What Is More Relaxing Then A Fucking Serial Killer?!

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring RELAX WITH MICHEAL MYERS by Content Creator Paul McNeils (Nicknames: ER, Uncle E, or BigE) Who’s Youtube Channel is known as Ephemeral Rift. McNeils started His Youtube Cannel in 2011, and the name is comprised of Two Random words without a Specific Meaning. In 2012 McNeils came across a ASMR Landscape Scene while poking around on Youtube. From that Point on McNeils began to Focus more on Character Driven ASMR Videos which was Opposed to the Traditional ASMR Content at the Time. We have to remember that back in 2012 ASMR was just a Niche Genre which Eventually took off like a Real Serious Motherfucker Gaining more and More Traction/Popularity.

For those Who may be Unaware Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR) is Defined as: ASMR is a Subjective Experience of “Low Grade Euphoria” characterized by a Combination of Positive feelings and a Distinct Static like Tingling Sensation on the Skin. It is Most Commonly Triggered by Specific Auditory or Visual Stimuli, and less Commonly by Intentional Attention Control.

This Video was brought to Us by a Friend and is the Best piece of Absurdist Comedy We’ve seen in a Long fucking Time. The Last thing We Actually Enjoyed in the Arena of Absurd Comedy was the Masterful Go the fuck to sleep (by Author Adam Mansbach which is described as a Satirical “Children’s Book for Adults.”) read by Samuel L. Jackson Video. The Simple but Entertaining and Effective Gimmick is a Contradiction of the Senses where Your Eyes and Ears are Conflicted. Your Ears hear all the Calming Audio that is Intended to Relax You, BUT at the same fucking time You’re Seeing the Infamous Horror/Slasher Movie Iconic Villain Micheal Myers (from the Halloween Movie Franchise) creating the Soothing Sounds. The Opposing Information confuses a Person’s Brain as it Relies on the 5 Senses for Any and All Information needed to Live and Survive. Again Your Ears are informing Your Brain that Everything is Chill while Your Eyes are Informing Your Brain that There is a Danger in Your Mist. Even though Micheal Myers is a Fictional Horror Movie Character Your Brain recognizes Him as a Possible and Deadly Danger. That Recognition Invokes a real Sudo Fight or Flight Reaction on a More or Less on a Subconscious Level.

Now Who could Explain Their Video better then the Content Creator Themselves so Here is Ephemeral Rift on Ephemeral Rift in Their Own Words:

“Good Now! And welcome to 12 years & counting of… well, I don’t know how to describe it: an original, authentic, fearless, and eclectic blend of art, comedy, horror, music, philosophy, fantasy, gaming, food, life experience, and whatever else my brain comes up with, using ASMR as the primary vehicle to deliver a thought-provoking, entertaining, tingle & sleep-inducing experience. I’m a mostly self-taught “jack-of-all-trades, master-of-none” father, husband, artist, internet dad/uncle/comedian/actor, musician, philosopher, universe builder, sound sculptor/audio engineer, photographer, prop/costume designer, foodie, etc. Seeds of inspiration are planted in my mind by the world around me, be it a pebble, a tree, a passing comment, a word spoken in a conversation, etc., etc. Other notable sources include H. P. Lovecraft, Monty Python, Douglas Adams, David Lynch, The SCP Foundation, King Diamond, and a myriad of other people, artists, films, philosophers, video games, etc., etc”

-Paul McNeils (AKA Ephemeral Rift)-

It Is What It Is,

 Presented By Les Sober

Two Different Perspectives For The Same Situation

While Humans have Five different senses (Sight, Smell, Touch, Taste, and Hearing) Yet Ninety Percent of all of the Information We learn/observe  from the World Around Us comes Solely from Sight. Considering this it’s Safe to Say Life is all a Matter of Perspective. The Definition of Perspective is as Follows: Perspective: A Particular Attitude Towards or Way of Regarding Something; A Point of View. What People believe to be Good, Bad, or Indifferent is just a matter of Their personal perspective pertaining to the Subject at Hand.

For all Intents and Purposes We will use the Subject of “Tipping” to serve as Our Example on the Subject of Perspective. A Tip is Defined as : A Tip of Gratuity is an Extra Sum of Money Paid to Certain Services Workers for a Provided Service. Tip Amounts, as well as Acceptance, Vary in Different Parts of the World. In Some Countries in East Asia such as Japan, Tips are seen as Insulting and can Sometimes be Interpreted as a Bribe.


As We can see Even the Definition or the Concept of Tipping is a Matter of Perspective. In Countries like America Gratuity is taken for Granted as being just a part of Utilizing certain Services (Example: Tipping a Waiter, Uber Driver, or Pizza Delivery Man Etc). Meanwhile in Japan Tips aren’t considered Compensation for a Job Well Done by the Employee. In Japan Gratuity is in fact Perceived Negatively as a Bribe so Straight away We have a Prime Example of a Difference in Perspectives.

Many People Perceive Tipping as a Positive Incentive for Employees in the Service Industry to Provide Acceptional Service to and for Their Customers. An Extremely Similar Positive Perspective is Tipping is a way of Rewarding Someone as a Sign of Appreciation for a Job Well Done. An Incentive is Defined as: Incentive: A Thing that Motivates or Encourages One to do Something. Also People who are in Favor of the Tipping System tend to Tip more than Average as a Way of Attempting to Secure Exceptional Service in the Future. It’s simply Applying the Pavlovian Conditioning (See Pavlov’s Dog) to Human Beings instead of Canines. What We Mean is by Repeatedly Tipping People Well the Consumer is trying to Illicit a Conditioned Response from the Employee. The Consumer wants the Employee to Realize that They Tip Well so that the Employee providing Them Service will Automatically do a Superior Job, and this is because the Workers Know You’re a Big Tipper thus providing an Incentive for Them to Provide Good Service. This is Absolutely No Different than Your Basic Reward System for Positively Reenforcing a Certain Desired Behavior (Example Toilet Training a Child, When They Use the Toilet Properly They are Rewarded, Same Tactics are used in Training Dogs as well).

Meanwhile on the Other End of the Perspective Spectrum a Tipping it is Perceived as a Negative System based on Bribery. First the Word Bribe is Defined as: Bribe: Persuade (Someone) to Act in one’s Favor, Typically Illegally or Dishonestly, bu a Gift of Money or Other Inducement. The Opposite Perspective is a Tip is Not an incentive for Someone to Perform Their Job Duties, but a Self Centered Bribe You offer Someone to Insure Good Service for Yourself Alone. It’s the Old Cliche of a Person getting into a Taxi and Saying “I’m in a real rush so if You can Hurry (aka if You Speed and possibly Violate some Traffic Laws) and Get Me to My Destination as Fast as You Possibly can Theres a Big Tip in it For You.” This is an Incentive its just a Negative Incentive. Its Financial Motivation for an Employee to Bend or Break Company Rules, Certain Applicable Laws, or in Some other Nefariously Way  Insure the Employee disregards Protocol to Provide the Specific Service a Particular Customer Desires. Bottomline its the Age Old Adage “IF You scratch My Back THEN I’ll scratch Yours.”  or Simply Put “IF You Do Something For ME, and I’ll do Something for You in Return” which is the Definition of a Bribe.


So in the End We can See that Our Lives Our Likes, Dislikes, Loves, Hates, Opinions, and Judgments are all Based on Our own Personal Perspectives. How We see the Situation dictates How We respond to it or How You Think about a particular Subject be it Positive or Negative in Nature. Your Perspective whatever it may be Dictates Your Perceptions of The World and People Around You at any given Time in Your Life. Having a Vast Variety of Varying Perspectives Not only Challenges, but Demands that We think for Ourselves and Ignore Outside Influences for Once. While We are a Society as a Whole Our Society is made up of Millions of Different People and They’re Different Perspectives We are Not a Collective comprised of Mindless Clones.

Thanks For Reading,

By Les Sober