MOM.avi / SON.avi

Welcome To Today’s FYB Post MOM by YouTube Content Creator(s) Creepyshed. Now this is an Extremely Small Channel with 5.18k Subs. Also the Channel has a just 27 Videos with a Total of 564,162 Views since the Channel was Created on February 2, 1012.

Now Almost All the fucking Videos are Comprised of Unnerving Visuals accompanied by a Loud, Abrasive, and Glitchy Audio that could make Your Ears Bleed. All this fucking Chaotic Insanity comes with the Territory when Dealing with Unexplained Video Genre or fucking Fringe Videos as We refer to Them as. The Videos also have fucking Vague/Rather Nondescript Titles with Descriptions that are just plain fucking Nonsensical Gibberish at Best.

Another Detail that stood out to Us was the Fact that Every Video is Followed by .avi which is Quite Interesting. For those Who may Not know AVI stands for Audio Video Interleave and What does that mean? Well AVI Files can contain Both Audio and Video Data in a File Container that allows for synchronous Audio-with-Video Playback. Like the DVD Format, AVI Files support Multiple Streaming Audio and Video, although these Features are Virtually never Used. BUT at the Same Time AVI also Internet Slang for an Avatar displayed by a User’s Profile on a Social Networking/Media Site. So which Definition Applies well We for one have No fucking Idea as of Yet.

The Other Unique Detail We Observed is the Fact the Video Titles Actually form a Cryptic Sentence when Read from Top to Bottom. In its Entirety the Sentence reads: Directed Advertising Soulless NO NO Trapped We Know I Was Alone Sister Take The We Are All In The Come In Dad Can See You There Here Stop Son Mom. Again We to Date still have No fucking Idea what the Significance is if Any for that matter.

Video Break Down:

MOM.avi: At the begging of the Video a Light Switch is moved into the Off Position. Then there is Footage of Someone is a Ghoulish and Hairless Mask sitting in a Dark Room, and Judging by Their Body Language seems to be in Distress of some kind. The Audio in the Video is of Someone (more then likely a Man) Talking But it’s so fucking Low and Distorted that it fucking Impossible to Decipher. The Footage of the Person win a Strange Mask is Cut with Two Color Clips of What appears to be Someone. This Other Person is wearing what looks like to Us like an Orange Jump Suit like the One Murderers Wear in Prison. Also the Other Person is Either Wearing Black and White Face Paint/Make Up or Wearing a Weird Mask Too. This Other Person’s Hair is Also an Issue because it Looks Straight up like a Cheap as fuck Halloween Wig. Finally at the End there is the Sound of an Old School Film Projector Running, So is the Person Sitting in the Room was Filmed and is Now being Watched by The Person in the Cheap Wig? What is the Connection between these Two People in the Video if there is One is Open to Interpretation at this Point in the Series.

SON.avi: This Time there is the Sound of an Old School Film Projector being turned on and Running, and There are a Couple More People wearing Bizarre looking Masks (Coincidence? Perhaps). Could the Projector Noise mean the Video is Previously Recorded Footage being watched by an Unknown Party Possibly a Serial Killer, but more on that Later. This time around though the People in Masks seem to be Talking as Their Mouths Open and Close yet there is No Dialogue Distorted or Otherwise. Around half way through the Video there is a Close Up of a Cringe Looking Clown Picture circa the 1970s. While the Clown Picture is Cringe by itself as the Shot Continues the Clowns face Morphs into a Hellish Face like Visual. The Most interesting Part of the Video is when a Human Arm Holding a rather nasty looking Circular Saw Appears on Screen. Right before We see the Saw there is a Shadow Cast on the Wall that to Us looks like the Long Haired Cheap Costume Wig from MOM.avi.

The Circular Saw Scene appears to US to be in a Bedroom with a Bed pushed up against the Wall under a Window with Ugly Plaid Curtains. Now what the fuck was Sawed on the Bed? Someone said it was a Boy Doll being Cut in Half, and to that We ask Where the fuck do You see a Doll Period?! Considering the Ominous Feel of the Circular Saw Segment the Scene Ends when the Saw is Turned on and then Comes Down on the Bed, and then the Scene is Abruptly Cut. We think that Most likely this Scene was implying a Murder. The Whole Video has a real Serial Killer Vibe to it.

Where We’re At: The Main Questions of Who Made the Series, Why They made it, and What is it all About? Granted the Chance of Solving the So Called Mystery is Improbable at Best. This unknown factor is what Continues to Fuel the Unexplained Genre (or Fringe as We Refer to it as). The 3 Questions that We can ask in these Situation which are: Is it an ARG, Art/Horror Project, or Perhaps some sort of Gorilla Advertising Campaign for say an Upcoming Movie/Video Game? Maybe We will find and Expose the Answer But Probably Not We shall See.


It Is What It Is,

  Presented By Les Sober

Permanent Trip (Found Footage)

Welcome to Another Installment of Strange and Disturbing Videos Featuring PERMANENT TRIP. Now Granted this Video is a Significantly Different then the Usual Fare You’ll find in the Strange and Disturbing Video Category of Posts. There is No Overtly Ominous or Violent Overtones, No Bizarre Industrial Sound Track, No Hidden Messages/Code/Clues, No Crazy Flashing Visuals, No Morbid Imagery of Death/Doom/Destruction, and No Chaotic Content. With that Said it Simply was Too Good to Pass Up and We had to do a Post on it.

The Video’s Backstory: Allegedly in 2008 a Digital Camera was found sitting on a Park Bench in Philadelphia. It contained Only One Short Video Clip on it. No One has Any Actual Details or Information Pertaining to This Video and We can Only take the Video at Face Value. The Clip is of a Distraught Man who is Obviously Under the Influence of a Hallucinogen or a Psychedelic Drug, and He claims it’s been Two Months since He injected the Unknown Drug and it Hasn’t Worn Off as of the Time of the Recording. For those of You with an Eye for Detail You’ll notice a Handgun sitting on the Corner of the Dresser Directly Behind the Man. This could be an indicator that the Situation had pushed the Unknown Man to His Limits, and He may be Approaching His Breaking Point.


The Questions Facing the Viewer are:

  • Is this Video Real or a Hoax?
  • Who is this Unknown Man in Reality?
  • What Drug did He take/ is He Under The Influence Of?
  • What Happened to the Unknown Man After the Video was Recorded)?

The Video Below is the Earliest and Only Copy of the Video Available Anywhere, and is a Re-Upload of the Original. The Description has Also Been Posted Below the Video itself. After the Video We Discuss the Relevant Information We can Deduce from the Video pertaining to the Questions Listed Above.


Video Description:

“This video was uploaded to YouTube several years ago and I haven’t been able to find it recently. As I recall, the uploader claimed it was “found footage” – he said he found the tape on a park bench or something, and was concerned about the person depicted therein. It appears he may have been having rather a bad time with some sort of psychoactive substance, possibly Datura or some similar long-lasting deliriant. I apologize to the creator of the video if this is something he would rather not have publicized and will remove it immediately if requested by the creator. If anyone has any information regarding the welfare of this person and would like to share any details, please do so. It is a rather fascinating and perplexing recording.”


The First thing You’ll Notice is the addition of the Word Datura attached to the Title which was NOT part of the Original Upload. It seems to be Speculation on behalf of the Person who Re Uploaded the Video as to the Unknown Drug the Man could possibly be on. So what is Datura? Well Datura is a Powerful Plant Hallucinogenic Classified as a Deliriant. Unlike Traditional Psychedelics Datura causes Users Experience Full Blown Hallucinations that are Indistinguishable from Reality. Due to Its Intense Toxicity, Potential to Cause Long Term Psychological Harm, and its Propensity for Horrifically Traumatizing Hallucinations Datura is sometimes referred to as “The Devil’s Trumpet”.

Datura while Suspect it’s Extremely Unlikely that it is the Intoxicant that the Unknown Man has Ingested since His Behavior is Very Uncharacteristic of a Person on a Deliriant. Most People under the Influence of a Deliriant become so Disassociated that They can Hardly even Speak or Stand Up, and Often seem to be Lost in a World of Their Own. The Point Being the Man in the Video is Far Too Coherent and Articulate to be on a Deliriant. Additionally at one Point in the Video the Man states “I think I boiled the Roots Right”, and since the ay Datura is Taken it is Ingested as a Tea that’s made with the Plants Seeds, and the Roots are Not Used again Ruling Out Datura.


There Only Two Hallucinogens/Psychedelics that are made into a Tea by Specifically Boiling the Roots, and They are Sassafras and Ayahuasca. Sassafras’s Effects are Rather Subtle and consists of a Mild Euphoria, but Nothing as Dire as the Man in the Video is Experiencing by a Long Shot. Thus Sassafras is Not the Suspected Intoxicant.

As For Ayahuasca is an Ancient Amazonian Tea Ayahuasca has been used by Indigenous People of the Amazon as a Medicine to Endure Spiritual Experiences. Ayahuasca Tea consists of Two Ingredients Psychotria Viridis Leaves (that Contain DMT) and The Ayahuasca Vine. DMT is one of the Most Powerful Psychedelics known to Man which is Usually Smoked and Lasts about 15 minutes. During that Time it Incapacitates the User and Sends Them to an Entirely Different Reality.  Many Users Claim to have Profound Spiritual Experiences while Under the Influence of DMT. Now when DMT is ingested Via a Tea its Effects can Last Hours, but  Just Drinking the DMT Alone won’t do a Goddamn Thing. People have Enzymes in Our Stomachs that Break Up the DMT Molecules before it can Enter the User’s Bloodstream. This is where the Ayahuasca Vine comes into Play. The Ayahuasca Vine Contains Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitor (MAOI) that Temporarily Prevents the Enzymes from Working thus Allowing the DMT to pass into the User’s Bloodstream.  This makes Ayahuasca the Most Likely Culprit when it comes to the Possible Intoxicant the Man in the Video Took. Especially since He Mentioned “Boiling Roots” which He may have confused  the Ayahuasca Vine for Actual Roots.

The Most Unsettling part of the Video was the Man claiming that He has been Tripping for Two Moths without any Sign of Coming Down. There have always been Rumors/Urban Legends of People who took a Certain Hallucinogen/Psychedelic and Suffering the Effects for the Rest of Their Lives. There though has Never been a Single Documented Case of Anyone experiencing a “Permanent Trip” as Once the Substance passes through the User’s Body the Trip is Over.

This Doesn’t mean Hallucinogens/Psychedelics aren’t Dangerous and High Risk by any Means. An Estimated 4% of Users Develop Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder (HPPD). With HPPD a Person experiences Perception Distortion long after the Substance has Worn Off. Examples of HPPD are Flashes of Color, After Images, Trails on Objects, and Sometimes Disassociation, and in Rare Cases can be Life Long After Effects. It’s Important to Note THIS IS NOT TRIPPING as the User is Completely Functional so Due to the Distress of the Man in the Video it is Safe to Assume We can Rule Out HPPD.

Another Danger/Risk of Hallucinations is a Concern if a User’s Family has a History of Schizophrenia or Psychosis. Someone with Latent Schizophrenia and Using Hallucinogens can Trigger the Disease into becoming Active Effectively Inducing Schizophrenia. Is this in Fact what Happened to the Man in the Video? Did the Substance He took wear off and He can’t Distinguish the Difference between the Hallucinogen’s Effects, and the Symptoms of Schizophrenia (Which Include Visual and Auditory Hallucinations). If You Ask Our Opinion this is the Most Likely Scenario.


Finally Some People have Speculated that The Man in the Video in fact has only been Tripping only a matter of a Few Hours or Even Minutes. A Common Affect of Hallucinogens/Psychedelics is Time Distortion which makes Hours Seem like Days or in an Extreme Case Months thus causing the Man in the Video to Believe He’s been Tripping for Two Months Straight.

Now for the Question of wether or Not this Video is Real or a Odd Idea for a Hoax. If the Video is Real and the Man claims He’s been by Himself Alone in His Home the Entire Time How does He acquire Food for Himself or Pay His Bills such as Rent? Also the Man doesn’t appear to be Malnourished Nor Sleep Deprived, BUT if Time Distortion is to Blame then in that Case it Explains it.

What is just as Strange as the Video is the Description that Accompanies which is the Testimonial of the User who Re-Uploaded the Video. The User claims the Video was Originally Uploaded by Someone Else, but for Some Reason it was Removed so This Person Decided to Re-Upload it. So How is this Person Re-Uploading the Video if the Original is Gone Unless perhaps They Downloaded it Before it was Removed. This Doesn’t seem all that likely and just Leads to More Questions. This Video got a Lot of Views so it’s Safe to say So Did the Original, YET Not a Single Person Remembers the Uploaded Original Version. To put it Simply Everyone who Knows of this Video knows about it from the Alleged Re-Uploader. This Raises the Question of is the Re-Uploader and the Original Uploader actually THE SAME PERSON, and the Man concocted the Bogus Found Camera Story. I mean the Found Camera Footage on a Digital Camera that just so happened to be in a Public Park of a Major City seems Far Fetched.


In The End We will Never Know if the Video is Real or Fake, What the Substance was, What Happened to the Man, and What the fuck it was all about Until/Unless the Man in the Video is Positively Identified.

Thanks For Reading/Watching,

Presented By Les Sober  

The Mystery of MeatSleep’s Deleted Content Installment 2 (Videos 4-8)

Welcome to Part Two of MeatSleep’s Deleted Video Content where We will be Showcasing MeatSleep’s Videos 4-8. If You haven’t Watched MeatSleeps First 3 Video’s in Our Previous Post “MeatSleep’s Deleted Video Content” We highly recommend You Watch It before Viewing this Post. The Primary Reason is The Video’s are being Posted in Chronological Order. Now for a Brief Recap for Those Who may as of Yet still be Unaware.

MeatSleeps in/was an Individual Who Posted a Slew of Strange Videos that caught  Some People’s Attention as it were. After viewing MeatSleep’s Content Viewer’s found Themselves facing a rather Unconventional Question. The Question became was MeatSleep’s Video’s a Bizarre Art Project/Some kind Weird Promotion OR were They in Fact a POV Vlog belonging to an Actual Real Life Serial Killer??!


After Posting the “Final Video” MeatSleep announced that The Video’s were indeed Fake and was Designed as Part of an Online Art Project. The ODD THING IS if the Videos were Part of an Art Project, AND Supposedly Fake Why then did MeatSleep Immediately Delete ALL Their Content? Why would MeatSleep go to so much fucking Trouble spending God Knows How much Time and Effort Creating and Posting said Video’s Only to Suddenly and Unexplainably Delete Them? Were there Clues Concealed within the Video’s pertaining to MeatSleeps Actual Identity ? Perhaps was there Incriminating Evidence embedded in the Unorthodox Videos? What was it MeatSleep All of a Sudden Didn’t want People to See?

All in All it seems to be rather Abnormal Behavior to come out of Internet Void, and make a Surprise Announcement that Your Content is Fake and Part of a Project followed by the Deletion of all said Content? It’s not Logical in the Least it’s more Indicative of a Panicked Knee Jerk Reaction to Cover One’s Ass by Erasing All Alleged Evidence.


Whoever MeatSleep is Disappeared from the Internet without Posting Anything else (Video or Otherwise) OR making any Further Comment. And that leaves the Question of are the Videos Creative Content Vs. A Serial Killer’s Confession Unanswered to this Very Day. In The End We may Never Know.

So Once Agin Think For Yourself and Draw Your Own Conclusions. Enjoy.

Number 4

Number 5

Number 6

Number 7

Number 8

Stay Tuned as The Mystery of MeatSleep Continues with Installment 3 (Videos 9-14)

Thanks For Watching,

  By Les Sober

The Mystery of MeatSleep’s Deleted Content (Videos 1-3)

Whoever MeatSleep is They Posted a Series of Videos that Begged the Viewers to Ask “Is This an Art Project of Some Kind OR are they Real Videos Shot by an Actual Serial Killer?!”. In MeatSleep’s Last Video Posted They Claim the Whole thing was Fake, a Hoax of Sorts Created to Deceive Viewers into Believing it’s Real. Well that’s fine, BUT WHY THEN did MeatSleep  Immediately Delete EVERY SINGLE VIDEO of Their Previous Content?! Is there something in Those Noe Deleted Videos MeatSleep Didn’t Want You to See or Figure Out? Was There a Clue or a Key Piece of Evidence that needed to be Deleted before Detection? Did MeatSleep Delete Their Video’s because the Art Project was Done or Were They simply covering Their Tracks by Deleting the Video Evidence of Their Misdeeds?


In Lou of MeatSleep Deleting Their Content Does anything on the Internet Actually Ever Die, and the Answer is No. Some People had Downloaded and Reposted a Handful of MeatSleep’s Videos which We unceremoniously Stumbled Over. We were Hooked, SO We Continued to Hunt and Compile as Many MeatSleep Videos We possibly Could. Now that We have a Sizable Stockpile of MeatSleep Videos On Hand We came up With the Following Idea. We decided to Showcase MeatSleep’s Video’s Here in CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER FROM THE FIRST TO THE LAST, and You Can See What You Think For Yourself. Enjoy.

Here Are The First Set of MeatSleep’s Videos: 1-3


Hope You All Enjoyed The Serial Killer Insanity as Much as We Did.

  Presented By Les Sober