Welcome to Todays FYB Post featuring TRIP #1 HOLLYWOOD by Shaye Saint John. Shaye Saint John is a Fictional Character and Art Project Who Appears in a Series of Surrealist, Creepy Short Films, and is Brain Child of Creator Eric Fournier. In the 90’s, Fournier was a Member of the Punk Bands The Blood Farmers and Skelegore when He began working on the First Miss Shaye St. John Video. In 2003, the Character started a Blog at LiveJournal, and a YouTube Channel Named Elastic Spastic Plastic Fantastic was created in August 2006. The YouTube Channel Uploaded all 56 of the Saint John Videos from 2006-2007, But the Official Channel was Discontinued and Cancelled in December of 2007. Unfortunately the Creator of the Shaye Saint James Character Eric Fournier Died sometime back in 2010.

Relevant Note Pertaining to Shaye Saint John:

It had been quite a long fucking Time since We had Checked in with Shaye Saint John’s Youtube Channel and when We did Obviously Recently We Noticed Some Strange Shit. What We noticed was 90% of the Videos on the Channel have been Taken Down. As of Now all but 10 Videos (all from 6 years ago) remain Posted on the channel. We found this Rather Odd since one of the First things to Consider is the Content Creator Removed them, But in this Case the Content Creator is Died in 2010 so that’s Not It. So We decided We had to find Out more Information about What the fuck was Going on Since We are Huge fucking Shaye Saint John Fans.

We came Across Another Big Fan who was Able to Shed some Light on the Subject as it were. Apparently Youtube is doing Some fucking Weird ass Thing where instead of just Straight Up Deleting the Videos in Question.  They have Opted to Slowly Dismantle it Until in the End there is No Content Left on the Channel at which Point We assume Youtube will Delete it at Last. This Strategy as Far as We are Concerned makes No Sense What so fucking Ever because What the fuck Does Youtube think the Fans/Viewers Simply Won’t Notice the Slow but Steady Deletion of Content/Videos?! And what the fuck is the Point if All Youtube is Going to do Ultimately is Shut the Channel the fuck Down Anyways so Why Not just Pull the fucking Trigger and be Done with it?!

Then Again as Youtube as Evolved Over the Many Years it has Only become More and More difficult for Content Creators, but it has become Equally Frustrating for the Users of the Platform. There is No fucking Rhyme or Reason anymore since YouTube Doesn’t even Bother Bullshitting Users with Lame fucking Excuses. At this fucking Rate Youtube is going to fucking Implode in the Future Under the Weight of its Own Growing Nonsensical Fuckery.

The Bottomline here is SO FUCKING WHAT if the Shaye Saint John Creator Eric Fournier Died? Not trying to be fucking dicks about it, but Yeah We all end Up Worm Food or a Pile of Ashes in an Urn so fucking what of it?! We fail to see ANY fucking Point or Reason for Youtube to take down Fournier’s Videos or for Youtube to  just Straight Up Delete the Entire fucking Channel! There was a Small fucking Library of Content with a Substantial Viewership, and Again so what if the Content Creator Died?! Why should that be a Reason for Youtube to Shit on and Delete Fournier’s Legacy?!!

What fucking Harm is there in Keeping a Successful Channel Up for the Viewers New and Old to Watch and Enjoy the Content?! Not to Mention YouTube Gains Both Money and Users/Viewers BECAUSE of Kick Ass Content Creator’s with Kick ass Content in the First fucking Place. Remember if No One Uploaded Videos there Wouldn’t be a fucking YouTube Period. Thus We ask once Again Why is Youtube being Disrespectful and fucking Ungrateful for the FREE fucking Content that makes Them a Shit Load of Money and Boosts Popularity of the Platform. Simply FUCK YOUTUBE it’s No Longer a Viable Platform its a Bullshit Profit Driven Business that Doesn’t Support Content Creators at All Anymore Choosing Profit over People.

Shaye Saint John’s TRIP #1 HOLLYWOOD Video Deviation:

What We Particularly like about this Particular Shaye Saint John Video is it isn’t a Staged Skit in Some House or fucking Apartment. The Audience is Not what One would call a “Willing Audience” Opting to Watch a Shaye Saint John Video on Youtube. Instead in this Case They are Subjected to the Manic Absurdity of the Shaye Saint John Character as She Runs Rampant in the Real World. In this Video Shaye is Wheeled around the Streets of Hollywood by Some Random Guy Who would Blend into a Crowd (Point Being He’s a Generic Looking Average Joe Type).  There is Also  an Alternate Fellow Dressed as a Medical Doctor who also Ushers Shaye around in a Wheel Chair as Shaye has Frantic, Frenzied, and Hyper Reactions to the World Around Her. Needless to Say 95% of the Public were More Confused than Anything Else at the Sight and Behavior of Shaye though All in All the Situation was Well Received. Some of the things Shaye Poses for a Couple Pictures with People, Stops to Chat to a Spiderman Street Performer, Makes a Phone call on a fucking Pay Phone, Massages Her Legs while Sitting on the Sidewalk Singing a Song about fucking Tacos, Fawns Over the Assorted Photos of the Talent Posted in aTheater Window, Interacts with the Public, Almost Gets Sick (Vomit) on Hollywood Boulevard, and Narrowly Avoids being Murdered.


It is What it Is,

 Presented By Les Sober

SAMURI SLASHER or When You Forget To Samurai Slice The Like Button

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring SAMURI SLASHER or WHEN YOU FORGET TO SAMURI SLAISH THE LIKE BUTTON by Content Creator Who goes by jeftric Who Directed, created, starred, edited by jeftric the SAMURI SLASHER. It appears jeftric is switching His Channel’s Content from Mindless Video Game Bullshit to Horror. SAMURI SLASHER is jeftric’s First Official attempt at Horror and for what it is it’s rather entertaining as First Attempt go.

Now What We got a Kick Out of was the Fact that this is an Absurd Comedy Horror. It’s fucking Obvious by the Duel Titles that it isn’t a Horror Movie meant to Scare the Holy fucking shit Out of the Audience. It reminds Us a Great fucking Deal of Tromp Team Releases that Help Independent and Rather Odd Film Makers get Their Films Made. Trim Releases is NOT to be Confused with Tromp Entreatment that Produces Their Own Unique Brand of Gore Drenched Juvenile Humor Fueled Horror Flicks.



Plot Summary:

A Teenager is at Home opting to watch New YouTube Videos instead of attending a Party. A Friend of His calls Him and Insists that He watch the News Immediately. The News Broadcaster is Informing the Public of a Psychotic Serial Killer know as “The Samurai Slasher” who is Running Amok Murdering Anyone who hasn’t Hit the like Button on a Particular Youtuber’s  (coryxkensin) New Video within the Next 24 Hours…….



It is What it Is,

 Presented by Les Sober

MeatCanyon Vs. Nikocado Avocado

Welcome Today’s FYB post Featuring the Well….We’re Not entirely Sure. It isn’t the Typical YouTuber Beef We’re Used to Seeing (In Fact the So-Called Beef is Completely One Sided). So Here is the Tale of the Exchange between MeatCanyon and Nikocado Avocado so Let’s Get Started.


MEATCANYON: MeatCanyon’s real name is Hunter August Hancock better know by His online user name MeatCanyon. Hancock is an American Youtuber, Animator, Voice Actor, Comedian, Writer, and Director who makes Parody Animations of Popular Characters (say Sponge Bob for instance). Some viewers of MeatCanyon’s Animations  have been Described them in just One Single Word “Horrifying”. A common on going gag in Hancock’s video’s is that Something Normal or Mundane gets You Killed or Possible Worse.


NIKOCADO AVACADO: Here is Nikocado Avocado in a Nutshell. In the Beginning He was a Young, Health, Vegan, and Physically Fit Violin Prodigy, but the Youtube Audience was Small to say the least. When Nikocado Avocado discovered He got a Shit Ton more Views, Likes, and Subscribers for His Mukbang Videos. Over the Last Three Plus Years Nikocado Avocado has put out a PROLIFIC amount of Mukbang Content in fact it’s Become a Trade Mark of the Nikocado Avocado Brand. Now Nikocado is a Consummate Showman and the Time, Effort, and Dedication He has put into His YouTube Character’s Persona is Admirable.

With that Said Nikocado Avocado is Above All a MASTER OF MONETIZATION He Knows How to Play it Up for His Audience to get Views/Likes/Subscribers. Nikocado Avocado Utilizes Extremely Over the Top  Theatrics to His Personal Style of Mukbang. Instead of Sitting Silently Staring into the Camera and Eating Obscene Amount of Food Nikocado Openly Addresses the Camera/His Audience, Has on Volatile On Again Off Agin Relationship, Whatever is Going on in His Life Currently, and Complains about Shit or People He doesn’t like. Being a True Showman when Nikocado Avocado has Beef He always Punches Up. That means He doesn’t Argue with Channels Smaller than His only Larger Channels because those Fights Rack Up FAR MORE Views that Way. No one gives a Shit if He is Beefing with a Small Lesser Known Channel, but They Love it when Bigger YouTube Channels Go At it like a Cyber Jerry fucking Springer Show.


First Things First so what the Mukbang is Originated in 2011 in South Korea where Cooking Shows Air more Footage of the host EATING the food than the cooking of it. Mukbang is an Internet Fad that Evolved from the South Korean Cooking shows but with Mukbang  there NO cooking what so fucking ever its ALL about the consumption. This seriously fucking bizarre Fad allows People get Paid for BINGE EATING COPIOUS AMOUNTS OF FOOD so they can BUY MORE food for Future Videos/Livestreams. This insures further Donations from Their Members and Viewing Audience).          

SO WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON? One of Our Favorite Content Creators MeatCanyon did an Animated Parody Video of Fellow YouTuber by the Name of Nikocado Avocado who has made His YouTube Fame doing a Prolific number of Mukbang Videos (It’s for this Reason MeatCanyon Chose the Title of the Parody Video “King of Mukbang” in the First Place). Anyway Nikocado Avocado found out about MeatCanyon’s Parody Animation of Him and in True NiKocado Avocado Fashion threw a Huge Hissy fucking Fit in a True Display of Fake Outrage in a Response Video. In Response to Nikocado Avocado’s Response Video MeatCanyon Released a His Response Video to Nikocado Avocado’s Response Video.


  • MeatCanyon’s “King of Mukbang”
  • Nikocado Avocado’s Response Video
  • MeatCanyon’s Response Video

Nikocado Avacado’s Response to MeatCanyon’s “King Of Mukbang”:

MeatCanyon’s Response To Nikocado Avocado:

Thanks For Watching,

Presented By Les Sober

Extreme Music Monday: S.C.A.T

Welcome to this Monday’s Post Extreme Music Monday featuring the Music of the Band S.K.A.T along with Any and All Information We could Gather on Them. S.C.A.T is a Goregrind Band formed in the Western Part of Russia known as Bryansk in the Summer of 2006. It’s Reported that at First there were some initial Problems with the Band’s Line Up or Moreover the Band Members, but Sadly there is No Elaboration on what the fuck the Alleged Problems were. In 2008 the Band began Actual Active Rehearsals in spite of the Band being Formed 2 whole fucking Years Earlier, and also at this time S.C.A.T began Playing Local Shows in the Summer-Autumn of 2008. S.C.A.T’s first EP “Kill the Swine!” was Recorded and Self Released by S.C.A.T in the Beginning of 2009.

In the Beginning of 2009 the Band’s Original Vocalist Karlos Santana was Replaced by Lead Vocalist FeFe who Added more Sick Ideas to the Music as well as S.C.A.T’s Live Shows. The Band spent most of 2009  Touring Exclusively in Russia and the Ukraine Playing Live Shows and Countless Festivals. In the Summer of 2009 S.C.A.T went to the Studio to Record “Stench of Corpse Anal Tract”, and in the End of 2009 the Recording was Released as a 2-Way Split CD with the Band CHOKED BY OWN VOMIT.

Additional Information and Video’s Below.

Basic Bio:

  • S.C.A.T also Know as Stench Of Corpse Anal Track or SxCxAxTx
  • Musical Style: Goregrind
  • Status: Formed in 2006-Present
  • Country of Origin: Russia, Bryansk


  • FeFe – Vocals (2009-Present)
  • Hort – Guitar (2006-Present)
  • Johny (aka CBT) – Drums (No Date Given – Present)
  • Shu Tter – Bass (2012-Present)

Past Members:

  • Karlos Santana – Vocals (2006-2008)
  • Don Anton – Bass and Backing Vocals (2006-2012)
  • Kanalizator – Drums  (No Date Given)


  • Choked By Own Vomit/Stanch of Corpses Anal Track 2009 (Split)
  • Kill The Swine! 2009 Self Released EP
  • Apopatophobia 2011 Full Length Debut Album
  • 2012 EP
  • The Greatest Shits 2016
  • Ugliness’s Desire To Live Artisically 2019


  • S.C.A.T: Premature Defecation Process (Live in GRINDOVOZ-3)
  • S.C.A.T: Live at OEF (2012)
  • S.C.A.T: Live at PERTROGRIND-9
  • S.C.A.T: Live HQ at Shallow Grave Fest (2020)
  • S.C.A.T: Premature Defecation Process (Location/Year Unknown)
  • S.C.A.T: Live at PETROGRIND 9 [Goregrind 2013]
  • S.C.A.T: OEF 2012 (Part 2 Live)
  • S.C.A.T: Coproterror (Live)
  • S.C.A.T: Live in Cheshirskiy Kot 29 12 2012 (Live)
  • S.C.A.T: Live at DEATH-GRIND-FEST 4
  • The Greatest Shits (Full Album)
  • Choked By Own Vomit/S.C.A.T (SxCxAxTx) Full Album
  • S.C.A.T (SxCxAxTx) Desire of Ugliness to Live Artistically (Full Album)
  • S.C.A.T: Apopatpphobia (Full Album)
  • S.C.A.T (SxCxAxTx) (Full Ep)

Enjoy Motherfuckers.

Thanks For Reading/Listening,

  Presented By Les Sober

Hi I’m Mary Mary Series has Ended

We are Both Excited and Saddened to Announce the Unique and Insanely Intriguing Horror Series called Hi I’m Mary Mary has Finally come to an End. We have Posted to Prior Posts which We STRONGLY Advise You watch First. If You choose Not to This Post will make Little no No Sense to You whatsoever Especially as the Videos are in Chronological Order.

A Extremely Brief ReCap:

    • The Main Character is Named Mary who wakes up trapped in a Copy of Her Parent’s House, and Has No Idea How She got There.
    • There a Total of Four Different Demonic Entities in the House along with Mary. The Fiendish Foursome Torment Mary Relentlessly.
    • Mary has an Ally in The Woman In White who Dwells in The Garden, but Mary is Utterly Unaware of This. To make things worse The Lady In White has been Desperately Trying to Relay Messages and Warnings to Mary, Yet Apparently the Four Foul Entities are Intercepting Her Communications.
    • The Series Bleeds Over into Mary’s Actual Twitter Account and Blog, and each Platform provides Clues and Hints as to What is Going on in the Series.


  • The Video Titled The Last 8 Months was Posted a Year Ago, and then there were No Updates until May 2020.
  • In May Mary started Posting to Her Twitter Account once again and She was Obviously in a Extremely Dark Place. Mary Tweets that the Lights in the House almost Never turn on at Night, Flashlights Die when She needs them the Most, Food and Water Taste Terrible, Her Voice is Hoarse from Screaming, The Door Bell Keeps Ringing, She Can’t See Us Online, The Veiled Lady is a More Aggressive Tormenter than ever, and Everything is Awful.

An Example of a Couple of Mary’s Tweets From May:

“i have to pick a time or i won’t do it. i know myself too well. i am lazy like she says. it’s 8pm right now. So how about that. 8pm one week from this moment. Maybe she’ll finally kill me and put an end to all this. 8pm”

“I am ready to be done with all this. i am going to finally talk to her. i will finally ask her. one week from today i think, some time after the sun sets. one week to give me some time. to be absolutely sure.”

“one last picture of me hiimmarymaryblog.blogspot.com”


  • So from Her Tweets Mary sounds Seriously Suicidal , and is actually Planning to Kill Herself in a Week.
  • Mary Appears to be suggesting She will ask the Veiled Lady to Kill Her thus Ending Her Daily Torment.
  • As Mentioned in the Tweet Above Mary Posted One last Picture of Herself on/to Her Blog with another HIDDEN MESSAGE in the Source Code.
  • The Message is from The Lady In White Who Needs Our Help.The Lady In White at a Certain Poin is going to Break the Wall Between Mary and the Rest of Us. This will allow Mary to See Us online Again, and that a Flood of Notifications Must Happen to Assure She Does.
  • Luckily for Poor Mary This Plan comes to Fruition (in the knick of time) in the Video Titled “anagnorisis which was Posted On May 29, 2020 and Serves as The Catalyst of the Series.
  • Seeing Her Notifications again Proves to Mary The Veiled Lady has been Lying to Her all Along telling Her that No One Cares about Her.
  • An Enraged Mary has the Courage to Confront The Veiled Lady who Runs from Mary when Confronted, and Mary Chases After Her as The Hunter becomes the Hunted.
  • During the Chase Mary ends up in The Garden where She converses with The Darkness, and Relieves all Her Past Torment during which Mary can Her the Lady In White at Last.
  • The Lady In White Comfort and Reassures Mary that “We Have You.”


  • The Lady In White can Aide Mary by Serving as A Guide to Help Mary Escape from Her Tormenters and The House Itself.
  • In The Garden The Lady In White informs Mary that She has The Power to Change this Place, and Enough Power to Free Herself from Being Imprisoned in The House. Mary learns She has this Power (to “Take the darkness and make it your own.”) because She Created this Hellish Alternate Reality.
  • This Leads to a great deal of Self Realization on Mary’s Part who takes The Lady In White’s Guidance, and Turns the Tables on Her Terrifying Tormenters. Mary Armed with the Knowledge that She created these Demonic Creatures so She can Destroy Them As Well does Exactly that.
  • Mary Finds Herself Pitted in a One on One Battle against The Veiled Lady who is Ultimately Vanquished (along with The Darkness) having been Expelled by Mary From The House.
  • When Marry Awakens after the Exhausting Fight and Goes Upstairs She finds the Rock She Brought in from the Garden, but more Importantly the Front Door is Wide Open.


  • The Last Video of the Hi I’m Mary Mary simply Titled Goodbye was Posted on May 30, 2020.
  • We don’t won’t to Give Away Anything about the Final Episode so Here is the Description that Was Posted Along with the Video Itself.

“So I guess this is it, huh? Thank you, everyone. I couldn’t have done this without your help. Now, I’ll keep fighting. And you should too. Please keep fighting.

Out the door I go!

I love you all so, so much. Thank You.




So What was it All About You may be asking Yourself well there Two Schools of Thought when it comes to the Series’s Meaning. In Our Previous Posts We Stated it was a Metaphor for Someone Struggling with Alcohol/Drug Addiction and this is Still True.

The Other School of Thought is some what Similar in that the Series is Symbolic of a Person’s Struggle Fighting, Surviving, Learning to Understand and Overcome Depression (and the Monsters of One’s Own Mind) presented through a Horror Web Series.

Either Way Hi I’m Mary Mary is a One of a Kind Work of Sheer Genious Hands Down. It Truly is a Project to be Proud Of so Thank You Mary for Sharing Your Journey through Hell and Back.


Hope You Enjoyed This Insanely Brilliant Psychological Horror Series as Much as We Did.

Thanks For Reading/Watching,

Presented By    Les Sober & FYB

The Mysterious Phenomenon of Station UVB-76

What the Hell is the Shortwave Radio Station UVB-76 is the Question thats spanned Decades and Still the Answer Alludes Everyone. Over the Years Plenty of People have Investigated the Mysterious UVB-76 Phenomenon, and Here is the Information that has been Collected Pertaining to UVB-76.

UVB-76 was Detected in the 1970’s/ Early 1980’s during America’s Cold War with Soviet Union (Now Russia), and was Originally located in Povarovo near Moscow. It’s current Location is Unverified, but it’s Known Through Radio Observation that at Least Two Transmitter Sites Exist. The First Site sends Radio Relay and Phone Lines Directly from Moscow via St. Petersburg’ Command Center Located on Palace Square. The Other Site’s Location is Allegedly (But Unconfirmed) to be at Naro-Fominsk in the Moscow District. The Moscow District is where the 69th Communication Center is Located, and Serves as the Main Staff Headquarters of the Western Military District in Moscow.

UVB-76 is also Know by its Nickname “The Buzzer”which is used by Radio Stations that Broadcasts in the Frequency 4625 kHZ . UVB-76 has been Broadcasting since at Least 1982 Broadcasting Tones Only Reminiscent of Morse Code. The Tones were Changed in 1992 to One Constant Buzz with Additional Beeps and a Variety of Unidentified Noises that Occurs 20-30 times Per Minute, and Audio Clips of Swan Lake. On January 16, 2003 the Station briefly changed to a Higher Tone for a Longer Duration (approximately 20 Tones Per Minute) and then Reverted back to its Previous Tone Pattern. UVB-76 Broadcasts Non Stop 24 Hours a Day 365 Days a Year with a rough approximation of 25 Tones a Minute


The Truly Strange Part is Sporadically on Rare Occasions the Buzzer Signal is Interrupted by a Voice Transmutation in Russian. The Messages are Predominately Random Names (Representing Characters/Letters of the Alphabet along with Seemingly Random Numbers.

Example: UVB-76 UVB-76 882 NAIMINA 74  14  35  74 93 7  8 8 2 NIKOLAI ANNA IVAN MICHAIL IVAN NIKOLAI 12 49 57…..

What does UVB-76 actually mean, well for Starters UVB-76 is an Incorrect Station Identification (Though the Station was Finally signed the Signifier S28, S28 is Not a Standard Number Station). The name UVB-76 cones from Early Unverified Reports pertaining to the First Voice Message that was Broadcast. A Unknown Male with a Russian Accent came on the Air and Said “Ulyana Vasilij Boris 76” the phrase then Repeated several times, and was initially thought to be the Station’s Call Sign. It was Later Verified using Recordings of the Message that the Unknown Russian Man Actually said UZB-76, and Zinanidia Not Vasilij. The Station which is Still Active in spite of Rumors that it had Shut Down uses Numerous Coded Phrases like the  WellKnown NAIMINA, but the then the  Station started to Use Other Code Words/Phrases such as Mihail, Dimitrj, Zheng, and Boris for Example.


The Purpose of UVB-76 and the Cryptically Coded Messages is still Unclear, and of Course there are Plenty of Theories floating around the Internet. There is a Theory The Dead Hand Nuclear Umbrella which states when the Buzzer goes Completely Silent once and for all it will trigger the Launching of Nuclear Missiles. Unfortunately the Dead Hand Nukes Theory is been Proven to be Incorrect as the Buzzer goes Off Many times a Month due to apparent Technical Difficulties. A much more Viable Theory is that the Buzzer Broadcast by UBV-76 is used for Propagation Measurements and Weather Research, and this Theory had been collaborated by Several Sources from Russian Research Magazines. Unfortunately for those who believe in this Theory No Further Confirmation has Been Found. The More than Likely Theories involve a Top Secret Government Conspiracy or For some Nefarious Military Plot.

HERE IS THE STRANGEST DETAIL OF THEM ALL: From It’s Discovery in the 70’s/Early 80’s the Official Statement from the Russian Government was and still is that Station UBV-76 Simply DOES NOT EXIST.

I included a Small Sampling of REAL UBV-76 Recordings Below. Enjoy.

Thanks for Reading/Listening,

  Presented By Les Sober

FYB’S Friday Diner and a Movie: Double Helping of Creepy Pasta with The Russian Sleep Experiment 1 & 2

The Russian Sleep Experiment was Allegedly Uncovered by a Anonymous User who was Surfing the Deep Web which is NOT to be confused with the Dark Web mind You.

This Unknown Person supposedly Stumbled Across Historical Russian Military Documents detailing the MOST HORRIFIC EXPERIMENT CONDUCTED ON HUMAN BEINGS.

It’s a Tale of Illegal Human Experimentation that Ended in a Chaos Consisting of SELF CANNIBALISM, MUTILATION, ILLEGAL HUMAN EXPERIMENTATION, INSANITY, MURDER, AND DEATH.


While The Russian Sleep Experiment Tale had been around for several Years while assembling material for this Post FYB became aware that there is in fact a Russian Sleep Experiment 2.

We checked out this alleged Russian Sleep Experiment 2, and while The Original Russian Sleep Experiment in Our option is not out of the Realm of Possibility when Your talking about Cold War Russian Military and Illegal Human Experimentation. Does that mean We believe it?!

NO. It Doesn’t Seem Plausible, but Stranger Shit has Happened.


As for The Russian Sleep Experiment 2 We are calling 100% unequivocal BULLSHIT! Why?! Well the reason We are calling BULLSHIT is the Story Line for the Russian Sleep Experiment is a BLATANT RIP OFF of the Tod Six’s Movie Human Centipede 2.

It’s the regurgitation of Six’s Human Centipede 2 Storyline which is a simple Psycho See, Psycho Do. Thats to say it’s about a “Real Person” in the “Real World” Who is a Fan of Human Centipede: First Sequence Decides to Slide Deep into Insanity, and Recreate The Exact Experiment Depicted in the  Fictional Movie.


Well That’s OUR Opinion on the Subject so Sit Back, Kick Up Your Feet, Crack a Beer, Spark a Joint, Watch, Contemplate, and Decide For Yourself.

And As Always We Must Cover All Bases ………



SO Without Further Ado Ladies and Gentlemen FYB Presents

The Russian Sleep Experiment followed by The Russian Sleep Experiment 2!

Brought to You By CreepsMcPasta (Find Him/Her @ Youtube.com)



That’s It Hope You Enjoyed and Hope it made You Think.

 Presented By Les Sober

My Inner Child Might Be A Sociopath (Cartoons That Aren’t For Kids Debut)

I was contemplating the Psychological Concept of an Inner Child Today sitting on My front Porch.  The Concept that there lies in All of Us a Part of Our Being that like Peter Pan never Grows Old. This Inner Child is the Part of Us all that Lingers in Eternal Arrested Development regardless of the Physical Aging of Ones Body and Mind.

If I do in Fact have an Inner Child lurking around inside Me somewhere I bet He’s an Odd Little Fellow. I image He’d be rather Introverted and Secretive. Quietly Creating His own Personal form of Chaos.


So if My Inner Child exists and is Paying Attention this Post is for You Little Buddy. Enjoy it and Never Change.

(THIS IS A WARNING & REMINDER TO OUR READERS: NOTHING POSTED ON FYB IS MENT OR INTENDED TO BE VIEWED BY CHILDREN. If You Let Your Child/Children (or Anyones Child/Children for that matter) have Access to FYB You’d be considered a Pretty Shitty Parent by Everyone else I Assure You.)

The First CARTOON is called THE SAD MAN by Jake Lava.

Be Careful What You Wish For………

The Second CARTOON is called WHOSE HUNGRY? By David Ochs.

A Dose Of Revenge Infused Poetic Justice………

Thanks for Reading/Watching,

Presented By,

  Les Sober  

GG Allin: The Profile of a Rock’N Roll Terorist

As Most of Our Readers are aware I am a HUGE GG Allin Fan I mean FYB has done 3 Pictorial Posts (with a 4th in The Works) dedicated to GG Allin and His Musical Career of Infamy.

In Addition to the Pictorials FYB also posted a Copy of GG Allin’s Legendary Song “Bit It You Scum”. I did that because No matter if I’m having one of the Greatest Days in My Life OR One of the Absolutely Shittiest Days of My Life either way if I put on GG’s “Bite It You Scum” it always makes Me Smile.

NOW Do Not get Me wrong I am NOT DEVIATING from My original Statement on the subject of GG Allin. I said I WILL NOT write a Typical or Traditional Bio Post because there’s No Point it’d just be an Exercise in Futility. What I mean to say is simply there isn’t ANYTHING I could write a Biographical Post about GG that isn’t just like all the Other Posts/Articles Out there on Google. Its all been said before so to say it now is just Regurgitating the Same Shit over, and over again.

So to Honor GG Allin and His Music just as FYB as recently done with Shitfucker and Silencer I devised the following Three (3) Video Tribute.

The FIRST video is the 1993 Cult Documentary  by then Film Student Todd Phillips (who later went on to make: Old School, Road Trip, The Hangover Trilogy, War Dogs, Borat, and More) called “Hated GG Allin and The Murder Junkies” NOT Hated in the Nation which was the GG Allin Album.


This Documentary follows the Life and Times of GG Allin featuring Concert Footage as well as Interviews with Family Members, Friends, Fanatical Fans, and Fellow Band Mates.

The Second Video is the 2008 Short Film Documentary by Jay McBeth called “Live Fast, Die” which is Quite Different than “Hated”. This Story is the Story of so many GG Fans because like Jay and countless others I discovered GG by complete coincidence. I was at an Indue Record Store poking around the Bins, and I stumbled across a bunch of GG Allin CDs.


This Documentary with a running Time of just 28 minutes and change I believe is the Better of the Two Films. “Live Fast, Die” takes a different approached to the subject of GG in it follows the Curiosity of What made GG Tick or What Made GG Allin who He Was. It’s more about the Man than His outrageous and often Illegal Live Shows or Personal Life like “Hated”.

The Third Video is one of Several Video Versions of GG Allin’s “Bite It you Scum” played Live in Concert since We already Posted the Lyrics w/ Pics.



ALRIGHT WELL FUCK TODD PHILLIPS. Todd had “Hated GG Allin and The Murder Junkies” posted on Youtube FOR FREE. I know because I watched it like 400 fucking times. ANYWAY Todd apparently now wants $1.99 for the pleasure of Watching His Film that was previously FREE.  GRANTED $2 is nothing really, BUT I WILL NOT PAY ON PRINCIPLE.

The Film was Free until Fans started making it More Popular to those outside of the GG Allin Universe, and since Todd has also had time to make Big fucking Hollywood Comedies He now seems to feel He can and will Charge $2. Again for a Film NO ONE FUCKING KNEW OF ACCEPT DIE HARD GG FANS WHO THEN MADE IT MORE POPULAR AND ARE NOW GETTING NICKLE AND DIMED OVER IT.


Fuck Todd Phillips personally in light of this I will say “Hated” is the only decent Film Todd Phillips had made the rest is Over Rated Recycled Hollywood Big Budget Bullshit so Fuck Him.


SO I WILL NOW POST A TRAILER FOR ‘Hated GG Allin and The Murder Junkies” Below instead of the Film since it is No Longer Free.

NOTE: Also I will be Posting an Entire Concert by GG Allin and The Murder Junkies to make up for Todd Phillips being a Greedy Hollywood Cocksucker.

SORRY for the Interruption, We now return You to The Regularly Scheduled Post Currently in Progress Please Enjoy.

OK SEE WHAT I SAID! Todd is REALLY milking this Film for all its fucking Worth. I have NEVER seen this Trailer Before, and The Cover of the Film has been changed from the ORIGINAL cover. All this bullshit because Todd got Hollywood a Hard On, and now with the Anniversary the Greedy Twat is Now Charging $2 to view his Film that agin was PERVIOUSLY POSTED FOR FREE.

And Now Ladies and Genitals Welcome to the Stage The One, The Only, The Rock’n Roll Terrorist GG ALLIN & THE MURDER JUNKIES! Enjoy.

Well I’m still Pissed Off About Toddy Phillips’s Greedy Money Grubbing Student fucking Film. SO I’M Adding a BONUS VIDEO.

The Following Video is a Interview with GG Allin FROM PRISON. Enjoy Kids.

Thanks for Reading & Watching,

  Brought to You By Les Sober.