
Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring KARLMAYER which is Yet Another Unknown Oddity that has Washed Up on Our Beach. No One seems to know a fucking thing about Who Posted It, Why They Posted It, Or What the fuck it’s Supposed to mean. So essentially its Insanity without Context.


  • The Video was Uploaded in May of 2008.
  • The Music is the Distorted High Pitch Child’s Laughter that Rapes Your Ear Drums Mercilessly so Heads the fuck up There.
  • The Only Real Piece of Actual Information lies in the Videos Description Which Simply Translates to the Name Karl Mayer. Karl Mayer was a German General Staff Officer who Introduced Hitler to Politics. And We all know How that Turned Out so Officially from FYB Fuck Him.

Video Run Down:

  • The Video Starts with the Illustration of Two Children that look Oddly Alien.
  • There Various Pictures of Flowers that Change Color, Distort, Morph, and Pulsate.
  • At the 46 Second Mark there is 2 Pictures of Pennywise from the Original TV Mini Series “IT” Not the Movie Remake/Reboot/Rewhatfuckingever You want to Call it.
  • More fucked up Flower Shit.
  • At the 1:13 Minute Mark there is a Close Up of What appears to be Some Child looking Doll Eyes.
  • Approximately at the 2:00 Mark the Video Takes a Dark Turn. The Video becomes More Distorted and Darker as the Abrasive Audio ramps Up Some.
  • Random Photos for Example a Thin John Wayne Gacy looking Clown and a Picture of the Actual Karl Mayer, and Then BACK TO THE FUCKING FLOWERS.
  • Then the Random Pictures and Flowers Mixed Together featuring such Random Images as An Old School Opera House, Pennywise again, some sort of Tunnel (possibly Subway), Ocean, and a Repeat of the Random Sky Shot from Earlier.


It is What It Is,

Presented By Les Sober

I Have The Body Of A Pig

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring I HAVE THE BODY OF A PIG Filmed by a Paranormal Research Group in England Several Years Ago. Now I’m NOT Saying I fucking Believe in Ghosts, Devils, Spirits, or Demons because I DON’T in My Opinion there is NO ACTUAL EVIDENCE of Their Existence.. On the Other Hand there is NO ACTUAL PROOF that They do Not Outside the Self Righteous Ignorance and Ego Driven Human fucking Being. You see ever since Man Climbed to the Top of the fucking Food Chain We suddenly Think that Means We Automatically know Everything about fucking Everything. I Refuse to Buy into that Bullshit. I’ll Stick with Socrates on the Subject of Humanity’s Self Righteous Ego Driven False Belief of Intellectual Superiority  when I say “I Don’t Know Shit.”

Description: Truly frightening EVP recorded in a secret location during my tenure as special guest and resident expert with a group that I cannot name. My association with the group ended due to reasons I cannot legally disclose.
But, as I am the bigger man, I wish them well.

My Thoughts: I already Covered the Paranormal Aspect above, BUT I still have Quite a Bit to Say About the fucking Description that’s fr Sure. I hate shit that starts “Truly Frighting” it’s a Bullshit Attention Grabber that Means Jack Diddly Shit. If Something is Frightening it’s Frightening there should be NO Need to Say Stupid Shit like “Truly Terrifying” because What Scares the Shit out of You may Not Scare Me in the fucking Least and all that. Second How the fuck can this Person be BOTH s Special Guest and a Resident Expert since Special Guests are Temporary per say and a Resident is a Long Term Group Member so that’s an Oxymoron.  Next What the fuck was this Person a so called “Expert” in Exactly Ghost Hunting, Camera Person, Tech Shit, Demonologist, Medium or What the Fuck?!

Why EXACTLY can’t this Person Mention that They Can’t Mention the Name of the Paranormal Group How About some fucking Details. Now Why the Fuck couldn’t this Person Say Why Their Association (I thought They were a Resident Expert in/of the group?!) with Said Paranormal Group? They Claim it’s for Legal Reasons well isn’t that fucking Conveenant since the Whole Description is Vague as it could Possibly be with Total Lack of Any Context or Details of Any Sort whatsofuckingever. Lastly Ironically is the Pompous fucking Last Line in/of the Description about being the Bigger Man. Adding that is a COMPLETE DICK MOVE. How do We know this Person isn’t a Fuck Up, Basket Case, Liar, Bullshit Artist, A Fake/Fraud, YouTube View Whore, A Totally fucking Moron, or just Plain making shit up?!!

Maybe that’s Why This Particular Person’s Association with the Group Ended was Due to the Fact The GROUP Ended the Association. In All Due Favor it could be due Possibility to this Person’s Possible Shitty Attitude or Perhaps They were just a Crappy Paranormal Hunter. If This Person actually  does “Wish Them Well” then Why the fuck did They Bother Turning the Entire Description into Personal Bitching?! The Description really has jack shit to do with the Video itself and is about The Group, The Person who Posted the Video’s Association or Lack there of with Said Group, and the Alleged Legal Bullshit Aspect is My Point. They could have Written the Decription WITHOUT MENTIONING any of that Happy Personal Horse Shit. Well that’s All I had to Say So I Digress (for Now anyways).

It is What it Is,

Presented By Les Sober

Milk Tooth

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring MILK TOOTH  Animated by Monica Cook and Music by Martín Capella. Monica Cook is a Painter, Animator, Sculptor and Mixed-Media Artist whose Portraits and Art Installations Focus on the Fantastical and Grotesque Actuality of Human Bodies.

Cook received her BFA from Savannah College of Art and Design . A residency at the School of Visual Arts brought her to New York in 2004. She Attended Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture, Maine and is a 2018 fellow of Urban Glass Studio, Brooklyn, NY.

Description: The Dementedly Deranged Dreams of the Damned as They Slumber in Insanity.

It is What it is,

Presented By Les Sober

Wiggle When You Feel Down

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring WIGGLE WHEN YOU FEEL DOWN by  well that’s a Good Question. Unfortunately there is NOTHING about it Online accept for some Half Assed Redditt Post. But We were able to Scrape up Some Pertinent Information of Sorts so Here it is.

  • This Video is EXTREMELY Obscure.
  • It was Uploaded on May 29, 2019 By a YouTube Channel called AlvinYahaye Tv.
  • The Channel Joined YouTube on August 17, 2018.
  • The Channel has Only 53 Subscribers Total.
  • The Channel has a Total of 22,788 Views.
  • There 12 Videos is Total Posted to the Channel and the Content is Random as Fuck.
  • No New Videos have been Uploaded for the Past 2 Years.

What I Can Say About This Video:

It’s Utterly Absurd and Completely fucking Insane. One of the Deciding Factors to its Creepy as fuck Undertones is the Video is Devoid of any and all Context. To Me it feels like a Video made by some fucking Pedophile or Child Murderer to Help Lure in Victims. The Man in the Video is Sporting the Shittiest Make Up, a Bizarrely Disturbing Homemade Body Suit of Some fucking Sort, His Voice is Unsettling, His Dancing is Eerie as all get out, and His Odd “Dancing”. It really feels like You’re Either Viewing a Video by a Pedophile/Child Murderer (as I stated Previously), Someone with a SERIOUS Drug Problem, or a Legitimate Insane Person Off Their fucking Meds or Suffered a Psychotic Break. Whatever the fuck it is and for Whatever Reason it was made is a Mystery but the Fact that its one of the Strangest and Oddly Unsettling Videos I have come across. Enjoy.

It is What it is,

Presented By Les Sober

Strange and Disturbing Videos: . 👀📲📞 👇

Welcome to Another Monday Post here at FYB featuring for Lack of a Better Name “deaf” since it’s the Last Word in the Schizophrenic Title. This Twenty Seconds of Insanity is from a Content Creator Who Goes By WHAT I MAKE IS RANDOM, but is it all Actually Random or is there an Alternative a Method to this Madness?!

Text/Messages in Following Video:

  • FIAQ
  • ZI
  • You Shall Pay For Your Sins
  • Lastly there is a Sequence of Letters at the Very End of the Video that Flashes for a Split Second over the Picture that We couldn’t Catch.

The Question Remains What fucking Purpose does this Video Serve? So the First Three Standard Questions:

  • Can We take the Creator’s Word for it and Write it off as Random for Random’s Sake?
  • Is it a possible ARG?
  • Is this Some Strange Art Project?
  • Is it some Gorilla Advertisement Campaign for an Upcoming Movie or Video Game?

We will have to Wait and See.


Thanks For Watching,

Presented By Les Sober

For Shits and Giggles: “Existential Threat” By Sparks

I think its safe to say we have all had day’s where it seemed the universe has dropped its pants, and is taking a colossal cosmic crap on your entire fucking life.  Those are those days you spend going hour after fucking hour wondering “Why Me?” or “What the fuck did I do to deserve this bullshit?” as the universe plays a fucked up game of cat and mouse with your current reality. It can get so fucking intense that you may actually consider that you have somehow offended the Powers That Be (God, universe, fate and so on) and now are being punished in some bizarre manner.

This bring me to today’s post the official music video for ‘The Existential Threat’ by Sparks (also known as Halfnelson), taken from their 2020 album ‘A Steady Drip, Drip, Drip’. Sparks is an American pop and rock duo formed in 1967 consisting of brothers Ron Mael on Keyboards and Russell Mael on vocals. Sparks are known for their quirky approach to songwriting which is often accompanied by sophisticated and acerbic lyrics often about women or Shakespearean literature references, and an idiosyncratic, theatrical stage presence, typified in the contrast between Russell’s animated, hyperactive frontman antics and Ron’s deadpan scowling. The band is also noted for Russell Mael’s distinctive wide ranging voice and Ron Mael’s intricate and rhythmic keyboard playing style. Sparks  have been far more successful in Europe compared to their native United States, though the band maintains a loyal cult following American non the less.

The video for the song was done by none other than one of our favorite animators cyriak. Cyriak Harris, known Mononymously as Cyriak and His B3ta Username Mutated Monty (Harris has been a Regular Contributor to the British Website B3ta since 2004), is a British Freelance Animator and Composer. He is known for His Surreal, Creepy, and Bizarre Short Web Animations with the Frequent Use of the Droste Effect, and Features Original Dance/Electronic Music By Harris as Well.


See You Around,

   Justin Sane   

FYB’s Personal Pandora’s Box is About to Bust Wide Open.

Well Hello Dear Reader,

This is just another quick Peak Behind the FYB Curtin to Let You Know what We are Up To.

SpaceDog has returned from a Cerebral Sabbatical of sorts and We couldn’t be Happier about that.

Now that I have gone 166 Rounds with the Issue of Time Management  I have Managed to Free Up some Time to give FYB the Attention that it Truly Deserves.

What that means essentially is FYB is about to go through some rather Serious Growing Pains in the Next few Months.


I have a Virtually Insurmountable amount of Catch Up to Accomplish to say the fucking least. There are so MANY Unorthodox and Unconventional Oddities, Mysteries, Curiosities, and Discoveries Roaming This Reality of Ours I barely know where the fuck to Begin.

SO I will be Using the so called “Monkey Method” We Throw a Bunch of Shit at the Wall and See what Sticks as Content comes at a Much Quicker Pace. If You LIKE something by all means Let Us Know. If You HATE something by all means Let Us Know. We aren’t at all Afraid of Criticism.


FYB’s Amended Mission Statement Update Below.

We are Our Own Alternative Dimension as to Adhere to Our Uniquely Unusual Agenda with Absolute and Utter Abandon. We will continue to Feed the Creative Hedonism with an Epileptic Intelligence, and Unapologetic President.

We are the 7th Dimension to Your 6th, a Niche within a Niche within a Niche Once More running on a Transcendental Time Line Searching out the Secrets of The Soul. Thriving on an Undying Curiosity to fill Our Emporium of Abominations with Abnormal Creations of Kinds and Creeds.


We SHUN the Inane and Mundane Mainstream full of Floating Bloated Corporate Corpses clogging up the Rivers of Creativity. The Mainstream is NOT CREATIVE it is DESTRUCTIVE. It Chokes the Life Out of Ideas and Slaughters Original Thought.

We are the Reuniting of Split Personalities Standing Victoriously in The Infinitely Unyielding Vastness of the Virtual Void. We are Higher than the Hight Road, and Lower than the Low Road a Lost Circus Sideshow Attraction abandoned by The Wayside only to Defy Death with Insanity to Achieve Immortality.


We are the Ideas that Lurk in the Confines of Your Cranium, We are the Thoughts that Linger while Sitting inside Your Skull. Our Strength comes from Those who Try and Kill Us.

Remember to Question Everything and Everyone. Reality is a Construct.

Thanks for Reading,

  By Les Sober