Brutality and Bloodshed: Girl Goes Psycho During Make Up Tutorial

The Back Story to This Savage Slice of Insanity is Simple if Not Cliche. The Video was sent Anonymously to the Youtube Channel The 15Experience who wrote the Following Description: “This video was sent to me anonymously. I do not have any information beyond that. It is for you to decide on your own whether it is Real of Fake.”

The Video at a Scant Minute and 25 Seconds Unfolds in the following Way.

  • Nikki Introduces Herself.
  • She then Talks about the Products She will be Using.
  • She starts to Provide Instruction for Application of said Makeup.
  • Nikki appears to be Logged into Facebook on a 2nd Screen (is She Live Streaming?)
  • Nikki is Interrupted by Loud Bleeping Noise.
  • The Facebook Screen cuts to CCTV Footage of a Dark Room.
  • Nikki seeming Utterly Unfazed fixes Her Feed.
  • Then The Video takes a Dementedly Dark Turn for the Worst.
  • The Dark Room Image Returns on the Facebook Screen.
  • Nikki goes into a Trance Like State (Is She being Brainwashed? Is this actual Mind Control?)
  • Nikki suddenly starts Repeatedly and Violently Slamming Her Head into the Desk in Front of Her.
  • Nikki stops Her Psychotic Head Slamming and sits in a Catatonic State with Blood Pouring Out of Her Head which has been Split Open, and With Right Eye that is Swollen Shut.
  • The Video Then Promptly Ends.


In the End it Turned out the Video was indeed Fake as Confirmed by Actress Nakia Secrest Who Played Nikki in the Video. The Video was to Help Promote a Movie being Produced by the Creator of The The Intent of the Video was to Showcase Special Effects which You can’t Deny are pretty fucking Realistic (Fuck CGI!).  We did Locate in addition to the Original Video a Second Edited Version featuring a Unnerving Ending put out Specifically by The In the Alternate Version of the Video the 3 Key differences are Most Significantly the Demonic Message Personally sent to Nikki from Satan in Hell. The Message preempted by a Red 666 that appears comes up over the Image of the Dark Room in Red Colored Text. The Second is the Death Metal that plays Simultaneously with a Generic Baby Laugh/Giggle that closes out the Video. Both the Original and Alternate Version are Below. Enjoy.

The 15Experience.Com Version:


Thanks for Watching,

  Brought to You By Les Sober