Welcome to This Wednesday’s Post featuring the Disturbing Claymation Music Video “BLVCK MVGIC” by Artist Kill The Noise (Real Name Jacob Stanzak) Who is an American DJ and Record Producer from Rochester, New York.

The Official Video for Kill The Noises’s Song”BLVCK MVGIC” was Created by None Other than Animator and FYB Favorite Lee Hardcastle. Lee Hardcastle is an Insanely Prolific British Animator/Film Maker  Who Specializes in Stop-Motion Techniques. Lee Hardcastle in His Own Words: “I Make Claymations that are Not for Children’s Eyes.”, and has Vowed to Never Insult His Auidence with Shitty Film Making.


Hardcastle is Famous for His Handmade Independent Animations. His Work includes Original Remakes of Emblematic 1980’s Action and Horror Movies, as well as Parodies of Animated Series and Video Clips. His Work is Known for its Violent and Gory Content. He has worked with Many Companies including Momentum Pictures, 20th Century Fox, and Adult Swim, and has Also Worked with Notable Artists such as Sufjan Stevens. Besides Being a Kick Ass Animator Lee Hardcastle was a Member of the Band Shit The Bed. Shit The Bed was a Hardcore Punk Band with Grindcore Tendencies  from Leeds, UK Formed in 2000 by Jordan Ramoth, Richard Kenyon, Dom Smith, and Lee Hardcastle when They were in High School.


Plot: A Small Remote Village has been Played by a Rash of Missing People, and When a Villager Spots a Lone Woman living in a Corn Field with a Pentagram on Her Door. The Pentagram is actually a White Magic Symbol Designed to Protect the Homeowner from Evil. Now to Alleviate any Confusion an Inverted Pentagram is a Pentangle which is Synonymous with Modern Day Satanism. The Villagers assume She is a Witch and Responsible for the Disappearance of the Missing Villagers and Form a Violent Posse, but when They Confront the Witch Things go from Bad to Bloody.

Be Sure to Watch Until the End for The Sinister Surprise Twist.


Thanks For Watching/Listening,

   Presented By Les Sober  

Saturday Slasher Cinema: MANIAC COP

Welcome to the Fourth Saturday Slasher Cinema where We are Happy (and We’re Guessing So Are You)  to Bring You Something COMPLETELY DIFFERENT than the Last Three Saturday Slashers Cinemas.

This Weeks Saturday Slasher Cinema Feature Film is the 1988 Action Slasher Movie MANIAC COP Written By Larry Cohen and Directed By William Lustig. The Movie is Centered around Officer Matthew Cordell (AKA the Maniac Cop) a Murderous Ex-Cop Who has Returned From the Dead, and Seeks Revenge on the People That Wronged Him. Cordell a Once Respected Policeman with a Penchant for Brutality and Excessive Force, He found Himself an Unwitting Target when He Stumbles upon Rampant Corruption at City Hall. Cordell is Tried, Convicted, and Sent to Prison, where He is Attacked by Fellow Prisoners and is Presumed Dead….


Plot Summary:

Innocent People are being Brutally Murdered on the Streets of New York City by who Witness All Agree is a Uniformed Police Officer. As the Death Toll Rises and City Hall attempts a Cover-up, Detective Lieutenant Frank McCrae Heads has been Assigned to Crack the Case of The Alleged Killer Cop. Soon the Investigation finds a Suspect in its Own Ranks: Young Cop Jack Forrest (Played by the Legendary B Horror Movie Actor Bruce Cambell) who was Set Up By the Actual Killer and a Mysterious Woman Phone Caller. Now Forrest, His Girlfriend and Fellow Police Officer Theresa, and McCrae Set Out to Solve the Puzzle to Clear Forrest Name Before The Maniac Cop Kills Again!


Movie Tagline: “You have the Right to Remain Silent…. Forever!”


Thanks For Watching,

Presented By     Les Sober & FYB