Saturday Micro Horror Cinema: THE MIME and THE MIME 2!

Welcome to Saturday Micro Horror Cinema DOUBLE FEATURE featuring THE MIME and THE MIME 2 (That came out on this past Thursday December 9th 2021) Written , Directed, and Edited By Alex Magaña. If The Mime Films Feel a Little Familiar there is a Good fucking Reason for that. Magana also Wrote and Directed the SMILING WOMAN Series, and The Mime is the Far More Unsettling Evolution of Magana’s Classic Hero Versus Villain One on One Format. Luckily for Magana it’s a Format He is quite Good at so He has that going for Him.


Plot: One Late night at a Lonely Train Station, a Commuter is Stalked by a Sinister Mime…

THE MIME CAST: Ericka Bernabe as the Commuter and Isabella Moore as the Mime.


Plot: On a late night at a Train Station, a Lone Commuter is Terrorized by a Ominous and Supernatural Mime…

Commuter – Orion Smith
Mime – Isabella Moore


Thanks For Watching,

  Presented By Les Sober

Short Horror Film Friday: THE ITCH

Welcome to this week’s Short Horror Film Friday featuring THE ITCH Written and Directed By Timothy Driscoll in Association with TERROR FRIGHTS. TERROR FRIGHTS is Devoted to Assisting Indie Filmmakers bring their Creations to Viewers around the World.

 The Itch is an Ominous Metaphor for any of Life’s Insatiable Vices and Appetites the People Indulge in (even when it cause Their Own Demise). Just like a Drug Addiction, Alcoholism, Sex Addiction, Gambling, or Any Other Self Destructive Obsession like Anorexia or Stalking.

Synopsis: BEWARE!!! There Some Itches You Shouldn’t Ever Scratch…….


Thanks For Watching,

Presented By Les Sober

The Mystery of Meatsleep’s Deleted Content (26-31)

Welcome to another installment of The Mystery of Meatsleep’s Deleted Content (Videos 26-31). Not to beat a Dead Horse, but if You haven’t seen the Previous Installments We highly recommend that You Do as the Videos are Posted in Chronological Order. Also in Addition to the Meatsleep Video’s We posted Additional Information pertinent to the Meatsleep Mystery as a Whole. Now for Those Who are Not yet in the Know the Intrigue behind Meatsleep’s Videos’s is the Ever Present Question of are They Real or are They Fake This Fake? What We mean by that is are the Videos part of an Elaborate Art Project or Are They the Real Life Documentations of an Actual Serial Killer.

Now the Following may seem redundant or inconsequential, BUT when it comes to Complex Mysteries You can’t afford to take ANYTHING at Face Value. It’s just like the Wise Man George Carlin said, “QUESTION EVERYTHING”, and thats exactly what We intend to Do. With that said We are Wondering what the fuck could the Name/User Name/Alias possibly mean? Granted it’s a Strange User Name, Yet there might be a bit more to it once You start to Scratch the Surface. Those who believe the Video’s are in fact a Real Life Serial Killer’s recordings the Name Meatsleep allegedly stands for the Following. Meat would be a reference to the Killer’s Victims as the Killer is referring to His/Her Victim’s a Meat as in “A Piece of Meat”, and Sleep is a Reference to The Eternal Slumber of Death.


Some from the Same School of Thought have hypothesized that MeatSleep isn’t the Actual Killer, But is an Escaped Victim of the Killer. In that case the name Meatsleep takes on a entirely different connotation in this situation where Meat is used to Infer “Dead Meat” as in “Your Dead Meat!”, and again Sleep equals Death. This would indicate the Victim not only Escaped from the Clutches of the Killer, but in a twist of Fate the Escaped Victim Murdered the Killer too.

The most Curiously Interesting Detail of the Meatsleep Name before Meatsleep’s Youtube Account was Completely Deleted at the Top of Meatsleep’s Channel List Was: U001f356 which is Unicode for The Classic Meat Emoji, and We mean the Cave Man Like Emoji with a Hunk of Meat on an Bone. The Other thing about the Meatsleep name that has been bouncing around in Our Skulls is Meatsleep’s Deleted Facebook Account and Defunct Twitter Account were both under the User Name Sewnskin Meatsleep. So if you Spit the First Part of the Name being Sewnskin You get the Two Words that read Sewn Skin making the full Name read Sewn Skin Meatsleep. We can’t Help but Wonder if this in Fact a Reference to the Horror Movie Iconic Villain Leatherface from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Franchise. Let’s face it Leatherface wears a Mask made of Human Skin that He sows Together, He’s a Cannibal, and He’s a Serial Killer. Thus it covers all the Major Bases Sewn Skin, Meat, and Murder. Enjoy.







Thanks For Watching,

  By Les Sober

The Mystery of MeatSleep’s Deleted Content Installment 2 (Videos 4-8)

Welcome to Part Two of MeatSleep’s Deleted Video Content where We will be Showcasing MeatSleep’s Videos 4-8. If You haven’t Watched MeatSleeps First 3 Video’s in Our Previous Post “MeatSleep’s Deleted Video Content” We highly recommend You Watch It before Viewing this Post. The Primary Reason is The Video’s are being Posted in Chronological Order. Now for a Brief Recap for Those Who may as of Yet still be Unaware.

MeatSleeps in/was an Individual Who Posted a Slew of Strange Videos that caught  Some People’s Attention as it were. After viewing MeatSleep’s Content Viewer’s found Themselves facing a rather Unconventional Question. The Question became was MeatSleep’s Video’s a Bizarre Art Project/Some kind Weird Promotion OR were They in Fact a POV Vlog belonging to an Actual Real Life Serial Killer??!


After Posting the “Final Video” MeatSleep announced that The Video’s were indeed Fake and was Designed as Part of an Online Art Project. The ODD THING IS if the Videos were Part of an Art Project, AND Supposedly Fake Why then did MeatSleep Immediately Delete ALL Their Content? Why would MeatSleep go to so much fucking Trouble spending God Knows How much Time and Effort Creating and Posting said Video’s Only to Suddenly and Unexplainably Delete Them? Were there Clues Concealed within the Video’s pertaining to MeatSleeps Actual Identity ? Perhaps was there Incriminating Evidence embedded in the Unorthodox Videos? What was it MeatSleep All of a Sudden Didn’t want People to See?

All in All it seems to be rather Abnormal Behavior to come out of Internet Void, and make a Surprise Announcement that Your Content is Fake and Part of a Project followed by the Deletion of all said Content? It’s not Logical in the Least it’s more Indicative of a Panicked Knee Jerk Reaction to Cover One’s Ass by Erasing All Alleged Evidence.


Whoever MeatSleep is Disappeared from the Internet without Posting Anything else (Video or Otherwise) OR making any Further Comment. And that leaves the Question of are the Videos Creative Content Vs. A Serial Killer’s Confession Unanswered to this Very Day. In The End We may Never Know.

So Once Agin Think For Yourself and Draw Your Own Conclusions. Enjoy.

Number 4

Number 5

Number 6

Number 7

Number 8

Stay Tuned as The Mystery of MeatSleep Continues with Installment 3 (Videos 9-14)

Thanks For Watching,

  By Les Sober