Two Theoretical Perspectives

So Obviously We have a Foul Mouth, but We also have the Intelligent Mind to Back Up All Our average Absurdity. Since at Least Half of Us have a penchant for Sociology this seemed like the Logical way to Go. Enjoy.


One: The Functional Perspective- The Core of this Approach is to Identify conditions or Behaviors that Impede the fulfillment of Society’s Goals, that Interfere with the fluid Functioning of Society or that Throw Society into Disequilibrium. Social Problems either Fall Under the Category of SOCIAL DISORGANIZATION or DEVIANT BEHAVIOR.

PROBLEMS OF DEVIANT BEHAVIOR: Arise when Institutionalized Norms are Violated.

Assumptions of Functional Perspective:

  • Society has Collective Purpose
  • Social Problems are Objective
  • Consensus on Norms and Value


Two: Value-Conflict Perspective: At the Core of this Approach is the Belief that Value Judgements of Society Determine Whether something is a Social Problem. Different Groups with the most Power tend to have Their Values reflected in what is Deemed to be a Social Problem. Social Problems represent one of THREE Typologies. They include PHYSICAL, AMELIORATIVE, AND MORAL.

  • Physical Problem: A Condition that all People regard as a Threat to Their Welfare and Value Judgements can’t be said to cause the Condition Itself. Causation is Outside the Control of Man.
  • Ameliorative: Condition which People generally Agree is Undesirable, but for which They Can Not Agree on How to get Rid of It. This is a Man-Made Condition and Value Judgements prevent its Solution.
  • Moral Problem: Condition for Which there is NO Unanimity of Opinion that is Undesirable. There is NO Consensus in Values.


Assumptions of Value-Conflict Perspective:

  1. Social Problems are Subjective to Members of Society’s Values.
  2. Differences in Power Determine Recognition of Values.

Let’s Be Honest People are Utterly, Absolutely, Completely, and Totally Fucked Up 6 Days a Week and Twice on Sunday, BUT They are endlessly Fascinating.

Thanks for Reading,

  Les Sober