Seriously Sick Saturday Cinema: TAXEDERMIA

FYB is Diabolically Delighted to Bring Our Fans The 2006 Surrealist Dark Comedy Horror Film Directed and Co-Written By Gyorgy Palfi. The Movie is a Genetic Narrative that Unfolds over Three Generations, or rather Degenerations. Inspecting the Details of this Movie will Allow the Viewer to see how They Inter-Connect. HOWEVER, Inspecting Them may Also make You want to Clamp Your Hand Over Your Mouth as You Run for the Lavatory.


Brief Plot Summery:

Morosgovanyi is a Sexually Frustrated Army Orderly in the Second World War who relieves His Tensions in the Most Outlandish and Gross Ways. Morosgovanyi, a Hunted-looking Man with a Harelip, is Loathed for His Ugliness, but hangs around the Womenfolk at the Barracks, and Burns His Own Body with a Candle while Masturbating, during which He Discovers He has the Ability to Ejaculate Fire. His Penis is Seriously Mistreated by Chickens, but His Frustration is Finally Relieved by Humping a Fat Woman, and Also with a Dead Pig’s Carcass. The Two Procreative Events somehow Fuse, Spiritually- and Horribly- to Produce Balatony, an Extremely Fat Boy with a Pig’s Tail that is Amputated at Birth by His Perturbed Father. Morosgovanyi is ultimately Executed by His Lieutenant Oreg Kalman for a Obscene Indiscretion, and Kalman raises Balatony as His Own.


For Balatony, Lust becomes Gluttony and His Vocation (He’s a Champion Speed Eater) is Stuffing Himself Silly. Eventually Balatony is Unable to Leave His Chair in His Claustrophobic Apartment due to being Monstrously Obese. Matrimony Produces a Son Balatony Lajoska who Purchases Groceries for His Shut In Father and His Fathers Cats. Kalman, who feeds Butter to His Caged Cats, has Nothing but Harsh Words for His Son who, upon Reaching His Breaking Point, Abandons His Father to His Own Hellish Personal Prison. Returning LAter, He Discovers that the CAts have Escaped Their Cages and, Fiending for Flesh, have Eviscerated His Father.


Lajoska stuffs His Father and The Cats. With Little left to Live for, He locks Himself in a Homemade Surgical Harness and Through the Use of Sedatives, Painkillers and a Heart-Lung Machine, begins removing His own Internal Organs. Pumping His Body full of Preservatives and Sewing Himself up, He Activates the Machine that Decapitates Him, leaving behind a Preserved Statue. His Body is Displayed in an Exhibit Alongside His Father and the Cats.



We Hope You Enjoyed this Horrendous Generational Horror Show as much as We Did.

Thanks for Watching,

  Presented By Les Sober

FYB Presents a Monday Madman Movie: SCHRAMM

Tonight’s Monday Madman Movie features the 1993 German Horror Film SCHRAMM Directed by Controversial Writer/Director Jorg Buttgereit. The Movie begins as Serial Killer Lothar Schramm’s Life Flashes before His Eyes as He Lays Dying in a Pool of His own Blood.


Brief Plot Summery:

Lothar Schramm is a Lonely Cab Driver who is Polite and Often invited His Visitors in for a Glass Of Cognac, but He might also Slit Their Throats and Assemble Their Bodies in Sexually Suggestive Poses. Lothar lives a Tortured and Solitary Existence Plagued by Paranoia. Lothar has Seriously Deranged Sexual Desires including Fantasies about Vaginas with Teeth, or Nailing His Foreskin to Tables. It’s Safe to Say Lothar doesn’t have a Girlfriend (or Romantic Relationship of Any Kind), and has become accustomed to His Habit of Humping Inflatable Plastic Sex Dolls. Lothar’s Social Life is Completely Non Existent as He Trudges through His Life of Rejection, and Self Mutilation without a Friend in the World. The Only Source of Happiness in Lothar’s Miserably Pathetic Life is the Seriously Sick Crush He’s  Developed for His Next Door Neighbor and Local Prostitute Marianne. What will become of Poor Marianne, can She Survive Lothar’s Dementedly Lurid Lust or Will She Succumb to Lothar’s Deadly Desires??? You will simply just have to Watch and See for Yourself. Enjoy.

Hope You Enjoyed this Little Tale of a Murderous Maniac as Much as We Did.

Thanks for Watching

  Presented By Les Sober