The Horror Story That Was Unit 731

Virtually Everyone knows or is Familiar with the Nazis Preforming Unthinkable Human Experiments on Prisoners of War (POW) under the Authority of Doctor and SS Officer Joseph Mengele (Know as the Angel of Death). What most People are Unaware of was the Japanese Army’s Infamous Unit 731 that made the Nazi Death Camps look like fucking DisneyWorld.

Unit 731 was a Covert Biological and Chemical Warfare Research and Development unit of the Imperial Japanese Army that Undertook LETHAL HUMAN EXPERIMENTATION during the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937-1945) of World War II. Unit 731 is Responsible for some of the most Notorious WAR CRIMES carried out by Imperial Japan. Unit 731 was based at the Pingfang District of Harbin, the Largest Gas Chamber in the Japanese puppet state of Manchukuo (Now Northeast China), and had Active Branch Offices throughout China and Southeast Asia.


Unit 731 consisted of the Following Divisions:

  • Division 1: Research on BubonicPlague, Cholera, Anthrax, Typhoid, and Tuberculosis using LIVING HUMAN SUBJECTS. For this Purpose, a Prison was Constructed to Contain around 300 to 400 Prisoners.
  • Division 2: Research for Biological Weapons Used in the Field, in Particular the Production of Devices to Spread Germs and Parasites.
  • Division 3: Production of Shells containing Biological Agents (Stationed in Harbin)
  • Division 4: Bacteria Mass Production and Storage.
  • Division 5: Training of Personnel.
  • Division 6: Equipment, Medical and Administrative Units.


Just Some of the Horrific Human Experiments Unit 731 are as Follows:

  • Prisoners were Deprived of Food and Water to Determine the Length of time it would take for a Person to Stave to Death.
  • Some Prisoners were placed in High-Pressure Chambers unit Their Eyes Popped Out from Their Sockets.
  • Prisoners were also Experimented upon to Determine the Relationship between Temperature, Burns, and Human Survival.
  • Other Prisoners were Electrocuted.
  • Some Prisoners were placed in a Centrifuge and Spun until Death.
  • Prisoners were also Injected with Animal Blood.
  • Prisoners were Exposed to Lethal Doses of X-Rays.
  • Prisoners might also be subjected to Various Chemical Weapons inside a Gas Chamber.
  • Some Prisoners were Burned Alive.
  • Other Prisoners were Buried Alive.
  • Some Prisoners had Horse Urine Injected into Their Kidneys.
  • Prisoners had Their Limbs Amputated and Resewing them to Other Stumps on the Body.
  • Prisoners were Injected with Syphilis or Forced to have Sex with an Infected Prisoner.
  • Prisoners Subjected to Vivisection without Anesthesia.
  • Prisoners were subjected to Frostbite Testing.
  • Prisoners were Injected with Gonorrhoea.


Here are just Few Unit 731 Tests in Greater Detail:

  • Frostbite Testing: Army Engineer Hisato Yoshimura conducted Experiments by taking Prisoners Outside, Dipping various Appendages into Water, and Allowing the Limb to Freeze. Once Frozen the Ice was Chipped away and the Area Doused with Water, Limbs brought close to the Fire and Other “Methods” used to Determine the Effect it had on Frostbite. The Effects of Different Water Temperatures were Tested by Bludgeoning the Victim to Determine if any Areas were still Frozen.
  • Weapon Testing: Human Targets were Used to Test Grenades positioned at Various Distances and In Various Positions. Flamethrowers were Tested on the Human Prisoners as well as Bayonets and Various Knives. Prisoners were also tied to Stakes and used as Targets to Test Pathogen-Releasing Bombs, Chemical Weapons, and Explosive Bombs.
  • Vivisection: Vivisections were Preformed on Prisoners (without Anesthesia and often Resulting in Death) after Infecting them with Various Diseases such a Syphilis for example. The Researchers Preformed Invasive Surgery on Prisoners, removing Organs to Study the Effects of Disease on the Human Body. These Surgeries were Conducted while the Patients were still Alive since it was thought that the Death of the Subject would affect the Results. Prisoners had Limbs Amputated in Order to Study Blood Loss. The Amputated Limbs were sometimes Re-Attached to the Oppisite Side of the Body. Some Prisoners had Their Stomaches Surgically Removed and the Esophagus reattached to the Intestines. Parts of Organs, such as the Brain, Lungs, and Liver were Removed from Some Prisoners.


In The End: 75 Years Later, the Japanese Government continues to Deny or Minimize this Part of Their Wartime Record, and Refused Demands for a Clear Admission of Guilt with a Clear Apology. The Cover-Up was assisted by the United States i the Post War Years. Rather than allow Unit 731 Research on Chemical and Biological Weapons to fall into Soviet Hands, America shielded some of the War’s Worst War Criminals in Exchange for Their Knowledge/Research/Findings. America made Similar Deals with Top Ranking Nazi Scientists at the End of World War II, and again it was to Keep the Information out of the Hands of the Soviet Union.

Thanks for Watching,

  Presented By Les Sober

Insane Text Exchange


This is the most recent and most entertaining Text Exchange between SpaceDog and Myself. Enjoy.

SpaceDog: U need to pull up your pants and clean up your voicemail. Did u know that men with unclean voicemail are 95% more likely to contract Syphilis and 180 timeshare likely to infect their partner? Its horrible i tied my own tubes. But i feel like u get Syphilis more than me hence my text. Multiple shots in trader joe’s to be the most Portlandia crime ever.

Les: First I’m not wearing pants so Ah-Ha! I like my voicemail FILTHY like a Pecker. 180 times that’s it?!!! GREAT now my Crabs have Syphilis AND HERPIES! Shots at Trader Joe’s SHOTS! SHOTS! SHITS!

SPaceDog: Lol

Les: Headed home from Porn Shop, gonna grab some Pickled Eggs, and Budweiser, Hit you up when I get back to Base Camp (Named after all the Cocaine Smoking or Free Basing going on there.)

SpaceDog: I just like gay hulu and i get a massive cock. ok cool.

Les: Also to get rid of Crabs soak Your Junk in Vodka and then cover it in sand. That way the Crabs get Drunk and Stone Each other to Death.

SpaceDog: Id like to do that to get my crabs to work again, between 20 year old Tweens doing vaginal stretches and the male lifeguards moving out of masturbatorial range my life has been no bed of roses. Im just watching cool gay stuff online.


Les: Worst Dick Pix EVER. LMFAO!

SpaceDog: There goes that orgasm…clean your voicemail. I dont mind not talking to you i do mind being drunk and not being able to Express my freak.

Les: Gave my voicemail a well needed Bourbon Enema so Speak Your Freak.

Thanks for Reading,

SpaceDog & Les Sober