Mediterranean Marijuana : Whats Going On In Italy

Recently My Wife and I had an outstanding opportunity to spend 9 days in a sprawling 6 bedroom Villa. The Villa was located atop one of the majestic Moutan’s of Tuscany.  The fact the Villa came with actual Million Euro View of the lush vineyard filled Valley was an unreal bonus.

The only reason I know that is the current owner told us he had decided to sell the Villa and retire to city of Siena and then informed me he sold it for 1 Million Euros.

Any who enough of that Hallmark Reminiscing. I’m not going to right about the entire trip not even close. I’m not writing my Biography nor am I a travel Guide Author. I will be writing about the 2 key points of interest (as far as I’m concerned) from the trip, and this is the First.

As a Pot Enthusiast and with the curiosity of a 1,000 cats decided that before we departed to investigate what the Marijuana Situation was currently in Italy in General. This is what I found out.

Italy in fact does sell recreational Marijuana that they have Labeled as “Light” and isn’t hard to find either for that matter. Now immediately I wondered what the fuck Their definition of “Marijuana Light” exactly was. Apparently “Marijuana Light” as defined by the Government of Italy is the following:

“Light Marijuana sold for recreational usage  can only contain a total THC content of 0.5% OR LESS.”


The Astronomically low THC content makes smoking it like smoking the shittiest Dirt Weed you’ve ever known, It’s absolutely NOTHING compared to the High Grade shit grown in America as well as other Legal Countries around the World.

Would you want to drink a Beer that had only 0.5% Alcohol in it. Hell No I’m guessing since it negates the point. Same here with Marijuana and its Perspective THC Levels.

According to those People who have actually smoked the Italian Light brand of Marijuana its harsh as hell, tastes like dirt or Barn Yard, You won’t catch a buzz BUT more than likely who will get a shitty headache.

This leads me to believe that Italian Light Marijuana isn’t even from a Female Plant. I think their smoking Males Plants (Who have THC in their small leaves, but do not produce the desirable buds of the Female Plant.


That is why traditionally Male Plants were converted into Hemp Products. I have also heard that if you smoke Hemp, even an entire football fucking field of it, all you’ll get is a wicked cough and nasty headache.

The next thing I found out through research and inquiry is that there were a few Tourist Trap Stores that were nothing but a complete fucking fake and utter rip off scattered around certain Cities.

People who had seen or visited these establishments warned to avoid at all costs. They main reason was simple theses stores where dealing in Bait & Switch Style False Advertising that prayed on peoples ignorance. The stores were pure bullshit hype, nothing more.

So where is the Marijuana tie in you may be wondering. Well here it is.I stumbled across one of these Stores in Florence ( a city that has become one big fucking shitty tourist trap) so I went in to scout it out.




This is important to point out as The Store from its Name CANNABIS Store Amsterdam (note Cannabis is in all Caps), to their products labels CanniPops, Cannabis Cookies, CannaGummy and so on were all designed to mislead the consumer into thinking their buying a legit THC product when in fact their purchasing a CBD Marijuana Derivative/Extract.

This is Shady as shit because while the Labels, Sales People, and Interior of the Store (which is like a Hot Topics of Marijuana) AREN’T LYING. Even though the entire Store and its designed to decieve CBD is in fact extracted from The Marijuana Plant so its Technically a Marijuana Product. They can simply claim its not Their fault the customer bought something under a ignorant assumption.

Its greedy scummy Scam/Con Artists like these fuckers at CANNABIS Store Amsterdam that really chaps my ass cashing in on their crap while corroding the legitimate. Their all Smoke and Mirrors. Their a preverbal Horse and Pony Show. THEY ARE BULLSHIT.

The last thing I discovered along the way was in the end Italy is like most places where Marijuana (or in this case Mainstream Marijuana) is still illegal its the same old You need to know a Guy or Find the Friend of a Guy to  purchase quality Marijuana.

Plenty of People advised that the best places to find Black Market Marijuana in Italy is in areas densely populated by Students. This is a no fucking brainer you ask me its just a matter of common sense.

I was also told that as long as you don’t smoke out in the open or in Touristy Areas then the Police really aren’t concerned, so if you smoke Weed in Italy just be respectful, Mindful, and Discreet.

Thanks for Reading,

 By Les Sober

Marijuana & My Mother Do a Complete 180

I remember when California passed The Compassionate Use Act in 1996 (becoming the 1st State to legalize Medical Marijuana) my friends and I were floored. Until now our Pot Smokings greatest aspirations were to save up enough money to make the Pot Head Pilgrimage across the Ocean to the Netherlands. The destination being the Legendary City of Marijuana known as Amsterdam. The Mystical Metropolis where Weed was sold and smoked without legal or social persecution  as No One Gave a Shit (a fucking Utopia as far as my Friends were concerned).

And now there it was the State of California a Pot Smokers Beacon of Hope, but it was a “So Close Yet So Far” Scenario for my Friends and I unfortunately. See while California legalized Medical Marijuana (which illuminated a lot of Foreign travel bullshit making it much easier to access  than Amsterdam) you had to be a Legal Resident with a Doctor’s Prescription Card to reap the benefits of Medical Marijuana Legally.

So California felt as fucking far away as Andsterdajm as far as I was concerned. Thankfully for me over the past 22 years 29 states have Legalized (Medical OR Recreational) Marijuana use by persons over the age of 21.

When I was growing up I started smoking Weed around 15-16 years old and have continued to this very day. My Mom was the fucking antithesis of Ronnie Regan’s bullshit War On Drugs that labeled Marijuana a Gate Way Drug (Which has been proven to be false as Alcohol is the actual 1st intoxicant Teens try so FUCK OFF ALCHOL.

Anyway the point being my Mother was disgusted and appalled by anyone, (let alone her Son) using Marijuana, and spent years battling in vain to get me to quite smoking weed. She used the old school smell check when I would get home starting  in High School in an attempt to detect the smell of Weed. The problem was my Mother had (and still doesn’t really) know what the fuck Weed smells like. This led to countless unfounded accusations because she mistook Incense, Petrulli Oil, Cloves, Cigarillo’s, Certain Cologne, and camp fire smoke just to name a few. In the end she caught me a few times when I was definitely Stoned, but only once did she find Weed. One evening She ran through my jacket pockets, and removed a fat ass Dime Bag yet never mentioned it to me ironically as it were.

. At the same time on the other side of the Cannabis Coin I spent just as many years futilely fighting to change my Mother’s negative view of Marijuana. I constantly fought to inform my Mother Marijuana had multiple Medical Uses, and wasn’t a killer narcotic like Crack. I argued that the Gate Way Drug Theory was bullshit. Was I really meant to believe if I smoked Weed on Wednesday I’d be robbing Old Ladies and shooting Heroin into my fucking neck?!!! Bullshit.

Now we fast forward to 2016 and I’m now in my 30’s and I was a married home owner living in the Great Southern Swamp. I was visiting my Father who was struggling against Liver Cancer because he wan’t people to remember him as he was not as a crippled, bed ridden living Corpse.

My Father loved to cook, hell thats an understatement. He had cooked dinner for me,my Wife, Himself, his 2nd Wife, and oddly my Mother. We were in the middle of eating I was seated at one end of the table and my Father at the other when my Mother (sitting to the right of my Father), and then it happened. My Father at that point was on a powerful as fuck Steroid that was causing mild insomnia (He slept 3-4 hours a night) and inhibiting his appetite. Now not just cooking food, but eating it as well was one of my Father’s true passions, and he quit Chemotherapy because he was too nauseous and fatigued to even think about eating shit.

My Mother leans over and all of a sudden she asked:

“Have you tired Marijuana???”

Now the answer was yes he had tried it once since getting sick. He had decided to try it at least once since he had nothing to loose (not like it kill him). The first hurdle for him (besides living in a state where Marijuana is still Illegal) was he was in his 70’s so who could he ask about getting Weed? He finally asked a close friend who had a Daughter who lived in The Rotten Apple and had a Dealer. Next my Father had obsessed about how much he should smoke ( take a couple hits of a joint? Smoke Half? Smoke it All? I think he was very weary of the affects and it made him rather uneasy.

The Daughter’s Dealer sent a Joint along to my Father along with the message to Please Smoke the Sample Joint and if my Father liked it to let him know. I didn’t have the pleasure of smoking with my Father, but my Younger Brother did. This was in part due to a phone call awhile before hand where I asked him to be there to help assist my  Father’s inaugural Toking to make sure things went smoothly. It did accept no one informed my Father that due to its unique reverse tolerance (Marijuana has to build up in your system before you can experience the High which is why in most all cases a person won’t get Stoned the 1st or 1st few times the smoke.) he might need to keep going, but he figured once was enough for him.

I couldn’t get over what my Mother had said and couldn’t let it go until I found out why. It only took a couple of moths or so and I learned the real story.

Apparently my Mother has a very good friend who suffers from brutal insomnia (She would go DAYS without sleeping), and she to had a Daughter who happened to live in Colorado (The New Mecca for Marijuana in America). So inevitably my Mother’s Friend flew out to visit her Daughter, and while she was there visiting her Daughter suggested trying Marijuana to combat her ongoing contest against insomnia. My Mother’s friend thought why not and purchased some Weed from a local Dispensary (Marijuana is Legal for Medical AND Recreational Adult Use) and tried it. She was blown away as she had never imagined Marijuana would work nearly as well as it did. Since that trip She had been singing the praises of Marijuana to everyone She knew INCLUDING MY MOTHER.

Then in that instant I realized what the fuck was going on. Its damn near identical as to going to Court. You can go to Court and tell the Judge your innocent and he sends you to jail, BUT if you hire a Lawyer and he says the same fucking thing you did/would have all of a sudden the Judge starts listening.

And thats exactly what had happened with my Mother and her views of Marijuana. I could tell her till I was blue in the fucking face (and I did) about the benefits of Marijuana and all the bullshit propaganda             BUT UNTIL HER GOOD FRIEND VOUCHED FOR THE BENEFITS OF MARIJUANA THROUGH HER PERSONAL EXPERIENCE was the convincing factor for my Mother’s drastic and positive attitude change towards Medical Marijuana.

Sometimes its not WHATS BEING SAID BUT WHO’S SAYING IT that matters.

Thanks for Reading,

Les Sober 

Pot Porno 4: Ganja GangBang


By Les “Then” Sober 

Definitive Proof Even Apple Doesn’t Know How The iCloud Actually Works

Note: The Gentlemen who left comment about how he was hacked resulting in the loss of years of work I’d like to dedicate this post to you.

A Couple of years ago when My Wife and I got new Smartphones we decided for safety reasons we would get the “Find My Fucking Phone For Me” App, BUT to do so one was required to sign up for the omnipresent mystery known as the iCloud (I believe the i stands for Idiotic) so we did just that. Everything was totally normal for the next couple of weeks as life continued unobstructed . Then one day I woke up, had my coffee, smoked a joint ,and then I picked up my phone to check one of my never ending lists of possible work projects and the list was gone. In fact all my lists had vanished along with all my work files from the last 2 1/2 years. I dropped my phone and ran to find our Iputts and all my work had disappeared there as well. I then began grabbing any and every linked  computer driven device in the entire house, but every device I checked was blank my work was now officially missing in action.

I called the Apple help line and explained that I’m very pissed and even more confused as to why a service thats SOLE FUCKING JOB is to store information/photos/videos is unable to find even a single shred of my work. Obviously the Customer Service Drone was completely baffled and quickly called in a Supervisor. Again I explained the situation and again this time the Supervisor told me how utterly odd my debacle was. Over 90 minutes later I got off the phone with the Supervisor not having accomplished a single damn thing, I didn’t even get a basic explanation as to what the hell was going on.

Over the next 6 weeks I was constantly on the phone with the Apple people daily and was getting nowhere fast. Each time I’d call it was the same story all over again I’d let them know the problem, the Phone Drone would throw their preverbal hands in the air, transfer me to slick Supervisor who would tell me “This has never happened before…” and that was it. I talked to 7 different Supervisors in total none of which had a single clue as to what the problem EVEN WAS none the less attempted to fix it. Finally I had it and told the 8th and the last Supervisor that at this point not only am I extremely angry over the initial problem, but now I was equally pissed off at their company’s complete and apparent incompetence as nothing had changed since my 1st call. The 8th Supervisor had the ingenious idea of calling upon their extensive IT Department to see where they weighed in on the subject at hand.  Within 3-4 days I called the 8th Supervisor (she was the only one that had the wherewithal to give me their extension so I could contact them directly, and avoid the excessive bullshit of constantly repeating my self to the front line Phone Drones.) to check in for hopefully some sort of progress report and she actually had news for me.

What Supervisor 8 told me was that the iCloud had in fact done its job which was to back up and store my shit at which point I felt a bit relieved because it sounded like finally could be fixed. I was totally wrong. Supervisor 8 continued to inform me that the IT Department had contacted her earlier in the day and gave her their official report. In their report the IT Department stated again first and foremost that the iCloud had done its official and designated back up job, BUT the problem was that instead of storing my work in its proper spot the Cloud in its infinite wisdom stored it somewhere else.  The IT Department concluded their report with that as of now they had ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA WHERE THE CLOUD STORED MY WORK so they obviously can’t do shit until they located where my work was indeed stored at within the Cloud.

This is where our story ends readers because to this very day years later The Apple IT Department has been absolutely unable to locate a single piece my work not a single word.