure How I knew them. Anyway while reviewing the video content had a break through moment and realized that I did in deed know who this person was. As it turned out we grew up in the same shitty suburban bullshit town, and attended the same shitty high school (though she was a couple of years ahead of me).


I mentioned in the original Verduynetal post that a friend of mine actually dated Verduynetal way back in the day. I decided to hunt down my old friend   Kurt and see if I could pick his brain a bit to see if I could jog any memories. Well that idea failed because as it turned out Kurt had died of a drug overdose 2 years earlier. Left to my own devices I have spent a good deal of time racking my brain trying to remember anything I possibly could about this phantom from my past. Luckily my memory is half way decent and I contacted Spacedog to see if he could recollect anything on the subject.

After hours upon hours of deliberating Spacedog and I managed to compile the following information on Venduynetal. First off she has a younger brother named Josh who is her polar opposite if there ever was one. Where Venduynetal was a complete fucking train wreck of a person Josh to his credit was a proper preppy. He got good grades, had several extracurricular activities, a bunch of friends, was positive, and had his shit together. I image her little brother has since moved as far away as he possibly could from his fucked up family. Speaking of family there was her parents. She lived in their house but neither Spacedog or I ever met, seen, or said a cursory hello to Venduynetal’s Dad. I mean for all intents and purposes he may as well have been dead and buried though I don’t think he was dead  (at least at the time anyways). I remember seeing her mom once and that she kind of creeped me out since she didn’t say a single fucking word the entire time though she kept staring at me relentlessly.


As for Venduynetal Spacedog and I pretty much remembered the same shit. Venduynetal was a punk rock with the asshole attitude to match. She was one of those people that believed everything they said to be the undisputed truth, and if you didn’t agree with her then you were a fucking moron. She was outwardly angry and aggressive since she had some sort of chip on her shoulder though I don’t know why. She grew up in SUBURBIA in an UPPER MIDDLE CLASS NEIGHBORHOOD and never wanted for anything as her mom enabled the hell out of her allowing her to act like an out of control asshole.

Without consequences your kids grow up from being crappy kid into an asshole of an adult. Venduynetal was a drama queen who had to create shit to be pissed at because her life in reality wasn’t shitty at all. I mean no one likes authority figures as a teenager, but Venduynetal thrived on emotional chaos and assorted bullshit creating Mountain ranges out of mole hills just to have something to rage against. Bottomline SHE was the cause or creator of all her perceived problems. She got off on being the town’s self proclaimed most outrageous outcast as the mother of all misfits, and apparently she decided this was her niche, dug in, and never left.


That was all there was to the story until Spacedog found an extremely interesting additional piece of information. I mentioned in the original Venduynetal post that I had a sneaking suspicion Venduynetal’s name was Ivy as indicated in a couple of her video titles. I was right in real life she goes by Ivy Savage which is obviously not the name that appears on her birth certificate. Ivy Savage is part of the ongoing idolization of all things punk which she apparently made up for herself (I do know her real name first and last, but this is FYB so I’m not saying anything as per Les). You might be wondering how I came to know of the Ivy Savage angle and the answer is simple. Spacedog went and searched the name Ivy Savage on Youtube and LOW AND BEHOLD he discovered a Second Channel titled IvySavage (no spaces). So with this little kid bit of information I damn well knew I would have to most definitely do a fucking follow up post so here we go.


  • This channel actually pre dates the Venduynetal channel by approximately 3 months. I don’t know why she just didn’t rename her channel instead of creating a second one but what the fuck right.
  • The IvySavage channel joined on November 6, 2008.
  • The Channels has 22 videos in total posted.
  • There are 30 subscribers.
  • Channel Description: GO TO VERDUYNETAL CHANNEL PLEASE. ITS MY OTHER CHANNEL. (What surprised the fuck out of me was she actually said please which isn’t to punk rock now is it?!).
  • There 3 reoccurring themes:Finding  Hitler/Nazis funny, insomnia and prescription medications used to treat a variety of mental disorders.

  • One video that stuck out in particular was the video titled Creative with as much as is left 7 16 10 001. This video was shot solely by accident as Ivy enters a drug store to pick up some medication. While the video sums ass visually because the camera is all over the place it the AUDIO that I find most fascinating. Since this video was filmed by accident when the camera was on without Ivy’s expressed knowledge we can see what she is really like. What I mean by this is Ivy’s other videos she’s playing it up for the camera.
  • Another video that was particularly captivating in its oddity is the video titled cigarette break. What’s weird here is where the fuck Ivy is and who are the 3 additional people (other than ivy and her camera man) exactly? At first I thought she was at work, but it appears to me that she is attending some sort of program for people with more severe cases of mental illnesses.
  • We learn that her on again off again camera man is named Christopher in the video titled Instructional video on how to use Ivy’s door. Christopher for his part seems absolutely infatuated with Ivy somewhere between puppy love and a stalker like obsession.

  • Over all Ivy’s videos (like Verduynetal’s) fall into to categories the first being she is trying way to hard to be edgy/shocking/outrageous/defiant. The second are the videos where she honestly seems to slowly be unraveling mentally on the verge of crisis or is HEAVILY (and perhaps OVER) MEDICATED.
  • It also appears that the people Ivy associates with are all on psych meds too leaving me to wonder if she did meet them at a program for those with serious cases of mental health issues. This isn’t just because Ivy and company talk a good bit about different head meds, and they seem to know what they are talking about (they seem experienced in the subject). In the video titled Extinct…Like the kiwi Ivy literally says “Did you take your meds today, I sound like my mom.” to which her friend responds with the same question posed to Ivy. They then both attest to taking their meds that day.


That’s it so I’ll see you around,

   Justin Sane   

FYB’s Salute to Eccentrics: verduynetal

Hey There Kiddies it is I Justin Sane with another installment of FYB’s SALUTE TO ECCENTRICS featuring verduynetal!

This story is total online mindfuck here for yours truly and that’s no joke. A buddy of mine had sent me a link to a website that was sort of a Youtube video search engine. The point of the site is based on the fact that there millions to possibly billions of videos on Youtube that never get a single fucking view. So this site will randomly select a video from the Youtube video verse that literally has never been seen, seriously not a single fucking view. The premises sounded odd and entertaining so of course I had to through an eyeball that way to see for myself wtf this site was actually like.

Like SO many times while searching around for FYB content I started off in one place, wonder around, and end up somewhere totally fucking different. I like to call it the “I don’t think We’re in Kansas anymore Toto.” or the Wizard of Oz principle. Anyway I accidentally landed on a particularly obscure and so utterly fucking absurd Youtube channel verduynetal. When I saw it I knew almost instantly I had to do a post on it.


Now here’s the twist or the mindfucker I mentioned earlier. After viewing a couple of videos I started to get this weird Deja Vu like a real motherfucker. At first I assumed that because I see so much insane shit on a daily basis that My brain was just drawing parallels and likenesses to other characters I have come across. As I was sifting through verduynetal’s video library of lunacy as you might image my fucking eyes got to the point they felt like they were about to start bleeding. Anyway I closed my eyes for a minute or two as anyone would in this situation to deal with the ocular assault from the computer screen. While my eyes were taking five I still was listening to the audio from a couple of videos that played during this Ocular time out.

Thats when the gear in my brain started raving up and things started to click and fall into place. Once my eyes had recovered I still continued to just listen to the audio of a few more videos minus the visual component. Then all of sudden I realized something profound as fuck, I recognized the voice and I recognized it on a personal level. I took a short lunch to wolf down some pizza and cheap draft beers, and went back to work on this post. I sat there for fucking what felt like an absolute fucking eternity listen to countless videos trying desperately to lock on and identify how the hell I recognized verduynetal’s voice. Just by looking at verduynetal hadn’t provided any sort of answers just this persistent goddamn Deja Vu shit.

As I sat slowly losing what’s left of my fucking mind I had reached an epiphany I did know veruynetal. I wasn’t insane. This was making some Assembly of sense. After another short duration picking my own brain I finally fucking figured it out. The answer to the veruynetal is from my fucking hometown and We actually attended the same fucking high school too.


FYB DISCLAIMER: . Staying true to the FYB model I nor anyone associated with FYB will reveal ANYONE’S PERSONAL INFORMATION. No names, locations, or any other identifying information. FYB respects people’s privacy as much as we respect our own (I’m throwing this in now so Les won’t freak the fuck out that I didn’t).

What I can remember verduynetal back in high school was overtly sarcastic, abrasive Attitude,and seriously self centered hardcore punk girl. She had a chip on her shoulder because she was born to an upper middle class family in Suburbia as apposed to NYC or Los Angeles. She had nothing to complain about so she simply raged against the world refusing to like, condone, or tolerate anything on the face of the fucking earth. I don’t really remember much as she was a senior when I was a lowly freshman. After graduation I fled my shitty hometown and purposefully forgot all the people who live there. Anyway back the topic at hand.

Things about verduynetal’s Youtube Channel:

  • verduynetal joined Youtube early February 2009.
  • There are a total of 43 subscribers. Enough Said there.
  • The Total number of views tops out at 20,439 (after a decade and change).
  • There 90 videos posted on/to verduynetal’s channel to date anyways.
  • Channel Description: “I DON’T GIVE A FUKK BEGELS ARE GEWD.” whatever the fuck that’s supposed to mean beats the hell outta me.
  • The video are in a micro format since almost the entirety of verduynetal’s videos are under 60 seconds (there is a VERY small handful of exceptions).
  • verduynetal has an affinity for writing the word “Fuck” as Fukk and “Suck” as SUKK.
  • verduynetal’s page is still active and the last/latest video was posted 3 months or so ago.
  • Most of verduynetal is them dressing the camera for some sort of deranged monologue. In 2 of the videos there is actually a young sounding male operating the camera.
  • Popular topics: sleep, being pissed at other people, mental health issues, medical topics such as various medications and diagnostic tests, and bleeding/bitching out a nameless, faceless, omnipresent “You”.
  • There exactly 20 comments total in the discussion section. Which is fucking batshit crazy since the channel has been up and running for 12 years.

  • In the discussion section on verduynetal’s channel I noticed the comments are vague and general bullshit like “Hope you’re ok”, ‘Hey whats Up” Whoa thats crazy!” and other bullshit pleasantries.
  • The thing that DID stand out about the discussion section was this. While the channel has been up for 12 years the comments completely stopped a full fucking decade ago. So I’m just wondering where the fuck did the commenters suddenly fuck off too?!
  • The titles of verduynetal’s videos are as short as their fucking running times, and are usually hostile or stand offish at best. Shitty attitude doesn’t EVEN begin to describe it.
  • verduynetal looks either drunk, on drugs, or heavily medicated (or a combination there of), and just woke the fuck up from a 14 hour NyQuil induced slumber.
  • I’m not positive, but I noticed several videos from earlier on that verduynetal seems to refer to themselves in the third person like its still the fucking 1980’s. Based on these 4 video’s (total) verduynetal’s name (or name they go by) is Ivy. Example: look Ivy’s new skull pants.
  • In the 4th video posted the title of the video is Ivy Savage; artistically raped.
  • verduynetals videos are as insane as they are entertaining because of one key element or lack there of which is CONTEXT. There is NEVER any context provided. verduynetal never answers the basic questions of WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, AND WHY for any of the videos.
  • The total lack of any identifiable context verduynetal carries on as if they assume the viewer some how fucking psychically knows wtf is going on prior to viewing. I assume this might be because the 43 subscribers are close friends, family, and possibly work/coworker friends.


So as per usual below you will find a sampling of verduynetal’s Surreally Creepy Absurdity. Have Fun!



See You Around,

  By Justin Sane