Strange and Disturbing Videos: ANOTHER YOUTUBE

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring ANOTHER YOUTUBE by the Notorious Japanese Animator known as nana825763 (also known as PiroPito)  was Who made Internet famous amount with His Infamous Video “User 666” (which We also have Posted here in the Strange and Disturbed Video Category) which is still making People Uneasy to this Day. There isn’t a Whole Hell of A lot Biography Wise Pertaining to nana825763 and He Never Reveals His Face. His Videos are Typically of the Horror Genre, and Tend to be Extremely Unsettling. The Irony here is ANOTHER YOUTUBE  in Another Reality very well could be the Unofficial Sequel to “User 666”  since They both Deal with a Hapless Unsuspecting Anonymous User, Aspects of the Internet (i.e. Search Engine), and the Devil/Evil in the Machine as it were


nana825763 is Best Known for His Unique Style of Art, which He Repeatedly refers to on His Twitter Account as “Cute and Horror” Videos. This Style is better Elaborated as Youthfully Feminine/Tender that Degrades into Gore with Terrifying Hidden Agendas. As He States on His Website, nana825763 is partly Inspired by the Silent Hill Franchise, which would Explain His Archetypal Degradation Themes. Although the Vast Majority of nana825673’s Major Uploads uses this Horrifying Formula, some of His Earlier work and His more Recent My house walk-through Gradually Degrade They Do Not Possess the “Cute” aspect which He uses More Frequently Nowadays.


DISCLAIMER From The Creator nana825763:

* [Important] Regarding the allegation that the privacy of a specific individual is violated. This video is a video work produced by me nana825763 Unrelated personal information of others (social security number, personal identification number issued by the country origin, and Bank account number, contact information are not included at all. I got a regular license for others, such as those who appear in the video It is a visual processing of a person (such as a woman) in the “Video Material Collection”. No claim is made that violates the privacy of any particular individual.


Thanks For Watching,

  Presented By Les Sober


Someone is watching over me.

They glance at me from over my shoulder.

I know not who or where or how they got into this position.

I’m unsure if I am in a predicament that is of a favorable nature. I do not care. The warmth shinning over my skin, from the tips of my fingers into the core of my being, is overwhelming at times yet extremely comforting at others.


You are right here waiting. I close my eyes and open them. The mirror is not showing me what it usually shows me. I see peace. I see comfort. I see freedom.

Lady Godiva on her horse beckons me with her chocolate. And Jack LaLane is there with his juicer, as Mr-T is telling me I should wear lots of gold. He tells me I’m Italian and I need to represent better.

Sorry Mr-T, I like the silver. Just like sorry I don’t make my own turkey sandwiches I can only deal with the ones they make fresh. And just like sorry green grapes and white grapes, I cannot consume you without a guilty conscious. I cannot be you because it rips apart the essence of me.


There is no food left for you in my valley. There is only an empty glass. My kitchen does not have free refills. Your currency smells of Monopoly, like a pigeon took a dump in your top hat and the rats all died on the footsteps of your temple. Bargain by the river she neatly whispers in my ear. So I slowly proceed.

There’s a knock on the door. It is you. Dampened by the rain, you wander into my home. You tiptoe through the alarm system and you reach around me oblivious to the bells and whistles I have set. Foolhardery can be your only saving grace. I wish to save you but then I disconnect. You are not starring at the frightened mouse who crawled into your cheese hole.

Cold swiss cheese morphed into a warmed brie. The vessel appearing entirely the same. Hell appearing before you is wrapped into a red ribbon. But i’m no longer wearing the garb of the devil. I’m naked spread before you. Before all.


No one recognizes. No one can see past the blank. The void. I am void. Everything is expired. Everything is reborn.

As I slowly grab your hand to greet it with a kiss, you pull closer. I pull back. I am taking in the scents of your cheap perfume, the soft feel of your velvet skin. It is too much. I collapse.

I go off into another world. It is easier to stay here, not that your world was so bad. The subway was broken. I didn’t want to get stuck.

But just love me until the next earthquake. Til the next scent of Hugo or Giovanni or Jean Paul or Coco blasts through my furnace of a heart.

No, that was only the one inside the mirror. I blink several times and I see the inner half of the onion.

This could have been pure bliss.

   By SpaceDog

A Different Perspective On Peter Pan.

I think its safe to say we are all too familiar with the Children’s Fairytale of Peter Pan be it in Book Form or the Classic Children’s Movie. Now believe it or not there are several theories about what is exactly going on. That is there various Schools of Thought that delve deeper than Face Value.

Here is just 1 of those Alternate Theories:

This theory states that the Children visited by Peter Pan are in fact Dead.

Peter Pan is not a Fantastical Character, but The Angel of Death or a Grim Reaper for Children.

Peter Pan has come to take the Children from the real world to a place called Wonderland which is this scenario would be a Heaven  (designed for Deceased Children) which is why No One in Wonderland ever gets old. Not to mention Never Never land is inhabited by only Children.

Opponents of this Theory Would Point Out Never Never Land is plagued by an Adult Pirate (Captain Hook), and his entire crew who are also Adults?

As for Captain Hook in this case would be Satan who attacks Never Never land in an attempt to steal the Children’s Souls.

Once Again The Opponents would question What about Captain Hooks Crew?

Now its true Captain Hook had a full crew of Loyal fellow Pirates who are representing The Damned Souls in Hell or Demons taking on a Human Form.

The Opponents are still not satisfied by this explanation of Peter Pan. They would continue to question, and the next (and last) question would be or is What about the Crocodile? The Crocodile while a Giant Reptile Carnivore who literally bit off Captain Hooks Hand isn’t a “Bad Guy”. The Crocodile never tries to hurt/eat any of the Children or Captain Hooks Crew, it solely wants only Captain Hook.

This in all do fairness is the thickest question posed against this particular interpretation of Peter Pan. Some People believe The Crocodile is an Angel sent by God to smite Captain Hook (aka The Devil). It is also thought The Crocodile is actually God, Jesus, or possibly The Holy Ghost.

I hold with those who think The Crocodile is Redemption. What if The Devil could not only be defeated what if He could be killed?! What Then? Would He just end up in Hell again or could He very well end up at The Pearly Gates resuming His previous job as The Right Hand Of God (thus redeeming Himself for his previous actions in the Eyes of God) ???

I concur with this concept, and I also believe the Clock that Ticks Ominously in the Belly of The Crocodile is a Reminder to Captain Hook that Time Heals All Wounds.

Thanks for Reading  By Les Sober

Textonics : Another Peak Behind The Curtin of Absurdity

Yes you guessed it here is another text conversation between SpaceDog and Yours Truly discussing doing a joint post using a technique known as “Bible Dipping” (want to know wtf that is then wait for the post or just Goggle the fuck out of it.

Without Further Adu TEXTONICS!

SpaceDog: Yeah kind of funny how the hospital is like the top place to catch shit. They should have a separate entrance for sick people at the hospital and clean them up in one of those chambers like they do in the movies. True True. Do you possess one or both bibles? I think i have a new testament around here somewhere but generally speaking that shit is way too cheerful.

Les: Fuck yeah a decontamination shower. I actually have a few versions of the bible ironically. Thats because people (even me believe that shit or not) get weirded out by ditching a bible even if they donate it to like fucking Good Will or some shit like that. I have a biblical text thats a whole bible dedicated to Revelations. Really grim shit. We should definitely use it for the Devil’s end of the Q&A.

SpaceDog: Speaking of Satan, they brought back sabrina the teenage witch and she’s satanic now. lol. Oh yeah thats like grizzly new T. i was thinking of psalms they are all cheery i read them like 20 times when i was in jail.

Les: Holy Shit I saw that shit on Netflix’s New Line Up and thought of the old original show, BUT I had no fucking idea that Sabrina had gone Satanic. I mean Sabrina was on fucking Nickelodeon for fucks sake. So how do you go from a Kids Network to Being Sabrina and Satan she being all down with the Devil. PSALMS READ IN JAIL! Fucking Fabulous. Just read your latest posts and I have to say they are rather Awesome. Very cool indeed.

SpaceDog: Haha thanks i have to finish part 2 later tonight before i forget what the hell i was talking about.

Les: Hear you there. I have a few  backlogged posts but had to have surgery number fucking 2 for this year so I was sore as shit and whacked out on a combo of Pot and Percocet. Come to think of it I wish I could have written then because that shit would be far fucking out.

SpaceDog: Damn what surgery u have? It Help?

Les: One of My asshole Doctors wanted an insurance policy since I have a bum ticker. So 2 weeks ago I had a Out Patient Procedure done at this Hospital thats Great accept I fucking despise it like taxes. I hope the surgery helps since the procedure was done in case as my Doctor put it “You try and Die on Us again.” So my shoulder was all jacked the fuck up felt like a tried to tackle an 18 wheeler. Lmfao.

SpaceDog: Well thats good my grandfather had that shit done and was right for as long as i can remember so like 30 years maybe? I tried to have surgery but my Doctor talked me out of it. Have something going on with my neck/shoulder area. I forget what the hell she called it.

Les: Damn a Doctor who doesn’t recommend surgery??? Now thats fucking Crazy as Shit.

SpaceDog: She said the scar would be worse. Idk will reevaluate after i drop weight and find myself staring at myself in the mirrors and not avoiding them like the plague.

Les: Reevaluating is always a good fucking idea, I mean thats what second opinions are made of. I need to drop weight myself. Doing good but then there was the Italy deal and then the Surgical Procedure. I need to get the fuck going again and all that happy horse shit.

SpaceDog: The guy currently dating brittany spears dropped 100 lbs in 6 months by doing 2 hours at the gym every morning. Im not exactly sure what i would do there for 2 hours. Even if i stretch out cardio and weight lifting i can only hit 80-90 minutes. What bout the other 30? Free Handjobs? Fake tanning bed? Arguing with the desk staff about something completely irrelevant? The arguing one is always fun especially when you intend to make zero sense.

Les: Brittany Spears is still relevant?! Yeah a 2 hour block in a fucking gym is a stretch but thats why they have personal fucking trainers I suppose. Arguing nonsense is AWESOME and a GREAT past time/ hobby too. Dunno about the extra 30 minutes time killer-filler but you got some good ideas. There a gym in the next town 8 miles down the road. Its a prefab building that houses you basic gym equipment, no contracts, no pressure, no trendy juice bar, no mirrored walls, no TVs, and no staff at all. Fucking Love It. They give you a key once you track down the owner and then you can go anytime you want as much as you want. You just let yourself in whenever ya wanna hump iron.

SpaceDog: Sounds like the old gym i belonged to. It was 24 hrs had a key card, i think the staff left at 6 pm something crazy early. Had to drop that shit because they decided that when they left they would shut off the air conditioning off also. Urge Fitness i guess as in i have to urge to murder these assholes. Owner must be some road head likes to cuss people out in their yelp reviews which is why i review shit anonymously. Cuz i only review some nasty shit. Lol. Like your fucks. I agree sarah Sanders deserves 2 separate fucks. Also i have 3 to add: Fuck Steve Harvey. FUCK BIXBY. FUCK CORTANA. ( those are the rip roaring shitting alexis/siri clones on samsung and windows respectively. Bit/Cortana compared to alexis/siri is like sleazy hollow vs the ritz carlton. Im going to bed i think i will survive one more day without finishing blog. Here’s something to keep u busy. U have to enter for the Mama Mia socks i did lmfao.

Les: They cut the AC thats some real bullshit there the douche bags. Urge is for Assholes LMFBO! Roid Rage the Struggle is REAL. Steroids shrink your balls and gives you bitch tits. I can add the additional fucks tomorrow just gotta edit them in there. Double Fuck(ed). Come to think I may just use your fucks to start off a Part 2. LMFAOMFRS!

***Thats all for this time around kiddies.***

Thanks for Reading

  Les Sober and SpaceDog