Short Horror Film Friday: SLAUGHTERBOTS

Welcome to FYB’s Short Horror Film Friday featuring SLAUGHTERBOTS by Stewart Sugg, and with Real Life Commentary at End of Film By Berkley Computer Science Professor (with 30 years in AI) Stuart Russel. One of the things that Stood Out about SLAUGHTERBOTS is How Relevant it is to the Utterly Insane SHit Going On Today. What I mean simply is Slaughterbots Predates Jan 6th 2020 by little over a year: Posted Jan 17, 2019.


Plot Summery:

In a Not too Far Off Future a New Form of Artificial Intelligence ( A.I.) Weaponry has been Developed. All the Slaughterbots need is a Person’s Personal Profile: Age, Sex, Hight, Weight, Eye Color, Hair Color, and Ethnicity. Nuclear Missiles have Now Become Obsolete. If You Want You can take out Your Enemy Virtually without Risk. Just Profile the Target, Release a Swarm of Slaughterbots, and Sit Back and Relax..

Slaughterbots Opens with a Silicon Valley CEO (reminiscent of Steve Jobs) Delivering a Product Presentation/Seminar in Front of a Live Audience. The Presentation seems Mundane enough at first—the CEO seems to be Unveiling some New Drone Technology, but it Takes a Dark Turn when He Demonstrates how these Autonomous Killer Drones can Slaughter Humans like Cattle utilizing a Direct “Explosive” Head Shot. The Audience Fanatically Eats it Up Hookline and Sinker as They Cheer, along with the CEO as if They hadn’t Witnessed anything more Dangerous than the unveiling of the Next iPhone. The CEO goes further, Showing Videos of the Slaughterbots in Action. “Let’s watch What Happens when the Weapons make the Decisions,” the CEO says, as the Slaughterbots proceed to Execute a Slew of People on a Humungous Screen behind Him. The CEO is quick to Assure the Audience Members that the Peopled Killed in the Demonstration Video aren’t Innocents “Now Trust Me, these are All Bad Guys.” What Follows is a Deeply Unsettling Portrait of a World where Slaughterbots use Their Onboard A.I. Technology to make Autonomous Decisions about Those Who will Live and those Who Die.


Thanks For Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober  

For Shits and Giggles : Where’s The Baby

So another motherfucking Monday is upon us trying to monopolize the course of our week! So to combat the bullshit here is todays FYB post featuring WHERE’S THE BABY by Spine_apples who describes their work as “shitty animation man”. I say their because I don’t think just because the word “man” appears in the quote that it’s an indicator to the sex of the animator. Anyway this 1 minute and 42 seconds of insane absurdity (that granted has a surprisingly funny but kind of grim ending) should serve as a fucking  universal public service announcement for all parents currently on the planet.



Justine Sane

My Two Cents On Three Subjects.

Since Mondays can be a Little Mind Muddling I figured I’d Keep it Simple and Give You My So-Called Two Cents on Three Separate Subjects. The Topics are divided into the following Categories Not So Current Events, Morbid & Murderous, and Utter Absurdity for Absurdity’s Sake. Feel Free to Discuss Them with Your Friends, Family, Co-Workers, and General Public since Americans use Their fucking Smart Phones instead of Their Actual Smarts. The Bottomline is the “Smarter” the Phone the fucking Stupider the User Becomes as They’re Dumbed Down to Moronic Levels but I digress. Without further ado Let’s get Started.


No So Current Events:

I have purposefully tried to Avoid Posting about the Global COVID Pandemic for a Myriad of fucking Reasons, But there is One fucking thing I just Can NOT Stay Silent About. The Pandemic Hot Button Topic I am going to Address here is Kids Going Back To School. Now I’m not here for an In-depth fucking discussion of Kids, School, and all the Usual Bullshit since We all Know why school is Important and that Socialization is Vitally Important so I refuse to Beat a Dead Horse.

My Issue Lies Solely with the Parents. As We are all more than aware Parents are fucking Notorious for Bombarding Other People They encounter with Stories, Pictures, Videos, Social Media Posts, and General Bullshit about Their fucking Kid(s). They spout cliche shit like

  • “Children are a True Blessing”
  • “Having a Kid/Kids Changes Your Life Forever”
  • “Raising Kids is the Greatest Accomplishment One can Accomplish.”
  • “If You Don’t have a Kid/Kids Then You Just Don’t Understand.”
  • “It’s a Shame They Grow Up So Fast.”
  • “Their (Kids) are Angels here to Enlighten Your Life.”
  • “Children are the Future.”
  • “Anything for the Kids.”
  • “I’d Die before I let anything Bad happen to a single Hair on My Child’s Head.”


Along with an Arsenal of Other Parental Wisdoms They Intend  to spread to the Four fucking Corners of the fucking Earth. This Overwhelming Desire to Subjugate the Rest of the World Population to Their Parenting Bullshit seems to be EXTREMELY HYPOCRITICAL in the Age of Covid. When it came to Opening Schools/Sending Kids back to School during an Ongoing Global Pandemic at First Parents were Wary as They damn well Should Be, but then there was a MONUMENTAL ATTITUDE SHIFT among Parents as the Months Rolled On By. Then all of a Sudden One Day the Topic of Kids actually Viably and Safety returning to School Exploded like a fucking Powder Keg across America.

The Next thing Anyone Knew Parents were EVERYWHERE Online, Social Media, and TV Whining Ironically like Bratty Kids about How Much They Wanted Their Kids Back At School. This simple above all had nothing to do with what’s Best for the Kids but What the Aggravated Parents wanted Do to Quarantine. Basically Parents where SICK AND TIRED of having Their Kids with Them in Quarantine and were Blatantly Pushing the School Opening so Their Kids would be SOMEONE ELSE’S PROBLEM. Its fucking astounding How Parents in America Act like They’re Entitled to having The Educational System Raising THEIR fucking Kids for Them. It took just a Matter of Months before Parents couldn’t get Away from Their fucking Kids Fast Enough, and to make it worse where All Over the Place Whining About it like Assholes. Also this is fucking shitty because NOT ONLY are You willing to put Your Child, Yourself, Friends, Family, Teachers, and School Staff in Harms Way (could Result in Their DEATH) because KIDS BECAME TOO INCONVENIENT FOR THEIR PARENTS.

Now the ONLY People You should Listen to in an Emergency especially if its fucking Life or Death to THE EXPERTS Not the Media, Social Media Mob, or Online Idiots and Assholes. I’ll just make My Point by saying if I had a Child or Children During this Covid-19 Pandemic I WOULDN’T SEND THEM TO SCHOOL UNTIL ALL TEACHERS AND SCHOOL STAFF ARE VACCINATED, AND THE CDC SAYS IT’S OK. Parents were Literally Gambling with Their Kids (Along with Theirs and Others) Lives because They were Aggravated by Their Supposedly Precious Little Angels. The Hypocrisy was/is Absolutely fucking Astounding that People would Praise Their Kids Until They wanted a Break From Them then All Bets are Off as it were.


The Most Effective way to Remove and Transport The Corpse of a Dead Ninja is to Simply Cut it Up into 6 Separate Pieces. The You Place the Torso on the Bottom, Fold the Legs and Place Them on Top of the Torso. Next You fold and Place the Arms on Top of the Legs, and Then Lastly Place the Head like the Cherry on a Sunday made of Human Flesh.

You can NOT Burn a Body of a Dead Ninja Properly to Dispose of it. Only a Professional Crematorium has the Equipment Needed to Incinerate an Entire Human Corpse. To Fully dispose of a Human Corpse (with the Exception of small Pieces of Left over Bone) You need a Heat Source of 2,700 Degrees Fahrenheit for Several Hours. This can Not be Accomplished by Dousing the Corpse in a Flammable Fluid and setting it Ablaze.

When Disposing of the Corpse of a Dead Ninja in a Body of Water can be Much Trickier than Most People would Think. The Problem is Bodies Bloat which means They will Float like a Motherfucker, and They Rot so They tend to break free and Float to the Surface. The Issue is when the Human Body starts to Decay it Swells with Gases like a fucked up Cadaver Balloon making it Buoyant. The First method to handle this Problem would to Stab the Corpse just below the Heart to Slice Open the Stomach. This way the Gases can’t Build Up and Increase the Chance of the Bodie becoming a Floater. The Problem with this is Anchoring the Body is still an Issue. You see Crabs, Fish, and Other Aquatic Life feed on the Rotting Flesh until the Body starts to come apart. So if you Anchored the Body with Chains (around the hands and Feet) sooner or later due to Time or Animals will Decay away, and thus the Body can be moved about by Weather or Currents. The most Effective way to Dispose of a Corpse in a Body of Water is to Wrap Chicken Wire Around it from Head to Toe mind You so You’ll Need a Rather Large Piece. This way when the Body Starts to Bloat the Chicken Wire will Lacerate the Rotten Flesh Not only Releasing the Built Up Gas but Also Keeping the Body Tightly Secured within the Chicken Wire.

One of the MOST EFFECTIVE AND TABOO ways to Dispose of a Dead Ninja’s Body is to Actually Eat the Evidence, and then Grind Down the Leftover Bones into Dust. No Body No Crime.


This is The Semi Annual Podunkville Turkey Vulture Report. The Tirkey Vulture Road Kill Clean Up Crews are Seriously Lacking resulting in an Overall Rating at the Time of this Evaluation a Solid D. If You are in the Podunkville area and See a Turkey Vulture Please tell it in Your most Assertive Voice to “GO BACK TO WORK YOU FUCKING BUM!” We suggest You do this from an EXTREMELY SAFE DISTANCE or Optimally from the Confines of a Motor Vehicle. This is Specifically for Your Safety as Turkey Vultures are Rather Large Disagreeable Birds with Seriously Shitty Attitudes, and They are Armed with Razor Sharp Talons and Powerful Beaks.

Also Turkey Vultures are Known for Vomiting on Their Enemies primarily as a Defense Tactic, But You Know what They Say the Best Offense is a Good Defense. It  is also Unconfirmed as of Now, Yet Perturbed Turkey Vultures may try and Shit on You (as well as Vomit) when Confronted in what They perceive to be an Unkindly Manner. There is No Official Strike by the Turkey Vultures as of Yet and There are Rumors of Turkey Vultures succumbing to Anorexia. Whatever the Reason the Turkey Vultures of Podunkville need to return to Their Regularly Scheduled Scavenging as Soon as Possible before The Road become Littered with Carcasses, and Dominated by the Pungent Stench of Death and Decay.

Thanks For Reading,

By Les Sober

Less Than Human

Hey how the hell are you? Yesterday’s post fell through like a real motherfucker so I (Justin Sane) am here to day. This Post showcases with the 2017 Danish animated Horror/Comedy short film LESS THAN HUMAN by The Animation Workshop and directed by Steffen Bang Lindholm.

Now I must admit two of my favorite books of all fucking time are ANIMAL FARM and NINETEEN EIGHTY-FOUR both written by none other than the legendary author George Orwell (the pen name for Eric Arthur Blair). Both novels are social commentaries about the injustices perpetrated in/by society, human nature, perception, corrupt government, abuses of power,  and freedom/personal freedom. So naturally when I was tipped off about LESS THAN HUMAN I was an instant fan from the fucking get go.

FUN FACT: The film went through some working titles including “Zobihubie” when it was first pitched. Later it was name “The Story Behind” before the crew finally settled on the title “Less Than Human” which best described the film.

Synopsis: In the aftermath of a zombie outbreak, zombies are cured and exiled to secluded camps. There has been talk about rehabilitating post-zombies back into society. Steve, a freelance journalist reporting on the case, thinks the zombies still pose a threat to society. He ventures into one of these camps to prove to the world that rehabilitation is out the question.

Lights, Camera, ACTION!

See You Around,

   Justin Sane  

The News Hasn’t Happened Yet #2: Clonka Minkus

With all of the Chaotic Bullshit in the Mass Media and Social Media with Lies, Misinformation, and just Plain Fake News getting accurate Information has become increasingly Hard to Find. Especially after the Last For Years the American Media have Lost Their Spines, Guts, and Testicular Fortitude. The Days of Hard Hitting Questions and Championing the Truth have given way to Sugar Coated, Watered Down, and Weak Willed Drivil. So We decided Everyone needed a Break from the Psychotic News Cycle, and Here is Some News We All Can Enjoy. This is The News Hasn’t Happened Yet 2: Clonka Minkus by One of Our Absolute Favorite Animators of All Time Mr. David Firth.

For those of You Who do Not Know or May Not Be Aware David Firth is an English Animator, Director, Writer, Musician, Actor, Voice Actor, Video Artist, and Broadcaster of Whom We are a Big Fan of Here at FYB. Several of Firth’s works in Flash Animation, along with Multiple Music Videos and Works of Video Art, have Garnered a Large Followings.

In The Artist’s Own Words:

“Trying to make sense of the news. The news won’t happen. The rotting newscorpse. We make the news. The news exploded. Big bits in a bag of newspiss. Bits of buggery newsy shit that nobody news about. When no one news. No one could nevernews spilling the news it’s a factbomb or truthbomb not lying news newsergate newsbomb often called the dogsmack news witnessing the great news crash clickbait cracknews makes a stink news from the dogpipe. Nothing is happening anywhere ever. There is no news. The news hasn’t happened yet. The news didn’t happen, did it? The news won’t happen, but you’ll forget about old news that never happened as the promise of new news will replace it. Exploding newspiss. This was just my thought process for the title. I thought I’d leave it here. Otherwise it’s just a hidden compost heap in a file on my PC that will never again be accessed.” -David Firth

On This Episode of The News Hasn’t Happened Yet #2:

  • The Crisis in Clonka Minkus
  • Dog Abortion in Switzerland
  • The Question: Do Dog’s Exist
  • Have Certain Videos Been Manipulated: Where the Subjects in the Videos Even There?
  • 70,ooo Immigrants Migrate to Clonka Monka after it’s Voted The Nicest Place to Live.
  • The 70,ooo Immigrants Disappear from Existence. Where Did They Go and Are They Coming Back?
  • Conspiracy Basket Cases/ Nut Jobs Share Their Opinions.
  • The Popularity of Surveys and Polls Among Different Age Groups and Who would take One?


Thanks For Watching,

Presented By Les Sober 

Criminals OR Cowards Which One Are The Police?!

The Police as Started as an Racist Anti-African American Organization and has Evolved over the Decades into a Full Blown fucking Criminal Organization. There are Far too many Problems to Address all at Once as it Would Take Forever and a Day to Cover them All. The True Root of the Issue is while Citizens are Trained Basically from Birth to Inherently Trust the Police No Matter what, and Meanwhile the Police are Trained from Day One at the Academy NOT to Trust You in the Least. If You listen to any Recording of a Police Academy Class the Common Theme is The Instructor paints America as some Lawless Post Apocalyptic Max Max Wild West Wasteland. Not Only that but They Instill a Permanent and Lasting Fear in the Police Officers in Training that Everyone is a Killer, You can Be Killed at Any Point, and Everyone is Armed to the Teeth (One of the Downsides of the Second Amendment).

The Other Chief contributing Factor to Shitty Relations between Cops and Citizens happen Many Year Ago. Back then the Police had a Supply and Demand Problem as there was an Increasing Demand for Police Officers, but  the Number of New Cadets at the Police Academies was Minimal. Simple at that point in Time the Number of People interested in Becoming Cops was Severely Lacking. Stuck between the Preverbal Rock and a Hard Place the Police had Only one Real Viable Option, and that was to Significantly Lower the Police Entrance Tests. They basically Lowered Their Standards to get More Cops on the Street in Spite of the Fact They were Recruiting and Training Individuals that They Normally would NEVER Allow to be Cops. The Main Problem was the again Significant Lowering of the Entrance Psychological Evolution (I think We can all Agree an Insane Sadistic Fuck shouldn’t have a fucking Gun).


Now Among the Endless Myriad of Issues between the Police and the Public that I am going to Elaborate on is the Hypocrisy of How the Police Deal with Peaceful Protesters. This Problem Dates back to the 50’s and 60’s with the Civil Rights Movement and The Anti-Vietnam War Groups. It didn’t matter if You were and African American or an Idealistic Hippy the Police Treated every Protester the same Brutally. Thats Right the same fucking People that Cops are SWORN to Protect and Serve where the same fucking People They were Abusing, Beating, and Arresting. And for what I ask You? For utilizing Their Right to Peaceful Assembly to Protest the Ills of a Sick Society. It’s a Slap in the fucking Face to The First Amendment The Freedom of Speech. Never has this Hypocrisy been made More Abundantly Clear then with the Black Lives Matter Movement in 2020.

Black Lives Matter were Wide Spread Peaceful Protests against Police Brutality and Systemic Racism that Spread from Country to Country. taking it to a Global Level.Unfortunately it’s No Secret that Police Abuse, Exploit, and Kill African Americans at a More than Alarming Rate, and its been that Way ever since the Earliest Days of The Police. It has gotten so fuckng Bad that at this Point in 2020 Police aren’t just Shooting African Americans at an Insanely Increasing Rate, But in Today’s Times They’re Straight Up Murdering Them seemingly at Will. An Accompanying Issue is that it’s also No Secret that the Laws Don’t Apply to the Police the Same as for Your Average Citizen. The Police Badge is Essentially a License to Kill to Begin with Then the Police have Ultimate Immunity with the phrase “I was afraid for My Life.” This enabled a Police Officer to Shoot and Kill Someone, and then Get Off Scot Free just by Simply Saying “I was Afraid for My Life.” and on those grounds No Court would Ever Really Convict a Cop. Anyway back to the Point.


So to Recap right Quick Black Lives Matter Protests went Global as the World United behind a Common Cause in an Attempt to make a Change. These Protests were held in all 50 States, and Received a Phenomenal amount of News Coverage both through the Traditional Media as well as Social Media. Aside from the Odd Man Out Assholes the BLM Protests where in Large Completely Peaceful that was until the Police Arrived. Then All Hell Broke Loose as Chaos Erupted in the Streets. If You want to know Who Came looking for a Riot Look at Who Came Prepared for One. The Scene always Played Out the Same fucking Way like fucking Clockwork. The Protesters would Assemble, the Protest would Begin, and then The Police would Arrive in Full Blown Riot/SWAT Gear in Armored Vehicles Armed to the fucking Teeth. The Police Dressed in Paramilitary Gear would Form a Human Barricade to Block the Protesters from Advancing, and would Remain in this Formation for a Time.

Inevitably Though the Police would at Some Point start to Advance on the Protesters slowly walking towards Them Shields Up and Night Sticks at the Ready. Then in a Split Second (if that) the Police would Launch Their Utterly Unprovoked Offensive Literally Attacking the Protesters, and Escalating The Level of Their Extremely Violent Response to a Peaceful Protest Situation. The Next thing Anyone Knew The Cops were Beating Protesters with Night Sticks, Throwing People to the Ground (and then Beating them), Bombing the Protesters with Canisters of Tear Gassing, Firing Rubber Bullets at Protesters, and Tasering Protesters again TOTALLY UNPROVOKED. It got so Intensely fucked up that at One Point You had Men in Military Uniforms without Identification Grabbing Protesters at Random. They then would Toss the Protester(s) into an Unmarked Black SUV that would then Speed Off Somewhere and God Knows what the fuck happened AFter that or What the Hell became of those Detained Protesters in the End.


The Scene that summed it up for Me personally was the Footage of a Old Man in His Early 70’s Started to Approach a Police Officer as a Sizeable Group of Cops Marched down the Street. The Old Man had an Innocent Enough Question He wanted to ask the Cop but the Cop Strong Arms the Old Man Knocking Him Flat on His Back. When the Old Man was Shoved Over He was Standing on the Sidewalk so when He fell the Back of His Head Slammed into the Concrete and Busted Open. As the Old Man Lay on His back Bleeding from the Head Totally Helpless and in Need of  Immediate Medical Care EVER SINGLE COP in the Group of Approximately 25-30 Police Officers walked Past Him and DIDN’T DO A GODDAMN THING. They just Left Him Lying there without a fucking Care in the World. Now I ask You How/Why the fuck would or Should Anyone  ever Trust a fucking Cop when in Fact They should be fucking afraid of Them. I’m Sorry to say but it’s Beginning to Look like All My Heroes are Cop Killers, and That’s Ultimately Tragic Unto Itself.

Meanwhile it was a Completely Different fucking Story when MAGA Extremists, Diehard Trump Supporters, Racist Groups/Organizations, or Pro Trump Militias came to Town. Whenever these Either Racist Thugs like the Proud Boys (Pissy Bitches is More like It) or The Wannabe Tough Guy MAGAs/Trump Supporters it’s Always the Same Old Song. MAGA/Trump Supporters Dressed HEad to Toe in Camo and Sporting Combat Boots (as Well as whatever else They can Pick Up at Their Local Army Surplus Store) like Larping GI Joes wondering the Streets while Brandishing a Wide Variety of Guns. When these Motherfuckers show up somewhere to Start Fights/ Physically Attack People like the Racist Cowards or Stroll Around Town Even without Open Carry Laws carrying Assault Weapons and Shit.

The Most Outrageous Example of This is When a Bunch of these Play Soldiers Stormed a Government Building and Heavily Armed (and that would be an Understatement) completely Unobstructed. No One Tried to Stop Them even though Bringing Any Weapon into a fucking Federal Building is fucking Federal Crime. Right There is My Point during all the Illegal and Violent Shit Perpetrated by The Racist Scumfuckers or MAGA/Trump Supporter Pieces of Shit THERE WAS NEVER A SINGLE COP TO BE FOUND. I Never Saw a single Cop Not a One in ANY of the Footage from these Type of Events. No Armored Vehicles, Tear Gas, Rubber Bullets, Night Sticks, or Tasers Anywhere. The SWAT Team Never Came Storming In Nor the Droves of Cops in Riot Gear that Blocked Streets and Attacked the Peaceful Protesters. Forget Protect and Serve these Police Officers didn’t even Show the fuck Up.

So Where Exactly were all the Cops when all this bullshit went Down ? Well there Three Possible Answers to that Question. The First Answer is the Cops are fucking Violent, Rage Filled, Mental Unfit, Corrupt, Racist, Abusive, Anti-Semetic, Homophobic, Mindless Thugs who get Off on Abusing Their Power. The Bottomline is this means that The Cops are The Criminals Plain and Simple. The Second is that the Police are Lowly Cowards who in the Face of Actual Real Danger Run and Hide down at the Police Station like a Bunch of Scarred Little Bitches. This Means the Cops are Spineless and Gutless Cowards that make Themselves feel like Macho Men by Brutalizing Peaceful Protesters, But in Reality are Terrified of Anyone Posing Real Danger so They Piss Their Pants and make Themselves Scarious. Lastly is the Third Answer which I believe to be the Correct One which is the Answer is BOTH. I believe that Cops are Both Sleazy fucking Criminals and are World Class Cowards, but you can make up Your Own Mind.

Thanks For Reading,

By Les Sober  (Pt2:23Am)

Saturday Slasher Cinema: THE DRILLER KILLER

Welcome to this Week’s Installment of Saturday Slasher Cinema featuring the 1979 Black Comedy Slasher Film Directed by Abel Ferrara and Starring Ferrara credited as Jimmy Laine. Ferrara  is an American Filmmaker , known for the PROVOCATIVE and often CONTROVERSIAL Content in His Movies, His use of Neo-Noir Imagery and Gritty Urban Settings.


The Plot concerns Reno Miller, a Struggling Artist in New York City, being Driven Insane from Stress and Killing Derelicts with a Power Drill. When the Movie was Released on Video Cassette in 1982, its Graphic Packaging drew Complaints which landed the Release on a List of “Video Nasties” that were BANNED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM under the Video Recording Act.

Video Nasty is a Colloquial Term in the United Kingdom to Refer to a Number of Movies, Typically Low Budget Horror and Exploitation Films, distributed on Video Cassette that were Criticized for Their Violent Content by the Press/Media, Social Commentators, and Various Religious Organizations.


Synopsis: Starving New York Artist Reno Miller is  Struggling to Pay His Bills, while Obsessed with Painting His Masterpiece (which He hopes to Sell to Art Dealer and Gallery Owner Dalton for Rent Money), and Caring for His two Roommates Carol the Divorced BiSexual and Her Drug Addicted Girlfriend Pamela. When the New Wave Punk Band Tony Coca-Cola and The Roosters move into Reno’s Building Playing Music Nonstop Day and Night, Reno can’t Sleep and is Slowly Driven Insane. As Reno Descends into Madness He takes to Stalking  the Streets of the City after Dark, and Gruesomely Killing Homeless Derelicts with a Power Drill.


We Hope You enjoyed this Tale of Insanity and Homicidal Tendencies  as Much as We Did.

Thanks For Watching,

Presented By Les Sober  

“Don’t Feed The Freaks| Apocalyptic Animated Short Film

We are Thrilled to bring You the NEXT and FINAL Installment of the Apocalyptic Dystopian Animated Short Film Series “Don’t Feed The Freaks” By Scottish Writer, Director, Sculpture, Painter,  Artist, and Animator David James Armsby. The Short Film Series takes place in the Sci Fi Post Apocalyptic Town Known as Autodale where the Citizens are Anything but Normal.


In The Creator’s Own Words:

“If you’re reading this. If you find this book; I’m sorry but I have no answers. But I can tell you what I’ve seen and what I know”.

A young man travels the lifeless wasteland of what was once civilization. He’s following the breadcrumbs of an apparent thriving society hidden somewhere in the vast, long-dead wilderness. This short was crazy-fun to work on. It was ambitious as hell and was the cause of many sleepless nights but I really got to run with my imagination in a way I feel I haven’t for a while. Just balls-to-the-wall creativity and it was really frustrating and really fun. It’s also a story about isolation and I love to make those, considering around 75% of my short films are about being alone. This short film is fourth in a series I’ve created. The other 3 take place within the walls of Autodale and are more dystopian than apocalyptic.”

-David James Armsby-


Thanks For Watching,

Presented By Les Sober 

Once Trump Is Shit Canned WTF DO We DO With All The #MAGAssholes?!!

When Trump gets His Fat Orange Ass Booted from the Whitehouse What will Happen to all His Shitbag Supporters? This is a  Question I have been Mulling Over in My head for Quite some time Now. It’s like Germany at the End of World War II Once The War was Over, The Nazis Lost, and Hitler was Dead the German Public had to deal with the Left Over Nazi Soilders. The Nazis were such Pieces of fucking Shit that it didn’t seem right to just let them Reintegrate back into Society and call it a Day. People that are that fucked in the Head, and are the Scum of the Earth need Consequences for Their fucked up Actions. The World Dictates some sort of Retribution is Required in Extreme Cases such as These.

Let’s fucking face it MAGAs are Worse than fucking Nazi Scumbags. Nazi’s wanted to Use Genocide to Illuminate Jewish People from the Planet, and to Take over the Entire fucking Earth. MAGAs are Racist Ratfucks but They are also Sexist, Antisemitic, Homophobic, Ignorant, Hate filled, Mindless, Uneducated, Moronic, Inbred, Gullible, Child Molesting, Rapist White Trash Sheep the Absolute Worst Humanity has to Offer. These People bring Nothing Positive or Productive to the Table their Not Leaders Their Mindless Lemmings Born to Blindly Follow without Question. So when The Treasonous Orange Asshole and His Crooked Administration of Utter Assholes time in the Whitehouse is Inevitably Up They will be Subject to Arrest, Prosecution, Conviction, and Imprisonment for Their Crimes the Cowardly Traitors. The Fact Remains though We can’t lock up all the MAGAssholes (though We all want To) there simply too many of the Dumbfucks to Deal with.


So What do We do with all the Left Over MAGAssholes Then? Well I just so Happens to have the Perfect Solution for Handling these Pro Trump Dipshits. True We can’t Imprison Them all, and it’s Less than Likely that We would be Granted Permission to Kill the Sons Of Inbred Bitches on Sight which is a Shame as I think a MAGA Hunting Season would be Splendid. Now that We have established We can’t Lock them Up or Hunt Them for Sport what Option(s) do We have Left on the Table? The Answer My friends is DEPORTATION! That’s right Deporting MAGAs would be Hilarious as Hell since the Racist RatBastard Rejects want to Deport all the Immigrants so Deporting Them is Poetic Justice Personified.

Now thats just the beginning because once We have Decided to Outsource These MAGAssholes where do We Deport Them to Exactly? It is a Very Tricky and Rather Difficult Situation because Who in Their right fucking Mind would Allow Us to Deport MAGAs to Their Country. Absolutely No One I can fucking think of Thats for Sure and You Can’t Blame Them. The Rest of the World has Watched America Slide Down the Shitter (thanks to Fucktard Trump and the GOPieces of Shit) for the Past 4 Years. They have also witnessed How Shitty MAGAs are  so Why would They want/allow the MAGAssholes coming to take up Residence in Their Beloved Homeland? MAGAs are Human Parasites that do Nothing but Take Up Space, Waste Air, and Shit All Over Everything while Providing Nothing Beneficial to Society or the World Around Them. They are Human TapeWorms and Should be Dealt with as Such in that Parasites should be Eradicated No Matter What.


So Thus We are stuck with the Geographical Dilemma facing the Deportation of Any and All MAGAssholes. Fear Not Friends for I have Figured out the Solution to the Geography Conundrum and its Quite Simply and Extremely Easy to Execute. We Deport the MAGAssholes to the Continent of ANTARCTICA! Yes thats goddamn right I said ANT-fucking-ARCTICA. I’m pretty positive that You’re wonder Why Antarctica which is a Valid Question so Allow Me to Answer. First of Size Wise it got more than Enough Room (5,500,000 Square Miles Antarctica is the 5th Largest Continent and Twice the Size of Australia) for the Millions of MAGAssholes to live with Plenty of Elbow room. Second Antartica is One of if Not the Whitest Places on the Entire Planet so the Racist Nazi White Nationalist MAGAs would fucking love that shit.

Also there is No actual Population already Living in Antarctica to Deny the Entrance of the MAGAsshole Mother Load. There Approximately 1,000 Scientific Researchers Stations in the Winter, and about 5,ooo in Summer, giving it a Population Density of between 70 and 350 inhabitants per Million Square Kilometers (180 and 900 per Million Square Miles). Point being there’s Plenty of Room where the MAGAsshole can hangout that wouldn’t be a Bother or Imposition to the Various Countries Scientific Researchers.


Also there is No Established Government, Infrastructure, Military, or Government Agencies to Contend with. It is True though that Several Countries (such as France, Russia, United Kingdom, Australia, Norway, Chile,Argentina, and New Zealand for Example) claim Sovereignty in Certain Regions. While Very Few of these Countries have Mutually Recognized Each Other’s Claims, the Validity of these Claims in Not Recognized Universally. Antartica’s Status is Regulated by the 1959 Antarctic Treaty and Other Related Agreements, collectively called the Antarctic Treaty System.

Many People at this Point would Ask about all the Insane and Expensive Resources that would be needed for People to Survive in the Brutal Antarctic Frozen Wasteland (I mean Antarctica is the Coldest Continent on Earth with Temperatures going as lows between negative  112 degrees Farenhight and Negative 128 degrees Farenhieght). Also there are Virtually No Resources for Shelter or Food be it Hunting, Gathering, or Farming) which makes it one of the Most Inhospitable Places on the Planet. The Largest fucking Animal in Antarctica is a Wingless Midge (Belgica Antarctica) which is Less than 1.3 cm Long for Fucks Sake, it’s a Minuscule Insect. All Other Larger Animals are Considered Marine Animals, meaning that They Feed and Lively Mainly in the Ocean and includes Seals and Penguins. There are No Trees or Shrubs in Antarctica, and only Two Species of Flowering Plants Antarctic Hair Grass and Antarctic Pearlwort. The Bottomline is Antarctica Doesn’t have a Permanent Population for a fucking Reasons.


As Far as Resources or Monetary Budget I Again have an Answer for that which is WHO FUCKING CARES?!!

These MAGAssholes Don’t Deserve Any Outside Help to Possible manage to Survive in the Desolate and Frigid Antarctic Climate. Remember I said Deport Them Not Support Them. We let Them Pack whatever the fuck They want and Then We deport Them without any Assistance Programs in Place whatsoever. I mean Why waste Money on Such fucking Shitty People when You can Deport Them and Let Antarctica Resolve the Problem so to Speak. Let Them Freeze, Let Them Starve, and Let Them Die of Sickness its what MAGAssholes Deserve. If We can’t Kill Them Off Let Mother Nature handle it For Us. Point Being the Only Good MAGAsshole is a DEAD MAGAsshole.

Thanks For Reading,

  By Les Sober


Where Ever You Go There You Are

It’s No Secret that I have a Extremely Low Opinion of the Human Race and People in General. I avoid People as much as fucking possible unless I absolutely have to Interact with Them. Recently a Friend of Mine had a Falling Out with one of Their Long Time Friends, and when I heard the Story I gave My Honest, Straight to the Point, No Holds Barred Opinion since I Don’t Pull My Punches. After We talked My Friend suggested I write a Post about it, and so here I am Doing just That.

The Backstory: My Buddy Who I will call “Bob” got a Text from His Long Time Friend I will call “Phil” who unbeknownst to Bob had totally fucked up His Life in Texas. So being one of those People that Blames Everything and Everybody for Their shitty Life, BUT THEMSELVES. That being so Phil decided to up and move to Florida. Phil believes that His moving  would Magically Fix everything Wrong in His Life just by Relocating. The Problem is Phil hasn’t figured out the fact that Wherever You Go You There You Are. Point being You can’t out run Your Problems because You are the One creating the Perceived Problems, and until You work out Your issues They will stick with You no matter where the fuck You may Go.


The problem arose when after Impulsively agreeing to let Phil and His Girlfriend crash at His House Bob resized He had made a Mistake. In all due Favor Phil contacted Bob and informed Him of His Situation a mere 3 Hours before planning to arrive at Bob’s House. Phil also just fucking Assumed that Bob would Automatically let Him, His Girlfriend, and all Their Stay at His House. With COVID running amok across America, and a Wife with Pre Existing Medical Conditions Bob realized it be Far too Dangerous (not to mention Idiotic as all Hell) for Phil to Stay with Him. Bob felt bad and Offered to Pay for Phil’s Hotel Room, and Apologized Profusely for His Mistake/Lapse in Judgment, and here is the Final Text Phil sent Bob before Cutting Off all Further Communication.

“Never blamed the virus on you, but still can’t believe that we were turned away after 2 days of hell on the road. I’ve known you for almost 20 years and  “Roberta”(Bob’s Wife) for almost 10 years, it’s not like I’m a total stranger. I know she (Roberta) has never met Amanda (Phil’s Girlfriend), but she is super cheerful and careful because I also have a weakened immune system. We don’t take this Virus Lightly. Can’t believe you couldn’t vouch for us after all we’ve been through and hate that you’re controlled all the time. I know the virus is scary but we were trusting you enough to stay over at your house. Evidently there was no trust in return.”

Well Holy Motherfucking Shit this Text is so Twisted and Ass Backwards I barely Know where the fuck to begin, so I’ll just Start at the Beginning.


Phil starts with the Statement that He doesn’t Blame the Virus on Bob well isn’t that fucking Nice of Him. Phil then bitches/Complains about He’s “Hellish” road trip from Texas to Florida. That has absolutely NOTHING to do with Bob at all as Bob didn’t tell You to move or to relocate to Florida that was all Phil’s doing. Phil just comes off like a whiny little Brat who gets angry if He can’t do whatever it is He wants to do which for a grown man is Utterly Pathetic to say the least.

The Next point of Phil’s about being friends with Bob for 20 years and shit is Ridiculous. If Phil was actually as Good a Friend as He apparently claims to be (not to mention for 20 fucking years) He’d understand why Bob had to change His Plan. I mean it’s just A GLOBAL PANDEMIC where America has become the Epicenter , and the Fact Phil was coming from one of the Worst COVID States in the Nation doesn’t Help His argument. That and He stopped over in Mississippi where a shit ton of People like Phil use as the Half Way Point it too is a Highly Infectious Area. The lastly Phil is traveling through Florida yet another Entire fucking State that’s a fucking Hotspot. SO to recap Phil went from Texas to a Well Used Half way stopping point for other COVIDIOTS, and then Travels through Half of Florida just to get to Bob’s House.

Talk about High fucking Risk, and as far as I know Phil nor His Girlfriend where following Coronavirus Protocol like Social Distancing or Wear a goddamn Mask. For All Anyone Knows Phil didn’t practice the recommended Safety Protocols at all, and could have encountered/Interacted/Hung Out with Who fucking knows how many People during his 48 hours on the Road. Not like Any of US was There.


Phil then makes the utterly Asinine comment that He “Isn’t a Stranger” as if that means that some how by Knowing Bob thats means Phil and His Girlfriend aren’t an High Risk Factor for Infection. The Fact Their Friends doesn’t even Factor into it, it was just a way of Phil trying to make Bob feel Guilty. Guilty for what exactly for Protecting His Wife and Himself from again A MOTHERFUCKING GLOBAL PANDEMIC that has KILLED over 138,ooo fucking Americans Alone?! Trying to manipulate Your Friend with Guilt to Me means They were Never a Real Friend to fucking begin with, I mean who the fuck does that Immature Childish Shit?!!

Then Phil talks about His Girlfriend who first and foremost is allegedly a Very Cheerful Person. Oh I’m fucking Sorry is being fucking Cheerful a Coronavirus Deterrent, NO IT FUCKING ISN’T. Phil’s Girlfriend’s cheerfulness is a COMPLETELY MOOT POINT as it means fuck all in this Situation. Then Phil say His Girlfriend is Careful, and I’m calling BULLSHIT BIGT IME on that Stupid Statement. If She was in Fact Careful then She would have stayed Self Quarantined in Texas, and Not Travel 2 Days across some of the Most Infected fucking Areas there are Currently. She would have realized the UNNECESSARY and Dangerous Risk a Trip like that would Pose. Traveling was the RISKIEST thing to do during a fucking Global Pandemic, and the Safest would to be to Stay Put and Self Quarantine. Careful My Ass.


Phil then adds to the Idiocy buy saying that He has a Weakened Immune System or Pre Exisiting Condition which make Him at the Highest Rick of Coronavirus Infection. Again with a weakened Immune system WHY THE FUCK would You take a 2 Day Road Trip? That makes ZERO SENSE and was an Incredible Stupid thing to do. Also if His Girlfriend was careful She would have NEVER allowed Him to Leave, BUT She didn’t She went with Him. Phil then has the balls to claim that He and His Girlfriend don’t take the Virus Lightly well Again We see Phil’s Actions are the EXACT OPPOSITE of what He’s Claiming. Not to Beat a Dead Horse, BUT taking a fucking Road Trip currently IS THE GODDAMN EPITOME  of taking it Lightly.

The Phil mentions Bob not Vouching for Him, but Vouching for what Exactly?! Vouching that Phil is Trustworthy, a Good Employee, or that He’s COVID Free in spite of the Extenuating Circumstances?! There’s No fucking Context so the whole Vouching For deal is Nonsensical Horseshit. Then Phil claims that Bob is “Controlled all the Time” whatever the fuck that means. What Bob is being controlled by Aliens, Evil Spirits, The New World Order, The Military, The Government, CIA, or Some Evil Entity?! Serious what the fuck is Phil babbling about here I have No fucking Idea I just know its 100% Irrelevant to the Conversation.


Finally right at the very fucking end of His Lengthy Text Phil admits or Acknowledges that the Coronavirus is indeed Scary. Well thats News to Me since Phil’s Actions Speak FAR LOUDER than His Feeble Words. Then all of a Sudden Phil Says “We Were Trusting You to Stay at Your House” like Bob, His Wife or His House was the Safety Issue?! It’s Phil and His Girlfriend that Pose the Threat to Bob and His Wife, Yet Phil seems to be trying some Role Reversal Tactic which is a SERIOUS PUNKASS BITCH OF A MOVE. Then Phil goes back to attempting to Guilt Bob with the last line pertaining to Trust.

Phil has the fucking Nerve to bring up the Subject of Trust?  If I was Friends with Someone for 20 fucking Years I’d Trust though They may be Disappointed They would TOTALLY UNDERSTAND Why. The Fact Phil is Bitching, Guilt Tripping, and All Out Arguing the Facts around the Pandemic thats Affecting goddamn Everything (Not just Phil although He seems to Feel He is the Only Asshole on the Planet. Hey Phil YOUR NOT ALONE) just make Phil look like a Really Shitty Friend. Phil is being so Shitty over the Situation most People would immediately reconsider Their Friendship with Phil. Who wants a So Called Friend that Acts like an ABSOLUTE AND UTTER SELFISH SELF CENTERED FUCKWIT??? Phil need to get the fuck Over Himself, Man Up, and Take Responsibility for His Life Not Running Around picking Fights with His Friends for Fuck’s Sake.


More Proof People are fucking Idiots. I seriously wonder Sometimes how the hell Humanity has made it this fucking Far without Going Extinct due to Our Own Mistakes, Behavior, and Overall Shitty Attitude. We Pollute the Water, Air and Land while Killing Off Entire Species, and Constantly Trying to Kill Each other its Amazing Humanity has somehow (I assume due to Dumb Luck) hasn’t Gone the Way of the Dinosaurs.

Thanks For Reading,

By Les Sober