Lee Jonitis: Professional People Watcher (39/365)

In All due Favor Lee had literally been the Last Person He Knew to Buy a Cell Phone because in the Beginning All He had to do was Borrow a Friends or Families Members or Even just Some Stranger on the Street. Eventually Lee Realized Cell Phones had integrated Themselves so Deep into American Society They had become an Actual fucking Necessity of Modern Life.

Unfortunately for Lee once He took His First Sip of the Cell Phone Kool Aid He couldn’t Stop Drinking it to save His fucking Life. Lee couldn’t help feeling like a Struggling Drug Addict Who wants Nothing more than to Finally Get Clean, BUT Who couldn’t Stop Using No matter How hard They try. Lee felt the same way about His Cell Phone He hated it, it fucked up His Daily Life with CONSTANT Interruptions and Annoyances, Yet on the Other Hand He believed He couldn’t Survive without it.


“GODDAMN IT!”exclaimed Dizzy with intense Annoyance that was Bordering on Anger, “I threw all My fucking Change at goddamn Dancing Dave.”

Dizzy the became Rifling through His pockets with the Speed and Coordination of a  Drunken Pick Pocket. Dizzy kept Stabbing His hands haphazardly into His pockets like a Japanese Fisherman Harpooning a Whale while simultaneously going Insane. Lee watched for a while as Dizzy teetered on the Verge of Losing all Self Control before handing Him a Quarter.

“Jesus all this bullshit for a Quarter.” complained Dizzy with a great deal of contempt for the Situation. Dizzy jammed the Quarter into the Pay Phone Coin Slot like He was fucking Force Feeding it Spare Change Solely out of Spite.


As Lee’s eyes adjusted to the overbearing Gloom in the Minimal Lighting of the Slum of a Hotel He noticed the Entire Wall that the Pay Phone was Mounted on was tagged up with so much Graffiti You could see the Overlapping Layers. It appeared to Lee that the Medium of Choice for the Small Army of More Vandal then Graffiti Artists was Sharpe Markers. This seemed more of a Pastime for People Standing in the Lobby fucking around While Using the Pay Phone that was so Old the Numbers had almost been completely worn off with Countless Years of Use.

The Collection of Graffiti that Lined the Lobby Walls was Truly Exquisite not Just in Sheer Volume, but in Content as Well. There were the Standard Dirty Limericks, Crude Illustrations of Genitalia, Personal Insults, Obscene Comments, Angry Exclamations, Anti Authority Statements, Proclamations of Love and Hate, Street Artists Tags, Daily Observations, Bragging, Boasting, Shit Talking, Adult Humor, Replies written in Response to one  Person by Another, Self Promotion, Violent Imagery, and Social Statements this Wall had it All and Then Some for Sure.


Be Sure to Tune in for Next Weeks Hair Raising Installment of………


Thanks for Reading,

  By Les Sober   (12:45 am)