What The Hell Am I Watching

Unlike the ‘Questions That Allude Answers’ there are some Videos that are so fucking Fringe that You find Yourself wondering What The Hell You’re Watching. Are these Videos Art Projects? Bizzaro Promotions? The Product of a Seriously Insane Person? Are They mad by Underground or Secret Societies? Are They Part of some Government Agenda? Who the Hell Knows, BUT I find Them to be Wildly Entertaining as I find Not Knowing is The Appeal of such Videos.

Tonight We have “username:666” by Nana825763


“Save Them Jesus”  by Imaginedon


I would now like to take a Moment to Address the Topic of Satanism. There has NEVER been a Religion so Steeped in Myth, Persecution, Condemnation, and a Shit Ton of Misinformation. I’ve noticed a few things on the Subject of Satanism over the Years and will Address them Now.

First I find it Bizarrely Fascinating that People watch Horror Movies/TV Shows that are PURE FICTION, THEY’RE ABSOLUTELY AND TOTALLY FAKE, Yet when the Movie/Show is Over They walk away believing the Depictions of So Called Satanism is indeed Factual. This Boggles My mind since again Horror Movies/TV Shows are FICTIONAL works designed to SHOCK, SCARE, OR REPULSE You so why would anyone think any part of it is a Real Life Fact?!


I fully believe if You Truly want to know about Something then simply go to The Source that way You cut out all the Middle Man Bullshit, Lies, Conjecture, Speculation, and Misinformation on Said Subject. So I went out one Day and purchased Both The Satanic Bible and The Satanic Witch and read Both Books Cover to Cover. These are THE FACTS that I Personally Uncovered.

First off Satanism is Essentially Hedonism with Satan acting as Nothing more than a Mascot. Satanist believe if it makes You feel Good and DOESN’T HURT PERSON OR ANIMAL then Don’t Listen to Dogma just Indulge. If You like Food its Ok to be a Glutton or if its Sex then go ahead Bang Your Brains Out.

Secondly I found Out in the VERY BEGINNING of The Satanic Bible that Satanist REVERE Children and Animals because They haven’t been Corrupted by the Evils of The World, Humanity, or Society. It is Clearly Stated that Satanist DO NOT SACRIFICE BABIES, CHILDREN, OR ANIMALS. Human (Adult) Sacrifice is Frowned Upon and Discouraged.

Thirdly as for those Idiots and Assholes You see on the News from Time to Time Who claim to be or is Allegedly a “Devil/Satan Worshiper” are in fact NOT as They don’t Devoutly Follow The Religion. These are Mentally fucked Up People or Complete Sociopaths/Psychopaths who’s Homicidal Acts have NOTHING to do with Satanism, and everything to do with the Fact Killers Kill PERIOD Its what They do. Sometimes I think these Idiots and Assholes are playing the Satanist Card because They think They are Actual Satanists or are Just Saying it to look Scarier and more Intimidating in the Eyes of the Public. Also the Media is far to fucking gear to play the Satanist Card whenever a Murder/Murders have Extenuating Circumstances.

All the Reasons I have Listed above have Combined into one of the BIGGEST MIS-INFORMATIONAL SHIT STORMS IN HISTORY. Think For Yourself and Find Out for Yourself instead of believing any Old bullshit You hear someone Spewing since Most People in Reality (this is a Proven Sociological Fact) don’t actually know what They’re talking about. People like to Talk. People like to Gossip. People like to Talk shit. People like to Bullshit. So its best to Find out For Yourself from the Source itself as I said earlier.



Hope You has Fun watching Tonights Disturbing Double Dose of  Madness Personified.

Thanks for Reading/Viewing,

 Presented By Les Sober