Welcome to another madness inducing Monday post here at FYB featuring the Stop Animation video game parody  Claycat’s DOOM ETERNAL by Lee Hardcastle. DOOM ETERNAL (2020)  is a fucking BLOOD SOAKED GOREFEST first person shooter video game, and the 5th main game in the DOOM series and the Sequel to 2016’s DOOM.  Set some time after the events of DOOM, the story follows Doomguy once again, on a mission to END HELL’S CONSUMPTION OF THE EARTH, and foil the alien Maykr’s plans to EXTERMINATE HUMANITY!


If you don’t know Lee Hardcastle he is an insanely fucking prolific British Animator/Film Maker who specializes in all types of stop-motion techniques, and has VOWED NEVER TO INSULT HIS AUDIENCE with shitty film Making.

Lee Hardcastle in His Own Words:

“My name’s Lee Hardcastle, a claymation degenerate from the UK who started a YouTube channel after graduating Film School. I make claymations that are not for children’s eyes, I specialize in claymation for mature audiences. If you’re under 18, you should leave.”  -Lee Hardcastle-

See you when I see you,

   Justin Sane   


Welcome to this Wednesday’s Post featuring the Official Music Video by Lee Hardcastle for the Song “NIGHTMARE” by the Band Love Automatic.

Lee Hardcastle is a British Animator Who Specializes in Stop-Motion Techniques. He is Famous for His Handmade Independent Animations. His Work includes Original Remakes of Emblematic 1980’s Action and Horror Movies, as well as Parodies of Animated Series and Video Clips. His Work is Known for its Violent and Gory Content. He has worked with Many Companies including Momentum Pictures, 20th Century Fox, and Adult Swim, and has Also Worked with Notable Artists such as Sufjan Stevens. Besides Being a Kick Ass Animator Lee Hardcastle was a Member of the Band Shit The Bed. Hardcastle once explained His Work as “I make Claymation that is Not for Children.”


All the Information I was able to Wrangle about the Band Love Automatic is the Following. Love Automatic is a New York band made up of ex-members from Senses Fail & Armor for Sleep. Their EP debut ‘Organ Donor’ is now available for download from major retailers.

PLOT: A Paranormal Research Team conducts a Seance (A Meeting where People Attempt to make Contact with the Dead) when Things Go Horribly Wrong the Team Ends Up Meeting Their DOOM!

Thanks For Reading/Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober  

An FYB Monday Movie: MANIC

Welcome to Another Monday Post Here at FYB featuring the 2001 Movie MANIC  Directed by Jordan Melamed which was Written By Micheal BaCall and Blayne Weaver and Stars Joseph Gordon- Levitt.  I thought this would be an Excellent Monday Post since Mondays are the Most Dreaded Day of the Week, and has the Infamous Reputation for being The Shittiest Day of the Entire Week.

Storyline: The Movie Follows the Fate of Lyle Johnson (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) a Troubled Teen who is Prone to Sudden and Violent Outbursts. After Brutally Beating a Fellow Teen with a Baseball Bat at a Game Lyle in Lieu of Prison, is Committed to the Juvenile Ward of a Mental Hospital. In the Mental Institution Lyle  encounters a Motley Crue of Equally Lost and Troubled Teens just Trying to get by in Life by the Skin of Their Teeth. The Group of His Fellow Wayward Teens becomes Lyle’s Last Life Line as He Struggles to find Meaning in a World that Seems to Defy Understanding.

From The Critics:

“Powerful film packed with profanity and brutality.”

-Nell Minow (Common Sense Media)-

“Shows more hopelessness than optimism but it never less than honest.”

-Micheal O’Sullivan (Washington Post)-

“It’s an undemonstrative, vividly authentic film.”

-Derek Adams (Empire Magazine)-

Thanks For Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober  


Welcome to Thursday’s Post here at FYB Showcasing the Claymation Short PUSSYCAT by Takena Nagao. The thing I really got a Kick Out of was the Ending which is Immediately reminded Me of the Ending of the Movie DEATH PROOF by Quinten Tarantino (which is One of My All Time Favorite Movies).

Plot Summery.

If You took the Fairytales The Three Little Pigs and Combined it with Little Red Riding Hood and gave it an Old School Brothers Grimm make over. PUSSYCAT comes complete with Booze, Sex, Drugs, Lust, Hostage Taking, Violence, Liberation, Revenge, Greed, Desire, Conflict, and Blood Splattered Gore.


Thanks For Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober  

Weird Shit Wednesday With Otto: CHANNEL X CARTOON SHOW

Welcome to weird shit Wednesday featuring CHANNEL X CARTOON SHOW by Robert Morgan. Robert Morgan has spent the last two decades creating a body of work characterized by nightmarish stop motion, and described as a disorienting trip into the subconscious. Morgan has sited Francis Bacon, Edgar Allen Poe, and The Brothers Quay as some of his biggest influences.


CHANNEL X CARTOON SHOW is a David Lynch-esque trip down a schizophrenic rabbit hole of  unholy hallucinations, dire feelings of dread, sheer psychotic terror, and suicidal insanity.

Until We Meet Again,

  Presented By  Otto Rageous   

The Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared Pilot

Hello to All of You Out There I hope You are Safe and Sane as the The Current State of Affairs Spirals Chaotically and Virtually Out of Control. In these Dire Days People need a Source of Escapism More than Ever to help (if Only Temporarily) to Retreat from the Woes of the World. We sincerely Hope We can Provide such Escapism for Our Reader, Fans, and Supporters. We all must Remember It Always is Darkest Before The Light.

As for Saturday Slasher Cinema We are Postponing SSC for the Time Being.  We will Resume SSC in Due Time, and We Thank You for Your Patience.

   Now Let’s Make Our Escape……

Awhile Back We had a Short Horror Film Friday that featured a Six Episode Horror Series called Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared. It was brought to Our attention recently that Someone had Located the Pilot Episode of DHMIS, and We were a little more than Psyched to Learn of This Development.

Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared is a Surreal British Cult Comedy Horror Web Series. The Web Series was Created by British Filmmakers, Graphic Designers, Artists, and Animators Becky Sloan and Joseph Pelling. DHMIS Consists of 6 Episodes, Released from July 29, 2011 to June 19, 2016 through The Artists’ Website, YouTube, and Vimo. Every Episode of DHMIS Utilizes Live Actors in Costume, Anthropomorphic Puppets, Traditional Animation, Stop Motion, and Computer Animation to Tell Each Story in the Series.

Each Episode Revolves around Yellow Guy (and His Father Roy Gibbleston), Red Guy and Duck Guy meeting One or Several Anthropomorphic Characters, Who begin a Musical Number related to a Basic Concept of Day-To-Day Life complete with an Upbeat Melody similar to that of a Nursery Rhyme. As Each Song progresses, it becomes Apparent that its Moral/Message is Nonsensical or Self-Contradicting, and that the “Teacher” Character has an Sinister Ulterior Motives. The Climax of each Episode Typically Involves GRAPHIC VIOLENCE, BLOOD SHED, GORE, OR PSYCHOLOGICAL HORROR!!! Later int he Series, the CHaracters begin to Questioning the NAture of Their Reality and the Bizarre Messages of the Teachers.


Thanks for Watching,

Presented By Les Sober  

Saturday Slasher Cinema: THE DRILLER KILLER

Welcome to this Week’s Installment of Saturday Slasher Cinema featuring the 1979 Black Comedy Slasher Film Directed by Abel Ferrara and Starring Ferrara credited as Jimmy Laine. Ferrara  is an American Filmmaker , known for the PROVOCATIVE and often CONTROVERSIAL Content in His Movies, His use of Neo-Noir Imagery and Gritty Urban Settings.


The Plot concerns Reno Miller, a Struggling Artist in New York City, being Driven Insane from Stress and Killing Derelicts with a Power Drill. When the Movie was Released on Video Cassette in 1982, its Graphic Packaging drew Complaints which landed the Release on a List of “Video Nasties” that were BANNED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM under the Video Recording Act.

Video Nasty is a Colloquial Term in the United Kingdom to Refer to a Number of Movies, Typically Low Budget Horror and Exploitation Films, distributed on Video Cassette that were Criticized for Their Violent Content by the Press/Media, Social Commentators, and Various Religious Organizations.


Synopsis: Starving New York Artist Reno Miller is  Struggling to Pay His Bills, while Obsessed with Painting His Masterpiece (which He hopes to Sell to Art Dealer and Gallery Owner Dalton for Rent Money), and Caring for His two Roommates Carol the Divorced BiSexual and Her Drug Addicted Girlfriend Pamela. When the New Wave Punk Band Tony Coca-Cola and The Roosters move into Reno’s Building Playing Music Nonstop Day and Night, Reno can’t Sleep and is Slowly Driven Insane. As Reno Descends into Madness He takes to Stalking  the Streets of the City after Dark, and Gruesomely Killing Homeless Derelicts with a Power Drill.


We Hope You enjoyed this Tale of Insanity and Homicidal Tendencies  as Much as We Did.

Thanks For Watching,

Presented By Les Sober  

Twitter: #SocialMediaHypocrites

Let Me start off by Saying it absolutely NO SECRET I Hate, Loath, and Despise Facebook and All it Stands For. Fuckerberg swore He was keeping His users Personal Information Safe, BUT it turned out HE was selling User’s Personal Data to 188 Different fucking Companies. There also the Fact FB is the Number One Social Media Platform for Racist/Hate Groups because FB doesn’t do Dick about Stopping Them. FB also let us Not Forget was also involved with the Rigging of the 2016 Election.

Can You Say Cambridge Analytica?!! CA was a former British Political Consulting Firm that Fuckerberg also Sold User’s Personal Info Too. Cambridge took the User’s Personal Data to Exploit for Political (Republican) Propaganda Purposes such a  Misdirection, Misinformation, and it was designed to Specifically Target Voters. That combined with the Fact FB said it will NOT limit or Stop the Spread of Lies, Insult, Fake News, Misinformation, Bullying, Racism, Homophobia, Anti-Semitism, and Threat of Violence (or Infighting Violence). FB does have ONE thing going for it which is it Doesn’t try and Hide its Fucked Up Agenda Anymore They put it Right Out in Front.


Twitter on the Other Hand is Steeped Neck Deep in Utter and Total fucking Hypocrisy. They claim They want a “Safe Environment for its Users” meanwhile They Let Racist Tweet like there’s No Tomorrow and just Pretend They Don’t. Twitter has also Enabled a Certain Orange Asshole to straight out Lie/Insult/Bully on Their Platform with NO CONSEQUENCES.

Oh I’m sorry after almost 4 fucking Years Twitter managed to summon up the Testicular Fortitude to Tag just 2 (out of Hundreds if Not Thousands of Tweets) with Fact Checking Tags. The Obese Orange Bastard had a fucking Tween Level Temper Tantrum and THREATENED TO TAKE TWITTER DOWN WHILE USING TWITTER TO DO IT. How much of a Gutless Punkass Bitch do You have to be to Let a User Shit Talk and Threaten Your Platform on Your Platform, and DO NOTHING about it. Talk about being a fucking Door Mat.


Now The Reason for this Post is Quite Simple for the Umpteenth Time I have been a 7 Day Twitter Induced Suspension. I have mentioned in a Previous Post about Being Suspended Multiple Times, and even went as Far as to Talk Mad Shit about How Twitter Suspensions were a fucking Joke. Well all that Trash Talking circled around and bit Me Squarely on the Ass. Twitter apparently became aware Their “Punishments” for Violation of Their Terms of Service was Feeble at Best. Twitter has recently become MUCH more Strict about Handling Alleged Violations by its Users. Now You can’t Tweet, Retweet, Like, or Respond to a Tweet like You could before during its Lame Suspensions. Twitter has Also increased Their Suspension Time Frame from 24/48/72 Hour Suspensions to an Entire fucking Week.

I’m not going to Bullshit and Say I haven’t pushed the Envelope when it comes to Twitter’s Terms of Service over the Years. I also have been Suspended as I mentioned, BUT I have to admit at Least then I understand Why I was Suspended. An Example I Responded to a Tweet of a Well Known Asshole (You See I don’t engage with Regular People, I’m not a Dickless Basement Dwelling Troll. I have gone after Public Figures like Politicians, Musicians, Actors, essentially Famous People who live in the Eye of the Public) that They could Save the Planet by Killing Themselves. I also told a certain Washed Up Hollyweird Actor and wannabe Political Commentator that if He was so Unhappy about Things He could do US all a Favor and Kill Himself as well. OBVIOUSLY these Tweets were in DIRECT and FLAGRANT Violation of Twitter’s Terms of Service. I know that Now AND I damn well knew it when I Tweeted them.


I have always been Intensely Critical of America’s Police Force and Still think Their Fascist Scumfucks Who Use and Abuse Their Power any and Every Chance the Motherfuckers get. So with all of the Protests against The History of Systemic Racism of the Police, but Police Brutality as Well I have been more than Vocal on the Issue. When I was informed of My Newly Acquired Suspension I Honestly thought it was Due to the Anti-Police Hashtags I have been Using over the Last Few Weeks. The Hashtags are as Follows: #BlueLivesAreBullshit, #BlueLivesMyAss, #BlueLivesMean Nothing, #OnlyGoodCopIsADeadOne, and the Classic #FuckThePolice. To My Total Surprise that WAS NOT the Reason I got a 7 Days Bullshit Twitter Suspension.

For those Who May Not Know or Those Who need a Quick Refreshing on Twitter’s Terms of Use pertaining to “Hateful Content” is and I Quote:

“Violating Our Rules Against Hateful Conduct. You may not promote violence against, Threaten, or Harass other People on the basis of Race, Ethnicity, National Origin, Sexual Orientation, Gender, Gender Identity, Religious Affiliation, Age, Disability, or Serious Disease.”

Here is the Tweet I got Suspended for VERBATIM:

@anananavarro Funny thing is at the First Sign of Trouble this Hillbilly and His Red Neck Friends would Run like Scared Rabbits.

This was a Reply to a Retweet by Anana Navarro who Retweeted a Video of some MAGA Asshole Who referred to Himself as a “Hillbilly” and His Friends as “Rednecks”. This Scumbag was THREATENING to have His Friends and Himself ARM THEMSELVES WITH GUNS and take to the Streets to Administer VIGILANTE JUSTICE if Their Cocksucking Police Deparment ended up being Defunded. The Asshole Actually then said “Me and My Friends Won’t Be Using Rubber Bullets that’s for Sure.”

SO To Recap a Hateful Fucktard angry over the Defunding of Police Issue THREATENING to walk the Streets ARMED, and THREATENS TO KILL PEOPLE (“…Won’t be using Rubber Bullets”. Twitter did NOTHING about the Video that wasn’t just Tweeted it as being countlessly Retweeted, and as Far as I am Aware it is STILL UP ON TWITTER TO THIS VERY DAY.


Thus I got suspended for insinuating that Racist are in fact Cowards who tote Guns and Talk Shit, BUT in reality They are completely Spineless Cowards who’d Run from Trouble (Not Confront it as They would have You believe). All I can figure is Twitter itself didn’t Flag Me the Algorithm/Bots didn’t Report Me. I think its safe to Assume a Fellow Racist who Supports Dumbfucks who Threaten Armed Violence in Response to Something They Don’t Like Reported Me. I think this Proves Racists are Punk Ass Cowards. Again They Talk Mad Shit, Yet No One “Came to get Me” or Contacted Me at All for That Matter. Instead Some Racist Bitchass Hid Behind Twitter and Reported Me like a the Fucking Cowardly Cunt They Truly are.

Thanks For Reading,

  By Les Sober

The Amazing Adventures of Dr Lisa Lithium Part 1

In a place not far from where you may live a little girl was born many eons ago. The year 1950. Her place of birth though remains a mystery. She was found in a public restroom outside of an unknown Washington Township. All that was found with her was a piece of paper which read, “This is Lilith. We do not want her. In the toilets she shall remain, the sewage that she is.”

She was found by a family named Smith and a family named Jones, though these were not the names the families had come to America bearing. They were the 1950s version of a gay couple; two gay men and two lesbians who after one drunken evening found each other’s truths and married.

The families decided to rename her Lisa Smith. Lilith was not a name they wanted to keep attached to her, with or without the harrowing note. She was named after a longtime friend who knew their truths but had passed away in a horrific boating accident.

Dead Lisa was a bubbly, warm soul who always gave 110% of everything. If you needed a lift she was there. A shoulder to cry on. A hug. A handjob. Anal. Dead Lisa was a bit too ahead of her time and this is ultimately what lead to her untimely demise.

It was so told that while vacationing in the bayous of Mississippi, Lisa and two friends had the unfortunate experience of a foundering motorboat. On top of this, the propeller had completely stopped working. One friend wished that someone could swim and push the boat towards safety. Lisa heard the call and into the water she went.

She was only in the water for about a minute when she emitted a scream. A gator was attacking her. It took a healthy bite out of her shin, not quite taking everything below that but leaving her dangling like a rogue piece of spaghetti not wanting to play with the other spaghettis on the fork.

Amid her agony suddenly the propeller reactivated. Usually this would be a good thing but she had won the Powerball of bad luck. The gator had dragged her directly to it. This was the actual cause of her death, not the gator, but her being motorboated by a motorboat. Just to top things off as she went under it took off all the recognizable features of her face. Her soft lips. Shredded. Her fat pointy little nost. Her green eyes sunken deeper into her skull. Her forehead shredded to the bone.

But enough of Dead Lisa. This is the tale of the living one. She will not be denied.

(Stay tuned for more….)

By SpaceDog

GG Allin: The Profile of a Rock’N Roll Terorist

As Most of Our Readers are aware I am a HUGE GG Allin Fan I mean FYB has done 3 Pictorial Posts (with a 4th in The Works) dedicated to GG Allin and His Musical Career of Infamy.

In Addition to the Pictorials FYB also posted a Copy of GG Allin’s Legendary Song “Bit It You Scum”. I did that because No matter if I’m having one of the Greatest Days in My Life OR One of the Absolutely Shittiest Days of My Life either way if I put on GG’s “Bite It You Scum” it always makes Me Smile.

NOW Do Not get Me wrong I am NOT DEVIATING from My original Statement on the subject of GG Allin. I said I WILL NOT write a Typical or Traditional Bio Post because there’s No Point it’d just be an Exercise in Futility. What I mean to say is simply there isn’t ANYTHING I could write a Biographical Post about GG that isn’t just like all the Other Posts/Articles Out there on Google. Its all been said before so to say it now is just Regurgitating the Same Shit over, and over again.

So to Honor GG Allin and His Music just as FYB as recently done with Shitfucker and Silencer I devised the following Three (3) Video Tribute.

The FIRST video is the 1993 Cult Documentary  by then Film Student Todd Phillips (who later went on to make: Old School, Road Trip, The Hangover Trilogy, War Dogs, Borat, and More) called “Hated GG Allin and The Murder Junkies” NOT Hated in the Nation which was the GG Allin Album.


This Documentary follows the Life and Times of GG Allin featuring Concert Footage as well as Interviews with Family Members, Friends, Fanatical Fans, and Fellow Band Mates.

The Second Video is the 2008 Short Film Documentary by Jay McBeth called “Live Fast, Die” which is Quite Different than “Hated”. This Story is the Story of so many GG Fans because like Jay and countless others I discovered GG by complete coincidence. I was at an Indue Record Store poking around the Bins, and I stumbled across a bunch of GG Allin CDs.


This Documentary with a running Time of just 28 minutes and change I believe is the Better of the Two Films. “Live Fast, Die” takes a different approached to the subject of GG in it follows the Curiosity of What made GG Tick or What Made GG Allin who He Was. It’s more about the Man than His outrageous and often Illegal Live Shows or Personal Life like “Hated”.

The Third Video is one of Several Video Versions of GG Allin’s “Bite It you Scum” played Live in Concert since We already Posted the Lyrics w/ Pics.



ALRIGHT WELL FUCK TODD PHILLIPS. Todd had “Hated GG Allin and The Murder Junkies” posted on Youtube FOR FREE. I know because I watched it like 400 fucking times. ANYWAY Todd apparently now wants $1.99 for the pleasure of Watching His Film that was previously FREE.  GRANTED $2 is nothing really, BUT I WILL NOT PAY ON PRINCIPLE.

The Film was Free until Fans started making it More Popular to those outside of the GG Allin Universe, and since Todd has also had time to make Big fucking Hollywood Comedies He now seems to feel He can and will Charge $2. Again for a Film NO ONE FUCKING KNEW OF ACCEPT DIE HARD GG FANS WHO THEN MADE IT MORE POPULAR AND ARE NOW GETTING NICKLE AND DIMED OVER IT.


Fuck Todd Phillips personally in light of this I will say “Hated” is the only decent Film Todd Phillips had made the rest is Over Rated Recycled Hollywood Big Budget Bullshit so Fuck Him.


SO I WILL NOW POST A TRAILER FOR ‘Hated GG Allin and The Murder Junkies” Below instead of the Film since it is No Longer Free.

NOTE: Also I will be Posting an Entire Concert by GG Allin and The Murder Junkies to make up for Todd Phillips being a Greedy Hollywood Cocksucker.

SORRY for the Interruption, We now return You to The Regularly Scheduled Post Currently in Progress Please Enjoy.

OK SEE WHAT I SAID! Todd is REALLY milking this Film for all its fucking Worth. I have NEVER seen this Trailer Before, and The Cover of the Film has been changed from the ORIGINAL cover. All this bullshit because Todd got Hollywood a Hard On, and now with the Anniversary the Greedy Twat is Now Charging $2 to view his Film that agin was PERVIOUSLY POSTED FOR FREE.

And Now Ladies and Genitals Welcome to the Stage The One, The Only, The Rock’n Roll Terrorist GG ALLIN & THE MURDER JUNKIES! Enjoy.

Well I’m still Pissed Off About Toddy Phillips’s Greedy Money Grubbing Student fucking Film. SO I’M Adding a BONUS VIDEO.

The Following Video is a Interview with GG Allin FROM PRISON. Enjoy Kids.

Thanks for Reading & Watching,

  Brought to You By Les Sober.