Monday Terror

So it’s fucking MONDAY again! Monday the day we have to end our 48 hours of freedom and return to the grind of daily fucking life. Worse we have to fucking get through 5 fucking days of WORK, BILLS, AND BULLSHIT just to get another fucking pathetic 48 hours to ourselves. That’s why everyone on the fucking planet hates the hell out of Mondays! Mondays represent the beginning of another cycle of suck that reminds us of all the shit in our lives that sucks ass.

Les didn’t have a plan for todays post so I decided to step in since this Monday was an EXCEPTIONALLY SHITTY one. In a tribute to all fucking things Monday I selected the following post for today. It’s fucking loud, abrasive, in your fucking face, absurd as fuck, insanity inducing borderline sensory overload so like I said it’s just like fucking Mondays.

See you whenever I see you,

  Justin Sane  

Monday With Umami The Artist (This Post Is NOT About Food)

Once again we are the start of a new work week which means returning to work which is a laborious chore, but fear not for I Otto Control am here to rub some salt in the wound. It has been said countless times that the beginning of the work week is truly dreaded and that reputation is more than warranted as we are all aware. The drudgery drenched in misery aspect to Mondays that we all are well aware of as we sell our time, and more over our lives to a job that is nothing more than final fucking slavery. Allow me to put it simply: of all the species on the entire planet Humans are the only one who have to pay to live here.


Let that sink in for a second as it might be a moment before one can get their mind around it. The unacknowledged aspect to the loathsome Monday equation is that much like full moons have a noticeably advert affect on people’s behavior/mentality. That’s to say when people are angry, annoyed, stressed, or depressed they have the tendency to take out their aggression on those around them. Mondays a mired maze of negativity a veritable breeding ground for both malice and mourning.

So in a salute to the anguished insanity of Monday’s post features a video by ARTIST AND CREATOR UMAMI. Umami (aka Justin Tomchukis a Canadian artist and content creator who makes surrealist animated videos. Now this is where it gets a bit precarious as for all intents and purposes do not know the title of the video as I can not read any Asian languages. Aside from the title translation situation this little taste of gothic horror reminds me of something a serial killer would have playing on a projector utilizing a bare wall as a screen.


WARNING:This video contains fast flashing images, and It may cause discomfort and trigger seizures for people with Epilepsy. I am well aware the video itself warns of this, but Les wanted me to add it just to insure we did our dual diligence.

See you on the other side…

  Presented by Otto Control

For Shits And Giggles: WORLD RECORD

So here we are another monstrous motherfucking Monday come to crush our wills to live as our jobs steal our lives away from us minute by fucking minute. It’s such bullshit that the fucking work week is 5 days long, YET the fucking weekend is on 2 I mean I suck at math DOESN’T ADD UP! So after a 48 hours off the clock you have just enough time to actual relax then Monday comes around again, and we thrown head first back into the fucking rat race toiling away slaves to the grind. You spend all goddamn day trying to just get through the misery of Monday the bullshit bosses, crappy clients, ridiculous demands, shit pay, and cantankerous co-workers. You desperately try not to stare at the clock on the wall, but inevitably you end up clock watching as every single fucking minute on Monday’s feels like nothing less than fucking eternity! SO THEN kick back, crack a beer, spark up a joint, and let us here at FYB help you decompress.

This Monday’s post features the stop motion 5 second horror short WORLD RECORD by Lee Hardcastle. Hardcastle is an insanely prolific British Animator/Film Maker who specializes in Stop-Motion Techniques. Lee Hardcastle describing his work in his own words: “I Make Claymations that are Not for Children’s Eyes.”, and has vowed to never insult his audience with Shitty Film Making.

Synopsis: Just because you win a prestigious award isn’t always a good thing!

See you around,

   Justin Sane