Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring SOCK 6 by David Firth and is One of His Longer Videos with a Runtime of 16 Minutes 51 Seconds. For those Who are Unaware David Firth is an English Animator, Director, Writer, Musician, Actor, Voice Actor, Video Artist, Broadcaster, and Creator of the Now Legendary SALAD FINGERS. The Word NIGHTMARE is used most often to Describe Firth’s body of Work and Why We are such Diehard Fans of His work. Several of Firth’s works in Flash Animation, along with Multiple Music Videos and Works of Video Art, have garnered a Large (and Ever Growing) Followings Over the Years.

Now Our Favorite David Firth Animation(s) is His SALAD FINGERS Series that is Until We watched SOCK 6 which fucking Instantly became Our new Firth Favorite. SOCK 6 ramps up the fucking Creep Factor taking it to a whole New fucking Level even for Firth and We think that’s P{pretty fucking Awesome. SOCK 6 takes Place in a Stark Post Apocalyptic Wasteland that Remind Us of the Old Stock Footage of Nuclear Bomb Test Sites from the 1950s. In the 1950s the American Military for some Reason would Construct Mock Towns Populated by Mannequins, and then Nuke the Holy Hell out of Them. Why the fuck would They go through All that Trouble Staging a Bomb Site, but Who fucking Knows what the fuck They were Thinking. The Story follows a Scievy  Nameless Main Character (Who looks like Your Garden Variety Meth Addict) Starting in a Grimy Cafe/Diner with a Cook that’s a Mass of fucking Tentacles Named Allen. As far as We’re Concerned Allen is a Interdimensional Entity that’s a Cross Between the Kracken and Cthulhu and Accesses Our Dimension via a Portal that looks like a Food Service Window at a  fucking Medival Times Restaurant.

From the Cafe The Main Character travels with a pair of Ghoulish looking Twins in a Car ride that can Only be Described as Hellish. The Woods are filled with Smoke, People Burning, People Melting Under the Intense Heat, Dying, and Some are Being Tortured. Then Arguably the Most Demented Part of the Video Occurs as the Main Character Engages in Beastiality with a Talking Female Cow. After fucking the Cow the Main Character Forces the Cow to Play a Childish Game with Dire Consequences. That’s when the Police get involved, Arrest, and Imprison the Main Character in in what Looks like a Solitary Confinement Cell in a Stank Basement Dungeon. Then the Main Character asks a Strange Woman Survey Questions about Pissing, Shitting, Suicide, and Sex while She is on the Toilet.

And Well That’s All We have to Say So On to SOCK 6!

Description: This is Sock Six, a story about a man and his special Genetical and bovine adventures.


It is What it Is,

 Presented By Less Sober

Mezlo’s Trick

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring MEZLO’S TRICK by None Other Than  London Based Writer, Director, Visual Artist, and Computer Animator Ben Wheele. If You Mezlo’s Trick then You Should Check Out the Other Ben Wheele Videos We’ve Posted Previously on FYB. So Who the Fuck is the Deal with Ben Wheele?! Wheele Graduated from The Royal Collage of Art with a Masters in Animation  in 2011, and His Films have been Screened at Festivals Internationally, Including Annecy, Pictoplasma, London Intl.Animation Festival, Rotterdam Film Festival and Stuttgart ITFS. Wheele’s work has also been Exhibited at The Sunday Painter Gallery (London), Digital Art Space, and Broadcast on Adult Swim and Channel 4 (UK). He is also the Founder of ‘Studio Ponk’ and Currently Lectures in 3D Animation and Games at Middlesex University.

We enjoy Wheele’s work Due to the Nightmarish Knack He has for Surreal Horror Animation and Mezlo’s Trick is No Acceptation. The Video’s Crude Animation, Stark Environment, Odd Audio, Blood Splattering Absurdity, and Tale of Revenge  combines to Create 59 Seconds that Plays like the  Day Dream of a Demented Child.

It is What it Is,

  Presented By Les Sober

Broken Hill

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring BROKEN HILL by Content Creator Federico. This Little Animation Oddity Reminds Me of the David Lynch Surreal Nightmare Movie Masterpiece ERASERHEAD From the Gloomy Environment, Ominous Undertones, and the Hopeless Despair of the Characters. The Characters seem Lost in a Haunting Bleakness as if They are Trapped in Purgatory and thus Reduced to a Stark and Pathetic Existence.

Synopsis: “Friend Where is the Promised Land We were Told,  All We See is the Nothingness of Boredom………”

Thanks For Watching,

  Presented by Les Sober

Dread The Slammer

Welcome to today’s FYB Post featuring the Animation DREAD THE SLAMMER By Umami. For those unaware Umami (aka Justin Tomchukis a Canadian artist, composer, and content creator who makes surrealist animated videos. The title track for the video is the song “Fourth of the Earth” by Hexsystem which is the alias under which Justin Tomchuk composes and publishes music. Tomchuk’s musical genres include downtempo electronic music, particularly industrial and ambient music. Many of his Songs serve as the score to his videos while others are independent releases.

Mondays are despised for being the flag ship of the five day work week where we toil our lives away 8 hours a day for 40 hours a week for our entire adult lives. With that said when people say “Life’s Short” I interpret the meaning of this phrase differently than most. Most people believe the phrase is a commentary on how when it comes to the big picture our average human lifespan is just an insignificant blip in an eternal timeline. I believe the meaning is that life isn’t short due to the limitations pertaining to our lifespan, but rather that we waste the majority of our time on Earth working. As we labor laboriously we dream of the freedom provided by retirement, and once we obtain our cherished retirement we realize two sad facts.


First we are too old to do a lot of things we would like to have done. At the age of retirement We are  limited by our physical decline as our anatomy slowly and inevitably decays. Thus we must come to the grips with the fact there was a myriad of things we wanted to do, but no longer have the physical ability to do. Those wishes, plans, and desires fall to the wayside and the windows of opportunity slip away. The second is we realize we haven’t actual lived our lives and enjoyed our time here.  Rather we wasted it working in the pursuit of a paycheck, and ended up just simply existing. Existing to earn money the very money that deprived us of a Pandora’s box worth of joy and pleasure that life has to offer us. The only reason this egregious waste of one’s life continues to exist in denying us the life we want to live is we as a society accept it. By accepting it we then tolerate it and even end up enabling a system of labor that erodes our lives until there is virtually nothing left but the scraps. In my opinion DREAD THE SLAMMER embodies this unfortunate fact in a stark and grim manner.


DIALOGUE FROM DREAD THE SLAMMER : Combined, we are. Perfect lines. Harmony. We share a mind. A Synchronicity. From dilution cost, hopes and dreams are lost. Fear does remain. Our enemy we blame. Above all else. We dread of the slammer. For if he were to striketh us. We flip. Then, the wake that follows may change us all.

See you on the other side,

  Otto Rageous   

Monday With Umami The Artist (This Post Is NOT About Food)

Once again we are the start of a new work week which means returning to work which is a laborious chore, but fear not for I Otto Control am here to rub some salt in the wound. It has been said countless times that the beginning of the work week is truly dreaded and that reputation is more than warranted as we are all aware. The drudgery drenched in misery aspect to Mondays that we all are well aware of as we sell our time, and more over our lives to a job that is nothing more than final fucking slavery. Allow me to put it simply: of all the species on the entire planet Humans are the only one who have to pay to live here.


Let that sink in for a second as it might be a moment before one can get their mind around it. The unacknowledged aspect to the loathsome Monday equation is that much like full moons have a noticeably advert affect on people’s behavior/mentality. That’s to say when people are angry, annoyed, stressed, or depressed they have the tendency to take out their aggression on those around them. Mondays a mired maze of negativity a veritable breeding ground for both malice and mourning.

So in a salute to the anguished insanity of Monday’s post features a video by ARTIST AND CREATOR UMAMI. Umami (aka Justin Tomchukis a Canadian artist and content creator who makes surrealist animated videos. Now this is where it gets a bit precarious as for all intents and purposes do not know the title of the video as I can not read any Asian languages. Aside from the title translation situation this little taste of gothic horror reminds me of something a serial killer would have playing on a projector utilizing a bare wall as a screen.


WARNING:This video contains fast flashing images, and It may cause discomfort and trigger seizures for people with Epilepsy. I am well aware the video itself warns of this, but Les wanted me to add it just to insure we did our dual diligence.

See you on the other side…

  Presented by Otto Control

It’s already gone

I felt you
Your presence calculated in my broken horizon
I wished you
Would vanish you distress the only one

As altruism slowly dies
This lock of hair lends its cries

Nefarious, the way you strike me in the face with it
Where death prays to be my solace
Time choking slowly on its way down
To asphyxiate my mind
Just let it all die
Let it all die

You hear the weak lyrics
Come out of her cheeks
Her mouth taped
Only bleeds
Never wanting to know

She keeps her self crossed
Like a lady like her curtsy
Broken, not torn
Shattered maybe reborn
The best she can hope for is scorn

Lacking what time has to send
Living with no fear of end
The taste is what ends her prison
Yet it is already gone
The end can never be born

  By SpaceDog