The Black Metal Experimental Lyrics

I have been a Fan of Black Metal for some time now, and many Readers may have noticed I use quite a Few Black Metal Pictures in Posts. Some of My Favorites are Goatwhore, Nocturnal Depression, Silencer, Immortal, Mayhem, Dying Fetus, Burzum, Bathory,  Gorgoroth, and Dark Throne to name a few.

Over Time I have Noticed Black Metal Lyrics are all about Death, Doom, Destruction, and The Devil for the most part They don’t dwell on one particular Subject per Song, But rather They tend to stick to the Bigger Picture working on broader scale.

So I decided for shits and Giggles that I’d try My hand at Writing some Black Metal Lyrics so Here It Goes Ladies & Gentlemen………


Savages Feasting on Bloody Flesh of Their Foes

Slime Covered Slores Bay at the Blood Moon

A Secret Place of Lore where Cadavers and Corpses

Copulate to Feel alive Once More

Bloody Entrails ripped from Rectums

The Defiling of The Flesh


Devils and Demons engage in an Apocalyptic Orgy

Behold The Aborter Birther of Bastards

A Cemetery worth of  Mutilated Carcasses

Rotting in the Sun, Purifying in the Sweltering Heat

Vultures gorge Themselves on the Decay


Gouging Eyes, Tearing Tongs, Deafening Ears,

Parasitic Souls Languish in Lurid Lusting

The Things that Go Bump in the Night

Adorned with the Fresh Skins of Man

Enslaved in Despair and Soaked in Sorrow

The Maggot filled Mouths of Murderers

Blasphemously Born of the Kracken’s cunt


The Ender of times licks His Lips anticipating Armageddon

Damed Deities demand Damnation of the Abyss

Broken Backs, Severed Heads, Amputated Limbs

The Brutality of Burned Bodies

Eternal Torture in the Fiery Pits of Hell

there lies the Destiny of Humanity

Suckling at The Withered Tit of The Witch

What Fresh Hell is This?!


Thanks for Reading,

 By Les Sober

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