Plastic Men

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring the Remake/Remix of TreatsForBeasts Video PLASTIC MEN by Hydraulic Beanbag. PLASTIC MEN was Originally Posted in 2012 by Creator, Director, and Musician Jordan Diniz. Diniz is the creator of the mind boggling bizarre  Youtube channel Treatsforbeasts as well other earlier video/musical projects. NOT a whole fucking lot is really known about Diniz like for example when researching I found shit like this “It is possible he is from Massachusetts.” which was IN-FUCKING-FURIATING! You damn well know Finding Information is gonna be a REAL son of a bitch if No One even knows where Diniz is from. I did manage to find SOME goddamn Additional Information which You will find Below.

  • Diniz has preformed in several bands such as Thang City and The Liquid Flow.
  • Diniz was the keyboardist in Holding Steady The Heartbeat of Hell.
  • Currently music wise Diniz is making music under the name Sanguinarious.
  • Diniz’s music genre of choice could be considered a mix of Gothic rock, Heavy Metal, and quite possibly Post-Punk.
  • Some say he looks like Jesus.
  • Diniz has what has been described as “ridiculously expandable jaw” (an example of this is Diniz singing in the video “I me you love god ”
    From Diniz’s work it’s apparent he doesn’t think favorably about Christianity/Catholicism.
  • Diniz created Treatsforbeats on September 26, 2009.
  • Diniz has gone YEARS before posting new content on his Treatsforbeasts Youtube channel.

As Far as Hydraulic Beanbag is Concerned the Channel Description is as Follows:

one hop this time (()*)*()(*
one hop this time bbb209u02ue
right foot left stomp _)_)@)I_I#_

the green and brown guy is named bunga

I make the ambient background music myself, and they’re all made just for that individual video, they don’t have names

my favorite food is jello, flavor doesn’t matter in the realm of the squishy
e [

If you want

if you REAAALY have to contact me (you don’t) my dm’s are open, haha just kidding, used to have discord here but no more, know what change of heart if i dont wanna talk to you i wont, but i do want to talk to some of you so ill put it back Beanbag#5554. if you really really have a serious question message my email that I don’t check also don’t ask to sponsor me as I’m not ready yet (and I may never be), this email is just for dum shid and collab suggestions”

Our Thoughts: So when it come to Hydraulic Beanbag We will let You decipher and decide what the fuck You think that fucking Asinine Absurdity is About. As Far as the Hydraulic Beanbag’s Remake/Reboot of Treatsforbeasts it’s Pretty Damn Decent when it comes to a fucking Remake/Reboot because it Doesn’t fuck with the Original Nightmare Fuel Feel, but it’s really quite fucking Obvious Nothing Beats the Treatsforbeasts Original (Which We have Posted in Here in the Animation/Cartoon Section). And for the fucking Record Though We aren’t Fans of Anything CGI We have to give Credit where Credit is Due, and Even Tough Hydraulic Beanbag’s PLASTIC MEN Version Opted to Use CGI They did Keep the Unnerving Aesthetics of the Main Character.

THE LYRICS (for Lack of a Better Word )to PLASTIC MEN are the Following:

“Plastic Men, Women, and Children want to tickle me in the wilderness. They watch as I caress my exposed spine…I’m ashamed of my own body.”



It is What. it Is,

 Presented By Les Sober 

I Traded In My Dog For Twice The Rice

Welcome to some serious mid-week MADNESS with I TRADED IN  MY DOG FOR TWICE THE RICE by  Creator, Director, and Musician Jordan Diniz. Diniz is the creator of the mind boggling bizarre  Youtube channel Treatsforbeasts as well other earlier video/musical projects. NOT a whole fucking lot is really known about Diniz like for example when researching I found shit like this “It is possible he is from Massachusetts.” which was IN-FUCKING-FURIATING! You damn well know fining information is gonna be a REAL son of a bitch if no one even knows where Diniz is from. I did manage to find SOME goddamn additional information which you will find below.


Additional Information:

  • Diniz has preformed in several bands such as Thang City and The Liquid Flow.
  • Diniz was the keyboardist in Holding Steady The Heartbeat of Hell.
  • Currently music wise Diniz is making music under the name Sanguinarious.
  • Diniz’s music genre of choice could be considered a mix of Gothic rock, Heavy Metal, and quite possibly Post-Punk.
  • Some say he looks like Jesus.
  • Diniz has what has been described as “ridiculously expandable jaw” (an example of this is Diniz singing in the video “I me you love god “
  • From Diniz’s work it’s apparent he doesn’t think favorably about Christianity/Catholicism.
  • Diniz created Treatsforbeats on September 26, 2009.
  • Diniz has gone YEARS before posting new content on his Treatsforbeasts Youtube channel.

See you when I see you,

  Justin Sane

Dining Room (aka There Is Nothing)

Well We have been Feeling a Bit Shitty about Our Daily Content Becoming a Bit Sporadic, and We Feel that We Owe Our Fans Something (Aside From Life’s Constant Barrage of Bullshit).

With That Said Here Is THE DINING ROOM (AKA THERE IS NOTHING)!!! a One Minute Looped Film By David B. Earle.


Thanks for Watching,

Presented By  Les Sober & FYB