Questions That Allude Answers 2 : I Feel Fantastic

A little while back I said FYB would be running a Series of Posts dedicated to Shit that Has Not/Can Not be Explained or is just a Plain Old Mystery. From the Geeky to The Freaky to The Creepy We’re going to attempt to cover IT ALL.

This is a Step towards the Darker Side, and Yes I remember I said We’d EASE Reader’s into It as Not to Traumatize Anyone.

With that said I must Admit I jumped ahead of “Schedule” if You Will. I had already planned on the Next Post in the Series, BUT I couldn’t Help shelving it for Now in Favor of Some MUCH More Bizarre Content.


This is All I could find pertaining to The Video “I Feel Fantastic”(2009). It was posted Anonymously and garnered a great deal of Attention. So much that Viewers launched Their own Investigations in Search of Answers.

They discovered the Video was done and Posted by an Artist named Bergeron who it was rumored was Creating theseVarious Life Sized Robots as Part of a Traveling Show. Then all of a Sudden out of the Blue Bergeron went completely Silent, and No One knows what happened to Him to this very Day.


The Most Sinister Hypothesis surrounding this Video is it’s a Tribute or Homage to an ACTUAL MURDER. The Hypothesis is The Robot is Portraying the part or on Behalf of the Deceased Victim, and the random and out of place Shot of  the Woods has led some to Believe it’s an ACTUAL Burial Site.

Please Watch, Enjoy, and Draw Your OWN Conclusions.

So without further ado Ladies & Gentlemen We Give You “I Feel Fantastic”

Thanks For Reading & Watching,

Presented By,

  Les Sober