MeatCanyon’s Nightmare Compilation 2021

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post Featuring NIGHTMARE COMPILATION 2021 by One of Our Favorite Content Creators MeatCanyon. We were Dementedly Delighted to See MeatCanyon had put together a Compilation of His Favorite Animations He did in 2021. And MeatCanyon once again did Not Disappoint His Selections are Dead On.

MeatCanyon’s real name is Hunter August Hancock better know by His online user name MeatCanyon. Hancock is an American Youtuber, Animator, Voice Actor, Comedian, Writer, and Director who makes Parody Animations of Popular Characters (say Sponge Bob for instance). Some viewers of MeatCanyon’s Animations  have been Described them in just One Single Word “Horrifying”. A common on going gag in Hancock’s video’s is that Something Normal or Mundane gets You Killed or Possible Worse.

The MeatCanyon in His Own Words: 

“Thank you all for another amazing year! heres to another! This is a compilation of some of my favorite toons from last year! hope you enjoy!

Nightmare Compilation Playlist:

00:00 – Let’s go Dababy
01:47 – The passion of the craft
04:28 – The last pringle
07:35 – Gumballs in the park
10:54 – I can count to three
13:20 – Yokai Bob the Builder
17:40 – Meaty talk

Thanks For Watching,

Presented By Les Sober

Strange and Disturbing Videos: . 👀📲📞 👇

Welcome to Another Monday Post here at FYB featuring for Lack of a Better Name “deaf” since it’s the Last Word in the Schizophrenic Title. This Twenty Seconds of Insanity is from a Content Creator Who Goes By WHAT I MAKE IS RANDOM, but is it all Actually Random or is there an Alternative a Method to this Madness?!

Text/Messages in Following Video:

  • FIAQ
  • ZI
  • You Shall Pay For Your Sins
  • Lastly there is a Sequence of Letters at the Very End of the Video that Flashes for a Split Second over the Picture that We couldn’t Catch.

The Question Remains What fucking Purpose does this Video Serve? So the First Three Standard Questions:

  • Can We take the Creator’s Word for it and Write it off as Random for Random’s Sake?
  • Is it a possible ARG?
  • Is this Some Strange Art Project?
  • Is it some Gorilla Advertisement Campaign for an Upcoming Movie or Video Game?

We will have to Wait and See.


Thanks For Watching,

Presented By Les Sober

Strange Disturbing Videos: “TERROR”

Welcome to Today’s Post here at FYB featuring a Little Oddity called “Terror” since its the Last Word in the Title. If You’re Wondering what the fuck all the Gibberish is in the Title there is aReason for This. The Reason goes a something like this: Originally if you added a Period in front of a Video Search You’d be able to Access Videos that are Public AND because of the Period could allude the Dreaded Algorithm. This way People could see the Videos that Normally would be Flagged by Youtube for Objectionable Content. Youtube of course heard about this and Fixed that particular issue.

Then You could Type “.” to Achieve the exact same thing but alas Youtube also caught on to this and Fixed the Glitch. Still there is a way to Post a Video Publicly and Avoid the Content Restricting Algorithm and Yes You guessed it it’s by Using Gibberish (which appears to be simply Text in Different Languages). By using this Bilingual Gibberish Posters Videos can stay Stealth and Under Youtube’s Algorithm Detection.

There is No Info or Context Provided for this Video so it’s Up To You the Viewer to Decide What the Fuck this Video is or is About.


Thanks For Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober  

Strange and Disturbing Videos: ANOTHER YOUTUBE

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring ANOTHER YOUTUBE by the Notorious Japanese Animator known as nana825763 (also known as PiroPito)  was Who made Internet famous amount with His Infamous Video “User 666” (which We also have Posted here in the Strange and Disturbed Video Category) which is still making People Uneasy to this Day. There isn’t a Whole Hell of A lot Biography Wise Pertaining to nana825763 and He Never Reveals His Face. His Videos are Typically of the Horror Genre, and Tend to be Extremely Unsettling. The Irony here is ANOTHER YOUTUBE  in Another Reality very well could be the Unofficial Sequel to “User 666”  since They both Deal with a Hapless Unsuspecting Anonymous User, Aspects of the Internet (i.e. Search Engine), and the Devil/Evil in the Machine as it were


nana825763 is Best Known for His Unique Style of Art, which He Repeatedly refers to on His Twitter Account as “Cute and Horror” Videos. This Style is better Elaborated as Youthfully Feminine/Tender that Degrades into Gore with Terrifying Hidden Agendas. As He States on His Website, nana825763 is partly Inspired by the Silent Hill Franchise, which would Explain His Archetypal Degradation Themes. Although the Vast Majority of nana825673’s Major Uploads uses this Horrifying Formula, some of His Earlier work and His more Recent My house walk-through Gradually Degrade They Do Not Possess the “Cute” aspect which He uses More Frequently Nowadays.


DISCLAIMER From The Creator nana825763:

* [Important] Regarding the allegation that the privacy of a specific individual is violated. This video is a video work produced by me nana825763 Unrelated personal information of others (social security number, personal identification number issued by the country origin, and Bank account number, contact information are not included at all. I got a regular license for others, such as those who appear in the video It is a visual processing of a person (such as a woman) in the “Video Material Collection”. No claim is made that violates the privacy of any particular individual.


Thanks For Watching,

  Presented By Les Sober

The Wyoming Incident: Original Footage

Welcome to the Wednesday FYB post showcasing THE WYOMING INCIDENT! So what the fuck is the big deal here? Well A Local News Broadcast was HACKED and for 6 minutes and 5 seconds disturbing messages and unnerving graphics 9 (accompanied by a strangely haunting audio) were displayed on screen. The viewers who witnessed the incident reported feeling ill physical effects from watching it such as: HEADACHES, RINGING IN THEIR EARS, NAUSEA/VOMITING, FEELING OF DRED, DIZZINESS, FEELING DISORIENTED, ANXIETY, IRRITABILITY, NERVOUSNESS,  and due to frequency vibrating their eyeballs created HALLUCINATIONS! No official statement, explanation, or apology was issued by the television station, and the guilty culprit was NEVER APPREHENDED!

The Wyoming Incident Run Down:

  • The regular news anchor woman is delivering the news.
  • The screen cuts out displaying a black and white screen that reads: 333-333-333 we present a special presentation 333-333-333
  • Next there is a collage of static laden images of peoples faces and a what appears to be a CGI human head.
  • 333-333-333 screen appears again.
  • Message: WHY DO YOU HATE
  • More faces.
  • Message: YOU ARE ILL
  • 333-333-333 screen again.
  • More Faces appear once again
  • 333-333-333 Screen
  • Static.


  • YOU CAN LOSE EVERYTHING message again.
  • Still more fucking faces.
  • 333-333-333 screen
  • Yup MORE faces!
  • 333-333-333 screen
  • Yahoo more faces!
  • YOU ARE LOST ON THE PATH message again.
  • 333-333-333 screen.
  • Faces with EXCEPTIONALLY fucking odd noise audio.
  • Message: ALL GOOD THINGS
  • Static.
  • ALL GOOD THINGS message again.
  • Regularly scheduled news broadcast resumes

See you when I see you,

  Presented by Justin Sane

WTF Am I Watching: My Sister

Well another Wednesday is upon us and today’s post MY SISTER is a true fucking internet oddity unto itself. There was NO INFORMATION provided so without a fucking crumb of context MY SISTER just kept getting fucking odder by the minute. To put it simply I was not even anywhere close to fucking prepared to research this shit.

I hit up the usual platforms like Youtube (including the fucking comment section) and Reddit but I found jack diddly shit. So I went a little farther and checked 4Chan which was big for me because I personally fucking think 4 Chan is a fucking cyber shithole. Anyway the 4Chan sacrifice I made turned up dick.


The first fact I found was basic as fuck and was MY SISTER was uploaded in May 2011 on an Old Youtube Channel called Raider Dawg. The fucked up thing is MY SISTER stuck out like a sore fucking thumb because all the other content on Raider Dawg was purely either gamer shit or straight up trolling shit. To sum it up outside of MY SISTER Raider Dawg’s content was just a bunch of fucking immature fucking punk ass bullshit.

Bottomline here is shit didn’t add up.


Well it turned out that Raider Dawg wasn’t the channel’s original name was DeeznutsFYC  until the name switch sometime in 2014. Since Raider Dawg apparently appeared to be a gaming enthusiast who wasn’t above fucking trolling someone told me to check something called LurkerFAQS. If you don’t know (and I didn’t either until this fucking post) is a ongoing continuous archive of posts from the GameFAQS message board.

So I started doing my own math and since the MY SISTER was originally posted in 2011 it made sense to me to search around using Raider Dawg’s old name DeeznutsFYC. What I found was that DeeznutsFYC posted 3 separate posts over the course of a year (2011-2012) about MY SISTER. I also noticed that he bumped the MY SISTER video several times which essentially means the old shit gets reposted at the top on the list. As you can imagine DeeznutsFYC was ask REPEATEDLY NUMEROUS TIMES about the Video and responded like a real fucking douchbag about it divulging nothing at all about the video.


The trail ended there so it was time to ask the usual questions like:

  • Is this a prank?
  • Is it a performance art piece?
  • Is it the work of a mentally disturbed individual?
  • Is this a gorilla promotion for a video game or movie?
  • Is this a promotional video since there is a fetish where people like to dress up like dolls and use high end silicone masks (since this fetish mainly applies to men who assume female form when “all dolled up”)?

Honestly this time around I don’t think any of those apply. The one hypothesis that I think honestly the most logical I have heard is that DeeznutsFYC/Raider Dawg created it, but it didn’t get the attention he wanted. So he resorted to posting the video several times while periodically bumping it to gain exposure by keeping it relevant to some fucking degree. Just like with his Youtube gaming channel the video MY SISTER posted on a gaming message board seems completely fucking out of place.


Now considering Deeznuts/Raider Dawg is obviously a gamer it sort of makes sense in the oddest fucking way that a gamer who created a video to freak people out (and failed to do so) on Youtube would post his creation on gaming message boards. This would not only serve to generate attention for MY SISTER, but it served as a way to get people from the gaming message boards to check out his gaming channel.

Anyway you fucking slice it this unsettlingly unnatural video is a fucking classic insane oddity, and who’s origins/creator/purpose will remain a fucking mystery from now until the fucking end of time.

See you when I see you,

  Justine Sane

Best Haul Video On The Internet (NOT What You Think)

Welcome to The FYB Monday Madness this Week featuring BEST HAUL VIDEO ON THE INTERNET. We wish in all Honesty that We could give the Talented Creator of this Video this Proper Credit They Deserve, but Unfortunately We were Unable to Locate the Creator’s Name.

Now for Those Who are Lucky Enough to be Unaware of what a Haul Video is allow Me to Enlighten You. Basically in a Nut Shell a Haul Video is Some Average Idiot consumed by Consumerism that after They Go Shopping They post a fucking Video to Show the Rest OF the World Their Purchases or Haul. I suppose this is the Evolution of the People who Post Every Single fucking Meal They Eat Online (like We give a fuck What You had for Lunch Today).


Now this Video Starts of Normally for one of these Vapidly Asinine Haul Videos, but it Doesn’t take Long before the Insanity begins Seeping in. While Many may just Dismiss this as a some sort of Odd Art Project I think They would be Remiss. I believe there is Quite a bit more Going On in/with this Video than there Appears at First. It is Reminiscent of a Video We posted in Strange and Disturbing Videos that was a Schizophrenia Simulator. The Simulation was a Camera POV Shot as a Young Man wakes up and Starts His Day. The Simulator was Designed in an Attempt to Actually Show People what it’s like to suffer from Schizophrenia, and what Suffering with Schizophrenia is like for a Schizophrenic Person. This will make More Sense in a Minute.



  • There is the Sound of Running Water almost like a Sink Running (though Some say it sounds more like a Flushing Toilet behind the Woman while She is Talking.
  • Every Photo and Lampshade in the Video is of the Same Exact Distressed Little Kid’s Crying Face.
  • A Voiceover int he Beginning of the Video asks “Is that a Chipmunk?” referring to the High Pitch of the Woman’s Voice.
  • In a Bizarre Remix the Woman’s Face is Slowly and Disturbingly Reanimated.
  • The Woman’s Starts to Move with the Beat of the Music.
  • The Woman’s Eyes start Blinking like Mad and itself is rather Unsettling.
  • Then all of a Sudden the Woman’s Face is Replaced with that of a Different Screaming/Hysterical Person’s Face.
  • Then the Background Starts to Distort as the WOman’s Eyes Multiply and are Redistributed All over Her Body.
  • The Woman’s Mouth is Doubled and Moved onto Her Forehead.
  • Music Continues as the Woman’s Face finally Returns to Normal.
  • The Woman’s Voice is Now Intentionally “Chipmunked” Which Matches the Earlier Voiceover in the Video.
  • The Video Ends with the Screen Going completely Black with a Male Voiceover that Simple Says or States “You Have Paranoid Schizophrenia.”


So in My Opinion this is a Mental Health Awareness Video, and is Very similar to Videos put out by an Mental Health Organization “You Have Schizophrenia”. Unfortunately Their PR department Sucks ass at Their Jobs since if You try any Number of Word Combinations all the Results pertain to Schizophrenia on a Medical Mental Health Level (Like “Symptoms of Schizophrenia” or “Treatment Resources for Schizophrenics. I see where They were coming from with Their Name, but They also should have Realized how fucking, if not impossible, it would be for People to Locate Them.


Thanks For Watching,

  Presented By Les Sober   


Welcome to today’s post FYB post featuring the video by content creator know as Nana825763 COOKING IDOL. We featured another one of Nana825763’s videos titled USER NAME 666 which you can find located in the Strange and Disturbing Videos or in the Dark Web Videos (honestly it’s been so long since We did said post which category it’s in, but it’s in one of the two I assure you). It’s morbid masterpiece in the macabre the equivalent of Alice in Wonderland meets the Food network in the 9th circle of Hell.


Now here is where it gets interesting there was some cryptic text (located later on in this post) accompanying the video that I couldn’t get out of my head. On a whim I decided to watch the video, but this time I switched on the closed caption. Once turned on the closed caption the ghostly audio translated into the following:

  • Ah. Yes. Static.
  • Hi.
  • Welcome to my cooking show
  • It’s good Food
  • Heals every losers plate
  • But keep in mind
  • I cook the tomatoes
  • Prepare them nice like this.
  • Do It.
  • Now.
  • Next step
  • Cook with Soy sauce
  • This is not optional
  • Enjoy

Now this reminds me of the band Tool’s song “Die Eier von Satan” off their album Enema. The song title actually means “the balls of satan” or “the eggs of Satan” in German, as “eier” can mean eggs or testicles. The song sounds like a Hitler Nazi rally speech circa World War two, the songs lyrics translate to a receipt for Marijuana cookies. A classic example things that aren’t what they appear to be at first sight or listen in this case.


I then went back and watched the video for the umpteenth time, and compiled a list of the words displayed at the top of the screen during the video. This list is a good bit stranger and tad more grim than the audio translation. Here’s said list in chronological order:

  • Good food
  • Happy Happy Happy
  • I like red food
  • I cook the tomatoes
  • Lets
  • Cookingggggggggg
  • Please prepare the tomato
  • tomatoes is red
  • I cut the tomatoes into pieces with a knife
  • Please don’t cut your neck
  • Please burn bacon and rice cakes
  • Please listen to my song
  • Music
  • Start
  • I like rotten food!
  • Please put the tomatoes on rice cakes
  • Please rice cakes wrapped in bacon
  • Please insert a toothpick
  • Well did you?
  • Again please burn the sides
  • Please take the soy sauce at the end.

Now as Promised Text Accompanying Video:

fÁëfÑ ÇG ‹^àÇG ÇG ‹^àÇG( ÇG ‹^àÇG ÇG
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See you on the other side,

  Presented by Otto Control  

Blank Room Soup 3 and 4

Welcome to FYB’s Wednesday Post featuring BLANK ROOM SOUP 3 (Abduction) along with BLANK ROOM SOUP 4 (Hidden Location). Now for Those Who may Not Know We did an Extensive Piece on BLANK ROOM SOUP.AVI which was the Original Blank Room Soup Video. In Addition to the BLANK ROOM SOUP.AVI Video and the “Sequel” BLANK ROOM SOUP 2 TORTURE. To be Totally Honest the BLANK ROOM SOUP AVI/ BLANK ROOM SOUP 2 TORTURE is one of My Top Three Favorite Posts I’ve Done here at FYB. If You haven’t Checked Out the Original Post I SERIOUSLY SUGGEST YOU DO SO NOW.

With that Said I was more than Excited when it was Brought to My Attention that there was in Fact Two more Installments to the BLANK ROOM SOUP Saga. I immediately looked Them Up with Great Anticipation first BLANK ROOM SOUP 3 (Abduction) and then BLANK ROOM SOUP 4 (Hidden Location). What I found was Something Odd that much is True, but it was also a bit Anti Climactic.  Now before I Go To Far here is a BRIEF Recap for Those just Joining Us.

BLANK ROOM SOUP.AVI : A Man Sits at a Table in a Empty Sterile White Room sitting at a table Sobbing Away while Eating a Mysterious Soup. The Man is Not Alone there are To Individuals in Elaborate Costumes are Present. The Two Costumed Individuals Attempt to Comfort the Crying Man as He chokes Down Spoon Full after Spoon Full of the Sinister Soup. The Costumed Individuals are Eerily Rub the Mans Back, Pat His Head, and Have Sympathetic Mannerisms/Body Language (Although They appear to be the Ones Holding this Poor Man Hostage in the First Place).

BLANK ROOM SOUP 2 TORTURE : While the Title is Ominous there is No Actual Torture it’s more or Less an Implication. Again Same Man, Same Room, and Still Forcing Himself to Eat the Sickening Soup. This Time though the Camera has been Moved to the Left so the Viewer can See a Blackened Doorway in the Far Left Corner of the Screen. A Costumed Individual Slides into the room Hugging the Wall and Stands just Next to the Side of the Doorway. A Second Costumed Individual Enters Standing in the Doorway as the Man looks over His Shoulder in Fear. After standing Motionless Momentarily the Costumed Individual in the Doorway Suddenly Bum Rushes the Man from Behind, the Screen Goes Black, and We Hear Him Yell Out in Surprise before the Audio Cuts Out at the End.

With that Out of the Way I will say that BLANK ROOM SOUP 3 (Abduction) and BLANK ROOM SOUP (Hidden Location) are Something Completely Different. I think it’s Appropriate that You watch BRS 3 (Abduction) and BRS 4 (Hidden Location) before I get into I do the Whole Compare and Contrast Deal between the First Two BRS Videos and the Second Set of BRS Videos.


My Two Cents:

  • I don’t believe that the First Two BRS Videos have a goddamn thing to due with BRS 3 and BRS 4 that is I don’t think this is a Series.
  • The Drastic Difference in the Two Separate Sets of BRS Videos are so absolutely different Aesthetically that it reminds Me of the Vast Cinematic Difference in the Tom Six Films Human Centipede 1 vs. Human Centipede 2.
  • The Runtimes are Also Extremely Different in BRS.AVI has a Runtime of 1:06 and BRS 2 Torture tops out at 1:07. In Comparison BRS 3 (Abduction) is a minuscule 10 Seconds Total and BRS 4 (Hidden Location) has a total Runtime of just a Mere 11 Seconds.


  • The thing that I can’t get out of My Head. While the Second Set of BRS Videos are Significantly Shorter than the Initial Set They do Share Something in Common with the First Two Videos. Like the First BRS Videos the Second Set also have a One Second Difference in Their Runtime just like the Original Two BRS Videos.
  • I have the Sneaking Suspicion (especially with No Current Viable Information which isn’t all that Odd considering it took Years before BRS.AVI blew up on Facebook and Youtube) that BRS 3 and BRS 4 where made by a Different Person/People then the Original Two BRS Videos. I Believe the reason being BRS 3 and BRS 4 are fucking Rip Offs that are trying to Capitalize on the Phenomenon created by BRS.AVI.

The Break Down: BLANK ROOM SOUP 3 (Abduction)

  • The Camera Work is Really Shitty, The Camera isn’t Steady, The Lighting is complete shit, the Picture is Grainy/Blurry as the World’s Shittiest Auto Focus on the Obviously Outdated or Older Tech.
  • The Hostage looks like the Bastard Offspring of a Circus Ring Master and Willy fucking Wonka.
  • The Hostage is Acting and Doing a Truly Shitty Job Shuffling Around like a Bad imitation of a Drunk. All I’m saying is if I was Kidnapped and Shit by Motherfuckers in Elaborate Costumes I’d be Struggling and in spite of being Gaged would make as Much Noise as I could. Meanwhile the Will Wonka Ring Master just lolly gags through the Shot even looking at the Camera at one Point which is an Acting No No.

  • The Location is also Randomly Out of Place as it appears to be some Dirty, Dark, and Disgusting Back Ally or some shit.
  • The Shit Camera Work is due to the Fact there is a Camera Man where in the First Two Original BRS Videos more than likely were shot using a Standard Tripod thus keeping the Shot Steady.
  • The Costumed Individual Acts Nothing like the 2 Individuals in the First Two BRS Videos. There is No Interaction with the Hostage (other than awkwardly pushing him Across the Screen) and Seems to have No Actual Purpose other than to Play the Classic Role of Bad Guy/Kidnapper. The Sutle Nuances aren’t there its just Basic as Basic Gets. There is No Deeper Meaning or Reason to BRS 3 it’s seems to be just Generic Shock Type Content. As a Viewer I have No Vested Interest in anything as the Video is Purely a Face Value Scenario.

The Breakdown: BLANK ROOM SOUP 4 (Hidden Location)

  • First Off What the Fuck does “Hidden Location” Supposed to mean since Someone with a Camera found it and Filmed it Catching The Costumed Individual Standing to the Side in the Shadows.
  • Basically I won’t waste Your Time so to Sum it Up BRS 4 it has the Same issues as BRS 3 in Shitty Camera Work, Old Ass Tech, Out of Place Location, Abnormally Acting Costumed Individual (who lets face it is standing there for Sheer Creep Factor), Shitty Audio, and Crap Acting.
  • I doubt it but this could be Someone Ripping off BRS and Trying to Use the Concept to Launch Their Own ARG. I say this because for the Sake of Argument One could Say that The Hostage from BRS 3 is being Held at the So Called “Hidden Location”. If this is the Case it’s not Only Unoriginal Artistic Plagiarism it’s also Done in a Exceptionable Shitty Fashion.

Well That’s All I have to Say on the Subject So I’m Off into the Wild Blue Yonder.

Thanks For Reading/Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober  

I’d Like To Be…

The thing that swayed me into giving Les a helping hand with FYB was the Strange and Disturbing Videos especially the Dark Web Videos. There is something about the intoxicating insanity of Dark Web videos that make them particularly appealing. Be it the Grim and Gritty Footage, Schizophrenic visuals, unnervingly sinister content, troubling subject matter, over all feeling of dread, and the almost sickening sound tracks that make your ears damn near bleed. Dark Web videos grab a hold of you with gleeful abandon, and happily skip with you hand in hand down the prim rose path straight to the deepest depths of hell. It sounds like torture I know, but I find it blissfully beautiful like the dreams of insane children.

That is why I am pleased to present I’d Like To Be… by David Firth one of FYB’s favorite artists.


For those who are unaware David Firth is an English Animator, Director, Writer, Musician, Actor, Voice Actor, Video Artist, and Broadcaster of whom we are a big fans of of here at FYB. The Word NIGHTMARE is used most often to describe Firth’s body of work and why we are such diehard fans of his. Several of Firth’s works in Flash Animation, along with Multiple Music Videos and Works of Video Art, have garnered a large followings over the years.

The Artist in His Own Words:

“Back in 2005 I tried to make a stop-frame short with a narrative and voices and stuff but grew bored after shooting about 80% of it, and so left it to get mouldy. Looking at it recently, I was still quite unhappy, so I jumbled it up with some other stopframe bits I’d similarly discarded, mangled up the voices and edited it to some lovely music.” -David Firth-

Sweet Dreams and Bitter Nightmares,

Otto Rageous