Questions That Allude Answers: 112 Dirtbag

This Installment of Questions That Allude Answers have Something a Little Different. While there is Plenty of Unanswered Questions the Video is Tied into a REAL LIFE ONGOING POLICE INVESTIGATION.

Heres what We do Know is on February 9th 2004 21 year Old Nursing Student Maura Murray who was Attending The University of Massachusetts got into Her Car and Drove off. She din’t tell anyone Where She was going or Why She just simply Left.


Here is the Established (yet Unexplained Time Line):

at 1:00 pm Maura E-mails her Current Boyfriend stating that She received His Messages, but Didn’t feel like Talking to anyone. That and She promised She’d give Him a Call Later.

2:18 pm Maura called Her Boyfriend and Left a Voice Mail Message again Promising that They would Talk Later.

Sometime between approximately 2:18 and 3:40 pm Maura also E-mailed the Faculty at The University that She was going to Absent for a Week due to a Death in the Family. The Only Strange thing about that was THERE WAS NO DEATH IN THE FAMILY.

3:40pm Maura stops and withdraws $280 and spend $40 of it on Alcohol. Shortly There After She Left Amberst which is the Town in which The University of Massachusetts is Located. She drove out of Town on Route 112.

3:47 pm Was the Last Recorded Time Maura used Her Cell Phone to Check Her Voicemail.


Sometime around 7:00 pm Maura crashes Her Car into a Snow Bank on the Side of the Road and is Stuck. A School Bus Driver who lived in a Near By Neighborhood stopped and Offered to Help. Maura waved Him on Saying that She was Fine and had called Triple A (AAA). The Bus Driver went on His way BUT He did call and Report the Accident to the Police.  Again the Strange Thing is AAA HAD NO RECORD OF SUCH A PHONE CALL.

7:46pm The New Hampshire Highway Patrol Officers arrive on Scene. They find the Car still stuck in the Snow Bank. They discovered the Car Abandoned with Mauras School Books, Make Up, and Map Quest Directions still inside. What was Missing was Maura Herself, Her Cell Phone, Debit Card, or Credit Cards. To this Day None of Them has been Found/Located.

In the Following Weeks Maura’s Father was quoted as saying that he Thought Maura was”Kidnapped by some Dirtbag.”


NOW Fast Forward to February 9th 2012 which was the 8 year Anniversary of Maura’s Unexplained Disappearance when a Mysterious Video was Posted by a YouTuber going by 112 Dirtbag on His Channel (which has been taken down) Mr.112dirtbag. The Video is of a Man laughing continuously until right at the End He stops abruptly, Smiles and Winks. Then the Video fades to a Black Screen where the a Message Reads “Happy Anniversary”

Now if You remember Maura went Missing on Route 112 by what Her Father claimed was a “Dirtbag” , and if put 2 and 2 together and You get 112 Dirtbag.

So is this Some kind of Sick Joke by some Mentally Unfit Basket Case who has access to a Computer OR is This in Fact Maura’s Actual Killer Mocking The Family of His Victim along with The Authorities???

It’s a Documented Fact Several Serial Killers through out American History have Contacted and Mocked the Authorities with Disgust and Contempt. Jack The Ripper wrote One Letter to the Detectives in Charge of His Case with the Return Address simply Reading “FROM HELL” (and Yes that’s were the Name for the Johnny Depp Movie about Jack the Ripper). The Zodiac sent 3  nearly Identical letters containing Cryptogram Messages to 3 different Newspapers and demanded that the Letter be Published.


The Son of Sam also left multiple Letters Mocking the Police, Their Investigation, and promise of Further Murders which were HIGHLY PUBLICIZED by the Press.Then there is The Louisiana Ax Man who Wrote a Open Letter on March 13, 1919 claiming He’d Kill at 12:15 am on March 19th, But He’d Spare the Occupants of any Place Playing Jazz (it worked as there were no Reported Murders that Night)

It Should be Noted that ALL 3 EXAMPLES Jack The Ripper, The Zodiac Killer, and The Louisiana Ax Man WERE NEVER CAUGHT.

IF YOU OR ANYONE Have ANY information that You think Pertinent or Important Please contact:

The FBI at 1-(202)-324-3000


The New Hampshire State Police at 1-(603)-233-3860

There are No Words to Wrap Up this Little Bit of Sick………

Thanks for Reading/Viewing

  Presented by Les Sober