Short Horror Film Friday: THE ITCH

Welcome to this week’s Short Horror Film Friday featuring THE ITCH Written and Directed By Timothy Driscoll in Association with TERROR FRIGHTS. TERROR FRIGHTS is Devoted to Assisting Indie Filmmakers bring their Creations to Viewers around the World.

 The Itch is an Ominous Metaphor for any of Life’s Insatiable Vices and Appetites the People Indulge in (even when it cause Their Own Demise). Just like a Drug Addiction, Alcoholism, Sex Addiction, Gambling, or Any Other Self Destructive Obsession like Anorexia or Stalking.

Synopsis: BEWARE!!! There Some Itches You Shouldn’t Ever Scratch…….


Thanks For Watching,

Presented By Les Sober

Short Horror Film Friday: BAKEMONO

Welcome to this Week’s Installment of Short Horror Film Friday featuring BAKEMONO by  by Sumire Takamatsu and Jorge Lucas who Wrote as well as Directed the Film.

What I found Interesting is the Evil Spirits in BAKEMONO are in fact Based on Hungry Ghosts.Hungry Ghosts is a Concept in Chinese Buddhism, Chinese Traditional Religion, Vietnamese Buddhism, Vietnamese Traditional Religion, Japanese Buddhism, and Tibetan Buddhism, Representing Beings Who are Driven by Intense Emotional needs in an Animalistic Way. Since the Family in the Film is Japanese I’m going to quickly Touch on Hungry Ghosts in Japanese Buddhism.


In Japanese Buddhism, Hungry Ghosts are considered to have Two Variants: the Gaki and the Jikininki. Gaki are the Spirits of Jealous or Greedy People, Who as Punishment for Their Mortal Vices. The Gaki have been Curses with an Insatiable Undying Hunger for a Particular Substance or a Specific Object. Traditionally, this is Something Revolting or Humiliating like Decaying Human Corpses or Feces, but in Recent Years it can Virtually be Anything No Matter how Bizarre it may be. Meanwhile Jikininki (People Eating Ghosts) are the Spirits of Greedy, Selfish or Impious Individuals who are Cursed After Death to seek out and Eat Human Corpses. They Feed at Night Scavenging for Recently Deceased Human Bodies, and the Food Offerings Left for the Dead. Jikininki Lament Their Curse and Hate Their Vile Craving for Feasting on the Flesh of the Dead.


Plot Summery: The Date is February 3rd, known in Japan as Setsubun, and is Supposed to be the Celebration of the Beginning of Spring. Families Celebrate by Casting out Evil Spirits from Their Homes.  Although at Ayumi’s House things have become so stressful You could Cut the Tension with a Knife. This is Due to Rebellious Ayumi who once again like so many Children is Refusing to Finish Her Dinner. In an Attempt to Remedy the Problem Ayumi’s Mother Tries to Scare Her into Compliance with a Terrifying Tale. As the Story goes if Ayumi Doesn’t Finish Her Dinner then an Evil Spirit will Enter the House and Eat it instead, But Ayumi is not Convinced that All Spirits are Evil. So Ayumi decides to test Her assumption by Inviting One in for a Midnight Snack, and Learns You should Never Feed a Hungry Ghost the Hard Way.



  • Ayumi – Claudia Fabella
  • Oka-san – Shio Muramatsu
  • Oto-san – Daisuke Suzuki
  • Bakemono – Sherry Q, Erin Yuqi Yang

Thanks For Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober  

A Maniac Monday Micro Horror Movie: THE ANIMOJI KILLER!!

In 1986 the pop music group The Bangles wrote a song as a tribute to the madness of Mondays called “Manic Monday”, and today FYB brings you MANIC MONDAY! Today’s post features the MICRO SLASHER horror movie THE ANIMOJI KILLER by the one, the only, the wild Ryan Godoy!

Plot: What would you do if late one night you received a random emoji telling you repeatedly over and over that YOU’RE GOING TO DIE? I mean how fucked up is that, and it only gets worse when the sender of the ominous anonymous sender shows up in the flesh? Well you’ll to have  watch and see this 1 minute 30 second long MICRO SLASHER HORROR  MOVIE  known as THE ANIMOJI KILLER!

See you sooner or later,

   Justine Sane  

Short Horror Film Friday: P.O.W

Welcome to this Week’s Installment of Short Horror Film Friday featuring the 25 Minute 2013 P.O.W. Directed by Doug Cook and Eric Covello. Together the Duo of Cook and Covello are also known Collectively as The House of Short Horrors which They Describe as “Two Guys Making Short Monster Horror Films.”


Plot Summery:

When Their Small Rural Town has a Veteran’s Day Parade, Two Bunglers see it as an Opportunity to Rob what They Anticipated as being an Empty Home.  When the Evil Lurking just Outside makes its way into the House it sends the Partners in Crime Scrambling for Their Lives. Luckily for the Would be Robbers They manage to Escape by the Skin of Their Teeth making it Safely back to Their Vehicles. In Spite of Their Near Escape the Allure of a Safe (and the Possible Treasures Locked Away Inside )Prove to be Too Much for One of the Thieves sending Him back to the House He just Fled From. Once He Returns to the House is when the REAL HORROR BEGINS!!!


Thanks For Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober  

Short Horror Film Friday: AUTUMN HARVEST

Welcome to this Week’s Installment of Short Horror Film Friday featuring the Short Norwegian Horror Mystery Film AUTUMN HARVEST! The Film is Directed by Fredrik Hana, and Co-Written by Fredrik Hana and Marius K. Lunde.

Autumn Harvest is a Real Thinker if You will, and it’s a Bit of an Odd Duck. The Film is Shot Completely in Black and White and is Devoid of Any Dialogue whatsoever. This is a Truly Perplexing  17 Minute Insanely Cinematic Lovecraftian Tale that seems to Raise More Questions that it Answers. The Film is Full of Subtle Nuances, and Muted Details that almost Demand that it be Watched Multiple Times by the Viewer. It Only through Repeated viewing before the Puzzle of Autumn Harvest can be Completed at Last.

Plot Summery:

A Suicidally Grief Stricken Sailor living in an Isolated Shack on the Coast Line Kills Anyone that He Encounters while Answering a Mysterious Call Sea.


Thanks For Watching,

Presented By Les Sober  


Welcome to this Weeks addition of Short Horror Film FridayThis Week We are Thrilled to Present and the Two In One Animated Feature THE UMBRELLA FACTORY and JACK THE RIPPER! Both Stories in the Video were Directed by Nick and Lexie Trivundza, Written by Nick Trivundza, and Produced by Lexie Trivundza.

The Umbrella Factory: Is Based on the Horror Short Story The Monkey’s Paw by W.W. Jacobs, and is a Cautionary Tale Warning People to be Careful what You Wish (for Because You Might Just Get It).

Jack The Ripper: Is a Modern Day Homage to the Historical Murders of The Legendary Serial Killer Known as Jack The Ripper.


We Hope You Enjoyed these Tales of Bloody Terror as Much as We Did.

Thanks for Watching,

Presented By Les Sober  

Short Horror Film Friday: Still Life

Welcome to Another Installment of Short Horror Film Friday Featuring  the 2005 9 Minute Canadian Psychological/Sci Fi Horror Film Still Life Directed By John Kauntz,  and Written By by Charles Johnson.



Nathan is a Sleep Deprived, Pill Popping, Low On Gas, and High on Caffeine Anxious Driver trying to Get Home. On His Way Nathan passes through a Small Desolate Town, but He gets Distracted only for a Split Second by Someone sitting at the Bus Stop. As a Result of the Distraction Nathan Runs Over Something (or Someone) in the Road, and Upon Investigation it Appears to be a China Mannequin. Nathan heads to the Town Cafe in Seek of Assistance, and Discovers the Entire Town is Populated By a Host of Lifeless Mannequins. Strangely However, a Set of Eyes seem to be Locked on Nathan watching His Every Move. Soon a Siren Wails like a Banshee and Nathan Runs the Rest of the way Home, but What can He do to Escape this Surreal Nightmare of Mannequin Induced Madness?!

You’ll just Have to Watch and See for Yourself. Enjoy.

We Hope You Enjoyed this Tale of Malevolent Mannequins as Much as We Did.

Thanks For Watching,

Presented By Les Sober  

Short Horror Film Friday: TIMOTHY

Well Let’s Face We here at FYB have a Predilection For Sledgehammers and Psycho Homicidal Rabbits (See Bunny The Killer Thing” and Sledgehammer” in Our Movie Category for Example). So We couldn’t be More Delighted to Bring You Short Horror Film Friday Featuring  Timothy” from ALTER.

Who is ALTER You may be asking Yourself at this Point Since We have Featured a Few of Their Films Previously in the Past. ALTER Describes Themselves as The Most Provocative Minds in Horror that brings Viewers New Short Horror Films Exploring the Human Condition Through Warped and Uncanny Perspectives.

Film Description: Simon is a Little Boy that has to Deal with His Abrasive Babysitter Sonia Who is Nothing but a Nuisance. But that Very Same Evening Simon Receives an Unexpected Visitor, Timothy, the Main Character of Simon’s Favorite TV SHow, a Visit He will Never Forget.


Thanks For Watching,

Presented By    Les Sober  & FYB 

A Short Sunday Horror Movie: The Facts in the Case of Mister Hollow

THE FACTS IN THE CASE OF MISTER HOLLOW is a Multiple Award Winning Short Horror Film Written by Rodrigo Gudino who also Directed the Film along with Vincent Marcone.

The Movie Focuses on a Single Photograph from the 1930’s that Tells an Entire Tale of KIDNAPPING, MURDER, and SACRIFICE captured in a Single Haunting Moment!! As the Movie starts to Scratch the Surface of the Picture it Reveals a Tapestry of HIDDEN AND SINISTER SECRETS in the Details Proving Nothing is as it Appears.


At the Beginning of the Movie starts the Audience is Shown a News Clipping with the Head Line that a Child has Disappeared, and is Believed to be One of an Estimated 100 Victims. A by-line shown in the same Clipping mentions PAGANISM is Alive and Flourishing in Northern Ontario. Along with the News Clippings is a Note that says Enclosed with the Clippings is a Photograph, and that the Reader should Look More Closely at It.

From there the Movie is Off and Running challenging the View to find the Preverbal Pieces of the Puzzle and Ensemble them to Reveal the Conclusion. Some of the Details are More Obvious such as One of the Men beginning to Light a Fire made upon Several Crucifixes for example. Other Details are Points of Interest that can be Easily Overlooked for example the Markings on the Hands of All Three Adult Males, The Car Mirror Showing BLOOD SPLATTER, The Crosses Nailed to Trees, and The BODY in the Backseat of the Car.


Eventually the Photograph reveals Two Additional People in the Background who are Both PRIESTS, and Apparently Holding a Shotgun Menacingly on the Group in the Forefront. This raises the immediate Question of Why do Priest have a Shot Gun in the first fucking place, and Why do They have it Turned on the Group is such an Aggressively Hostile manner?! In the End the Audience is left with the Biggest Question of them all and that Question is as Follows.  WHO is the Cloaked and Menacing FINAL PERSON in the Photograph Reflected in the Sunglasses worn by One of the Men, and How does this Most Mysterious Figure Fit into the Story Trapped within the Photograph? Enjoy.

We Hope You Enjoyed this Dark Tale of Mystery and Murder as Much as We Did.

Thanks for Watching,

Brought To You By Les Sober