The Mystery of Meatsleep’s Deleted Content (Videos 20-25)

Welcome to Yet Another Installment of The Mystery of Meatsleep’s Deleted Content. To Reiterate if You haven’t watched the Previous Meatsleep Installments We highly Suggest You View them First since the Videos are in Chronological Order. A Very Quick Recap the Meatsleep Mystery centers around a Series of Strange to Disturbing Videos by a Person going by Meatsleep. The Mystery You see is figuring out if the Videos are Just a Bizarre but Harmless Art Project, or the Real Life Documentation done by an Actual Serial Killer.

We mentioned in Addition to the Meatsleep Videos We have also been compiling any and all Information We can track Down Pertaining to the Mystery of Meatsleep. This Installment is No Different. We decided to poke around Meatsleep’s Defunct Youtube Channel for Shits and Giggles. Now while currently Meatsleep’s Youtube Page has been Thoroughly Deleted (No Videos, Playlists, Channels Etc.) Doesn’t necessarily mean there’s nothing Noteworthy.  Granted the following isn’t ground breaking shit, but when it comes to Unraveling a Mystery to find the Truth at Its Core Every Piece of Information, Every Observation is Pertinent.


With that said Here’s what We Noticed still Lingering on Meatsleep’s Youtube Channel. First the Top Picture Bar deal is a Photo of the Exterior of a rather Non descriptive Building that’s painted an Ugly and  Sickly Shade of Green. What is the Significance of this Picture and what part does it play if any in this Ongoing Mystery? With a Mystery like This Nothing should be Overlooked or Causally Dismissed. Next We noticed Meatsleep’s Profile Picture is that of a Couple (2-4) Wild Boars could this be a Clue in Deciphering the Meaning behind the Name Meatsleep?  We then saw that when Meatsleep’s Youtube Channel was Up and Running They had 11.1 Thousand Subscribers which is neither here nor there, But it means that Meatsleep had an Active Audience Watching at the Time. The Last and most Significant piece of Information was When We clicked on the “About” heading and discovered Meatsleep Joined Youtube on April 10, 2016. Again the Date itself doesn’t stand alone, Yet it aids in Establishing a Timeline.


Below are Meatsleep’s Video’s 20-25 and We want to take a Moment to Comment on Them Directly.  The first in Line Video 20 Titled “Commencement” is Not Worth Watching (We included it since We are Posting the Entire Series) as it’s 9:01 minutes of a Black Screen with No Audio Either. We aren’t sure of the Significance of this it could as It could be a Comment on Evil, Darkness, Death, Isolation, Damnation, Purgatory, Space, Infinity, or a Commentary on How People have Eyes but Usually Can’t See what’s right in Front of Them. Then again it could be Meatsleep’s way of Throwing a Monkey Wrench into the Works to Throw People off Their Game or Off the Trail or Perhaps Meatsleep is fucking around just for the sake of fucking around, but that seems unlikely. Secondly Video 22 Titled “bonhomme sept heures” has No Visual Component, Yet unlike “Commencement” it does have a Audio (Music)and some Very Odd Audio at that. We translated the title “bonhomme sept heures” which is French for Seven O’clock (7:00). We mentioned in a Previous Post Most People believe because Meatsleep use of Inuit Characters along with Numerous signs in French (seen in various Videos in the Series) believe Meatsleep is based in Canada. Thus “bonhomme sept heures” would lend credence to that Hypothesis. Enjoy.







Hope Your Enjoying the Manic Madness of the Meatsleep Mystery as Much as Ww Are.

Thanks for Reading/Watching,

  Brought to You by Les Sober

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