Linguistic Lunacy

Abominable Atrocities Arise And Abound Abundantly Against Agony Abysmal Anguish Across Apocalyptic Annihilation As Armageddon Awaits. Awfully Aggressive Assholes Amble Around Aimlessly Angrily Announcing Accusations And Allegations Angering Anyone Around.  Ambivalent Arrogances Again Aren’t Absolute Another Atonement Amended All Alone.

Formidable Fiends Fuck Fathering Fear From Fragile Felonious Faith From Frail Fickle Feeble Fools. Fundamental Foolhardy Fucking Feces Faltering Forgoing Fatal Farreaching Fanaticism Fathomless Fetishistic Folly Forbidden Few Follow Flamboyant Falsehoods. Filthy Fleshless Flawed Fucked Fodder Further Fathom Fornicating Freely Fortitude For Futile Frenzied Fuckery.


Blasphemous Bastard’s Brutal  Bitter Bitches Bountiful Bullshit Beyond Broadening Boundaries Before Banishing Belligerent Barbarians Behind Bloody Boarders. Badlands Bandits Beheading Biblical Brutes Before Battling Boldly Brandishing Brazen Banners Before Blackened Battalions Becoming Bonafide Bloodshed. Bountiful Beheadings Butchering Befuddled Blind Blasphemers Bloodshed Before Burning Beastly Brigades.


Sickly Sinister Savages Silently Slay Subservient Sinners Spreading Septic Slaughter Soaring. Sycophantic Simpletons Smile Slyly Surveying Sadistic Soldier’s Silicious Screams Shattering Surrounding Serenity. Servants Shit Sustenance Sustaining Shadowy Sultans Salacious Sexual Sadomasochistic Sodomy Shows. Soulless Symbolism Sadly Succumbs Suddenly Suffering Silicious Sabotage Suggestions.

Malevolent Monstrous Madmen Marauding Malicious Murderers Making Melancholy Mourner’s Mundane Misgivings More Memorable. Mysteriously Morbid Malfeasance Masters Manufacture More Maniacal Mayhem  Magnifying Mortality Minimizing Morals. Moody Menacing Maniacal Misfits Manning Mortuaries Monopolize Maggots Moreover Mangling, Maiming, Mutilating Mankind.


Crippled Cretinous Creatures Creating Cataclysmic Chaotic Chaos Crumbling Churches Civilians Cringe Cowering Cataclysmic Carnage Comes. Creepy Cephalic Copulating Cretans Cackling Crazily Cum Ceaseless Corruption Confounding Confused Craniums. Cemeteries Cantankerously Coveting Corpses Confining Carcasses Claiming Cumbersome Cognitive Capabilities.

So what the fuck was the point of all this You Ask? Simply there is None as the Whole fucking Point of this Exercise was to Write something that Sounded Kickass, But in Reality it’s Upon Second Inspection that You can See it means Jack Diddly Shit.

It is What it Is,

 By Les Sober

Dinner For Few

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post the Animated Short Film DINNER FOR FEW by Award Winning Director and Animator Nassos Vakalis which an Allegorical Depiction of Society. I in Particular find DINNER FOR FEW to be Interesting and Entertaining is the Social Commentary that Reminds Me of Two of My Favorite fucking Books of All fucking Time. Those Two Books Being Animal Farm by George Orwell which is a Scathing Criticism on the Flaws and Failure of Communism. The Other is the Graphic Novel MAUS by Art Spiegelman which Depicts the Author’s Interviewing His Father about His Experiences as a Holocaust Survivor. Both Books and DINNER FOR FEW rely Heavily on Symbolism which I personally enjoy the fuck Out of (Especially Using Specific Animals to Embody Different Kinds of People. Example The Rich and Powerful) those that do per Animal Farm are Depicted in all 3 Works as PIGS.

The Best Part of Symbolism and DINNER FOR FEW is it actually makes You fucking think in the fucking age of Smart Phone Zombies and Laptop Ghouls. Swear to fucking God all the shit They put Out and Dare to call Entertainment is MINDLESS FUCKING DRIVIL. The Point and Click/Touch/Swipe Technology is causing Humanity to Actually De-fucking-evolve into Retarded, Mindless, Cavemen. Think I’m being over fucking Dramatic well then Ponder the fuck Out of This. Emojis are and have Always Been the Digital Equivalent of fucking Cave Paintings (No Hieroglyphs is too Advanced at this Point to be fucking Comparable).

Our View: DINNER FOR FEW does have One Unique Aspect that Sets it Apart from the Two Aforementioned Books, and that is it Depicts the Cycle of Life in Society as Opposed to just Commenting on the Social Situation/Issue/Problem at Hand. DINNER FOR FEW reminds Me of Two Sayings that for Me go Hand in Fucking Hand and They are the Following:

  1. “The Rich get Richer and the Poor get Poorer.” This Serving as the Societal Circle of Life on the Macro Level.
  2. “Don’t Piss on My Leg and Tell Me it’s Raining.” The Day to Day Injustices in Society and Those Affected by Them on the Micro Level.

The Symbolism as We see it:

  • Pigs: Well Obviously as I mentioned before the Pigs are Symbolic of the Wealthy, Privileged, Greedy, Gluttonous, Self Serving Elitist Assholes Who Only give shit about Themselves.
  • The Chef: Stands for the System that Enables the Pigs without Question its His Only function is to Blindly Serve the Pigs.
  • The Cats: Represent Average Citizens/Every Day People aka Anyone Who isn’t a fucking Pig.
  • White Lion: Is Indicative of Revolution as the Cats Unite against the Common Enemy the Pigs and Revolt Against the Tyrant Swine. Not Only that But the Feline Uprising enables the Cats to Not Only Stand Up Against the Pigs but to Also Exact Revenge in the Form of a Brutal Blood Soaked and Murderous Massacre.
  • The Lion Sleeping: is Symbolic of Peace and in this Case the Peace is that Peace has been Restored to the Land so to Speak.
  • Chef Killing the Lion and Kittens: Represents the Cycle of a Sick Society Continues it’s Never Ending Circle where Unavoidably things will Always Remain the Same.

Description By Creator Nassos Vakalis:

During dinner, “the system” feeds the few who consume all the resources while the rest survive on scraps. Inevitably, the struggle for what remains leads to catastrophic change. The offspring of this transition turns out not to be a sign of hope, but the spitting image of the parents.



Credits and Shit:

  • Original title – Dinner for few
  • Director and writer – Nassos Vakalis
  • Producer – Nassos Vakalis, Katerinai Stergiopoulou
  • Music – Kostas Christides
  • Year – 2014

It is What it Is,

Presented By Les Sober

Dark Web Found Footage Tapes 1 and 2

Welcome to this Thursday FYB featuring DARK WEB FOUND FOOTAGE TAPES 1 and 2. First off I be Remiss if I didn’t start by saying while the Following Videos are a Surreal Nightmare full of Eerie Shit and Disturbing Imagery it is in Fact NOT an Authentic Dark Web Videos. The Absolute Dead Give Away is at the Start and Finish of Each Video a Header Pops Up that Says From the NORTH FILMS so that is Definitely Something You would NEVER find concerning an Actual Real Dark Web Video. Also the Length of these Videos is EXTREMELY RARE when it comes to Dark Web Videos at 7-7.5 Minutes Long (usually Dark Web Videos are Short, chaotic, and Seriously Fucked Up).   What I believe is these Videos are an Tribute to the Found Footage/Dark Web Video Genre, and are Very Well Done.


FROM the NORTH FILMS is an Arizona-Based, Fully In House Production Company Specializing in Thought-Provoking Indie Horror/Thriller, Experimental and Avantgarde Short Films, and Documentaries. They Utilize Professional Cinema Cameras, Cutting Edge Post-Production Technology, concise Screenwriting and Intuitive Film Scoring to Bring Their Visions to Film. FYI if You enjoy Dark Web Found Footage Tape 1 and 2 I highly Suggest You head over to Our Movie Section and Check Out the Experimental Art Film/Movie BEGOTTON, and I promise You will Not be Disappointed.


My Two Cents: Dark Web Found Footage Tape 1

  • The Audio is Actually Decent (and Creepy) in its actual Music played Clearly. It’s not the Usual Dark Web Audio that Sounds like Computers having Full Blown Psychotic Breaks, and makes Your fucking Ears Bleed.
  • The Video is Shot in an Old VHS Tape Format.
  • The Main Character is a Mysterious and Murderous looking Individual in a Painted Mask.
  • It Reminds Me a Little Bit of Otto’s  Previous THE SPINNING MAN Post in the Best Ways Possible.
  • The Footage is Grainy and Glitchy Black and White Footage.
  • What is the Meaning/Symbolism behind the Wooden Deer Sculpture?
  • What is the Meaning/Symbolism of the Art Doll (a Ball Jointed Typically Wooden Posable Figurine)?
  • Is this a Set Up for Dark Web Found Footage Tape 2?


My Two Cents: Dark Web Found Footage Tape 2

  • Now this Sequel to Dark Web Found Footage Tape 1 is FAR more Realistic as far as Dark Web Video Authenticity is Concerned.
  • There are Now 2 Art Dolls One Posed Standing and the Other Sitting/Kneeling.
  • There is a Scene that appears to be a Homage to the Actually Real Life Dark Web Video Blank Room Soup where the Main Character Stands ominously over a Seated Individual who is Eating some Strange looking Soup/Stew.
  • The Main Character Looming over the Seated Character is almost EXACTLY the same as the Way the Art Dolls are Posed.
  • HEADPHONE WARNING! The Audio is Screechy, Scratchy, Somewhat Distorted, and Noisy.
  • What is acceptional Odd is that the Video is the Same Set of Scenes played Three Times in a Row but Why? Are Viewers supposed to do a Compare and Contrast like when You’re a Kid? Like when as a Kid You’d have Two almost Identical Pictures Side by Side, and You’d have to find the Subtle Differences in the Details between them?
  • What do the Symbols on the Masks Mean/Represent could They be something  like The Occult, Witchcraft,VooDoo, Black Magic, Paganisim, or Possibly Demonology?

Summation: So What the Fuck are the Dark Web Found Footage Tape 1 and 2 all About? WHO THE HELL KNOWS. I honestly think the FROM the NOTH FILMS wanted to Leave it Open to Interpretation. To put it Simply the Viewer is Left to Draw Their Own Conclusions.

Thanks For Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober  

The Mystery of Magiczny Swiat Ani

Welcome to Another Installment of Strange and Disturbing Videos featuring the Mysterious and Surreally Creepy Polish Web Series Magiczny Swiat Ani (which Translates to The Magical World of Ania). The Grim Story Centers around the Mysterious Disappearance of a Girl Named Ania, and of Her Friends and Family as They try to Find Out what happened to Her.

Series Description:

Missing person Anna Słowińska. Anna was reported missing on May 29, 1993. She was 20 years old, Dutch language and literature student. She was last seen on 27 May 1993 at her flat. Anna is 165 cm tall, straight blond hair with fringe and blue eyes. To date, she has not contacted her familly or friends. If you have any information regarding Anna Slowinska, please contact us immediately.”

This is most definitely one of the most Complex Series I have ever encountered, and I’ve encountered more than a few. The Series Video’s include Codes, Hidden Social Media Pages, Cryptic Imagery, and Uses a variety of various Languages from around the World to convey certain clues. The Format for this Post is Simple: There will First be the Video and Under each Video I will Include any Information that I have come across while Researching the Series.

Enjoy. (Note To The Viewer: You May want to Enable the Closed Caption Option or Not it’s Up to You).

Title: Bone Crystallization

Description: The Bones Crystalize Only Under the Conditions of Real Love.

  • The Woman in the Mask seems to Represent Ania.
  • At the End of the Video when it Cuts to the Shot of a Lake there is Morse Code right before it Ends.
  • The Morse Code Spells the Word: Pomozmi
  • Pomozmi is Slovenian.
  • Pomozmi Translates into “Help Me”
  • This is the Introductory Video setting the Stage for the Forthcoming Series.

Title: Anno Domini 1993 (Translation: In the Year of Our Lord 1993)

Description: NONE.

  • The Title is Written in Medieval Latin.
  • It Translates into: In The Year Of Our Lord 1993.
  • The Video can be Separated into Two Parts with the First Half consisting of Some Very Strange Imagery.
  • The Second Half of the Video is a Phone Call with a Woman Named Krystyna Reporting Ania Missing to the Emergency Services.
  • The Viewer is Presented with a Numerical Code that when Decoded Spells out the Word “Tumblr” the Lower Their Social Media Platform.
  • On the Tumblr Page is an Audio Broadcast to the General Public Informing them of Ania’s unexplained Disappearance.

  • While the Audio Announcement Plays a Picture of an Eye Appears on Screen with more Morse Code Included.
  • When the Morse Code is Decoded it is a String of Text combined with the Previous Tumblr translation leads the Viewer to Another Tumblr Page that is again about Ania’s Disappearance.
  • The Masked Girl Representing Ania in this Video Walks Cautiously Backwards as if trying to Avoid/Escape Someone Following Behind Her.
  • This is Confirmed by Dialogue in a Man’s Voice that states “I couldn’t Hurt Her.”

Title: Haven’t We Met Before?

Description: She finally raised her eyes willy-nilly and looked him directly in the eyes.

  • The Three Images that Stick Out are: A Female Face on the TV that We can assume is Ania, A Crying Doll Head with Cameras in Front of It, and the Existence of a Dancing Doll.
  • There is a Letter Code that Translates into “Hallucinations”

Title: AboutBeautiful Krystyna and Her Wonderful Dream.

Description: NONE.

  • The Video’s Opening Appears to be Krystyna’s Actual Dream.
  • When the Camera cuts to a Subterranean Dungeon Krystyna is being Interviewed.
  • The Unknown Man Interviewing Krystyna is Obsessively Admiring Porcelain Dolls as He Strokes then in a Truly Strange Matter.
  • Why is the Masked Girl in the Video Holding Animal Skulls?
  • Krystyna says in the Interview that She in Fact Believes Ania was Abducted by a Cult.

  • Next Krystal retells the Story of How Ania was Almost Kidnapped as a Child by a Strange man. This is Why Krystyna thinks Ania was being Followed (and Subsequently Abducted) by a Cult.
  • Krystyna then goes on to claim Ania may have been Seeing Someone Inappropriate.
  • Another Interview in the Video is with one of Ania’s Neighbors or Family Friend who Claims Ania was a Good Girl and Very Sweet.
  • The Interview with the Neighbor/Family Friend leads to a Odd Revelation.
  • The Revelation is a There was a Insanely Eerie Hobo who lived in a Hut by the Forrest at the Time Ania was Abducted.
  • The Video also contains yet More Dolls so What is Their Significance?!

Title: Tabula Recta

Description: NONE.

  • The Title is Written in Latin.
  • In Cryptography, the Tabula Recta is a Square Table of Alphabets, Each Row of Which is Made by Shifting the Previous one to the Left.
  • The Term Tabula Recta was invented by the German Author and Monk Johannes Trithemius in 1508, and use in His Trithemius Cipher.
  • 23 Seconds into the Video Appears some Jumbled Words.
  • The Top Code is the Previous Code for the Word Hallucination.
  • Under it there is a Second String of Code that hasn’t appeared in any other Videos.


  • A Reddit User Named Olik L. determined the Letters were Encoded with an Auto Key Cipher.
  • When the Second Line is Decoded Your left with a Youtube Link that takes You to a Video Called “The Magic of Nature”
  • Pertinent Video Quote ” The Human Body is Atoms and Molecules You Die and Absolutely Nothing Changes.”

Title: 3…2…1

Description: NONE.

  • The Masked Woman Acts Confused or Disoriented, but Why was She Drugged? Is She having some sort of Metal Breakdown? Is She having a Panic Attack?
  • The Pictures of Other People Wearing Masks like The Woman Representing Ania indicates She is Not the Only Captive.
  • At one point in the Video the Camera Cuts to a Prison Cell Like Area more than likely Used to Detain Captive Victims.
  • There is also Another Numerical Code Contained within the Video.
  • Using the Decoding Cipher at the Beginning of the Video You get the Result: KRWRZTUMBLR.
  • The Decoded Message is a Link to Yes Another Tumblr Page that gives the Viewer some of Ania’s Backstory on the Abduction/Capture of Ania.
  • The Video Ends with an Interview with a Polish Woman Named Maria who recounts a different Story from Ania’s Past where She was Knocked to the Ground by a Strange Running Man.

Title: Supreme Being

Description: NONE.

  • This Video Does Nothing But Raise More Questions.
  • Is the Man Symbolic of the Kidnapper?
  • Are the Two Women supposed to Represent His Victims/Captives?
  • Why are the Women Decapitated? Does this mean the Kidnapper is Also a Murderer who Kills His Captives when He tires of Them?
  • The Man is Also Decapitated is this indicative of some kind of Murder Suicide?
  • Does it Mean the Kidnapper will Only Stop when He’s Dead?
  • Does the Title Supreme Being to let the Viewer know that like So Many Serial Killers the Kidnapper is Egotistical, Narcissistic, and/or Megalomaniacs? This would Explain the Title as it would mean the Kidnapper sees Himself as God or a God at Least.

Title: Disembodiedness Of The Dead Things

Description: What is it for anyways?

  • The Key Piece of Information is the Man who is Talking at the Beginning of the Video about How HE has set up Temples in the Woods.
  • Each Temple has a Name Attached to it (Are These Past/Present Victims?)
  • The Man States He is currently working on a 7th Temple.
  • Each Temple is Inhabited by Other Masked People (Captives) agin showing the View Ania is Not the Only Abductee.
  • Does the Scene of a Girl (Ania?) who loses Her Teeth (which are one of several reoccurring Themes), Collapses on the Ground, and is Covered with Vegetation. Why Though? Did She Die of Starvation or Trying to Escape Her Capture and was Murdered for Her Effort? Is this scene supposed to convey the Kidnapper is Physically Abusive or again Possible a Serial Killer?!

  • The Video End with Yet Another Interview with a Woman who claims She found Pictures of Ania in the Trash along with Her Diary.
  • The End Shot of the Video Shows an Outdoor Shower Nestled in the Woods. Is this a POV Shot by Ania or One of the Other Captives?
  • Reddit User Olik L. decoded the Morse Code and Other codes contained in the Video and Discovered ANOTHER Tumblr Page containing a Hidden Video.
  • The Tumblr Page includes Encoded Audio.
  • When the Audio is Decoded to leads to Another Video Titled “…..” which shows Excerpts from Ania’s Diary.

Title: Inhale

Description: NONE.

  • The Video Opens with Several Porcelain Legs sticking out of the Ground and then Followed by More Porcelain Heads (Porcelain Reoccurring Theme).
  • There is a Scene with What We can Assume is The Actual Real Life Ania hanging Out with Some Random Guy (Is this the Inappropriate Person Krystyna talked about in Her Interview?) Could this Be One of the Aforementioned Cult Members or the Ania’s Actual Abductor?
  • The Video Ends with Two of its Ongoing Themes being Teeth and Dolls.

Title: What The Eye Does Not See

Description: What is it for anyways?

  • The First Thing Noticeable is the Description is a Repeat  of Video Six’s, But What is the Point/Meaning of using the Same Description for Two Entirely Different Videos?
  • The Video Opens with a Shot of Outer Space and the Word KOSMOS written in Greek.
  • The Next Word that appears with the Shots of the Woods NATURA which is an Italian which is Defined as: In the Nature of Things in the Woods of Nature as Distinguished from the World of Human Beings: In the Realm of Material Things.
  • The Next Word to Follow is Magia the Spanish word for Magic.
  • Then the Word Aura in English which means: The Distinctive Atmosphere or Quality that Seems to Surround and be Generated by a Person/Living Creature.
  • Then 2 Words appear on the Screen the First is EZO which is Ania in Turkish.
  • The Second Word on the Screen Below EZO is the Word SWIAT which is Hungarian for World.
  • Do all these Various Languages correlate with Ania’s Abduction? Are they Clues to Places Ania has been or taken To?

  • In the Video there is a Close Up of a Man’s Bloody Eyes as He preforms some sort of Ritual. The Ritual apparently is a type of Energy Ritual (Remember the Word Aura appears earlier in the Video).
  • During the Video a Woman’s Voice Recites a Series of Numbers. Unfortunately I haven’t been able as of Yet to find a Decoding of the Numerical Code.
  • During the Images of a Woman sort of Dancing or Swaying rather with Her hair Obscuring Her Face there is an Unidentified Woman doing an Interview. In the Interview She discusses how She had Cancer and Cured it.
  • Again there are Shots of the Creepy Subterranean Dugeon during which the Viewer can hear the Distinct Sound of a Old School Telephone’s “Out of Order” Tones.
  • There is a Shot of a Table with Crystals (that in all actuality look very much like Himalayan Sea Salt Lamps), and One Falls breaking when it Lands. Something Wafts out of the Broken Crystal and by My Best Guess is supposed to be Magic, a Magical Force, or Magical Powers.


  • During the Video the Viewer can Her Distinct Human Footsteps and a Classic Sliding Prison Door Opening. Is a Captive be Taken Out or a has a New Captive been Abducted?!
  • There is a Scene later on in the Video where a Woman Identifies Suspect #4 from a Police Suspect Line up. Could Suspect #4 be one of the Inappropriate People Ania was Seeing? Are They Cult Members? Could this in fact be the Eerie Hobo?!
  • During the Shot of the Mountains there are More Numerical Code, and again I have Unfortunately been Unable to Find a Decoded Version as of Yet.
  • The Video ends with Some Shirtless Guy Wearing a Gas Mask Freaking Out as if the Gas Mask is Stuck and the Man is Frantically/Desperately trying to Free Himself From It. Again Who is this fucking Guy, and what’s with the fucking Gas Mask?!


Here is the Translated Newspaper From One of the Tumblr Pages:

Regained identity

The police announced that the woman’s body which was found on May 20th in a suburban forest has been identified. The relatives of the woman confirmed the identity of the deceased as Irena Kornacka, 39 years old. The body was found by the scouts who were camping nearby. “First we smelled that terrible stink. Then as we approached that lake, where those old sun loungers were, Matthew saw that something was floating in the water. As we came closer we saw that it was a dead body. The whole thing was swollen, and on his neck we could see somethink like a leather belt. Our team leader ordered us to go back to the camp immediately and he headed to the store to call the police” – says Kacper Kurek, one of the scouts who found the corpse.Irena Kornacka was last seen on May 7th. She has been treated for cancer for several years and her mental condition was poor. That is why the investigators initially suspected suicide. The autopsy however, excluded suicide as the reason of death and confirmed the involvement of third parties. We learned unofficially that the corpse had got all the teeth removed in unexplained circumstances. This in combination with the advanced state of the decay greatly delayed the identification.

…whoever knows.
On May 29th. a 20 year old student Anna Słowińska went missing. She was seen in the evening of May 27th at her home. Anna is about 165 cm tall, has straight blond hair, blue eyes. To date, she has not contacted her familly or friends. If you have any information regarding Anna Slowinska, please contact the police or our office immediately.

The Translated Narrative From One Of The Tumblr Pages:

Today, (i.e. 31.05.93) in the course of my duties, I intervied the residents of the building, where the missing woman and her mother are living. During the interview of Maria Bednarska (flat no 42), I determined that on the morning preceding the day when Anna Słowińska went missing (i.e. 28.05.93), she was involved in an event she described as unusual, the course of the mentioned event as follows: on the square in front of the building she got hit and overturned to the ground by a running young man, age 20-25 years. Mrs. Bednarska said that the young man was running north from the south, across the square towards the street, between the buildings and toward the tram stop. Mrs. Bednarska claims that she does not know the identity of the young man. She is sure he is not a resident of the building she lives in. She claims to have remembered his face and that she would be able to identify him.

In the course of further activities carried out in the flat of the missing woman, several newspaper clippings regarding the murder of Irena Kornacka were found in her room. There is a separate investigation being conducted regarding Irena Kornacka case. In light of the evidence gathered there are no grounds at the moment to link the two investigations.

To be attached to the files.

Sgt. Oliwia Zalewska

(NOTE: The Two Hidden Videos were Taken Down or Removed for Some Unknown Reason. If You Try to View One You will beInformed that it is UNAVAILABLE.)


Interpretations and Hypotheses:

The Real Abduction: The Series could be Linked to a Real Life Abduction and possible Murder. This Hypothesis is Based on the Existence of a Facebook Pageant Newspaper Clippings that Display Missing Person Pictures for Anna Slowinska. Both of which Directly Coincide with the Series Itself.

The Cult Hypothesis: This is Based on the Concept that the Inappropriate Person/People Ania was associating with were in Reality Cult Members. Also there is Ania’s Friend Krystyna’s Story about How Ania was almost Abducted as a Child by a Mysterious Man (this led Krystyna to believe a Cult was Watching and Following Ania). There is also the distinct possibility that Ania may have decided to Run Away and Live in the Woods with The Other Cult Members VOLUNTARILY of Her Own Free Will. In All Honesty once You watch Video Six You see the Temples in the Woods are Inhabited Solely by Women in Latex Masks it DOES NOT Seem to be at all Voluntary in the Least.


The Fashion Interpretation: This Interpretation was posed by a User Named Greenland Is Evil on Their Sub Reddit. This starts with Video One and the Heavy Use of the Color Red which in this Case Represents Evil. In Episode Four the Doll Crying in Front of the Cameras could Symbolize Ania and the possible pressures of Fame in the High Pressure Fashion World. In The Second Video of the Series Ania is a Small Child walking with a Man who We can assume here is Her Father. Ania’s Father’s Face is Splashed with Red and Ania appears to be Struggling to Keep Up Appearances in the Public Eye. In Episode Four the Interviewee claims Ania was Stressed Out and Visibly Losing Weight to Keep Up Her Appearance (which is a Factor of being in the World of Fame and Fashion). The Strange Man that Appears in the Videos could be a Representation of the World Ania has to Endure due to Her Job in Fashion. The Man in the Videos is Obsessed with Capturing Perfection that is Represented by the Porcelain Dolls.

Simple Abduction Hypothesis: This is Very Similar to the Fashion Interpretation with One Major Difference is the Elimination of the Allegory Aspect. In this Hypothesis Ania could very well be just a Regular Person Wo is Unhappy with Her Life and is Depressed. The Cameras then would be Symbolic of Ania’s Social Life. As We all Know by Now with Social Media and Cell Phones People’s Privacy has Diminished to a Spectacular Degree.


Escapist Interpretation: Did Ania Run Off into the Woods to Escape the Immense Pressure(s) of Her Life, and Accidentally Ran into the Part of the Forrest Inhabited by the Creepy Hobo inadvertently becoming one of His Captives? Once Ania as Captured by the Hobo She was Kept Hidden Deep in the Wood Totally Isolated from the Rest of the World. The Hobo is His Captives Only Source of Survival for His Victims and is Represented in Episode Five. If His Victims are Dead or Alive since all the Hobo gives a flying fuck about is PERFECTION/THE PURSUIT OF PERFECTION.

The Underground Sex Ring: This Hypothesis is pretty Straight Forward in the Belief is the Series Showcases the DOLL FETISHISM. Doll Fetishism is a Sexual Fetish in which Individual is Attracted to Dolls and Doll like Objects such as Figurines. The Attraction may Include the Desire for Actual Sexual Contact with a Doll, a Fantasy of a Sexual Encounter with an Animate or Inanimate Doll, Encounters between Dolls Themselves, or sexual Pleasure gained from Thoughts of being Transformed or Transforming Another into a Doll. Doll Fetishism is a Form of Agalmatophilia, which is Itself a Form of Object Sexuality.




Thanks for Reading/Watching,

Presented by Les Sober