Tidbits For Shits And Giggles: Think About This

We all Know Mondays fucking are Known for Sucking because well They Do. Mondays can be one of two things the first is They can be so goddamn Mind Numbingly Mundane, a Soul Sucking Grind if You Will, that You feel like You’ll be fucking Brain Dead by the End of the Day. The Second Thing that Mondays are Notorious for is being is Manic. You Run Around like a Lunatic at a Maddening Pace that never seems fucking fast enough to the Point of Physical Exhaustion, But there still Doesn’t Seem to Be Enough Hours in the Day to Actually Accomplish Anything. Either way it’s Nothing Anyone wants to have to Deal with First Thing After Enjoying Their Weekend that’s for Sure.

So Today being a Monday We thought it be Proper to Post this Little Slice of Insanity Think About This which is a Fictional Work Safety Video from ERI Safety Videos. The Video has a Very 1980’s Aesthetic and Warns Employees of the Consequences of Violating Work Place Safety Rules and Regulations.

If Nothing Else Think About This is as Nausea Inducing as it is Absurdly Hilarious thats for Sure. The 5 Minute 40 Second Video is a Gory Parade of Gruesome Injuries and Grotesque Bodily Mutilations with Little to No Context. As the Video Plays the Pitchy Warble of the Singer of the Accompanying Song Rambles on about How Important it is to Do Your Job Correctly Each and Every Time.

Think About This has the Feel of a Slasher Movie Boiled Down to it Key Components without a Specific Killer with all Types of Bloody Accidents and Deaths. For Example A Man HAs His Fingers Severed by an Industrial MAchine’s Gears, A Person’s Skull is Impaled with a Wrench, and a Man is Brutally Electrocuted and Much More!


From Now On When Your at Work be Sure to Remember Think About This’s Motto:

“You were Alive this Morning, Lets Stay that Way”


Thanks For Watching,

Presented By Les Sober     (Pt1200am)