My Mind @ 2am on

I’m an extreme night person who finds his mind most calm and creative most from 1:30am to 4:30-5am.

Here are a small sample of tweets I came up with during the early hours of the morning or in the late of night (depends on how you view time)

A. America is not a country, its a global cooperation.

B. Mr. Id is coming and The Egos can do nothing about it.

C. Smut peddlers of the world UNITE!

D. I irritate people and piss people off to make the lemmings dance for my    amusement.

E. When in doubt question

F. Hope can be dangerous

G. I’m so old I remember when Ozzy could talk like a normal human being

H. This reality feels virtual

I. Why are drug reps not referred to as drug dealers, thats what they do push drugs all day long

J. Trump America’s 1st dictator in the making.

K. Hillery those pant suits can’t hide your massive dick.

L. Sodom and Gomorra ain’t got shit on me.

M.  I hide my eyes to spare you from shit you’d never forget

N. So if you say ‘I want to fuck the shit out of him/her” means what? That your going to fuck them until they shit themselves?!

O. In 90% or more of child custody cases due to divorce the court rules in favor of the mother and I think thats sexist.

P. Shove your App up your ass.

Q. Next time some dick I dislike gets married I’m crashing and replacing the chocolate in the dessert fountain with feces.

R.  If you use a vaporizer to quite smoking tobacco good, if your vaping for vaping’s sake your a douche bag.

S. Prepare for the Hipster Holocaust can’t stand the fucking LL Bean looking lumberjack trendy clones unoriginality all over

T. Uwe Boll is a untalented ego maniac who should shut the hell up and make a good movie for once.

U. Bill Zebub is the laughing stock of independent film

V. Smarter the phone dumber the user.

W. Global warming will usher in the 2nd coming of the dinosaurs

X. Body shaming someone? When I was growing up it was called being an asshole.

Y. I swear my Bulldog farts tear gas

Z. Alcohol the true gateway drug evil.

These are just some I could remember off the top of my head as my twitter content has been frequently described as prolific by others. If your curious



Donald Trump President or Pervert?!

I have it on good authority that presidential candidate Donald Trump has one hell of a skeleton in his closet. Donnie Trump is banned from the entire continent of Africa, if Donnie ever sets foot on African soil he will be arrested and promptly executed for Environmental Desecration and Wild Life Endangerment.

Why you ask? Well I’ll tell you. In his 30’s to late 40’s our possible president went through a serious Beastiality phase. So Donnie Trump would book secret “Safari Vacations” to various parts of Africa to shoot his personal Beastiality porn, by him for him type deal.

2 Strange Facts on the Subject:

  1. Donnie while fucking Lions would be heard screaming “Your no king of the jungle, I AM! I’m the KING of the JUNGLE,  all you are is the king of my bitches! I’M SIMBA BABY, I’M MOTHERFUCKING SIMBA OF THE WORLD!”
  2. While getting banged by Hyenas Donnie Boy could be heard mumbling meekly “Mother knows, Mother knows best and she will teach me!”

Interesting side note and biological fact:

Hyena’s sexes are notoriously hard to distinguish say field researchers due to the fact female Hyenas have a Faux Penis,  so female Hyenas literally know what its like to give birth through their penises.