Broadcast Interruptions: Nuclear Explosion on Czech Television Morning Show

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring the 2007 Broadcast Hijacking of the Czech Television Morning Show called Panorama. The Live Morning Show  Featured Scenic Picturesque Scenes of Czech Countryside (with a relaxing musical soundtrack)  to Help Boost the Tourist Industry in Czechoslovakia.  Czech Citizens Freaked the fuck Out with some People even called the Government to find out What to Do while Other People fled in Fear of Radiation Poisoning from the Nuclear Fallout. The Television Station CT2 had to make Official Statement that it was a Fake Nuclear Explosion and that Czechoslovakia had Not in Fact been Attacked, Bombed, and a Nuclear War had Not Broken Out.

The Hijacking was Carried Out by  6 Members of a Radical Artists Collective known as Ztohoven and one of Their Causes is “Penetrating Public Space”. After the Incident the 6 Members where Arrested and Taken into Custody and Charged with Spreading False Information. Ztohoven Stated the Purpose of the  Broadcast Hijacking, which They referred to as Media Reality, was Not to Harm, BUT to illustrate How the Media Manipulates Reality. In a Statement from the Group said:  “We are Neither a Terrorist Organization Nor a Political Group. Our Aim is Not to Intimidate Society or Manipulate it, Which is something We Witness on a Daily Basis by the Media. On June 17, 2007, [We] Attacked the Space of TV Broadcasting, Distorting it, Questioning its Truthfulness and its Credibility.” The Group Also Added that They Hoped Their Action would “Remind the Media of Their Duty to Bring Out the Truth”.

This Particular Broadcast was Compared to Orson Welles’ War of The Worlds Radio Broadcast Back in 1938 which was Portrayed a Fictitious News Report as Authentic. War of The Worlds Radio News Broadcast claimed Aliens were Invading the Earth Laying Waste to Everything in Their Path. Listeners freaked the fuck Out and Mass Panic Broke Out Across the Country. There were Reports of People Suffering Heart Attacks and Shooting at Water Towers/ Windmills etc. after Hearing the Broadcast and Believing it to be Real.


It is what it is,

  Presented By Les Sober

The Similarity Between Serial Killers and Vigilantes

It’s No Surprise that I think of Strange shit, and Yesterday I found Myself thinking about Serial Killers. Specifically I was mentally reviewing the Behavioral Characteristics and Traits that Allow a Serial Killer to be just that  fucking Serial Killers. My Mind began to wonder (as it has a Tendency to do from Topic to Topic) I started to think about Vigilantes which isn’t such a Far Stretch in this Case since Vigilantes Reap Social Revenge/Justice  by Hunting Down Murderers such as Serial Killers and Other Criminal Scumfucks. It was when I started to think about Both Groups Simultaneously that I began to Draw certain Parallels between Them.


The Best way I can Explain this is simply by doing a Side by Side Comparison if You will. Now with that said let’s take a look at the Similarities between Serial Killers and Vigilantes. And when its Over You’ll see Just How Similar They Are I assure You. With that said I will be sticking to the Similarity aspects, I WILL NOT be doing the Classically Cliche Amateur Regurgitation of the Full Blown Psychological Profile of EITHER GROUP (No bullshit about Childhood, Parents, Friends, Schooling, Upbringing, Drug/Alcohol issues, Mental Health Issues, Role of Religion, Social Ramifications, Bullying, Physical/Mental/Emotional/Sexual Abuse, and No Nature Versus Nurture Theories ). I’m Not Saying that to be a Dick its just Not the Point I’m interested in, and You can Google the Usual Spiel so it’s Not like Your missing Anything.


Let’s Start with Serial Killers Shall We?! What permits a Serial Killer to Kill isn’t What They might Posses such as Schizophrenia for Example, but in What They Lack instead. Serial Killers can Do What They Do (Torture, Rape, Murder, Mutilate etc.) is due to the Fact to Their Lack of Key Human Emotions. Serial Killers are Void of Empathy, Sympathy, Concern, or Caring for Others They don’t see Their Victims as People, but as Objects to Indulge Their Sick Desires. They also Lack Remorse or Guilt so Killing an Entire Family and Eating Their Brains is NO DIFFERENT than Doing the Dishes it MEANS NOTHING TO THEM.


Serial Killers unlike Other Murderers (like Mass Murderers or Psychopaths) is They seem to have 2 Specific Type of Victim Profile that They adhere too. The First is Physical Attributes of the desired Victim such as Male/Female, Hair Color, Physical Likeness to Someone significant in the Serial Killer’s Life (Past or Present). The Second is the Serial Killers will Target a Demographic like the Homeless or Prostitutes due to the Serial Killer’s Personal Views on Said Group in Society. The Point is Serial Killers are Killing to Prove Their Point to the World/Society/Humanity or They’re  Slaughtering just to Satisfy Their Uncontrollable Homicidal Blood Lust.


Now as for Vigilantes there’s Obviously a HUGE fucking Difference between Vigilantes and Serial Killers in WHO They Kill. Serial Killers are Predators that Prey on the Innocent while Vigilantes Prey on the Predators. The Question would be WHY do Vigilantes Kill? What I’m saying is Most Everyone agrees that Serial Killers are Evil Motherfuckers, and it Seriously Sucks Scrotum that They Exist.


So what Motivates a Vigilante to Not Only Acknowledge the Problem, But to then Take Up Arms and Launch a Personal One Person War against it? How can Vigilantes Cross the Line between Hero to Villain and Back Again? And Since Vigilantes are Criminals Themselves because They commit Homicide WHY do People/Society in General give Them a Free Pass when the Law or Judgement?


Those are Pertinent Questions and Here are the Pertinent Answers. How can a Vigilante feel No Remorse, Regret or Guilt Killing a Criminal when They Absolutely would if say They hit and Killed a Pedestrian while Driving? While Serial Killers are People Incapable of Learning to Love Vigilantes are People who ARE Capable of Learning to Hate. A Vigilante can Learn to Hate at Levels that so called Regular People couldn’t even begin to fucking Fathom. A Vigilante can Lear to Hate to the Point where They can Kill what They Hate, and if You Hate something that fucking much You Don’t feel Remorse, Regret or Guilt. And a Lack of Remorse, Regret, or Guilt is EXACTLY what enables BOTH a Serial Killer AND a Vigilante to Kill with a Conscious.


As Far as People or Society is concerned (and even Law Enforcement) Serial Killers are Demonized because They Kill the Innocent indiscriminately while Vigilantes are Exhausted because They Kill with a Nobel Purpose. Everyone knows Our Legal and Prison Systems are fucked beyond belief, and there’s an Overwhelming amount of Horrible shit in the Daily News that it makes People Clinically Depressed. So It’s reassuring to People that there ARE some of Us willing to do the Dirty Work of Cleaning Up After the Failures of an Unjust Legal System. And Let’s Face it People are Vengeful Creatures and Thus They Love Revenge which is Embodied by/in Vigilantes.

Thanks for Reading,

 By Les Sober

Bits & Pieces: The Labeling Perspective

This perceived Radical Sociological Perspective know as The Labeling Perspective was Developed in the 1960’s. The Word Deviant has been Miss Used and thus Misunderstood for Many Years now. Being Deviant doesn’t mean the Person is a Criminal, Mentally Unstable, that a Person is some sort of Scumbag, or that They should be looked Down Upon in some Way. Unfortunately the General public has come to Assume that is Exactly. Again this is mainly due to HEAVY MISUSE of the Word by Members of Society without fully Understanding its actual Definition.


It’s NOT the Behavior Itself, BUT the Reaction To the Behavior that Creates Deviance. It is NOT something about the Person being Deviant, BUT rather about the Definition of what is Deviant. What is considered to be Deviant varies from Society to Society, and What is considered Deviant can Change over time. Bottom Line: Deviance is in the Eye of the Beholder.


The Labeling Perspective States:

  1. A Person is Labeled or Deemed Deviant, and Most often by a Person or Persons in a Position of Authority.
  2. OTHERS view the Person Labeled as Indeed being Deviant. This is referred to as the Societal Acceptance of Deviance.
  3. The Alleged “Deviant” begins to Accept the Label of Deviant. This is referred to as Internalization of Self-Concept.
  4. The Person ends up Believing He or She IS Deviant/a Deviant. This is Referred to as Secondary Deviance or simply put YOU decide YOUR Deviant.


Thanks for Reading,

  Presented By Les Sober

The Nuclear Family is DEAD Pt.2: Family & Marriage

Provided Here in this Post are Sociological Definitions for the Terminology used Today in the Areas of BOTH Family as well as Marriage.

Family Terminology:

Traditional Nuclear Family: This Family consists of a Biological Mother who stays at Home and a Biological Father who works Outside the Home and Their Biological/Adopted Children.

Nuclear Family (Non Traditional): This Family consists of a Biological Mother and Father and Their Biological/Adopted Children.

Binuclear Family: This Family consists of TWO Households where and Household includes One Parent and Kid(s) and the Other Household includes the Other Parent and the Kid(s)

Family of Origin: A Family into which You are Born or Brought into Through Adoption.

Single Parent: A Family consisting of a Single Mother/Father and Kid(s) the Other Parent is Not Involved (Example: a Dead Beat Dad)

Blended Family: This Family consists of Individuals who Marry and Bring Children from a Previous Marriage.

Extended Family: This Family consists of TWO or MORE Generations of Close Relatives Living Together in ONE Household.

Marriage Terminology:

Marriage: In America, Marriage Historically has been Defined as a Legally Recognized Social Union between a Man and a Woman who meet the Specified Age Requirements and Who are NOT Legally Married to Another Individual. Today the Language between a Man and a Woman is NO LONGER a Valid Part of the Definition.

Same-Sex Marriage: The Union between Same Sex Couples Legally Recognized Nationwide. On June 27, 2015, The Supreme Court ruled in Favor of Same-Sex Marriage Nationwide. States NO LONGER have the Option to Ban Same-Sex Marriages. The Term Same-Sex Marriage may also be OUTDATED as lets face it Marriage is Marriage Regardless of Sexual Orientation. Love is Love Plain and Simple.

Arranged Marriage: A Marriage Planned and Agreed to by the Families or Guardians of The Bride AND Groom who have Little or No say in the matter Themselves. This is NOT THE SAME AS FORCED MARRIAGE.

Forced Marriage: Is a Marriage in which One OR MORE of the Parties Involved is Married WITHOUT Their Consent OR Against Their Will.

Polygamy: Is the Practice of having MORE than 1 Marriage Partner. Polygamy is ILLEGAL IN ALL 50 STATES, But Non the Less IT IS Still Practiced Today.

Polygyny: Is a Form of Polygamy that Involves the Practice of a Man having MULTIPLE WIVES at the Same Time.

Polyandry: Is a Another Form of Polygamy which Involves the Practice of a WOMAN having MULTIPLE HUSBANDS st the Same Time.

Common Law Marriage: Marriage by Mutual Agreement between a Cohabitating Woman and Man without a License OR Ceremony. Common Law Marriage is Currently Recognized in 10 States as a Legitimate and Legal form of Marriage.

Partner Choice Terminology:

Homogamy: The Practice of Choosing Partners LIKE Ourselves.

Heterogamy: The Practice of Choosing Partners that are DIFFERENT from Ourselves.

Endogamy: To Marry WITHIN One’s Own Social Group.

Exogamy: To Marry OUTSIDE of One’s Social Group.

Interracial Marriage: To Marry Someone of a Different Race.

Interclass Marriage: Marrying Someone of Another Social Class.

Interage Marriage: Marrying Someone at LEST 10 YEARS OLD OR YOUNGER than Yourself.

Interreligious Marriage- To Marry Someone of Another Religion then Yours.


Thanks for Reading,

 Brought to You By Les Sober

The Nuclear Family is DEAD.

The So Called Nuclear Family is Extinct a Relic from the Past. The Nuclear Family also Referred to as The Traditional Family Consisted of a Heterosexual Husband and Wife, 2 Kids, House in the Suburbs, White Picket Fence, and a Dog Named Spot. The Husband was the Provider who went to Work Everyday while the Wife was a Housewife who stayed Home to Raise the Children and Tend to the House (aka Cleaning).

Over the Decades from the 1950’s to Today Society has Undergone Countless Changes and Restructuring. The Nuclear Family Norm is Long Gone and Almost completely Forgotten wading Fast into the Past. Some of the Characteristics of such Changes in the American Family Structure from 1960 up to 2019 are as Follows.

  1. The Median Age at the Time of Marriage in 1960 was 23 for Men and 20 for Women. Today the Median Age at Marriage is 29 for Men and 27 for Women
  2. 2.The Median Size of the Family relating to the Number of Children Fell from 4 in 1960 to 1.7 2019.
  3. More People are Choosing to Remain Single rather than to Marry.
  4. More People are Marrying at a Later Age
  5. The Increase of Cohabitation.

6. The Increase in Cohabitators with Children (44%)

7. The Increase in Childless Couples

8. Fewer Children Overall in Modern Families of Today.

9. The Increase in Same Sex Marriage

10. The Increase in Mothers with Young Children employed Outside of the Home.

11. The Increase of Stay at Home Dads.

12. The Increase in the Divorce Rate DOUBLED from 1960-1980 to 50% Decrease in the Divorce Rate Since 2000 to 40%.

13. The Increase in Single Parent AND Binuclear Households.

14. The Decrease in the Number of People Remarrying.

15. The Increase of Young Adults Living with Parents.

16. The Increase in the Number of Families Living in Poverty.

17. The Decrease in Middle Income Families.

Thats All the Sociology for Today Hope You Enjoyed the Post and Perhaps Learned Something as Well Along the Way.

Thanks for Reading,

  By Les Sober

FYB’s Cartoons That Are NOT for Kids: Psychotic Saturday Cartoons

Saturday is Upon Us Once Again so its Time for Another Round of Cartoons That Are NOT for Kids. This Week its a Double Dose of Demented from treatsforbeasts (I know that looks a little fucked, BUT that’s how He Spells His Moniker).

First is a Little Diddy Titled “Beasts”, and if I had to guess its a Sarcastic Sociological Commentary on How People Feel Entitled to do Whatever the hell They want regardless  of the Damage or Consequences. “Beasts” was the LAST VIDEO Posted by treatsforbeasts over 2 Years Ago.


Summery/Plot Line of “I LOVE JESUS” Portrays Christians as Members of a Violent Death Cult. So You can see why the WARNING Above was Necessary, and if Not Now You will After Watching It. Enjoy.

And Now Our Second Featured Cartoon “i love jesus” Enjoy.

Hope You had a BLAST Watching This Delightful Double Dose of The Demented. Until Next Time remember Animation can be an Abomination Too.

  Presented By Les Sober

The Human Hypocrisy in Death

Ever since Humanity Evolved the Intellectual Ability to Comprehend Death, that ALL things including Us will Die, and there’s No fucking Way around it. Due to the Fear of the Unknown (or in this case what May or May not lie Beyond in the Realm of Death) has Spawned everything from Organized Religion to The Exploration for an Actual Psychical Fountain of Youth.

All this Time, Effort, Money, and Concern in an Attempt to Cheat or Deny Death in the End. Forever Chasing The Ultimate Prize, the Trophy of Immortality.

There is though One Fate more Dreaded Than Death Itself, and thats To Linger barely holding on to Life while Sick, Suffering, and Wallowing in Pain.


So its No Wonder when it comes to People’s Beloved Animals once They come into Their Golden Years  or to put it simply They Become Four Legged Senior Citizens. Once Our Pets Succumb to the Ravages of Old Age, As Their Teeth turn to Shit, They Loose Weight as well as Muscle Mass, Arthritis Takes Hold, Mobility and Bladder Control become An Issue, Senility, Their Eye Sight Dwindles, The Hearing goes Deaf, and We Deem that as “Having No Quality of Life”.We make one of the Hardest Calls Ever.

It’s said one of if not the Greatest Tragedy a Parent can face is Losing a Child because You’re Not meant to Out Live Your Children .They Out Live You and thats the Way it Is. Now based on that argument Pet Owners go through the same feelings of Loss, Depression, and Hopelessness as Parents do when They loose a Child, BUT Pet Owners will Experience such a Life Changing Loss Many, Many times during Their Lives.


As Humans We have Empathy and Compassion for Our Aged Animals, and would Never want to Prolong the Life of a Pet when all it has to Look Forward to is Slowly Suffering as it Creeps towards the Light. That is Why Not Only do We have Veterinarians to Heal/Cure Our Sick or Injured Pets, BUT, Veterinarians Provide a Service that is Alien in the World of Human Healthcare and that’s Euthanasia. And the Reason We have Euthanasia is to Relieve Our beloved Pets from Any and All Further Suffering. We all agree it’s the HUMANE thing to Do.

The Story though is Far Different when it comes to Humans and Death. Human’s for whatever reason can Justify the Sickness and Suffering of Elderly Family Members in particular. When a Relative becomes Gravely Ill and Whose’s End is Imminent We want Them to Be Pain Free and as Comfortable as Possible, BUT WE WON’T LET GO.


We throw Time, Money, Diagnostics, Medications, Tests, Medical Machines, Surgeries, and Doctors into the Mix to PROLONG a Loved One because THEY don’t want Them do Pass. People are fucking Selfish. People tend to Act in Their OWN Best Interest (Basically “I don’t want So-N-So to Die”) rather than that of The Sick and Suffering Family Member.

This Behavior has struck Fear into Many a Person’s Heart. The idea of Being Bed Ridden, Muddle Minded, In Pain, Soiling Ones Self, and Inability to Bath or Feed Oneself Trapped in the Confines of a Hospital Bed basking in the Soul sucking Florescent Lights. No One wants to Languish like a Living Corpse plugged into Menacing Medical Machines unable to Decide Your Own Fate as You wait Praying for the Sweet Release of Death.


This Fear gave Birth to a New Trend if You will The DO NOT RESUSCITATE (DNR) MOVEMENT.  A DNR is often referred to as a “NO CODE”, an Advance Directive Document that Guides Medical Personnel to NOT PREFORM CPR or Otherwise try to Revive You/Family Member/Dear Friend if Their Heart has Stopped.

Once the Idea caught on DNR LEVELS were implemented which are as Follows:

Level 1: Stay in a Facility, and be kept Comfortable, BUT NOT Given Antibiotics or Other Medications to Cure You.

Level 2: Stay in a Facility and Receive ALL Medications AND Treatments possible Within Said Facility.

Level 3: To Be Transferred to a Hospital from a Nursing Facility, BUT NOT given CPR or Taken to Intensive Care.

Level 4: Be taken to a Hospital and Given ALL  Possible Medical Interventions. DO EVERYTHING POSSIBLE.

Note: Level 1 and Level 2 Allow Someone to Die Naturally in Familiar Surroundings. Also Some States use Different Terms Such as:

AND: Stands for ALLOW NATURAL DEATH, used in End of Life Situations to be Clear that an End is Anticipated and the Natural Consequences of the Condition are Allowed to Proceed.

DNAR: DO NOT ATTEMPT RESUSCITATION, this should be Accompanied by SPECIFICS of which Forms of Interventions Can or Can Not be Used if One’s Heart Stops Beating.

The Moral to this Twisted Tale is This: Figure Out Your Personal Medical Wishes, and More Importantly MAKE THEM ABUNDANTLY KNOWN so They will be Honored.


(Note: Living Wills Don’t Mean Shit in the Medical World as there is so much bullshit Red Tape that Living Wills are Almost NEVER HONORED because the Hospital and Doctors have to Legally Cover Their Asses.)

Thanks for Reading,

  By Les Sober (12:47am)

Some More Sociology Shit: American Crime Definitions

“Crimes of The Street”

Violent Crime- Defined as Those Offenses which involve Force or Threat of Force. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) includes FOUR OFFENSES: Murder, (Forcible)Rape, Robbery, and Aggravated Assault.

Property Crime- The Federal Bureau of Investigation Includes THREE OFFENSES: Burglary, Larceny (Stealing), Motor Vehicle Theft. A FOUR OFFENSES has been added that being the Crime of ARSON.

Public Order Crime- Also Referred to as Victimless Crimes of which The FBI includes TWENTY ONE OFFENSES including Forgery, Prostitution, Gambling, and Driving Under The Influence (DUI)


“Crimes of The Suite”

Whit Collar Crime- Defined as a Crime Committed by a Person of Respectability and High Social Status in the course of His or Her Occupation (Ex. Enron)

Occupational Crime- One of Two Types of White Collar Offenses where the Person receives Direct Personal Gain from His or Her Crime.

Corporate Crime- One of the Two Types of White Collar Crime where the Person MAY Benefit Directly, BUT may simply Benefit The Company.


“Skewed or Biased Data” Called this due to Serious Flaws in Data Collection.

Uniformed Crime Report (UCR)- Data Collected by The FBI from Crime Reports submitted VOLUNTARILY by Law Enforcement Agencies including Data on the 7 Index Crimes and The 21 Non-Index Crimes.

National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS)- More Commonly referred to as Victimization Data Based on a Representative Sample of 77,200 Households each Year.


Thank For Reading,

   Presented by Les Sober

Two Theoretical Perspectives

So Obviously We have a Foul Mouth, but We also have the Intelligent Mind to Back Up All Our average Absurdity. Since at Least Half of Us have a penchant for Sociology this seemed like the Logical way to Go. Enjoy.


One: The Functional Perspective- The Core of this Approach is to Identify conditions or Behaviors that Impede the fulfillment of Society’s Goals, that Interfere with the fluid Functioning of Society or that Throw Society into Disequilibrium. Social Problems either Fall Under the Category of SOCIAL DISORGANIZATION or DEVIANT BEHAVIOR.

PROBLEMS OF DEVIANT BEHAVIOR: Arise when Institutionalized Norms are Violated.

Assumptions of Functional Perspective:

  • Society has Collective Purpose
  • Social Problems are Objective
  • Consensus on Norms and Value


Two: Value-Conflict Perspective: At the Core of this Approach is the Belief that Value Judgements of Society Determine Whether something is a Social Problem. Different Groups with the most Power tend to have Their Values reflected in what is Deemed to be a Social Problem. Social Problems represent one of THREE Typologies. They include PHYSICAL, AMELIORATIVE, AND MORAL.

  • Physical Problem: A Condition that all People regard as a Threat to Their Welfare and Value Judgements can’t be said to cause the Condition Itself. Causation is Outside the Control of Man.
  • Ameliorative: Condition which People generally Agree is Undesirable, but for which They Can Not Agree on How to get Rid of It. This is a Man-Made Condition and Value Judgements prevent its Solution.
  • Moral Problem: Condition for Which there is NO Unanimity of Opinion that is Undesirable. There is NO Consensus in Values.


Assumptions of Value-Conflict Perspective:

  1. Social Problems are Subjective to Members of Society’s Values.
  2. Differences in Power Determine Recognition of Values.

Let’s Be Honest People are Utterly, Absolutely, Completely, and Totally Fucked Up 6 Days a Week and Twice on Sunday, BUT They are endlessly Fascinating.

Thanks for Reading,

  Les Sober

3 Man Made Failures: Organized Religion, Politics, & Money

I’ve been told countless times that I’m a seriously Intense Person to Deal with or Even be around sometimes. I’m told is completely Draining. While I have been well aware (or accepted might be a better word oh well fuck it) of this for Several Years, BUT yesterday I found out Additional Information that I had NOT been privy to Previously.

Apparently even if I’m on Your Side fighting on Your behalf in a Debate, Argument, Or Conflict EVEN THEN it can still be Difficult to Deal with. That I suppose is because it can be extremely Uncomfortable to watch Anyone (for whatever Reason) utterly Tear into Another Human Being with total Abandon.


So this time Around I’m going to adapt a much more Zen like approach to this Post while leaving the Ranting, Raving, and Railing on the Back Burner for this One.

Now one of the BEST pieces of advice I ever received was NEVER talk about Politics or Religion with Anyone. I added Money as it Needs to be Included in this List of Human Social Failures as Money can Rile People up, and Cause as many Problems as Organized Religion or Politics.

Let’s start with Organized Religion shall We. which is also referred to as Institutional Religion.  I’m from the Spirituality School of Thought. What I mean by this is I am Religious Person, but I am most definitely a Spiritual Person. Spirituality differs from Organized Religion in  that Spirituality focuses on the Individual (example: Meditation or Spending Time Communing with Nature) as opposed to Converting Society as a Whole.


Now some People could argue that Religion like Spirituality has a element focusing on its Followers Self Betterment, BUT at the same time Organized Religion’s focus on the Big Picture. That is while it does allow a Follower Self Reflection and Self Improvement it dictates that EVER FOLLOWER Should conduct Themselves in the identical Way.

Organized Religion on the Other hand is a STRUCTURED System of Worship (Especially by or in LARGE NUMBER OF PEOPLE) which unlike Spirituality  has DEFINED BELIEFS, RITUALS, and GUIDELINES that are Systematically Arranged and Formerly Established.

These Defied Beliefs, Rituals, and Guidelines feed the “My God is Better than Your God” which has led to such Atrocities like The Spanish Inquisition,  The Crusades (Crusades are NOT LIMITED to Christianity Only)  , and all Other types of Religious Persecution including Torture and Murder in the Name of a Certain God. It also creates unnecessary infighting pitting Follower against His/Her Fellow Follower with the Negative Attitude of  “I’m more Devout than the Other Follower’s”.


I believe if You do choose to Follow a “Organized” Religion, and it works for You helping make You a more Positive, Productive, and Happy so be it. I’m for whatever works as long as it isn’t Hurting OR Harassing Anyone Else. What Anyone else believes is THEIR BUSINESS not Mine. I don’t understand when “Being Organized” turned the Religions of the World into a fucking competition over Who’s right and Who’s wrong when it comes to a God.

I mean NO ONE KNOWS if there is a Singular God or Possible Several Gods working together (like The Ancient Greeks believed) or Perhaps all the various Religions Gods/Deities work along side on another without Conflict of Religious Interest. The only People who know what lies beyond the Death are all DEAD, and Dead Men Tell NO Tales. Still without a shred of actual evidence People will still attack Others over Their different Religious Beliefs?!


Also Why do Organized Religions focus so much on Converting Others and Force Feeding Members of Society Their Particular Indoctrination?! Why is it that People can’t Worship as They Will in Private Free of Judgement, Condemnation, Demonization, Prejudice, Persecution, or Conflict from Other Religions or Their Followers?! Why do Men constantly and Bastardize the Religious Texts (I.E. Bible, Karon) for Their Personal Agendas, and why do People try time and time again to Weaponize Religious Texts to serve Their Personal Desires?!

Thats Why I favor Spirituality because it’s Me, About Me, and For My Well Being. With Organized Religion there are just Too Many motherfucking Priests in the Pulpit. More is NOT always Merrier in fact it can be Murder.


Enough about That lets move on to Money. Just the mere mention of Money is enough to put People on the Edge of Their Seat were They sit Perched Anxiously waiting for Whatever may come Next.. First off Yes People need Money to Live in Today’s Society, BUT after paying for Food, Healthcare, Clothing, and Lodging everything else is just Greed, Ego, Envy, and Social Status Bullshit. You need to Eat to fucking Live what you don’t NEED a 90″ LCD TV to Live You just WANT IT.

I fucking hate when assholes confuse Want with actual Need. You Need to Breathe You don’t need a fucking McMansion to survive Happily. Commercialization has consumed Society into trusting the Illusion that if You don’t Buy/Own all kinds of shit then it Sucks to Be You. Thats fucking Insane.


People were Happy and Productive for THOUSANDS OF YEARS without all this Tech Shit, Without the Internet, Social Media, Smart Phones, Smart TV’s, DVR’s, Streaming Services, Tablets/Ipads, Texting, Podcasts, and Uber weren’t  EVEN AN ABSTRACT THOUGHT.

I think the Invention of a Monetary System was Doomed from the Beginning as Human Nature twists Everything Humanity comes across. I believe We should reinstate a Barter Economy where Goods and Services are Traded without a need for Monetary Compensation.

A Barter Economy Eliminates all of the vast Myriad of Issues Money Causes People as well as Society. Remember some cliches are cliches because They’re True, and  “Money is The Root of All Evil.” is a perfect example of this. Also with a Barter Economy People are required to Learn actual Real Life Skills (ie Hunting, Fishing, Trapping) or Trades  (such as Blacksmith or Mechanic) to Barter with.

Alright Money be Damned Lets move on to Our last Topic Politics. Politics is a NO WIN situation. The Government was meant to be FOR THE PEOPLE BY THE PEOPLE which is no longer the case in Todays Political Climate. Politicians have been thoroughly corrupted by Personal Greed and the Appeal of Increased Power.

The real Point is debating.Talking/Arguing Politics with Others is ABSOLUTELY FUTILE. No One is going to convince Anyone Else that They are Wrong or Changed Their Political Allegiance in the end. Politics should be a PRIVATE and PERSONAL CHOICE it shouldn’t be a Talking Point of any fucking Kind.


The Only viable Government is a Stripped Down, Bare Bones, Back to Basics minimalistic Government to avoid all the issue with MONEY (which We Just Discussed) and Thirst for Fame along with More Personal Power over Others and Issues. Politics is EGO DRIVEN just like People with Their Sports Teams where it becomes less and less about the ACTUAL SPORT/GAME and More and More WE ARE THE BEST & ALL OTHERS ARE SHIT SO FUCK THEM.

I’ll wrap it up with this Quote by GEORGE WASHINGTON Himself:

“A Two Party Political System will be the DEATH OF AMERICA.”

Thanks for Reading,

  Les Sober