Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring the Official Videos for  “I BELIEVE DANI FILTH”, “Not Immediately Life Threatening”, and  “Weird, But Not Illegal” by the band Party Cannon along with a Live Performance from Bloodiest 2022. PARY CANNON is a Brutal Death Metal Band (with a Serious Goregrind Influence) from Dunfermline, Fife, Scotland, United Kingdom that was Formed in 2010. The Band refers to Their Musical Style simply as “Party Slam”which is an Extreme Sub Genre of Death Metal that is Defined as the Following. Some Key Elements of Slam Music are Slow and Punishing Guitar Riffs along with Aggressive Drumming Utilizing Double Kick/Blast Beat Techniques are the Primary Element of Slam. Slam Vocals (like the Music) are a More Extreme Version of Death Metal Vocals combining Deep, Palm Muting, Guttural Growls, Tremolo Picking, Harsh Screaming, Low Tuned Guitars, and Low Pitched Howls are a Staple of Slam Music that Enhance the Overall Brutality of the Music Itself.

Lyrical Themes of Brutal Death Metal and PARTY CANNON include:

  • Slasher Films
  • Obscene amount of Violence
  • Political Conflict
  • Religion (Focusing on Satanism)
  • Science Fiction
  • Occultism
  • True Crime
  • Philosophy
  • Destruction and Decay of the Earth
  • War
  • Corporate Control
  • Mysticism
  • Lovecraftian Horror
  • Mythology
  • Theology

(*PARTY CANNON’s Other Lyrical Themes: Women and Partying)

Also as Far as Brutal Death Metal Lyrics are concerned the Depictions of Horrific Violence may be Elaborate on the Details of Extreme Acts:

  • Detailed Depictions Violence and Gore
  • Delirium
  • Psychopathy
  • Mutilation
  • Mutation
  • Exorcism/Possession
  • Torture
  • Rape
  • Cannibalism
  • Necrophilia
  • Murder/Homicide

In 2013 PARTY CANNON was signed to Autopsy Records, but They only Released One Ep Titled “Partied In Half” while with Autopsy Records. The Band is Currently Signed with The American Label Gore House Productions who Specialize in Brutal Death Metal Bands. To Date PARTY CANNON has Recorded and Released The Following:

  • Albums – “Bong Hit Hospitalization (2015), “Volumes Of Vomit” (2022), and “Injuries Are Inevitable (2024)
  • Eps – ” PARTY CANNON!” (2007), “Partied In Half” (2013), “Perverse Party Platter’ (2017), and “Nauseating And Unpalatable” (2021)
  • A Gore House Compilation CD  “Cannons Of Gore Soaked, Blood Drenched, Parasitic Sick along with the Bands Parasitic Ejactulation, Gorevent, and Bloodscribe.
  • Singles: “We Prefer The Term Living Impaired (2010) and “Weird,But not Illegal” (2024)
  • V/A Compilations – “Necrolust Vol. IV (2013), MORGUL ( a Scottish Metal Compilation in 2013), and ‘Intestinal Purge” (2022)
  • Additional Releases – “Party Promo (2012)

PARTY CANNON’s Current Line Up:

  • Stony “Stony” Stony – Vocals
  • Craig “Shreddy Kreuger” Robinson – Lead Guitar
  • Chris “Prey” Ryan – Bass
  • Martin “Abtacular” Gazur – Drums



It Is What It Is,

 Presented By Les Sober

The Grifter (Original Raw Footage)

Welcome to Today’s FYB Video featuring the Insane and Original THE GRIFTER. This is one of those Videos that some People would Label  “Nightmare Fuel”, and with is Unnerving Audio, Bizarre Imagery, and Ominous Feel it’s Easy to See Why Some People would say that. THE GRIFTER is one of those Almost Mythical pseudo Creepypasta that has Garnered a Great Deal of Attention, Speculation, and Tons of Wannabe Explanation Videos over the Years.


As the Story goes Perspective Viewers are Severely Warned NOT to watch THE GRIFTER because the Images in the Video will Linger in Their Minds for the Rest of Their fucking Lives. Some Alleged Side Effects can include Loss of Appetite, Insomnia, Alienate Yourself from Friends/Family, Vivid Nightmares that Boarded on Full Blown Night Terrors, Hallucinations, and Psychological Trauma among Other Things. That’s Not all as One Person claimed that Their Friend watched THE GRIFTER and Ultimately Committed Suicide by Slitting His Wrists. While Another Person claimed that All Previous Viewers of THE GRIFTER have been Murdered in Their Homes.


It’s Alleged that THE GRIFTER video Depicts a Horrendous Murder, Brutal Torture, Demonology, Cryptic Cult, and Human Sacrifices consisting of Babies. Well all We can say on this is We Watched THE GRIFTER Numerous Times and that’s one Hell of a List of Sick Shit in a Video with a Total Run Time of 68 Seconds. Now While all these Twisted Topics provide the Viewers with a Morbid Curiosity are They Actually Real?! We think it is Far Beyond Safe to assume these Ideas are/were Derived from People’s Imagination After Watching and Nothing Else.

It is What it IS,

  Presented By Les Sober  


Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring SOCK 6 by David Firth and is One of His Longer Videos with a Runtime of 16 Minutes 51 Seconds. For those Who are Unaware David Firth is an English Animator, Director, Writer, Musician, Actor, Voice Actor, Video Artist, Broadcaster, and Creator of the Now Legendary SALAD FINGERS. The Word NIGHTMARE is used most often to Describe Firth’s body of Work and Why We are such Diehard Fans of His work. Several of Firth’s works in Flash Animation, along with Multiple Music Videos and Works of Video Art, have garnered a Large (and Ever Growing) Followings Over the Years.

Now Our Favorite David Firth Animation(s) is His SALAD FINGERS Series that is Until We watched SOCK 6 which fucking Instantly became Our new Firth Favorite. SOCK 6 ramps up the fucking Creep Factor taking it to a whole New fucking Level even for Firth and We think that’s P{pretty fucking Awesome. SOCK 6 takes Place in a Stark Post Apocalyptic Wasteland that Remind Us of the Old Stock Footage of Nuclear Bomb Test Sites from the 1950s. In the 1950s the American Military for some Reason would Construct Mock Towns Populated by Mannequins, and then Nuke the Holy Hell out of Them. Why the fuck would They go through All that Trouble Staging a Bomb Site, but Who fucking Knows what the fuck They were Thinking. The Story follows a Scievy  Nameless Main Character (Who looks like Your Garden Variety Meth Addict) Starting in a Grimy Cafe/Diner with a Cook that’s a Mass of fucking Tentacles Named Allen. As far as We’re Concerned Allen is a Interdimensional Entity that’s a Cross Between the Kracken and Cthulhu and Accesses Our Dimension via a Portal that looks like a Food Service Window at a  fucking Medival Times Restaurant.

From the Cafe The Main Character travels with a pair of Ghoulish looking Twins in a Car ride that can Only be Described as Hellish. The Woods are filled with Smoke, People Burning, People Melting Under the Intense Heat, Dying, and Some are Being Tortured. Then Arguably the Most Demented Part of the Video Occurs as the Main Character Engages in Beastiality with a Talking Female Cow. After fucking the Cow the Main Character Forces the Cow to Play a Childish Game with Dire Consequences. That’s when the Police get involved, Arrest, and Imprison the Main Character in in what Looks like a Solitary Confinement Cell in a Stank Basement Dungeon. Then the Main Character asks a Strange Woman Survey Questions about Pissing, Shitting, Suicide, and Sex while She is on the Toilet.

And Well That’s All We have to Say So On to SOCK 6!

Description: This is Sock Six, a story about a man and his special Genetical and bovine adventures.


It is What it Is,

 Presented By Less Sober

Earth & Fire

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring EARTH & FIRE by Cool 3D World. And Who Exactly is Cool 3D World You may be Wondering to Yourself? Well when Brian and popcorn10 ( Their Youtube Handles) were introduced via Mutual Friends, They realized They shared an Interest in Exploring “Visual Art Inspired by Electronic Music” and so Cool 3D World was Born- as a Place where the Duo can Create “Art, Music, and More! All in 3D.”

Video Run Down Bullet Points:

  • 2 Humanoid Beings that appear to be Comprised of the Earth (like a Globe Stretched over a Human Form)
  • A Kick Ass Death Metal Fight Scene
  • A Vast Sea of Blood
  • Torture and Imprisonment
  • Finger Fucking a Bellybutton
  • A Rather Twisted and Macabre Love Story



It is What it Is,

 Presented By Les Sober

Cartoon Kid’s Show Plummets Into The Depths Of Hell

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring “…ø·ø ̈ùšù„ø© … ø£øoù†ùšø” in its Abbreviated Version Whatever the fuck that Supposed to Mean. Well it Means dick since the Video’s Title is Intentional Gibberish. It’s a Neat Little Trick  to Beat YouTube’s Algorithm (so Technically People can see it, BUT it can Slip under the Algorithm’s Radar to Avoid being Penalized or Removed).

Here’s What We Know:

  • The Video is Posted on a TINY fucking YouTube Channel called Distressing_Demon.
  • The Channel was Started March 4, 2019
  • The Channel has a Mere 113 Subscribers.
  • The Channel has a Total of 8 fucking Videos.
  • The Channel has Amassed a Total of 46,327 Views.
  • The First 6 Videos on the Channel are Bullshit Game Play (Not that Game Play Videos are Bad buts These are fucking GARBAGE).
  • The 7th Video is the One Posted Here Below.
  • The 8th and Final Video has an Ominous Title like” God will Hate You for This” or some bullshit, BUT its 19 seconds of POV Video Game Play where the Character is simply Walking down a Dark fucking Hallway. I told You these Game Play Videos Sucked a Blue Whale Sized Taint.



  • A Question One could ask is Did Distressing_Demon make this Video, and I can Safely Assume the Answer is Hell fucking No. It’s more than Likely Something the Channel Creator Found and Reposted which is Usually the Case especially with Predominately Game Play Channels that for No Rhyme or Reason have some Bizarre Video Tossed in the Mix.
  • Whoever did Create this Video need to Learn How to fucking Edit Properly. The Beginning is WAY Too Long for this Sort of Video Genre You know the Fucked Up, Unexplained, or Mysterious Shit. SO with that Said I suggest You Start watching the Video at the 40 Second Mark.


It is What it Is,

Presented By Les Sober

Your Long Ride In The Foggy Tunnel Of Time

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring YOUR LONG RIDE IN THE FOGGY TUNNEL OF TIME by Content Creator(s) Known as Burden. Who or Whom Burden is remains to be seen, but Here’s a would be Rundown of this Obscure Channel. Burden is a Small Channel that has a Collection of Strange/Unexplained/Mysterious Videos that could Possibly be an ARG, an Art Project, Gorilla Advertising, or Just the Crazy fucking shit Spewing from Someone Who forgot to take Their fucking Medication.


  • First Showed Up on October 2, 2009
  • Has a Total of 7.86 Subscribers
  • It has a Total of 469,063 Views
  • The Name at the End of the About Message is Signed by Deprived Visions Why and for What Reason We have Yet to Discover.
  • Your Ride In The Foggy Tunnel Of Time was Posted on September 10, 2020
  • Your Ride In The Foggy Tunnel Of Time has a Total of 1,673 Views
  • The Channel has just Over a 100 Videos in All.


Burden/Deprived Visions is Self Described as “For Those Who Are No Longer Human. For Those Who Can’t Relate with  Videos that Range from Unruly Despair to Unrecognized Rage.

Video Description: We Already Know How This Ends.

Synopsis: Well it’s No Secret We here at FYB are Diehard Fans of all things Death, Doom, and Destruction so this Shit is right Up Our Ally. It has a Surreally Haunting Soundtrack, Human Remains, Torture, Suffering, Tanks/War Imagery, and a Clock to Remind Us We are all Living on Borrowed Time and that Death can Come at Anytime Not just During the Bad Times.


It is What it Is,

   Presented By Les Sober  


Welcome to This Wednesday’s Post featuring the Disturbing Claymation Music Video “BLVCK MVGIC” by Artist Kill The Noise (Real Name Jacob Stanzak) Who is an American DJ and Record Producer from Rochester, New York.

The Official Video for Kill The Noises’s Song”BLVCK MVGIC” was Created by None Other than Animator and FYB Favorite Lee Hardcastle. Lee Hardcastle is an Insanely Prolific British Animator/Film Maker  Who Specializes in Stop-Motion Techniques. Lee Hardcastle in His Own Words: “I Make Claymations that are Not for Children’s Eyes.”, and has Vowed to Never Insult His Auidence with Shitty Film Making.


Hardcastle is Famous for His Handmade Independent Animations. His Work includes Original Remakes of Emblematic 1980’s Action and Horror Movies, as well as Parodies of Animated Series and Video Clips. His Work is Known for its Violent and Gory Content. He has worked with Many Companies including Momentum Pictures, 20th Century Fox, and Adult Swim, and has Also Worked with Notable Artists such as Sufjan Stevens. Besides Being a Kick Ass Animator Lee Hardcastle was a Member of the Band Shit The Bed. Shit The Bed was a Hardcore Punk Band with Grindcore Tendencies  from Leeds, UK Formed in 2000 by Jordan Ramoth, Richard Kenyon, Dom Smith, and Lee Hardcastle when They were in High School.


Plot: A Small Remote Village has been Played by a Rash of Missing People, and When a Villager Spots a Lone Woman living in a Corn Field with a Pentagram on Her Door. The Pentagram is actually a White Magic Symbol Designed to Protect the Homeowner from Evil. Now to Alleviate any Confusion an Inverted Pentagram is a Pentangle which is Synonymous with Modern Day Satanism. The Villagers assume She is a Witch and Responsible for the Disappearance of the Missing Villagers and Form a Violent Posse, but when They Confront the Witch Things go from Bad to Bloody.

Be Sure to Watch Until the End for The Sinister Surprise Twist.


Thanks For Watching/Listening,

   Presented By Les Sober  

Short Horror Film Friday: P.O.W

Welcome to this Week’s Installment of Short Horror Film Friday featuring the 25 Minute 2013 P.O.W. Directed by Doug Cook and Eric Covello. Together the Duo of Cook and Covello are also known Collectively as The House of Short Horrors which They Describe as “Two Guys Making Short Monster Horror Films.”


Plot Summery:

When Their Small Rural Town has a Veteran’s Day Parade, Two Bunglers see it as an Opportunity to Rob what They Anticipated as being an Empty Home.  When the Evil Lurking just Outside makes its way into the House it sends the Partners in Crime Scrambling for Their Lives. Luckily for the Would be Robbers They manage to Escape by the Skin of Their Teeth making it Safely back to Their Vehicles. In Spite of Their Near Escape the Allure of a Safe (and the Possible Treasures Locked Away Inside )Prove to be Too Much for One of the Thieves sending Him back to the House He just Fled From. Once He Returns to the House is when the REAL HORROR BEGINS!!!


Thanks For Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober  

The Internet’s Darkest Interactive Web Series: THE HUMAN PET

“My name is unimportant. I am an artist. I never will be caught, but what I have done here will live forever.

For several months now I have been uploading videos of my human pet. His name is Eric. He is being held against his will. That is all you need to know about him for now.

Eric would very much like to leave his prison cell and go home to his family, but that is not up to me. It is up to you. You will decide whether Eric gets to see his family again. You will decide whether Eric lives or dies.

This is MY masterpiece, and you will play by MY rules.


p.s. Art is a mystery to be unraveled.”


The Human Pet is/was an Interactive Psychological Horror Project that’s far from the Bland, Mundane, and Asinine Fair One Finds littering the Internet Nowadays. It is a Series of Disturbing Videos, Blog Posts, Vlogs, and Websites many of which contained Encoded Messages (One such Hidden Message from a Innocuous Blog Post States”Dig Too Deep and You might Not like What You Find….”)


Now its important to mention that while The Human Pet Webseries came to be in the Early Wild West Days of YouTube before Youtube had come into its own. While there were No Rules, Regulations, Terms of Service, or Community Guidelines People still could and Would Report Videos They found Troubling, and They reported these Videos A LOT. This created several ongoing Problems for the Still Unknown Creator(s) of the Series. This meant Youtube Took the Some of the Series Videos Down, and They Even Shut Down the Original Human Pet Channel. The Human Pet essentially became the Blair Witch Project because the Webseries as it was Shot so Realistically People Actually Thought it was in fact Real. Before You roll Your Eyes You have to Remember the Series started in 2006. At that Point this kind of Artistic Project hadn’t been done before. It was a Brand New Artistic Medium provided by the Inception of Youtube.


The Series Showcased a Young Man named Eric Taylor being Held Hostage against Hs Will in a Room with Nothing but a Mattress. His Captor, The Codemaster (aka The Man in the Mask, aka Sam Deercot an Anagram formed from Codemaster), gave the Audience the Ability to Help Eric Survive through picking which Food He will Eat to How to Filter Contaminated Pond Water He is Given to Drink. Later Videos were Uploads of Eric’s own Personal Vlogs, Detailing some of His Actions that lead to His Capture. In Addition to the Creepy Codemaster’s Channel Eric’s Father and Sister started a Channel Dedicated to Finding Eric. They Uploaded Several Videos with Info pertaining to Eric and Pleas for Help from the Public.


The Film Making is Often Stark- a Locked off Shot-but the Threat of Violence from The Codemaster (Also Referred to as The Man in the Mask) makes the Series Truly Riveting. In Other Videos The Codemaster makes Strange Animations-Offering a Glimpse into the Mind of the Deranged Villain. In other Videos He is Cruelly Playful seeming Utterly Delighted by the Suffering He is Causing All involved. In the Final Video “THIS VIDEO TAKES YOU TO HELL” the Viewers learn some of The Code Master’s Backstory, and How He became a Deranged Maniac.


Themes Found Within The Human Pet:

  • Abusive Parents: In “This Video Will Take You To Hell”, We learn about a Child Whose Parents kept them Locked in a Room with a Mattress, a Broken TV, a Litter Box, and Pet Food Bowls. This Child was The Codemaster and more than Likely Shaped His Psychotic Hobbies.
  • Alcoholic Parent: Eric’s Sister describes Their Mother as having Succumbed to Drinking due to Her Husbands Abusive Behavior.
  • Alternate Reality Game: Viewers actively Participated by Attempting to Help Eric (or as “My Pet” as the Codemaster Refers to Eric As), getting to Ask Him Questions, Cracking Codes, Looking for Hidden Messages/Clues/Hints, and by Searching for a Secret Tape that Revealed the Final Video.
  • The Cat Food Diet: Viewers were Allowed to Determine what Single Solitary Solid Food Eric could Eat that would contain Enough Nutrients for Him to Survive; The Food turned out to be Cat Food.
  • Domestic Abuse: Eric’s Father Not Just Abused His Wife Driving Her to Drink, but He also Abused Eric and His Sister as well. The Codemaster’s Pervious Victim before Eric was a Prostitute Named Emily who made the Fatal Mistake of Approaching The Codemaster’s Car Late on Night.When Emily tried to Leave the Game Her Boyfriend (Who got Her into Hooking) Literally Threw Her and Her Belongings Out of the House.
  • NO ENDING: The Last Video Uploaded is Less of an Ending and More a Peek into The Codmaster’s Backstory, and has Not Uploaded any other Videos Since 2008 (More than likely it was Abandoned by Its Creator.)



We Hope You Enjoyed this Twisted Tale of Human Horror as Much as We Did.

Thanks For Reading/Watching,

Presented By Les Sober  

A Fubar Friday Film: BRUTAL

FYB is Deviously Delighted to Present A Fubar (Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition)  Featuring the 2018 Extreme Japanese Horror Film BRUTAL Written and Directed by Takashi Hirose. Brutal has been Described as being “An Hour and Seven Minutes of UNRELENTING BARBARITY!!!”


Plot Summary: Following a Rampage of Extreme Prejudice, a SAVAGE KILLER targets Women as He Tries to find a Compatible One to Engage in His Fantasies of TORTURE AND MURDER! With the Body Count Mounting and No One being able to Stop Him, He Grows Bolder and Goes to More Extreme Measures to Carry Out His Dark Desires, Eventually Catching the Eye of a FEMALE SERIAL KILLER who’s just as Sadistic as He is. The Two Psychotic Serial Killers Discover upon Meeting that They have more than just Their Love of Killing: Both have had Their Genitals Severely Mutilated. Unfortunately there Simply isn’t Enough Bloodshed and Dead Bodies to go around Forcing the Two Twisted Sadistic Serial Killers into a Inevitable DEADLY SHOWDOWN!

Forcing The Two of The into a DEADLY SHOWDOWN!


Thanks For Watching,

Presented By    Les Sober & FYB