The Optica Network

Welcome to this Monday’s Post featuring Gothic Arthouse’s THE OPTICA NETWORK. This Set of Three Videos reminds Me of a Piece We did awhile Back Called LOCAL 58 (which is Located in the Strange and Disturbing Video Section) where a Local TV Station’s Broadcast Signal is Hijacked, and Ominous Messages from a Unknown Malevolent Force start Appearing on Local 58. It also reminds Me of an Upcoming Piece on the Happy Vally Dream Survey which is a Story for Another Day. Each Video has a Description Followed by a Weird Shit in the Video Weird Shit List. Let’s get Started Shall We.



Video 1: What Do You  See When You Dream?

Description: What You see when You Dream can mean different Things. tell Us, what are You seeing in Your Dreams?

Weird Shit List:

  • The Video Starts like an Old VHS Tape.
  • The First Scene is Someone who is Out of Breath staring out a Second Story Window at Someone standing on the Sidewalk Outside.
  • Logo For (Channel) 91 The Optica Network
  • First Message on Screen: Continued Learning What Do You See when We Close Our Eyes?
  • Announcer “Welcome to Start of Part 9” though there No Previous Videos/
  • Announcer Claims “Your Sleep may be Compromised if Someone Other than Your Optica Agent is Present.”
  • Then Optica issues a list of Red Flags for when You Sleep.
  • Flying= Expierancing Flight in Your Dream may suggest You’re ready to make a Bold Decision.” This is Followed by a Red Screen that Warns “DO NOT make Any Decision before Consulting Your Optica Agent.”

  • Falling = Translates to You losing Control of Your Will, and if You’ve Signed Your Optica Sign Up Form these Dreams Should Not Persist.
  • Being Chased = If Your pursued in Your Dream Report IMMEDIATELY to Your Optica Agent You may Need….(Video scrambles)
  • Drumwort: No Explanation Provided.
  • Being Trapped = If you find Yourself Trapped in Your Dream DO NOT TALK TO YOURSELF! Red Screen Warning “Duplicates are Dangerous and DO NOT APPROACH Under Any Circumstance.
  • A Class of Infants: Screen Scrambles before any sort of Explanation.
  • Ad for Selby’s Lookalike Service/Agency
  • Text on Screen: Dream Reports Remain Vital and there’s a Redacted Phone Number.
  • Screen goes black with Audio of a Patient and what most likely are Research Scientists. Text at bottom of the Screen reads: Confidential Optica Records NOT for Public Domain, and the Term Unexplained Re-Attachment.
  • Blue Screen who Text Reads “There is Nothing to Worry About” directly followed by more Text that Reads “Go To Sleep Immediately”
  • 91 Logo Pops up Again with the Message “He can Only Hurt You if You’re Awake.”

Video 2: How Long Does A Dream Last?

Description: How long does a Dream Last? A lot Longer than You would Imagine apparently.

Weird Shit List:

  • Again Starts like a Old VHS Tape
  • Channel 91 Emergency Tone Test.
  • Tone Test Announcement “If You hear a nUmbered Sequence during the Tone Test Report to Your Local Optica Agent IMMEDIATELY!”
  • Tone Test Countdown Screen.
  • Screen Post Tone Test: If You heard a Numbered Sequence contact Us Immediately and there is a Redacted Phone Number.
  • Ad for Sunday Family Fun Annual Mass Suicide that starts at 1 pm, and remember to Bring Your Own Instrument of Death.
  • Channel 91 Logo with Message: Thank You for Your patience We can now Return You to the Advice Hour.”
  • Advice Hour Tutorial: How To Fall Asleep.
  • VHS Tape appears on Screen and An Announcer says, “If You Haven;t already make sure to Pick Up Understanding Our Dreams the Century before Next Thursday Afternoon and that this is Compulsory Material.

  • Channel 91 Logo with a Garbled Indecipherable Voice Talking followed by a Blue Screen that Reads : Broadcast Compromised Please Hold.
  • Picture of a Phone with the word Sanctuary 5 in the Lower Left Corner.
  • Screen Goes Black with Text Reading: Confidential Optica Records. NOT for Public Domain. Dream Re-Call GQ167.
  • Audio Starts of a Patient recounting His Dream with Hospital/Medical Facility noises in the Background. The Suspected Patient talks about His Kids growing up and How He tried to Keep Them Safe from “Him”.
  • Emergency Broadcast: SLEEP IS VITAL.
  • Grainy Black and White Video of a Man talking about Keeping Himself Awake, When He does wake up He Doesn’t Remember Who He is, That He sees “Him” in the Distance, and Every time I sleep (“He”) gets Closer.

Video Number 3: Can Your Dream Predict The Future?

Description: Can Your Dream predict the Future? Process. Integrate. Understand. The Sleeping Brain works on Multiple Levels.

Weird Shit List: 

  • Once again starts like an Old VHS Tape.
  • Interior Shot of a House and its Front Door.  Someone Outside is asking the Resident Personal Information Questions like “Are You Capable of Recognizing Yourself in the Mirror?”, and the Residents Answers sound like Static like Noises with Translation in Subtitle Form.
  • Channel 91 Logo with Text: Continued Learning How to Describe a Dream.
  • Blue Screen: Understanding Dream Behavior Tutorial that References the First Video (Ironically titled Part 9)and State Dreams can be Prophetic.
  • Picture of the Sanctuary 5 Phone playing a Automated Recording of a Woman Saying, “You have reached the Optica Network Thank You for Calling, Unfortunately We are Unable to take Your call right now. In order to Report Your Dream Please leave Your Message After the Tone.”
  • A Man Leaves a Message apparently He is a Delivery Guy looking for a Mr. Brandrift to confirm the order for 4 grams of Gingerbread, and wonders if this is in fact a mistake. He then says there is time to make Alterations to the Order before it is Delivered.

  • Next Message is an Old Sounding Man that States “You have to Bring Me Back There’s been a Mistake I can’t Sleep Anymore.”
  • Third Message is Man Reporting His Dream where a mysterious Rope depends from the Sky. There Scientists there and one Grabs it and is Sucked Up into the Air and Out of Sight. The Last thing the Unfortunate Scientist is heard Saying is Drumwort Over and Over Again.
  • Hospital Security Camera Footage of a Hallway While a Man on the PA System Stating a Patient needs Assistance.
  • Yet another Voice Mail Message of a Man calling from the International Space Station. He/They are calling to wish “You” a Happy Birthday as is Tradition.
  • A Sleep is Vital Advertisment.
  • Black Screen with Text: Confidential Optica Records Not for Public Domain Patient 425 Re-Submerged. The Audio is of a Hysterical Crying Man pleading HE can’t Sleep Anymore. A Optica Representative Tells the Distraught Man ” You’re going to be Spending a Little more Time with Him for Us.”

  • Another Sanctuary  Phone Message from the Delivery Guy Again. He says the Order has be Altered and now it’s Just Herbs. Again He wonders if this is a Mistake, and advises there is Still Time to Fix it if it is indeed a Mistake.
  • Additional Voice Message from a Man Reporting His Dream that mimicked His Daily Routine Specifically His Bus Ride to Work every Morning. The Man says He’s calling because He Found Optica’s Phone Number on a Flier.
  • Channel 91 Logo with Text that Reads You are Watching the Obituary Hour.
  • Optica Logo Appears and Announcer Says “It is with a Heavy Heart We must announce the Death of Patient 068 Lorraine Nelson as She enters Eternal Sleep. May She be Remembered for the Great Sacrifice….Screen Scrambles.
  • Advertisement for Optica Juniors or Optica for Kids.
  • Sleep is Vital Message on Screen along with Optica Logo.
  • Channel 91 Logo with Text that Reads: Join Us Next Time for Inside Optica Network. Have a Question for one of Our Participants? Make Sure yOu Send them to the Following Address…Screen Cuts Out.

Thank You For Reading/Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober  

The Morbidly Bizarre Story of leathersmokemi

There are many types of strange and disturbing things lurking from here to the four corners of the Earth. While I am a fan of Horror I am especially fond of Asian Horror in particular, and while the gory Asian movies with all the over the top geysers  of spurting blood, decapitations, mutilations , and severed limbs are good for a laugh I prefer the creepier fair. I perter the more psychological of the Asian horror genre. I like the movies that really   lingers inside your head like a dense fog that refuses to dissipate.

This is why one of the less popular pieces we did called Permanent Trip is a personal favorite of mine because it has that underlying uneasiness to it. The other day while I was wondering like a lost soul around the digital void of the internet.I was hunting for a intriguing rabbit hole to jump into with reckless abandon when something dark and extremely morbid. What I found was a gentleman named Dave who went by the user name Leathersmokemi.

The first thing that caught my immediate attention was the Dave’s manner of dress which reminded me of the heavy metal band of yesteryear Judas Priest. The second thing I noticed was Dave prolifically posted a total of 229 videos in a five year time span without taking any time off. The theme of  of Dave’s Videos showcase Dave smoking cigarettes/cigars/Both at the same. Dave also demonstrates his new and inventive ways to smoke tobacco products (for example he concocted and created a modified gas mask so that he could smoke half a pack of cigarettes all at once).

As I waded through Leathersmokemi’s library of videos it started to go from strange too disturbing. Though he is amply aware of the toxic and deadly effects of smoking tobacco he chooses to gladly and defiantly disregard the health consequences know full well what grim fate lays in store for him. As you can imagine watching Dave’s health steady decline over the course of the videos is like watching a prolonged five year suicide. Its brutally unforgiving as Dave’s body is ravaged by his extreme smoking obsession. You follow a man who in the beginning looks like a big burly biker and ends as  a withered, sickly, and skeletal looking slouched down in a wheel chair.


I selected five of Leathersmokemi’s videos for comparison purposes. Two of the videos are from the beginning of the series when Dave is at his healthiest considering he’s a avid smoking enthusiast of epic proportions. The Third video is from the around the midway point approximately two and a half years in. The fourth video is from the final leg of Dave’s imitate demise. The fifth video is the last video Leathersmoki ever posted before his death due to the cancer caused by his obsessive and chronic love of tobacco.

The painfully obvious question is why would someone chronicle last five years of their life as a smoker? What could be the possible motivation? Is this just an eccentric man in love with the art of self destruction?


Video 189.wmv Description: My return after cancer surgery.

Video title- still here still smoking (Last Video Posted before Death).

The Answer can be found in the comment sections of Leathersmokemi’s videos. Leathersmokemi’s Videos are a  extremely hardcore version of a more traditional smoking fetish. While a smoking fetish is far from anything new this version is takes it to a very dark and unspeakable place. The usual smoking fetish fair is a person dressed provocatively slowly smoking a single cigarette while flirting with the camera, and is quite innocent in nature (much like burlesque shows for example).

When I started perusing deeper into the comments section of Lethersmokemi’s videos something sinister suddenly became horribly clear. All of the comments from his fans were hyper sexualizing the detrimental effects of smoking. Their fetish wasn’t focused on a person smoking a cigarette it was solely based on the detrimental health effects from the person smoking cigarettes/cigars. They seemed to enjoy and request to hear Leathersmokemi Cough, wheeze, and his progressively strained raspy breathing. Leathersmokemi to his credit did indulge his fans and recored certain videos dedicated to certain fans.

Leathersmokemi’s small but fanatical followers were getting sexual aroused by the sound(s) of Leathersmokmi’s progressing respiratory distress. His Fans enjoyed Leathersmokimi’s physical deterioration as it was being consumed by Cancer with increasing dire delight as Leathersmokemi’s health declined. The closer he  progressed  towards his inevitable death the more frenzied his fans became. The sickly sounds appeared to Heighten their level of arousal. Their unofficial motto it seemed to be “The sicker the sexier”. Leathersmokemi’s fans dedicated to his deadly and prolonged process got heightened sexual simulation from hyper sexualizing the illnesses associated with smoking tobacco. They reveled without remorse in the detromental health effects upon a the human body. As far as I am concerned this is vast collection of Fetishized snuff videos.


You don’t have to believe us because directly below are two separate testimonial videos where Dave addresses what kind of person he is, what he like, sexual preference, His various Jobs, and his extremely obsessive smoking fetish.


Thats It.

 By Otto Rageous