Animation Abomination: ESKOS

Welcome to another Installment of Animation Abomination Featuring the 2009 Stop Motion Short ESKOS By British Puppeteer, Director, Writer, Animator, and Musician Barnaby Dixon. ESKOS is in Fact the Very First Video Posted by Dixon when He Joined Youtube in 2011. ESKOS to Me resembles what a Hybrid of the Band Tool’s Early Videos and Edgar Allen Poe’s The Raven would look like.


Brief Plot Summery:

a Team of Two “Disgrega Workers” (Disgrega is a Spanish Word that Translates to Disintegrates) Toil away everyday as some sort of Industrial Fishmongers. The Workers spend 12 hours a Day from 9-9 Butchering Large Fish and Packaging the Meat in Butcher’s Paper. One Night a Prehistoric  Sized Bird breaks into the Factory and Devours the Entire Stock of Fish in the Walk-in Freezer.

When One the Workers Returns to Work the following Day to find the Fish Supply Decimated to His/Her Great Dismay. The Bird (which in My Mind Resembles a Crow) and the Worker launch into a Game of Tom and Jerry as the Worker Tries to Rid the Factory of the Flying Fish Eating Fiend. The Second Worker arrives and The Two Workers end up in a Full Blown Fight over Their difference of Opinion on How to Handle the Situation. Will the “Crow” Escape Unscathed or will the Workers Rid Themselves of the Winged Pest Once and for All? You’ll just have to Watch and See for Yourself.


Thanks For Watching,

  Presented By Les Sober