Is There a Veterinarian in The House?!

I had been working in a Dog Kennel/ Boarding Facility when I decided to become a Veterinarian Technician or Vet Tech. It made sense since I liked working with Animals over People, and let’s face it Most People Suck a Bag of Dicks on the Daily. The problem was while I enjoyed working at the Dog Kennel but it wasn’t what one would call Intellectually Challenging in the Least, and the Day to Day routine had become mundanely Boring.

After looking for a while I landed a Job at a Near Veterinarian Clinic run by a Veterinarian named Dr. Yavid Yorn. I’m going to take a minute to clear up a quick question some Reader’s may be Wondering about so bare with Me. While there are Plenty of Schools that offer a Vet Tech Programs (which is fine by all means) in Reality Veterinarian’s prefer to Hire Someone with Experience, But being an Off the Street Newbie isn’t a deal breaker as Long as You are Reliable, Trainable, and a Hard Working Animal Lover with Initiative thats works just Fine.


There is an extremely simplistic reason for this. While having experience is obviously the Number One thing You can bring to the Table with a shit ton of Jobs not just Veterinary Medicine. The reason Vet’s are a Bit Leery of the School Educated Vet Tech because there is a HUGE fucking Difference between Restraining a Large Pissed off Dog in Real Life let’s say versus learning about Animal Restraint Techniques Strictly from a Book. Unfortunately School Educated Vet Tech’s tend to think They’re ready, but Veterinarian Medicine is all about Trial By Fire and They tend to Freeze Up.

Anyway back to Our story Already in Progress.

It was early in the Afternoon when a Woman called the to make a Rather Unusual Appointment. She told Me there had been an Illegal Chop Shop in Her Neighborhood that had a Big Ass Rottweiler Guarding the Property. Well the Chop Shop closed and when the assholes left they turned the fucking Dog loose onto the Streets. The Woman had seen the Dog roaming aimlessly around and had decided out of the Ignorance of Her heart to Feed it. Now that it been awhile the Woman wanted to bring in the Dog for an Exam to make sure everything is Kosher.


We made Her an Appointment as well as Informed Her this was NOT a Good/Smart idea as She knew absolutely NOTHING about the Dog like its Over All Temperament, Behaviors or Possible Triggers that could cause Sudden Aggression. We informed Her that just because She had been feeding the Dog Didn’t make this Situation a goddamn Disney motherfucking Movie not by a Long fucking Shot. We advised Her the Best thing to do was to Contact Animal Care and Control (ACC) which She declined to do. She didn’t have the Highest Opinion of ACC so She refused to even consider it as a viable and logical Answer, and Dr. Yorn Okayed the Appointment soWe made One for Her.

Looking back on it Now I can’t figure Out Why after telling Her all that WHY THE FUCK DR. YORN ALLOWED HER MAKE AN APPOINTMENT?! I mean can You say Red fucking Flag or WHAT?! After learning the so called History and relationship of the Woman and the Dog We didn’t just Hang the fuck Up DEFYS LOGIC as well as COMMON SENSE. It Literally was THE WORST FUCKING IDEA/OPTION We could have fucking Made Considering what We knew, BUT We Did because Dr. Yorn said to do so.


Time Passed uneventfully that was until The Woman with the Stray Chop Shop Rottweiler Showed Up. The Dog was a Prize Specimen looking to be 100 pounds or So of Pure fucking Muscle, and a Head as Big as a fucking Frozen Turkey. The Woman it turns out is 5 foot fucking Nothing and weighed no more than 90 fucking Pounds TOPS. The Dog comes barreling into the Waiting Room like a Bull in a China Shop dragging the Tiny Woman behind Him as She fought to hold on the the Leash. MORE AND MORE RED FLAGS. Dr. Yorn could have told Her Oh Hell No fuck that, but AGAIN HE DIDN’T.

Well needless to say the Clients in the Waiting Room were Less than Thrilled about this Development, and looked on the Verge of Panicking. Dr. Yorn directed US to escort the Woman and Dog directly into the Nearest Empty Exam Room which We Did. The fucked up thing is the Woman was Totally fucking Oblivious to what the fuck is really going on, and is actually Laughing like a Fucking Fool the entire fucking Time. I Know it’s Redundant, BUT STILL MORE RED FLAGS.


Dr. Yorn’s next decision was to Tell Me to go into the Exam Room with the Woman and have her Muzzle the Dog just so We could WEIGHT THE FUCKING THING (Red Fucking Flag!). I knew why He had chosen Me and I’m not being Sexist but the Other 3 Employees where 2 Petite Young Girls, and the Third was a Little Old Lady in her Mid 60’s. SO if You stop and think about it You could say based on the Other 3 Employees I was hired because I was obviously much Bigger, and desernably Stronger so isn’t that Sexist?!

Anyway I went in and handed the Muzzle to the Woman who is still giggling like a Drunk School Girl unaware that the Dog She is with is fully capable of KILLING HER, and Tossing HER MANGLED CORPSE around like a fucking Rag Doll.  I then instruct Her on how to put the Muzzle on Correctly, BUT the Dog isn’t fucking having it. The Dog Keeps ducking, bobbing, and weaving to avoid the Muzzle put well on His Muzzle, and when the Woman did get the Muzzle in Place the Dog would rub against He leg and immediately dislodge it. Essentially We were getting absolutely fucking NO WHERE and the Dog was becoming More and More Agitated which was the Exact OPPOSITE of what We wanted to do all things Considered.


I was becoming EXTREMELY Uncomfortable as I saw this scenario going South REAL fucking Fast, and This was NOT the Dog to be fucking around with that was for Sure. I leaned forward slightly and pointed at the Loose Strap since the Woman was just Chuckling Her fucking head off, and really making things seriously Worse. Thats when the Dog Lunged at Me attempting to Lock onto My Left Forearm, BUT since I saw it coming so to Speak I had already begun to pull My Hand Back which prevented the Dog from being able to Bite it in which case I’d be Totally and Properly fucked. Instead of grabbing hold of My Forearm The Dog Bit… .how should I put this a “Chunk” of Flesh along with a little Muscle.

I remember clear as fucking Day being fucking Eye to Eye with the goddamn Dog and realized more likely than not the Dog was going to Release Me only so it could Attack again trying to Establish a Deadlier Hold on Me. Instinctively I Screamed “MOTHERFUCKER!” a loud a fuck right into the Dog’s fucking Face, and it worked as it effectively Startled the shit Out of the Dog confusing it enough to Let Go of My Arm while allowing Me to Escape out the Door like a Bolt of fucking Lightning. The Clients in the Waiting Room looked So Surprised it Looked as if They all had infant Shit Themselves Silly with Shock.


I made My way into the Medical Prep/ Pharmacy where My Co Workers cleaned the Wound, Disinfected it, and Bandaged it for Me. Now since the Dog was a Stray with No Known Vaccination Record or Rabies Tag meant I was Off to the Emergency Room for Rabies Treatment. Luckily for Me there had been Quite a few Advancements in Medicine including in the Treatment for the Prevention of Rabies in People Bitten by Wild Animal or Dogs and Cats without known Current (aka Valid) Rabies Vaccination. They used to Stab the Patient REPEATEDLY in the Abdomen with a SLEW OF INJECTIONS and was know it be EXTREMELY PLEASANT AKA PAINFUL.

Like I said though Luckily for Me I ended up getting an Entire Bag of IV Antibiotics, 4 Shots in My left Arm, 3 Shots in My Right Arm, One in My Left Ass Cheek, and One Shot at the Bite Sight. That means they give You SEVERAL INJECTIONS directly around the Wound which seems to be the Worst of Both Worlds. After the Shots and Intravenous Antibiotic regiment They released Me after Letting Me know I’d have to come Back periodically for subsequent follow up Injections to Finish the Entire Rabies Protocol. That was unless the Dog was Cleared as a Rabies Threat before the Treatment Shots were Done.


Now allow Me a moment to fill in any of Our Reader’s in on a Little fact. Until VERY recently there was only one Protocol for a Situation like this which is I go for Medical Treatment, and the Dog would be Surrendered (aka Turned Over) to Animal Care and Control. The Dog would remain Quarantined at Animal Care and Control until it was Promptly Euthanized after which its Head would be Severed, and its Brain Dissected for signs of Rabies. Though Morbid as a Motherfucker it was the Deemed the only effective way to handle the Situation.

A Few Years ago the Thinking on how to Handle said situation changed Dramatically. Those in the Know as it were had come to the Conclusion that since Rabies takes 10 Days before becoming Symptomatic so if a Dog per say with No Documented Rabies Vaccination Bit Someone it could be Kept in Quarantine for 10 Days. After 10 Days the Animal would start to become Systematic which is Impossible to Miss since it Involves such things as Staggering, Excessive Drooling, Irrational and Unusually Aggressive Behavior, and a Irrational Fear of Water as Rabies Rots and Erodes the Patients Brain and Nervous System.  This way the Animal Didn’t have to be Killed Unnecessarily which Everyone Agreed was a Much Better than the Previous Method.


As Luck would have it the Dog was in the End Cleared and I didn’t have to finish out the Entire Regiment of Rabies Shots. I did though Have to go and get 2 Subsequent injections while the Dog was in Quarantine which sucked balls. I don’t mind getting Shots/Injections at this point in My Life, BUT I HATE WAITING LIKE MOTHERFUCKER. You see when You show up at the ER for a simple Shot You are obviously the LOWEST PRIORITY, and will Remain so Indefinitely. This means a SHIT TON of Waiting I’m talking fucking HOURS, But Alls Well That Ends Well.

Thanks for Reading,

  By Les Sober   (2:21 am)