Welcome to Today’s Post the 2003 Animated Stop Motion Short Film SEPARATION Directed, Written, and Animated by Robert Morgan. Robert Morgan has spent the Last Two Decades creating a Body of Work Characterized by Nightmarish Stop Motion, and Described as a Disorienting Trip into the Subconscious. Morgan has sited Francis Bacon, Edgar Allen Poe, and The Brothers Quay as some of His Biggest Influences.

Robert Morgan in His Own Words:

 As a kid, I always found stop-motion creepy. I love horror and making nightmarish films, and stop-motion animation is perfect for that. The way everything moves has an unnatural, uncanny feeling, a weird jerkiness. Everything is somehow alive and dead at the same time.” -Robert Morgan-

Plot Summery:  A Pair of Conjoined Twins are Separated when They are Adolescents with Dire Life Long Consequences for Them Both.


Thanks For Watching,

  Presented By Les Sober