MOM.avi / SON.avi

Welcome To Today’s FYB Post MOM by YouTube Content Creator(s) Creepyshed. Now this is an Extremely Small Channel with 5.18k Subs. Also the Channel has a just 27 Videos with a Total of 564,162 Views since the Channel was Created on February 2, 1012.

Now Almost All the fucking Videos are Comprised of Unnerving Visuals accompanied by a Loud, Abrasive, and Glitchy Audio that could make Your Ears Bleed. All this fucking Chaotic Insanity comes with the Territory when Dealing with Unexplained Video Genre or fucking Fringe Videos as We refer to Them as. The Videos also have fucking Vague/Rather Nondescript Titles with Descriptions that are just plain fucking Nonsensical Gibberish at Best.

Another Detail that stood out to Us was the Fact that Every Video is Followed by .avi which is Quite Interesting. For those Who may Not know AVI stands for Audio Video Interleave and What does that mean? Well AVI Files can contain Both Audio and Video Data in a File Container that allows for synchronous Audio-with-Video Playback. Like the DVD Format, AVI Files support Multiple Streaming Audio and Video, although these Features are Virtually never Used. BUT at the Same Time AVI also Internet Slang for an Avatar displayed by a User’s Profile on a Social Networking/Media Site. So which Definition Applies well We for one have No fucking Idea as of Yet.

The Other Unique Detail We Observed is the Fact the Video Titles Actually form a Cryptic Sentence when Read from Top to Bottom. In its Entirety the Sentence reads: Directed Advertising Soulless NO NO Trapped We Know I Was Alone Sister Take The We Are All In The Come In Dad Can See You There Here Stop Son Mom. Again We to Date still have No fucking Idea what the Significance is if Any for that matter.

Video Break Down:

MOM.avi: At the begging of the Video a Light Switch is moved into the Off Position. Then there is Footage of Someone is a Ghoulish and Hairless Mask sitting in a Dark Room, and Judging by Their Body Language seems to be in Distress of some kind. The Audio in the Video is of Someone (more then likely a Man) Talking But it’s so fucking Low and Distorted that it fucking Impossible to Decipher. The Footage of the Person win a Strange Mask is Cut with Two Color Clips of What appears to be Someone. This Other Person is wearing what looks like to Us like an Orange Jump Suit like the One Murderers Wear in Prison. Also the Other Person is Either Wearing Black and White Face Paint/Make Up or Wearing a Weird Mask Too. This Other Person’s Hair is Also an Issue because it Looks Straight up like a Cheap as fuck Halloween Wig. Finally at the End there is the Sound of an Old School Film Projector Running, So is the Person Sitting in the Room was Filmed and is Now being Watched by The Person in the Cheap Wig? What is the Connection between these Two People in the Video if there is One is Open to Interpretation at this Point in the Series.

SON.avi: This Time there is the Sound of an Old School Film Projector being turned on and Running, and There are a Couple More People wearing Bizarre looking Masks (Coincidence? Perhaps). Could the Projector Noise mean the Video is Previously Recorded Footage being watched by an Unknown Party Possibly a Serial Killer, but more on that Later. This time around though the People in Masks seem to be Talking as Their Mouths Open and Close yet there is No Dialogue Distorted or Otherwise. Around half way through the Video there is a Close Up of a Cringe Looking Clown Picture circa the 1970s. While the Clown Picture is Cringe by itself as the Shot Continues the Clowns face Morphs into a Hellish Face like Visual. The Most interesting Part of the Video is when a Human Arm Holding a rather nasty looking Circular Saw Appears on Screen. Right before We see the Saw there is a Shadow Cast on the Wall that to Us looks like the Long Haired Cheap Costume Wig from MOM.avi.

The Circular Saw Scene appears to US to be in a Bedroom with a Bed pushed up against the Wall under a Window with Ugly Plaid Curtains. Now what the fuck was Sawed on the Bed? Someone said it was a Boy Doll being Cut in Half, and to that We ask Where the fuck do You see a Doll Period?! Considering the Ominous Feel of the Circular Saw Segment the Scene Ends when the Saw is Turned on and then Comes Down on the Bed, and then the Scene is Abruptly Cut. We think that Most likely this Scene was implying a Murder. The Whole Video has a real Serial Killer Vibe to it.

Where We’re At: The Main Questions of Who Made the Series, Why They made it, and What is it all About? Granted the Chance of Solving the So Called Mystery is Improbable at Best. This unknown factor is what Continues to Fuel the Unexplained Genre (or Fringe as We Refer to it as). The 3 Questions that We can ask in these Situation which are: Is it an ARG, Art/Horror Project, or Perhaps some sort of Gorilla Advertising Campaign for say an Upcoming Movie/Video Game? Maybe We will find and Expose the Answer But Probably Not We shall See.


It Is What It Is,

  Presented By Les Sober

Backrooms – Reunion

Welcome too Today’s FYB Post featuring the Ongoing Saga of The Backrooms with BACKROOMS – REUNION by (and Posted to) Kane Pixels YouTube Channel. The Backrooms Originated from a Thread on the /X/ Board of 4Chan on May 12, 2019, where an Anonymous User asked Others to “Post Disquieting Images that just Feel ‘Off”. The Backrooms is the Creepypasta that was inspired by a Comment Left on a Picture of an “Unsettling Room”.  The Comment led to an Expanded Version of the Creepypasta as well as YouTube Video Originated on the /X/ Board of 4Chan Pertaining to the Topic. The Backrooms was made into a Short Horror Film and a Incredibly fucking Original Horror Series by 16 Year Old American Director, Visual Effects Artist, and Youtuber Kane Pixels. The Horror Series’s First Installment was Uploaded to Youtube on January 7th, 2022 ,and the Rest of the Series was Uploaded over the Course of the Last Several Months (All Previous Installments are Posted Here for Your Connivence).

As it Turns Out the A-Sync Research Channel (Named After the Fictitious Corporation Pioneering The Backrooms in Kane Pixel’s Backrooms Series)   which We Thought were a Secondary Channel created by Kane Pixels to Advance Plot Line. We apparently were Wrong at least as Far as Face Value is Concerned but there is More Simmering Under the fucking Surface Here. A Comment by whoever the fuck is Responsible for the A-Sync Channel stated that the Channel isn’t Run by Kane Pixels, but instead it is Inspired by Him. So what the fuck is this all about then?

Good fucking Question and Here is Our View on it. This A-Sync Person/People are NOT Random or are They Fans involved in some Fan Fiction Bullshit. This Person/People are OBVIOUSLY Collaborators working Side by Side with Kane Pixels since the Video Theme, Quality, and Feel of Each others Videos Coincide with One Another. That Doesn’t Negate the Fact there are a SHIT TON of Videos about or Based on The Backrooms which Really Fucking Muddies the Waters. SO to Keep shit Somewhat fucking Organized We will Note Which Channel Kane’s or A-Sync’s the New /Latest Installment is Posted On.

Our Perspective on The Backrooms Series:

When it Comes to this Unique Series it does Something Rare Especially Now a Days which is it Simply fucking gets Better with Each Episode. The Series is also Incredible at Building the Tension of Each Installment until the fucking Anxiety of the Characters Bleeds through the fucking Screen. The Backrooms is Definitive fucking Proof You don’t Need a Shit Ton of Cash, Hollywood, Big Movie, An Orgy of CGI, Big Production Companies, Big Time Studios, Famous Actors, Film School/Degree, Jump Scares, or Even Gore to Mindfuck and Creep the Shit out the Audience.


DESCRIPTION: For the First fucking Time there IS NO Description Provided.


It is What it Is,

 Presented By Les Sober

He Took His Skin Off For Me

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring the 2014 Short Film HE TOOK HIS SKIN OFF FOR ME Written and Directed by Ben Aston. Aston is a London Born Filmmaker Who was Raised in Hong Kong, Australia, Bath, Singapore, and Shanghai.  His First Foray into Directing was a fucking Puppet Show at the Age of 11 that Lasted SO fucking Long it Required a fucking Intermission. After Graduating with a BA in Philosophy from Kings College London He spent a Year Setting up a Production House with Friends, Creating Short Films, Music Videos, and Ads for Political Organizations. This Resulted in a National Broadcast Job, which in turn Paid for Aston’s First Term at the London Film School.

We will Admit that this HE TOOK HIS SKIN OFF FOR ME is Rather fucking Tame for the Type shit We Post Normally but So fucking What?! We like this Short Horror Film  for a Few Reasons First being the Name that Reminds Us of Other Similar Movie Titles like “I Drink Your Blood!” or “I EAT YOUR SKIN”. Secondly it Also happens to Remind Us of One of Our Favorite fucking Movies of all Time the Clive Barker’s Hellraiser Horror Movie Franchise. We mean Seriously what the fuck Else would Someone Think of (instead of the Hellraiser Reference) when the Topic of Skinless People Comes Up for fucks Sake?!

Next We do Enjoy the Fact that HE TOOK HIS SKIN OFF FOR ME is Not a Gore Soaked Splatter Movie, But Man if it fucking was it Be fucking Fantastic. This Short Film falls into the Creepy Asian Horror Movies for while Asian Horror has Gore Movies/Splatter Movies/Torture Porn Out the fucking Wazoo this is the Other Variety. The Second School of Though in Asian Horror if You will is the Creepy Unnerving Mindfuck Horror Genre the Kind of Shit that Crawls into Your Cranium like a Cinematic Parasite. The kind of Horror Movie You simply Can’t Stop thinking About in Spite of How Much You may want To.

Lastly it has the Surreal Insanity Feel that’s Reminiscent of Director David Lynch and being Huge fucking Lynch Fans that’s Definite fucking Works for US. So the Best Way We can Describe this Film is Combine the Surreal Insanity of David Lynch with the Dark Mind of Clive Barker to make the Next Hellraiser Sequel.

Meanwhile it’s Important to Note Our Only Criticism is there Obviously should have been a shit ton More fucking Blood like fucking Buckets of it a Borderline Blood fucking Bath.

It is What it Is,

 Presented By les Sober