Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring the Official Videos for  “I BELIEVE DANI FILTH”, “Not Immediately Life Threatening”, and  “Weird, But Not Illegal” by the band Party Cannon along with a Live Performance from Bloodiest 2022. PARY CANNON is a Brutal Death Metal Band (with a Serious Goregrind Influence) from Dunfermline, Fife, Scotland, United Kingdom that was Formed in 2010. The Band refers to Their Musical Style simply as “Party Slam”which is an Extreme Sub Genre of Death Metal that is Defined as the Following. Some Key Elements of Slam Music are Slow and Punishing Guitar Riffs along with Aggressive Drumming Utilizing Double Kick/Blast Beat Techniques are the Primary Element of Slam. Slam Vocals (like the Music) are a More Extreme Version of Death Metal Vocals combining Deep, Palm Muting, Guttural Growls, Tremolo Picking, Harsh Screaming, Low Tuned Guitars, and Low Pitched Howls are a Staple of Slam Music that Enhance the Overall Brutality of the Music Itself.

Lyrical Themes of Brutal Death Metal and PARTY CANNON include:

  • Slasher Films
  • Obscene amount of Violence
  • Political Conflict
  • Religion (Focusing on Satanism)
  • Science Fiction
  • Occultism
  • True Crime
  • Philosophy
  • Destruction and Decay of the Earth
  • War
  • Corporate Control
  • Mysticism
  • Lovecraftian Horror
  • Mythology
  • Theology

(*PARTY CANNON’s Other Lyrical Themes: Women and Partying)

Also as Far as Brutal Death Metal Lyrics are concerned the Depictions of Horrific Violence may be Elaborate on the Details of Extreme Acts:

  • Detailed Depictions Violence and Gore
  • Delirium
  • Psychopathy
  • Mutilation
  • Mutation
  • Exorcism/Possession
  • Torture
  • Rape
  • Cannibalism
  • Necrophilia
  • Murder/Homicide

In 2013 PARTY CANNON was signed to Autopsy Records, but They only Released One Ep Titled “Partied In Half” while with Autopsy Records. The Band is Currently Signed with The American Label Gore House Productions who Specialize in Brutal Death Metal Bands. To Date PARTY CANNON has Recorded and Released The Following:

  • Albums – “Bong Hit Hospitalization (2015), “Volumes Of Vomit” (2022), and “Injuries Are Inevitable (2024)
  • Eps – ” PARTY CANNON!” (2007), “Partied In Half” (2013), “Perverse Party Platter’ (2017), and “Nauseating And Unpalatable” (2021)
  • A Gore House Compilation CD  “Cannons Of Gore Soaked, Blood Drenched, Parasitic Sick along with the Bands Parasitic Ejactulation, Gorevent, and Bloodscribe.
  • Singles: “We Prefer The Term Living Impaired (2010) and “Weird,But not Illegal” (2024)
  • V/A Compilations – “Necrolust Vol. IV (2013), MORGUL ( a Scottish Metal Compilation in 2013), and ‘Intestinal Purge” (2022)
  • Additional Releases – “Party Promo (2012)

PARTY CANNON’s Current Line Up:

  • Stony “Stony” Stony – Vocals
  • Craig “Shreddy Kreuger” Robinson – Lead Guitar
  • Chris “Prey” Ryan – Bass
  • Martin “Abtacular” Gazur – Drums



It Is What It Is,

 Presented By Les Sober

My Inner Child Might Be A Sociopath (Cartoons That Aren’t For Kids Debut)

I was contemplating the Psychological Concept of an Inner Child Today sitting on My front Porch.  The Concept that there lies in All of Us a Part of Our Being that like Peter Pan never Grows Old. This Inner Child is the Part of Us all that Lingers in Eternal Arrested Development regardless of the Physical Aging of Ones Body and Mind.

If I do in Fact have an Inner Child lurking around inside Me somewhere I bet He’s an Odd Little Fellow. I image He’d be rather Introverted and Secretive. Quietly Creating His own Personal form of Chaos.


So if My Inner Child exists and is Paying Attention this Post is for You Little Buddy. Enjoy it and Never Change.

(THIS IS A WARNING & REMINDER TO OUR READERS: NOTHING POSTED ON FYB IS MENT OR INTENDED TO BE VIEWED BY CHILDREN. If You Let Your Child/Children (or Anyones Child/Children for that matter) have Access to FYB You’d be considered a Pretty Shitty Parent by Everyone else I Assure You.)

The First CARTOON is called THE SAD MAN by Jake Lava.

Be Careful What You Wish For………

The Second CARTOON is called WHOSE HUNGRY? By David Ochs.

A Dose Of Revenge Infused Poetic Justice………

Thanks for Reading/Watching,

Presented By,

  Les Sober  

N@P’s Artistic Advancements

N@P is the True Definition of a Renaissance Man with Many an Artistic Poker in Many an Artistic Fire.

I met N@P (as well as His Wonderful Wife) at Collage during an Art Class, and I can say without hesitation They are Not just Far Beyond Talented Artists, But some of The Nicest, Kindest, and Encouraging Individuals I have ever had the Pleasure of Meeting

N@P is like a Cerebral Shark in a Sea of Creativity He never Stops Swimming remaining inconstant Motion at all times. N@P has over come some Truly Amazing shit thats not a statement its a fucking fact.  For example if Someone says “Lighting Doesn’t Strike Twice” N@P can call Bullshit since He HAS been Struck by Lighting Twice, and Lived to Tell about it.

No Matter the Hurdle Life that presents in N@P’s Path along the way He Clears it through Sheer Perseverance and Strength of Both Mind and Spirit.

N@P simply can NOT be Deterred.

N@P can Simply NOT be Stopped.

N@P is NOT done.

AND TODAY FOR THE FIRST TIME IN FYB HISTORY You the Reader will see what One of Us Here at FYB actually Looks like in Real Life.

Here is a New Youtube Video by N@P  who’s God Given Name is in Fact Nicholas (This is another FYB 1st: Using a Real Name of One of Our Friends/Family Member(s) so Surprise Bonus!)

It’s an Incredibly Intelligent and Amazingly Artistic Concept Helping to Provide Art to Those Who Live in Infinite Darkness.

If You enjoy Nicholas’s Video Please Like, Subscribe, and Share.

I know People are sick of hearing the “Like and Subscribe” deal because Youtubers say it every 15 fucking seconds, BUT Nicholas is an AUTHENTIC ARIST, and  NOT a wannabe YouTube Star.


  Presented By Les Sober

Questions That Allude Answers

I have recently developed a Minor Obsession. I have always been drawn to and fanatically Interested in Weird Shit. Some of the Weird Shit I am fondest of is Unexplainable Videos that Lack ANY and ALL Context. I Viewer has to make up THEIR OWN MIND (Yes This Requires People to fucking Think for Once instead of Mindless Click Bait) as to What the Fuck the Video is about/Means.

This all Started when I was working on a Creative Writing Piece where the Dark Web played a Major Part as the Staging Area for Countless Acts of Violent Revenge. I have since Shelved said Piece due to its Content being found by Others to be “Yet Unreadable due to Highly Objectionable Content.”


I found Myself viewing increasing numbers of Dark Web Videos Pertaining to The Dark Web. I watched Tutorials on How to Access The Dark Web, Navigate the Dark Web, Protect Your Identity & Personal Info while using the Dark Web, Surfing Videos of People exploring the Dark Web, Dark Web Content, Dark Web Rumors.

For Example Red Rooms which is where The Torture and Murder of a Human Being is Streamed Live on The Dark Web. These are Pay-Per-View events allow the Wealthiest Watchers to Bid for Control of the Torturer instructing Him/Her what to do Next (i.e. Stick Hot Pokers in The Vitcim’s Eyes) To this Day no Proof of Red Rooms existing has been found.

The most Helpful, Reliable, and Trusted information were all kinds of Tips from Dark Web Users on How to Safely Navigate The Dark Web, and Find Various Content.


One thing that really caught My Attention was when Mindlessly Annoying YouTubers would do “Dark Web Mystery Boxes” which are bought Sight Unseen from Anonymous Sellers on The Dark Web for different amounts of Money (Anywhere from around $50 all the way to $10,000 or More allegedly). NOTE: THE SELLING, BUYING OR POSSESSION OF A ACTUAL DARK WEB MYSTERY BOX IS ILLEGAL AND YOU CAN/WILL BE ARRESTED AND DETAINED BY THE AUTHORITIES.

With that said I found the most interesting and reoccurring item(s) found in these Dark Web Mystery Boxes were are Zip Drives, Sim Cards, and the Laptop Computer Drive deals.

I was fascinated because You had to see if there was any content such as Photos or better yet Videos stored on the Devices, and then see whatever the fuck there was to see. Again these Videos are more than not creepy as fuck I can’t lie. The Creep Factor is already increased because the Camera, Video Camera, Flash Drive etc. came from a Box of Unknown Origin from a Faceless Entity on The Dark Web. Then the Photos or Videos (sometimes but rarely there Auto Clips as well) have NO CONTEXT.

The Viewer is left with Countless Questions that will never be able to be answered. So is the Video of a Lady walking in the Park shot by a Friend or by a Stalker or Serial Killer or was it simple Someone learning how to use a New Tech Device They have recently purchased?! Thats just it be it is it or could it be just some Boringly Normal Everyday bullshit or Some Immensely Menacing Footage.


Now Obviously Not All Seriously Insane Videos come from the Dark Web nor are They all Ominous or Creepy. Some are Simple just Mind Bendingly Strange that They linger in Your Head for Days its keeps popping into Your Mind.

To gets These “Questions That Allude Answers” Posts We will be doing from Time to Time Lets Start Slowly. Best We ease into it before We take it FAR BEYOND the Realms of Reality to see what’s Lurking in the Shadows.

I don’t know much about this particular Video as I happened to have just stumbled upon it while I was on hold during a phone call this Morning. Its fairly tame, and makes for a good Transition from Puzzling into The Grimmer Shit thats coming.


Thanks for Reading/Watching,

  By Les Sober