Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring the Absurdly Awesome Horror Short SPOON vs. SPOON by Richard Gale. SPOON vs. SPOON serves as the sequel to Gale’s 2008 10 Minute Horror Short titled The Horribly Slow Murderer With The Extremely Inefficient Weapon. Now You hear this a lot and Most People just Shrug it Off, but if You haven’t seen HSMEI You should definitely Go Watch it First (HSMEI is Conveniently Posted Here on FYB) before watching SPOON vs. SPOON.

In SPOON vs. SPOON We catch up with the Main Character a Forensic Pathologist named Jack Cucchiaio who is still being Mercilessly Preyed Upon every moment of His Life by Ginosaji. Ginosaji, meaning Silver Spoon is Japanese, is an Immortal, Invincible, and Relentless Supernatural Fiend who is Hell Bent on Beating Jack to Death with a Common Spoon. Attempting to Free Himself from Ginosaji Jack takes the Advice of a Viewer and Arms Himself with a Spoon to Combat Gonosaji. Unfortunately for Jack things Do Not go according to Plan resulting in Ginosaji becoming even Stronger then Before!



It is What it Is,

  Presented By Les Sober  


Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring REAL DEMONS CAUGHT ON TAPE. A Clip from this Video (The Arms coming Down from the Ceiling) has been Used in an Extensive Amount of The Unexplained/Mystery Videos and Random Weird Shit Fringe Videos Genres. Here is the Original Video in its Entirety which Includes The “Minion” Hands Under the Door, Arms Protruding from the Ceiling , the Arms coming out of the Wall, and Some fucking Sort of Demon Creature Sue-do Jump Scare. I would like to State for the fucking Record that Jump Scares are a Cheap fucking Gimmick, and that’s been Over Used to the Point of fucking Extreme Overkill.

Now First Things First and I think it’s fucking Safe to Say that this Video is Obviously Fake as fuck which in Reality isn’t a fucking Deal Breaker. While the Video is a Work of Absolute Fiction the Special Effects in it are Cool as Shit and Rather Impressive considering the Video came out Circa 2009. Seriously REAL DEMONS CAUGHT ON TAPE is around just a mere Minute and Thirty-nine Seconds, AND it’s Still Better then the Entire fucking Paranormal Activity Franchise Hands fucking Down. And if I’m doing Comparisons it Personally Reminds Me of the George A. Romero’s Zombie Movie Classic DAY OF THE DEAD. DAY OF THE DEAD contains a Scene where Zombie Arms come through a Hallway’s Walls to Attack One of the Main Characters.

BOTTOM LINE: All in All REAL DEMONS CAUGHT ON TAPE is Creative, Imaginative, Well Done, and Entertaining as fuck and I think that about some it the fuck Up.

It is What it is,

Presented By Les Sober

The Missing Member Mystery

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring VHS Medium THE MISSING MEMBER MYSTERY by Content Creator Known as BonFilms. BonFilms is Relatively New Having Joined YouTube on July 12, 2021, has 1.75k Subs, 63,230 Views, and 19 Videos in Total. We then attempted to find Any Information We could on Bonfilms, BUT there is absolutely fucking Nothing.

Synopsis: Fast Food Employees going about Their Daily Lives Until all fucking Hell Breaks Loose and Things get Stranger than Fuck.

NOTE: The Shit Starts to Go Off the Rails at the 3:39 Minute Mark.

The Video Ends with a Letter by Who We have No Idea but Here is the Closing Text in its Entirety:

  • To Charlie
  • You’re Wrong
  • You Know You Are
  • My Brother is a Monster
  • He Killed Me
  • He’s the reason My Head is Missing Parts
  • Everyone pretended like it Didn’t Happen
  • like I don’t exist
  • What makes You Think He’d be Different
  • He’s Nothing but Criminal
  • Please
  • All You are doing is Hurting Us More
  • to Nicole, Lucas, Angie, and Benjamin
  • I’m really Sorry
  • I don’t care if You Hate Me for Saying it
  • But thesis the Truth
  • There is No Way Out, We’re Trapped Forever
  • I’ve accepted it
  • Can’y You just accept it too
  • Please
  • I don’t want to be Alone

It is What it is,

Presented By Les Sober

Saturday Micro Horror Cinema: THE MIME and THE MIME 2!

Welcome to Saturday Micro Horror Cinema DOUBLE FEATURE featuring THE MIME and THE MIME 2 (That came out on this past Thursday December 9th 2021) Written , Directed, and Edited By Alex Magaña. If The Mime Films Feel a Little Familiar there is a Good fucking Reason for that. Magana also Wrote and Directed the SMILING WOMAN Series, and The Mime is the Far More Unsettling Evolution of Magana’s Classic Hero Versus Villain One on One Format. Luckily for Magana it’s a Format He is quite Good at so He has that going for Him.


Plot: One Late night at a Lonely Train Station, a Commuter is Stalked by a Sinister Mime…

THE MIME CAST: Ericka Bernabe as the Commuter and Isabella Moore as the Mime.


Plot: On a late night at a Train Station, a Lone Commuter is Terrorized by a Ominous and Supernatural Mime…

Commuter – Orion Smith
Mime – Isabella Moore


Thanks For Watching,

  Presented By Les Sober

Short Horror Film Friday: BAKEMONO

Welcome to this Week’s Installment of Short Horror Film Friday featuring BAKEMONO by  by Sumire Takamatsu and Jorge Lucas who Wrote as well as Directed the Film.

What I found Interesting is the Evil Spirits in BAKEMONO are in fact Based on Hungry Ghosts.Hungry Ghosts is a Concept in Chinese Buddhism, Chinese Traditional Religion, Vietnamese Buddhism, Vietnamese Traditional Religion, Japanese Buddhism, and Tibetan Buddhism, Representing Beings Who are Driven by Intense Emotional needs in an Animalistic Way. Since the Family in the Film is Japanese I’m going to quickly Touch on Hungry Ghosts in Japanese Buddhism.


In Japanese Buddhism, Hungry Ghosts are considered to have Two Variants: the Gaki and the Jikininki. Gaki are the Spirits of Jealous or Greedy People, Who as Punishment for Their Mortal Vices. The Gaki have been Curses with an Insatiable Undying Hunger for a Particular Substance or a Specific Object. Traditionally, this is Something Revolting or Humiliating like Decaying Human Corpses or Feces, but in Recent Years it can Virtually be Anything No Matter how Bizarre it may be. Meanwhile Jikininki (People Eating Ghosts) are the Spirits of Greedy, Selfish or Impious Individuals who are Cursed After Death to seek out and Eat Human Corpses. They Feed at Night Scavenging for Recently Deceased Human Bodies, and the Food Offerings Left for the Dead. Jikininki Lament Their Curse and Hate Their Vile Craving for Feasting on the Flesh of the Dead.


Plot Summery: The Date is February 3rd, known in Japan as Setsubun, and is Supposed to be the Celebration of the Beginning of Spring. Families Celebrate by Casting out Evil Spirits from Their Homes.  Although at Ayumi’s House things have become so stressful You could Cut the Tension with a Knife. This is Due to Rebellious Ayumi who once again like so many Children is Refusing to Finish Her Dinner. In an Attempt to Remedy the Problem Ayumi’s Mother Tries to Scare Her into Compliance with a Terrifying Tale. As the Story goes if Ayumi Doesn’t Finish Her Dinner then an Evil Spirit will Enter the House and Eat it instead, But Ayumi is not Convinced that All Spirits are Evil. So Ayumi decides to test Her assumption by Inviting One in for a Midnight Snack, and Learns You should Never Feed a Hungry Ghost the Hard Way.



  • Ayumi – Claudia Fabella
  • Oka-san – Shio Muramatsu
  • Oto-san – Daisuke Suzuki
  • Bakemono – Sherry Q, Erin Yuqi Yang

Thanks For Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober  

Micro Horror Movie (Sequel Edition) : SMILING WOMAN 6

Welcome to this Weeks Short Horror Film Friday featuring SMILING WOMAN 6 Written and Directed by Alex Magaña, and Co-Produced by Dawn Church. You can Find All Five Previous SMILING WOMAN Films here at FYB in the Movies Category. Each Installment of the SMILING WOMAN Start when a Digital Clock Display clicks over from 1:00 am to 1:01 am. The Premiss Remains the Same Throughout the SMILING WOMAN Series each Unique Installment Brings Us Closer to Discovering Who or What the Smiling Woman Is. When it comes to The SMILING WOMAN Series it Doesn’t take Long to Find its Legs and Take Off Running.


I as Far as I am Aware I coined the Term “Micro Horror Movie” when I posted the One Minute Long “Tuck Me In” by Ignacio Rodo on 1/29/21 (as Part of FYB’s Short Horror Film Friday). The Term Micro Horror is a Nod to one of the Unique Aspects of the Grindcore Music Genre: the Micro Song. There’re Songs by Grindcore Bands (Such as Anal Cunt, Insect Warfare, SCAT, Pig Destroyer, Brutal Truth, and Nuclear Assault for example) that are Only Seconds in Length. In Fact the British Grindcore/Death Metal Band Napalm Death hold the Guinness World Record for the Shortest Song ever Recorded with the Their One Second “You Suffer”. So I figure the Micro Horror Movie would Translate to a Short Horror Film that’s Five Minutes (Flat) or Under.

PLOT: One Late Night at an Empty Laundromat, a Young Woman is Tormented by a Menacing Smiling Woman.


  • Smiling Woman – Teru Hara
  • Young Lady – Michelle Twarowska
  • Coroner – Alex Crawford
  • Detective – Raymond Ko
  • Young Lady Voice – Mandy O’shaughnessy & Lindsey Caldwell

Thanks For Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober  

Short Horror Film Friday: FACELIFT

Welcome to the Week’s Short Horror Film Friday featuring FACELIFT Written and Directed by Virat Pal , and Staring Cara Loften, Nell Rutledge-Leverenz, and Carly Jones. FACELIFT is a Cautionary Tale about one of Humanity’s worst Qualities and that would be Vanity. Between Chasing Lost Youth (along with trying to Live Up to Society’s Definition of Good Looking) Humanity has twisted itself into  Self Indulging- Self Deprecating Cycle of Unattainable Physical Perfection and Approval.

Plot Summery: Life starts to Change for a Middle-Aged Woman when a Mysterious Mask  Suddenly appears on her doorstep one Day. Will it Transform Her Life into the Dream She’s always Wanted or Will it Become Her Own Hellish Nightmare? Remember Kiddies that if Something is Too Good to be True it May Just Kill You.


Thanks For Watching,

  Presented By Les Sober  

Saturday Short Horror Cinema: SELF ASSEMBLY

Welcome to Saturday Short Horror Cinema featuring SELF ASSEMBLY  Written By Garret Shanley, and  Directed by Ray Sullivan. This Little Slice of Surreal Insanity reminds Me of  the David Lynch movie 1997 Cult Classic Eraserhead in Several Ways. Most Notably are the Fact that its Shot in Black and White giving the Film a Cold Stark Feel, and the Fact it Doesn’t need a Word of Dialog to be Creepy as Fuck.

Noteworthy Mention: The car that killed the son in the beginning is the same car that comes to retrieve the monster from the parents house.

Plot: In a Self-Assembly cabinet They Ordered Online Grieving Parents find a Truly Monstrous Substitute for their Deceased Son.


Self Assembly  Credits:

  • Produced & Directed by Ray Sullivan
  • Written by Garret Shanley
  • Based on the comic story by Garret Shanley & Cathal Duggan
  • A Monolith Pictures [IE] Production
  • Cast – Darryl Kinsella, Amy Kirwan and Ruben Kenny
  • Cinematography & Score – Terry Warren
  • Editing & VFX – Ray Sullivan
  • Special Creature Effects – Bobby McGlynn
  • Makeup by – Deirdre Fitzgerald

Thanks For Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober  

Micro Horror Movie Marathon: SMILING WOMAN 1,2,3, and 4!!!

I as Far as I am Aware I coined the Term “Micro Horror Movie” when I posted the One Minute Long “Tuck Me In” by Ignacio Rodo on 1/29/21 (as Part of FYB’s Short Horror Film Friday). The Term Micro Horror is a Nod to one of the Unique Aspects of the Grindcore Music Genre: the Micro Song. There’re Songs by Grindcore Bands (Such as Anal Cunt, Insect Warfare, SCAT, Pig Destroyer, Brutal Truth, and Nuclear Assault for example) that are Only Seconds in Length. In Fact the British Grindcore/Death Metal Band Napalm Death hold the Guinness World Record for the Shortest Song ever Recorded with the Their One Second “You Suffer”. So I figure the Micro Horror Movie would Translate to a Short Horror Film that’s Five Minutes (Flat) or Under.

Brief Synopsis: All Installments Start when a Digital Clock Display clicks over from 1:00 am to 1:01 am. The Premiss Remains the Same Throughout the SMILING WOMAN Series each Unique Installment Brings Us Closer to Discovering Who or What the Smiling Woman Is. When it comes to The SMILING WOMAN Series it Doesn’t take Long to Find its Legs and Take Off Running.


  • Writer. Director. DP. Editor – Alex Magaña
  • Smiling Woman – Merlynda Sol
  • Runtime 2:15
  • On a late night at an empty train station, a Lone Traveler is Accosted by a Demented Smiling Woman.


  • Writer. Director. DP. Editor – Alex Magaña Co-Writer – Jed Brian
  • Smiling Woman – Ariel Fullinwider
  • Smiling Woman ‘Body Double’ – Allison Marie Reyes
  • Runtime 2:13
  • After a Late Night at Work, a Lone Woman is Stalked by a Sinister Smiling Woman.


  • Writer. Director. DP. Editor – Alex Magaña
  • Smiling Woman – Prathyusha
  • Runtime 2:09
  • While Home Alone, a Woman is Tormented by a Ominous Smiling Woman.


  • Writer. Director. DP. Editor. Executive Producer – Alex Magaña Executive Producer. Grip – Oszkar Romé Co-Writer – Jed Brian
  • Mortician/Smiling Woman – Anna Dahl
  • Smiling Woman (Morgue) – Michelle Twarowska
  • Runtime 3:28
  • While Working the Graveyard Shift, a Nurse is Terrorized by a Creepy Smiling Woman.


Thanks For Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober  

Short Horror Film Friday: DON’T LOOK AWAY!

Welcome to this Week’s Installment of Short Horror Film Friday Featuring DON’T LOOK AWAY Directed,Written,  and Edited by Christopher Cox. DON’T LOOK AWAY was Finalist in Annual Cinema Los Angeles Film Festival 2018 -Preselected for Washington Film Festival 2018 -Official Selection in DAMN! Film Series Festival 2017.

Synopsis: When a Teenage Girl spots a Sinister Figure Standing in Her Backyard Staring at Her Father in a Panic. She informs Her Father  about a Ominous Figure Staring at Her,  and Her Father Pleads Desperately with Her to No Matter what “DON’T LOOK AWAY”!!!


Thanks For Watching,

  Presented By Les Sober