FYB Presents a Monday Madman Movie: SCHRAMM

Tonight’s Monday Madman Movie features the 1993 German Horror Film SCHRAMM Directed by Controversial Writer/Director Jorg Buttgereit. The Movie begins as Serial Killer Lothar Schramm’s Life Flashes before His Eyes as He Lays Dying in a Pool of His own Blood.


Brief Plot Summery:

Lothar Schramm is a Lonely Cab Driver who is Polite and Often invited His Visitors in for a Glass Of Cognac, but He might also Slit Their Throats and Assemble Their Bodies in Sexually Suggestive Poses. Lothar lives a Tortured and Solitary Existence Plagued by Paranoia. Lothar has Seriously Deranged Sexual Desires including Fantasies about Vaginas with Teeth, or Nailing His Foreskin to Tables. It’s Safe to Say Lothar doesn’t have a Girlfriend (or Romantic Relationship of Any Kind), and has become accustomed to His Habit of Humping Inflatable Plastic Sex Dolls. Lothar’s Social Life is Completely Non Existent as He Trudges through His Life of Rejection, and Self Mutilation without a Friend in the World. The Only Source of Happiness in Lothar’s Miserably Pathetic Life is the Seriously Sick Crush He’s  Developed for His Next Door Neighbor and Local Prostitute Marianne. What will become of Poor Marianne, can She Survive Lothar’s Dementedly Lurid Lust or Will She Succumb to Lothar’s Deadly Desires??? You will simply just have to Watch and See for Yourself. Enjoy.

Hope You Enjoyed this Little Tale of a Murderous Maniac as Much as We Did.

Thanks for Watching

  Presented By Les Sober

Lee Jonitis: Professional People Watcher (24/365)

Lee entered the Small Lobby and looked around as His eyes adjusted to the Dim Light. Everything was painted Black The Walls, Door, Ceiling, and Concession Stand which made it all that more difficult to see anything at first. The Concession Stand was defunct with an Outdated Popcorn Maker, A Soda Dispenser that was coated in cobwebs, and an entirely empty Display Case.  Lee couldn’t figure out why the Theater Owners weren’t selling Candy and Soda since that shit boosted the Bottom Line when it came to profits.

Lee walked up a flight of stairs into the Tiny Theater which had max seating of 50 people at most. The Chairs were simply the run of the Mill folding Metal Chairs in rows sending a homemade Riser. Again every fucking thing was painted Jet Black. There was a handful of onlookers in the Audience that topped out at 11 people including Lee sitting motionless as if They were Tibetan Monks Meditating. Lee found the unyielding Silence to be rather unnerving since it reminded Him of a fucking Funeral Home.


Then at last the lights dimmed down, a Gentlemen who looked like a Long Haul Trucker fresh off the road appeared from god knows where and stood unenthusiastically next to the sole Spot Light (there wasn’t another sort of Stage Lighting to be found). After a brief pause The Curtin crept open and the Spot Light jumped into action.

The First Act was called “Pregnant with Myself: The Inner Child Defined”. The Act consisted of a Young Female Contortionist preforming a 3 stage Interpretive Dance.  The First Stage was Her inpregnationg Herself by having Sex (Not Masturbation) with Herself followed by Her being Pregnant with Herself. The last Stage, Stage 3 was Her giving Birth to Her fully Grown Self with an exorbitant amount of Fake Blood.


The Contortionist was followed by a Young Man that appeared to be in His late Twenties in Jeans and plain blue t-shirt who walked very deliberately onto the stage, set down an empty 25 Gallon Plastic Bucket, then dropped His pants, Sat Down on said Bucket, and then spent the next 57 minutes taking a shit in it while playing Candy Crush on His Cell Phone. It was then that Lee realized WHY the Theater didn’t sell anything Edible.

The 3rd Act was a Pair of Fuzzies who came out one dressed as a Bright Pink Unicorn and the Other was Dressed as a Tyrannosaurus Rex . They then proceeded to play a few Children’s Games like Leap Frog and a 2 person game of Duck, Duck, Goose before Standing side by Side. Once the Fuzzies were standing next to one another shoulder to shoulder They undid the Velcro that covered Their crotches exposing the Unicorns erect cock and the T-Rex’s freshly shaven Vagina. The Two the engaged in Mutual Masturbation until Both Climaxed and fell over. Lee pitied the Janitor who had to clean that shit up before the Next At took the Stage.


Stay Tuned for the Next Fun Filled Installment of………


Thanks for Reading,

  By Les Sober