Weird Shit Wednesday With Otto: CHANNEL X CARTOON SHOW

Welcome to weird shit Wednesday featuring CHANNEL X CARTOON SHOW by Robert Morgan. Robert Morgan has spent the last two decades creating a body of work characterized by nightmarish stop motion, and described as a disorienting trip into the subconscious. Morgan has sited Francis Bacon, Edgar Allen Poe, and The Brothers Quay as some of his biggest influences.


CHANNEL X CARTOON SHOW is a David Lynch-esque trip down a schizophrenic rabbit hole of  unholy hallucinations, dire feelings of dread, sheer psychotic terror, and suicidal insanity.

Until We Meet Again,

  Presented By  Otto Rageous   


Welcome to Today’s FYB Post Belial’s Dream (2017) Directed By Robert Morgan who also Wrote the Screen Play. Belial’s Dream was Originally a Short Film Commissioned for Arrow Films’ Blu Ray Release of Frank Henenlotter’s  Movie Basket Case.


For Those Who May be Unaware Basket Case is the 1982 Cult Slasher Horror Classic Directed by Frank Henenlotter and Produced by Edgar Levins. To Sum Up Basket Case in a Nutshell Duane and His Extremely Deformed and Psychotic Conjoined Twin Be are Surgically Separated as Kids. Duane carries  Belial around NYC in a Locked Wicker Picnic Basket as the Twins seek Revenge on the Doctor’s that Separated Them. I HIGHLY Recommend You definitely should check out the movie Basket Case as it is in at Least My Humble Opinion a True Horror Classic.


So When I heard of this Video I was instantly interested because I love Fan Fiction Projects. It’s Insanely Entertaining seeing People’s Interpretations come to Life and become an Extenuation of the Movie Itself. Thusly when I saw the Title of the Video the first thing I thought to myself was that’s a Kickass Concept, and I wonder what a Creature as Demented and Deadly as Belial actually Dreams About? Could Belial dreaming of  Rainbows and Bunny Rabbits during His Psychotic Slumber? Yeah I don’t fucking Think So.


Thanks For Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober  

Short Horror Film Friday: Songs My Mother Taught Me

Welcome to this Week’s Installment of Short Horror Film Friday featuring the Song My Mother Taught Me (2019)  Directed By Doug Cook Written By Julian Robino. This is the First Time at FYB that We have had Two Consecutive Films by the Same Director in this case Doug Cook. For Last Week’s Installment of Short Horror Film Friday featured the Award Winning Short Horror Film Peephole, and After perusing some of Cook’s other Work found Songs My Mother Taught Me and Knew We would have to Use it so Why Not Now?!

Plot Summery:

After Bobby and Lydia lose Their Mother to Cancer, life becomes an Unbearable Grind, Especially for Bobby who won’t even Leave the House. In an Attempt to Cheer up Her Brother, Lydia throws a Halloween Party with a Close Group of Good Friends. Once the Group starts Using an Ouija Board  They learn a Terrifying Lesson…..The Dead are Best left Undisturbed.


Thanks For Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober  

Short Horror Film Friday Saturday Edition: MONOCHROME (PART 1)

Welcome to this Weeks Installment of Short Horror Films featuring the Short Horror Film MOMOCHROME (PART 1) Directed,  Produced,  Shot, Written, and Edited by Malachi Alexis. MONOCHROME (PART 1) Premiered on October 29, 2020 Just in Time for Halloween.

Synopsis: A Man is Alone at Home working in the Dark on His Computer at Home One Evening. Suddenly He receives a Bizarre and Ominous Text Message informing His that He has been “Marked For Judgement.” A Second Subsequent Text Follows (that is Equally Sinister) Explains that if He wish’s to Avoid being Judged by a Mysterious Unknown Monsieur Chipli then He must send a Specific Reply. After the Man Texts His response claiming Whoever it is has the Wrong Person it Proves to be a FATAL MISTAKE! A Mistake so Grave that it bring Him FACE TO FACE with The Maliciously Malevolent Monsieur Chiplin!!!

Notable Observations: 

  • Monsieur Chiplin looks Extremely Reminiscent of Art The Clown from the Movies “Terrifier” and “All Hallow’s Eve (Both Movies are Posted Here).
  • One of the Clips that Plays on the Television during the Unsettling Strange Imagery is of the Goddess Bunny. We have a FYB’S SALUTE TO ECCENTRICS  Installment Featuring The Goddess Bunny. We Also have the CULT OF THE WALRUS Posted in Strange and Disturbing Videos that Stars The Goddess Bunny.
  • The Scenes with Monsieur Chiplin are so Surreal and Perturbing that They would make David Lynch Proud.
  • The Lighting in this Film is Oddly Unique in the Light used in the Film is provided by Computer/Phone Screens, Flash Lights, TV Screen, and Flashing Police Lights. This Adds to the Uneasy Feel of the Film since to practically demands that the Viewer watch it in the Dark for Visibility, and that brings the “I feel like I’m in the Movie” Vibe to the Cinematic Mix.


Well While The Short Film Format is Freeing for the Creator’s since They don’t have to Deal with Backstory, Character Development, Plot Lines Etc. The Only issue is Sometimes it can be Rather Confusing to the Viewers since there is Far Less Context. MONOCHROM (PART 1) is Definitely one of these Films, but Luckily Not is all Lost. Since there Evidently will be a MONOCHROM (PART 2) this would mean that Part 1 sets up the Questions, and the Sequel/Part 2 Hopefully will Deliver the Answers.


  • Are We to Assume the Police Officer was Killed by Monsieur Chiplin?
  • Who or What is Monsieur Chiplin? Is He a Damned Soul, Demon, Devil, Evil Spirit,  or Perhaps a Pissed Off Alien?
  • Where is Monsieur Chiplin From? Could He Be From Hell, Another Dimension, Some Super Natural Place/ Origin, or Parallel  Universe?
  • What is Monsieur Chiplin’s Motive(s) Why is He Judging People and On What Basis?
  • Who or What the hell is Dambulla?
  • Where Does Dambulla Factor into all This?
  • Why is it that if You repent by Giving Yourself to Dambulla Saves You from being Judged by Monsieur Chiplin?

So We will just Have to Wait and See for MONOCHOME (PART 2) to Hopefully find Out About these Missing Pieces in MONOCHROME (PART 2). Now it so Happens to be that the Film was Released (just Prior to Halloween 2020) We may be waiting for a While. I’m quite sure it will Be Worth it in The End.

Thanks For Watching,

 Les Sober

Short Horror Film Friday: NO THROUGH ROAD 2

Welcome to this Week’s Installment of Short Horror Film Friday featuring  the Found Footage Short Horror Film NO THROUGH ROAD 2! We have already Posted the Original NO THROUGH ROAD in a Previous Installment of Short Horror Film Friday, and were Thrilled to Learn that a Sequel had in fact been Made. We Highly recommend You Go watch NO THROUGH ROAD  First before Watching the Sequel so that You’re Not Confused as to what the Hell is Happening in NO THROUGH ROAD 2.


James and the New Cameraman Dave go to put Flowers on Steven’s “Grave” which is Actually a Spot on the Side of the Road where Steven was Murdered.  While at the Gravesite Dave and James reference the First Movie with James Stating that He has No Recollection of that Night’s Events, and hasn’t Spoken about that Night Since.  While Driving Back from Steven’s Grave the Duo gets Completely Turned Around, and find Themselves Lost in the Middle of Nowhere without Cell Service.

That is Until James Notices a Road Sign for Bennington as They Drive, and Realizes that They’ve been Driving in Circles. As things go from Bad to Worse James and Dave Realize They’re Trapped in an Endless Loop from which They can’t Escape No Matter how Hard They Try. Growing more Frantic James and Dave pull over to try and gather Their Thoughts and Devise a Game Plan. Then all of a Sudden Steven appears Outside the Car Window His face Covered in Blood, but Very Much Still Alive.

Steven is in a Severely Disoriented State, and Rambling a Mile a Minute Incoherently as the Three of Them try to Get a Grip on the Reality of the Situation. James explains to Steven that He’s been Missing for Three Years, and that He has been Presumed Dead at this Point and Time.  James Comforts Steven as He is sitting in the Middle of a Dirt Road having a Minor Mental Breakdown before the Film Cuts to Black.

A Moment after the Movie goes Black the Following Words appear on the Screen:

“The Tape Ends Here. It was found in a camera case along with a camera. The Camera was Broken, but Another Tape was found Inside it. While severely damaged efforts are currently being made to retrieve the Data on the tape.”


Thanks For Watching,

Presented By Les Sober  

Short Horror Film Friday: Still Life

Welcome to Another Installment of Short Horror Film Friday Featuring  the 2005 9 Minute Canadian Psychological/Sci Fi Horror Film Still Life Directed By John Kauntz,  and Written By by Charles Johnson.



Nathan is a Sleep Deprived, Pill Popping, Low On Gas, and High on Caffeine Anxious Driver trying to Get Home. On His Way Nathan passes through a Small Desolate Town, but He gets Distracted only for a Split Second by Someone sitting at the Bus Stop. As a Result of the Distraction Nathan Runs Over Something (or Someone) in the Road, and Upon Investigation it Appears to be a China Mannequin. Nathan heads to the Town Cafe in Seek of Assistance, and Discovers the Entire Town is Populated By a Host of Lifeless Mannequins. Strangely However, a Set of Eyes seem to be Locked on Nathan watching His Every Move. Soon a Siren Wails like a Banshee and Nathan Runs the Rest of the way Home, but What can He do to Escape this Surreal Nightmare of Mannequin Induced Madness?!

You’ll just Have to Watch and See for Yourself. Enjoy.

We Hope You Enjoyed this Tale of Malevolent Mannequins as Much as We Did.

Thanks For Watching,

Presented By Les Sober  

Short Film Friday: Eel Girl

Hello and Welcome to Another Installment of FYB’s Short Horror Film Friday Featuring 2008 Sci Fi Horror Short Eel Girl Written and Directed by New Zealand’s Own Paul Campion. Eel Girl is a 5 Minute and 19 Second Film Designed to be Disturbing, Controversial, and  Beautiful while Peaking People’s Interest by Word of Mouth. The Film’s Special Makeup Effects were Created by World Renowned Weta Workshop (For Example 45 Gallons of Black Methocyl better known as KY Jelly were Created to Fill the Bathtub).


Now I sure More Than One Person Reading this has Immediately thought of or Drawn Parallels Between Eel Girl and the Drama Thriller The Shape of Water Directed by Guillermo del Toro. The Movie is the Story of a Mute Cleaning Lady who falls in Love with a Governmental Laboratory’s Classified Secret a Humanoid Fish Man from South America. Basically it’s Romeo and Juliet meets The Creature From The  Lagoon Love Story.

NOW HERE IS THE POINT Eel Girl was Released in 2008 a Full NINE YEARS BEFORE The Shape of Water so No Eel Girl IS NOT COPYING The Shape of Water if Anything its the Other Way Around.


Synopsis/Plot:Eel Girl takes Place in Deep in the Bowels of a Secret Naval Research Facility. One of the Research Scientist has become Absolutely Obsessed with the Half-Human Held-Eel Creature He’s Studying. When She beckons Him to Her, It’s the Sinister Call of a Siren…..For Eel Girl isn’t looking for Love She’s Looking for Revenge!


We Hope You Enjoyed this Aquatic Tale of Terror as Much as We Did.

Thanks For Watching,

Presented By Les Sober  

Animation Abominations: I AM THE EGG MAN

For this Installment of Animation Abominations FYB is Happy to Present The Surreal Stop motion Horror by Sam Barnett who also served as Director.

The Plot is rather simple as it centers around Nondescript Man who is Isolated in a White Room with some Odd Black Lines that make a vague symbol of some kind. The Man Tears Himself apart Piece by Piece as each Piece rolls itself into an “Egg” that rolls into an Adjacent Room. In the Alternate Room there is a Mutant Creature who Devours the Eggs Enthusiastically, and then produces Blood that is collected in a small Pool that has a couple of Tubes extending out from the Wall above it.


As the Isolated Man sacrifices His Feet, Shins, and Thighs He opens a Cupboard where a Fetal Being is Lying Motionless. The Man Connects a Tube via a Huge Needle to the Fetal Being where the Tube pumps Blood into the Fetal Being. In an Unforeseen Twist the Man Rips off His Head Off (having already having used BOTH his legs) and pinches His Neck assumably to keep from Bleeding Out. The Man’s severed head rolls into the Adjacent room, BUT instead of being Eaten by the Mysterious Egg Eating Mutant Creature it ends up Impaled on a Microphone Stand which is sitting in the Middle of a Stage. A single Spot light shines down to illuminate the Head and Mic Stand as the Sound of Static (or Dead Air as its called sometimes) before an Unknot Person removes the Head and exits the Stage. The Camera lingers for a few additional seconds before adding too Black.


So what the fuck is going on Here, What’s the Point Really? Our Best Guess is it’s an Artistic Representation of Life and Death. The Old Sacrifice Their Actual Lives Physically/Emotionally/Mentally to Help Raise, Educate, and Bolster the Next Generation coming after it. Think of how much Parents personally Sacrifice for the Betterment of Their Offspring. In the End the Parent(s) have dedicated (or given) Their entire existence to the Child from its Birth until The Parent’s inevitable Death. Enjoy.

Thanks for Watching,

  Presented By Les Sober