Brutality and Bloodshed: Girl Goes Psycho During Make Up Tutorial

The Back Story to This Savage Slice of Insanity is Simple if Not Cliche. The Video was sent Anonymously to the Youtube Channel The 15Experience who wrote the Following Description: “This video was sent to me anonymously. I do not have any information beyond that. It is for you to decide on your own whether it is Real of Fake.”

The Video at a Scant Minute and 25 Seconds Unfolds in the following Way.

  • Nikki Introduces Herself.
  • She then Talks about the Products She will be Using.
  • She starts to Provide Instruction for Application of said Makeup.
  • Nikki appears to be Logged into Facebook on a 2nd Screen (is She Live Streaming?)
  • Nikki is Interrupted by Loud Bleeping Noise.
  • The Facebook Screen cuts to CCTV Footage of a Dark Room.
  • Nikki seeming Utterly Unfazed fixes Her Feed.
  • Then The Video takes a Dementedly Dark Turn for the Worst.
  • The Dark Room Image Returns on the Facebook Screen.
  • Nikki goes into a Trance Like State (Is She being Brainwashed? Is this actual Mind Control?)
  • Nikki suddenly starts Repeatedly and Violently Slamming Her Head into the Desk in Front of Her.
  • Nikki stops Her Psychotic Head Slamming and sits in a Catatonic State with Blood Pouring Out of Her Head which has been Split Open, and With Right Eye that is Swollen Shut.
  • The Video Then Promptly Ends.


In the End it Turned out the Video was indeed Fake as Confirmed by Actress Nakia Secrest Who Played Nikki in the Video. The Video was to Help Promote a Movie being Produced by the Creator of The The Intent of the Video was to Showcase Special Effects which You can’t Deny are pretty fucking Realistic (Fuck CGI!).  We did Locate in addition to the Original Video a Second Edited Version featuring a Unnerving Ending put out Specifically by The In the Alternate Version of the Video the 3 Key differences are Most Significantly the Demonic Message Personally sent to Nikki from Satan in Hell. The Message preempted by a Red 666 that appears comes up over the Image of the Dark Room in Red Colored Text. The Second is the Death Metal that plays Simultaneously with a Generic Baby Laugh/Giggle that closes out the Video. Both the Original and Alternate Version are Below. Enjoy.

The 15Experience.Com Version:


Thanks for Watching,

  Brought to You By Les Sober

The Back In The Day Battle That Got Me Banned From Blockbuster

Back a Billion years ago when no one gave two shits about a burgeoning little company known as Netflix and before technology brought us the ability to stream Blockbuster ruled the world. I admit whole heartedly I’m a movie addict (a film junkie strung out on celluloid ) so I had no real alternative to Blockbuster if I wished to rent a movie I was forced to deal with them.

One day I along with a few friends went to the local Blockbuster. Its important to note at this time Debit Cards where still the new big thing in banking, and I myself had recently received my first debit card mere months ago. We walked in and I proceeded to stroll over to the check out counter and asked the man standing there how would I go about acquiring a Blockbuster Membership Card (which without you couldn’t rent shit obviously) The man told me right off the bat that I would need a credit card I have still to this day NEVER owned nor EVER will own a credit card, (but thats another story all together) ,and because as I mentioned before Debit Cards had just become a big deal because they had duel purposes. One of the cool new options Debit Cards offered was the ability to select credit as a payment option upon check out so I pulled out my Debit Card and handed to him. The employee barely looked at it before handing directly back to me saying that Debit Cards didn’t count as credit cards. He then went on to say  I’d have to have a American Express or some bullshit if I wanted a Membership.

Now to say that back in those cryptic times I had a short fuse would imply there was a fuse to begin with. Now in spite of this kick ass cool new Debit Card this Movie Moron was telling me that Blockbuster, when all other businesses were wildly embracing new banking technology, was going to refuse me over an antiquated system. I decided to turn a bad situation to a worse one because the Film Freak behind the counter was being utterly irrational so I was going to fuck up his day for being such an unarguable ASSHOLE. I aggressively asked the Blockbuster Bitch why the Hell Blockbuster wouldn’t allow the use of Debit Cards considering their backed by Credit Card Companies hence the Visa or MasterCard Logo on it. The Idiot Employee stated condescendingly that Blockbuster does not acknowledge Debit Cards as a valid form of payment as it were and if I couldn’t get a credit card (implying that I was a young punk kid who would be denied by any and all Credit Card Companies) then it wasn’t his or Blockbuster’s concern, and thats when all Hell started to break loose. I was glaring at the employee in undeniable hate while he stared at me with his best “Fuck You Face” as the volume of our disagreement was beginning to escalate. At this point it was no longer about a minor movie membership but a total battle of wills, this shit had become personal.

I launched into a full blown, brutal, profanity laced, obscene diatribe damn near screaming about how the fuck Blockbuster could be so motherfucking egotistical and blatantly deny memberships over trivial bullshit. I mean I wasn’t trying to buy a goddamn gun I just wanted to rent a motherfucking movie for fuck’s sake. I went on that I was the prime demographic that caused Blockbuster’s rise to rule ,but not only that the demographic that comprised the body ,and provided the blood able to sustain such a massive national company. I said that from now on fuck Blockbuster I was going to now refer to them as Cockbuster because thats exactly what the fuck they are. The verbal assault switched gears from Cockbuster the Crap filled Corporation comprised of Shit Sucking Soulless Sons of Bitchs to the conduct of their (specifically the guy I was/had been dealing with) employees and their eat shit attitude. It was the usual cliche shit, who did he think he was, what made him so fucking superior when in reality he rented fucking movies not like its fucking open heart surgery.

My buddies at this point knew things were way too far out of control and realized they only solution was to physically remove me from the store. The 3 of them formed a triangle around me as my buddy at the front tried to calm me down (or at least get me to shut the Hell up) and at the same time trying to placate the situation by talking over me as well as the employee to drown out the arguing. I then became aware I was boxed in by my buddies and that they were attempting to escort me off the premises before inevitably the Crooked Cops were called in. So under duress I was shuffled out all the while still continuing my venomous venting all the way out the door, and through the parking lot to our car.

After Thoughts and Facts:

  1. Cockbuster slowly died and rotted away as Netflix and Streaming became the new and far better alternatives to putting up with Rental Rejects.
  2. Cockbuster in the end before their crippling corporate demise gave me a membership with me using my finally accepted new way of the world Debit Card.
  3. I NEVER USED THE MEMBERSHIP, I got it to PROVE I could in fact get a Membership and Cockbuster could subsequently Piss Off into Bankruptcy.
  4. About a month or so after my run in with Cockbuster an article was published (and insanely popular with the general American public) about how Cockbuster DENIED TOM FUCKING CRUISE a Membership.
  5. The Cockbuster that I had my run in with closed and was bulldozed to make room for extra shopping center parking because no one else want to lease the building.
  6. I had an opportunity to return to where my Cockbuster incident occurred during a business trip and once I stood where the Cockbuster had been I proceeded to piss on it like the commercial grade grave it is.